MTL - Pursuit of the Truth-Chapter 5 Dreaming

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A soft voice, with a special feeling, reverberates in the dream of Su Ming.

"Brother... can you hear that... brother..."

"Brother... I am waiting for you..." The voice was exhausted, and the call of self-talking, like the eternal, became weaker and weaker, and slowly disappeared silently.

With the weakness of the voice, Su Ming in the dream seems to have pain in the heart, as if there is something most important, just as the sound goes away, this feeling makes him suddenly wake up.

Su Ming was cold all the time, had been soaked in sweat, his face was pale, and he looked around in the rapid breathing. Everything familiar with him made him calm down.

At the moment, it was already late at night, and there were some birds and beasts faintly passed away. In addition, there was silence. Su Ming sat silently on the wooden bed, staring at the debris in his hand, and his face gradually hesitated.

"The dream was just strange...and I didn't have any sleepy things before, but I couldn't sleep without knowing it when I watched the debris... That dream... that voice..." Su Ming’s face was confused. He rarely dreams. He has never had a dream like that before, especially the voice of the woman. He doesn't know why, and he seems to be familiar.

"Everything, there must be something related to this!" Su Ming bowed his head and looked at the debris in his hand, frowning.

"What is this thing in the end..." After hesitated, he simply bite his fingertips. According to the description of the animal skin, all the treasures between heaven and earth need to be drenched before they can be opened.

Su Ming has never seen any baby since birth. This piece is the only one. At this moment, the blood of the fingertips is squeezed out. After dropping on the debris, I will look forward to it.

It took a long time, and the debris still had no change, and the blood on it was not absorbed.

Su Ming scratched his head, and there was a rush in his bones. He got up and took a variety of methods, such as biting his teeth, slamming it with force, and even soaking it with water, but in the end the piece was still the same, not the same.

Seeing that the sky is getting brighter, Su Ming took the piece and started to stay. The time passed, when the distant horizon was completely bright, and the moment when the first sun rose, Su Ming suddenly flashed in the brain.

"This thing was first placed on the body, there is warmth coming out, maybe... this is its role!" Su Ming did not hesitate, immediately put this piece on the pendant again, put it around the neck, so that the debris clings to Chest.

The warmth of the bursts came into the body, and it seemed to flow through the whole circle. It made him feel comfortable and took a deep breath. Su Ming’s mind showed the savage savage from the image. The method of practice.

Quite, the foundation of the world, this time Su Ming obtained the first realm of cultivation, the practice of coagulation.

Su Ming knows from the animal skin roll that before the ancient years, the ancestors opened up the heavens and created people. At that time, everyone was a god, but now countless years have changed, and the barbarians who inherit the myths are gradually disappearing. It is to be ordinary.

As for the cultivation of the law, it was also passed down from that time, but it was changed. It is more suitable for the current barbarian practice. The first realm, the coagulation, has eleven layers. Its role is to practice. The blood of the wild ancestors in the blood is stimulated to make it condense.

The so-called barbarism is actually using the power of the imagery to find out some of the people who have more blood in the body of the ancestors. Only they can go further on the road.

The ordinary tribes, the blood of the ancestors in the body are extremely rare, so they are not recognized, and there is no qualification to become a savage, and they will not obtain the practice of giving in the presence of the sacred image. .

However, Su Ming is extremely special. He still does not have a savage body, but because of that singular fragment, it is difficult to pass it on. It is only in the majority of small and medium-sized tribes. The practice of getting practice.

"The condensed body is bloody, so that the blood is awakened, and finally draws its own rough lines, stepping into the dusty environment!" Su Ming murmured, his eyes revealing bright awns.

He sat there with his knees, and after taking a deep breath, he slowly closed his eyes and slowly immersed himself in accordance with the unspeakable practice of the mind.

Time passed by a little bit, and soon the beginning of the day had already risen to the old high, and the smoke in the tribe gradually dispersed and there was excitement. The hunters’ team, in a few first tie teams, went out of the tribe under the watchful eyes of their loved ones after they were dressed, and they were going to hunt for enough food.

Some of them are only four or five years old, and they are naked and running around in the tribe. They are very happy to play. The laughter of the children’s voice will make the faces of the people exposed. smile.

In addition, in the Agong, there are some successful and savvy people who are talking about the experience of the savage, the barbarians, which is the most important force for a tribe.

Nowadays, the Wushan tribe has gone with the old ones, and all of them are counted now, and there are only twenty-two barbarians.

