MTL - Public Executions From King Duma-Chapter 11 The history of mankind has been rewritten from now on!

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20 seconds later, another singer was beheaded, her posture was still close, but still slightly different.

It can be imagined that the singer is actually a mystery composed of 13 different individuals, and their abilities are exactly the same, forming a complete fourth-level mystery.

A singer who uses sound as the rule of killing, can also induce people to make sounds, and obstacles such as walls cannot hinder them, and as a mystery with wisdom, they can also move their positions collectively.

This makes the singer a natural disaster for human beings, an existence that is difficult to resist.

As far as destructive power is concerned, in fact, the singer may not reach the level of some third-level mystery, but because the threat to human beings is too great, she will slaughter the village and destroy the town at every turn, so the singer will be the fourth-level best friend.

The mysterious disaster level is always judged by the threat to human beings.

Some mysterious powers can even easily destroy a city and cause a big earthquake, but because of its various restrictions, it will not directly activate its own ability to threaten humans, but can be controlled, so the level of judgment may only be Level 2 or even. level one.

Such a mystery, if confronted directly, it might be impossible for Artoria to deal with it with her current strength.

Therefore, for Artoria—or Artoria controlled by Su Yun, the classification that humans currently use to determine mysterious disasters does not apply here.

The singing girl is such an existence, that is, the mysterious ability is inexplicably fatal to ordinary people, but to the current Arturia, it is just a group of disgusting little monsters.

26 seconds later, another singer was killed.

After 17 seconds, kill another one.

So far, this wise mystery seems to understand what fear is, and actually began to shrink his strength and prepare to escape.

After its mysterious realm began to shrink, the lights at the headquarters also turned on one by one as a countermeasure against paranormal disasters.

However, Su Yun wouldn't let this guy escape, otherwise the two thousand fantasy power consumed would be in vain.

As a result, Arturia under Su Yun's control performed a very brutal operation—hitting her shoulder directly, she easily knocked the wall away like a tofu.

Just like this, the booming sound continued, and after smashing through seven walls in a row, Arturia rushed out of the headquarters building and caught up with the singer who had gathered together and was about to escape.

Seven left, all here!

At the moment when the two sides met, the seven singers floating in midair sang a crisp singing voice.

Under the combination of these seven voices, the originally pleasant singing resonated and became distorted and sharp, as if it produced some kind of vibration and spread out directly.

Although there was no damage to the environment, the creatures that heard the sound, including those little bugs, instantly trembled from within their bodies, and then exploded from their bodies.

Obviously, this is another way of killing the singer, and it is no longer bound by the rules of killing, but a killing method thought out by her wisdom.

In the headquarters building in the distance, many people were affected, very uncomfortable, and began to vomit blood.

However, because of the long distance, he did not die on the spot.

Su Yun also saw that Arturia's health bar was decreasing a little bit. In the picture he could see, Arturia's body was also suffering from a blow.

Obviously, the singer's attack also threatened Arturia. Although the blood loss was very small, it did cause damage.

So, Su Yun didn't hesitate any longer. Since the singers have already assembled, then everything will be resolved.

The next moment, Su Yun cast another skill of Arturia - the Iron Hammer of the Wind King!

This is the attack mode of Artoria's Noble Phantasm, the Wind King Barrier.

The Wind King Barrier uses the wind entangled in several layers to change the refractive index of the light to cover the barrier of the sword body, which is why the weapon in Artoria's hand is invisible.

The Iron Hammer of the Wind King condenses the power of the Wind King's enchantment and bursts it out in one breath, forming a blast of air that is raging like thousands of blades.

I saw Artoria jumped up suddenly, came to the singers who were more than 20 meters high in the air at a rapid speed, and then swept the weapon in her hand horizontally.

The King of Wind's Iron Hammer turned into a terrifying storm, and the impact with magical power swept straight towards the singers.

In an instant, all the crispy singers who were strong on offense and weak on defense were torn to shreds in the roaring storm.

At this moment, the effect of the Wind King's barrier was also temporarily cancelled, revealing the weapon wielded by Artoria.

It was a knight's great sword made of unknown materials, with a golden brilliance on the blade and a faint particle effect, full of holiness and brilliance.

However, this brilliance only lasted for less than three seconds before disappearing.

Because the power of the wind king's enchantment re-condensed, the holy sword was hidden.

At the same time, Artoria has also landed, holding a sword in one hand, standing majestic on the ground, like a classic concave shape.

In fact, it was because Su Yun stopped controlling Arturia, because he was staring at the battle settlement screen on the right side of the screen.

The task shows that the progress of eliminating the mysterious singer has reached 13/13, and the word "completed" is displayed.

At this point, the normal game should be the battle settlement.

In fact, Su Yun also designed the battle settlement. After all, defeating the mystery should be rewarding, and what he designed was to absorb and transform the power of the mystery into fantasy power while eliminating the mystery.

It's just that although this setting is added, I don't know if it can be successful or not. After all, the mystery is too mysterious. It is a foreign product, not produced by the planet itself, and Su Yun's system is a plug-in created by the power of the planet itself. Whether it will work on outsiders is unknown.

So, for the first time to eliminate Mystery, Su Yun was also a little nervous. If he could not achieve the set battle settlement function, then many of his plans would be cut off.

A few seconds later, the battle was settled—or the transformation of absorbing mysterious energy ended, and the result of obtaining 382 fantasy power came out.

Seeing this, Su Yun couldn't help raising his right hand and clenched his fist fiercely. Although he could only absorb one-fifth of the mysterious energy, he did succeed.

The system he pinched can indeed absorb the mysterious energy left by the partially destroyed mystery.

As for the rest, it dissipates between heaven and earth, leaving nothing behind—this is the self-healing function of the world. After those mysteries lose their carrier, UU Reading will be erased by the world.

This is the self-protection mechanism set up by the sleeping world consciousness. Su Yun can't change it, and he doesn't want to change it, because if the mysterious energy persists, it will be reabsorbed by its source.

If it really wants to be like that, it is an act of capitalizing on the enemy.

Then, Su Yun's gaze turned to Arturia in the picture, and there were still more than two hundred seconds left for her remaining fantasy to manifest.

This can't be wasted.

"Although it's a bit early, it was originally intended for you, Liya, take it! This really belongs to your power and your mod!"

At the moment, Su Yun closed the control, and at the same time used the system to transform the remaining power and change its form.

To this end, another 182 points of fantasy power were invested to complete the change.

At that moment, Artoria's body shone with white light, and she changed back to her original clothes like a magical girl who had released her transformation, and the invisible sword in her hand disappeared.

At the same time, he also regained control of his body, his vision returned to normal, and the girl instantly entered the state of you and me under the dazed tree.

"Hey? Hey, hey? I'm... changed back?"

Confused, really embarrassed.

However, Arturia had no time to think too much next, because the staff of the countermeasure room ran out at this moment, and they all showed extreme excitement and joy, and the eyes that looked at her were full of admiration and even awe.

Because, under the witness of these people, Artoria has just completed the biggest miracle since human beings encountered the mystery - she alone eliminated a fourth-level mystery!

The history of mankind's fight against mystery has been rewritten since this night!

At the same time, it also represents one thing—that is, human beings finally have the extraordinary power that is only found in the story!