No one noticed that this morning, Su Ming’s house door was closed. In him, there was a faint blood in his knees. The blood was carefully seen, and it was faintly visible under his skin. A blood line, the blood line is slowly flashing red awns, revealing a feeling of ecstasy.

Today, in Su Ming’s body, there is only one blood line that emerges, and it is still looming, and it can’t be fully revealed.

For a long time, Su Ming opened his eyes and exhaled a deep breath.

"In the blood coagulation area, the more blood lines appear, it means that the dust can be almost increased. However, it is too difficult to open the dust. According to the description on the animal skin, only the dust can be called. Quite, can open the dust, it is a strong tribe that can make a small tribe become a medium-sized tribe!

The blood in the public has already condensed most of the blood, but it is still hopeless. In the various tribes around, I have never heard of anyone who has reached the dust. ”

Su Ming murmured that it was too far away for him. What he cares most about now is whether he can successfully cultivate into the first layer of the blood.

In the first layer of the blood clotting environment, three blood lines need to emerge.

If you have a savage body, you can start to practice more than three blood lines in a very short period of time. You can directly step through the first layer of this coagulation environment, and you will not be looming like Su Ming.

Although it was not smooth at first, but Su Ming was not depressed. For him, as long as he can practice, the representative has hope.

And when he condensed the blood in his body, he obviously felt that the warmth of the debris at the chest was more, which made Su Ming’s spirit more vibrate. He felt that he should grasp the key of this baby. .

When the time is over, it is seven days. In these seven days, Su Ming is almost not leaving home. Even when he is hungry, it is not too much. This makes him wonder for a while. After all, the animal skin has said that it has been repaired. The barbarians, especially in the case of coagulation, have a large increase in food intake due to the operation of the blood vessels in the body, which allows the body to grow rapidly while forging more blood for practice.

But in Su Ming, this is not the case. After thinking about it, he owes it to the strange effect of the debris.

In the seven days, Lei Chen came once and gave Su Ming Song the blood of the deer. By the way, he took some Wulong 涎, and Lei Chen had a savage body when he visited the sage at the age of seven, and now he has reached The fourth layer of the blood clotting environment, the body condensed twenty-three blood lines, even in the hunting team is also the backbone of the people.

He hesitated when he left, and he wanted to comfort Su Ming a few words, but in the end he looked at Su Ming and said a word in his voice.

"Su Ming, we grew up together, I will protect you later, who dares to mess with you, and I can't go with my Lei Chen!" He finished, swiping his arm hard, grinning and going out.

Su Ming looked at Lei Chen and left, and the heart was very warm.

Although the life of the tribe is simple, it is not boring. Almost every tribe has its own affairs and needs to devote its own strength to the existence of the tribe.

After half a month after the end of the savage, Su Ming once again wrote a compilation. In a greeting with the tribe, one person left the tribe and walked toward the jungle in the distance.

Su Ming, who stepped into the jungle, was like a person, full of agility, his body swaying, like a sharp arrow, and a few dexterous jumps climbed a big tree, sitting on a branch On the face, he smiled and seemed satisfied with his speed.

“The first layer of coagulation, although not all refining, is my body that is at least as flexible as before.”

Su Ming put his right hand on his mouth and whistled. The whistle sounded far away, and it burst into echoes. Not long after, I saw a red line coming from a distance, and the speed of the red line was fast, and I turned to Su Ming.

Su Ming grinned and smiled. At the moment when the red line came, he jumped up and went forward. The red line was heard in the red line, and it kept catching up.

"Xiaohong, let's compare it again today, see who goes up the mountain first!" Su Ming's voice was cheerful, and the words quickly jumped forward in the words. The red line behind him was the red monkey, the little monkey face. She was scorned, and she still held a fruit core in her hand. She seemed to be conscientiously compared with Su Ming. She grabbed her face and lazily chased it up.

But chasing after, this little monkey is red eyes, and the voice of the scorpion is sharp, and the look is even more error-prone. The nucleus in the impetuous hand is thrown away, and the whole force is chased.

The new book period, due to the rules, can not be published too much every day, and to be honest, the ear of the Chinese New Year is so embarrassing ... so that the draft is almost nothing... I know there will be a friend who does not believe, but this is true...

I started to struggle, and I had the idea of ​​having another month of rest, but I later sent out the date I had already set for the 20th...

After tangling, I finally put away my mind and started to bury my code. Now I have a manuscript, only a few chapters... Please allow me to stay when I want to go out, spare...

In the end, I still have to continue to ask for it~~~ Everyone knows... Don’t always touch it, go and touch others... Did you touch it today?
