MTL - Provoke the Fate of Crazy Beauties-Chapter 131

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Gu Siyu has never witnessed a love that lasts to the death. Her parents are both scumbags. They are only for themselves.

Gu Siyu pulled the quilt away and let Huo Junxian lie down for a while, she sat beside the bed and patted Huo Junxian's shoulder, Huo Junxian leaned over and rested on her thigh, her eyes fell on Gu Siyu's side face After talking to her, he looked even more tired.

"Go to sleep." Gu Siyu said.

"What about you?" Huo Junxian asked.

"Guarding you and soothing your hurt feelings." Gu Siyu smiled and raised her palm to block her eyes, "Go to sleep."

So that no misery will come to her again.

Huo Junxian gently rubbed her face against the pillow and said, "Thank you."

Gu Siyu patted her on the shoulder and coaxed her to sleep, Huo Junxian's eyes closed quickly, Gu Siyu squeezed the quilt for her, she came out of the room and saw a few people carrying medicine The white coat of the box went upstairs.

She followed to look, the doctor pushed the room away, and she saw Huo Junxian's mother, Ms. Yun, clutching the sheets with both hands and throwing them everywhere. The sweat dripped from Ms. Yun's forehead, trembling as she did not allow anyone to do anything Come in.

Now, she was desperately trying to escape.

Gu Siyu felt sore in her chest.

The doctor took out the needle from the medicine cabinet and gave her a tranquilizer.

Then Ms. Yun slid down and slowly collapsed on the bed, her eyes still open, staring at everything in front of her.

The doctor asked: "Did she not take the medicine that was prescribed before?"

"She is feeding every day, and she also takes medicine. These days she is very obedient and very obedient. It suddenly happened." The maid lowered her head and said, she couldn't figure it out, "Yes It's not that my wife's condition is getting serious again."

The doctor opened Ms. Yun's eyes to take a look, and took a stethoscope in the medicine cabinet to listen to her heartbeat.

Auntie went to pull the sheets and lifted the cup, and found a clue. There was a pill hidden in the corner of the bed.

Auntie said: "It must have been sick again these few days, thinking we were keeping her, she hid the medicine and deliberately didn't swallow it, hey, this is really I didn't expect that she would pretend to take it Medicine. We'll keep an eye on it in the future."

After the doctor's examination, she went to talk to Ms. Yun, her voice softly, "Ms. Yun, we are thinking of your health, take medicine well, and obey the doctor's orders, and you will be well soon, okay. You can go out and play.”

Ms. Yun lost her strength, her eyes were staring all the time, and there was no light inside. She was carried to the bed, her whole person seemed to be filled with despair, and she could not see any anger.

Gu Siyu didn't go in, she only dared to stand outside and spy.

Take a few steps back, pressing her hand on the armrest.

In this situation, she can't help, she doesn't know the world of the mentally ill, she doesn't know what they're thinking, and she doesn't know why they take their imaginations as reality.

It would be nice if there were medicines to cure this disease, she thought.

Sleep like a cold, everything will be fine.

Aunt Zhang came out from the inside and sighed, seeing Gu Siyu nodding to her, she had an impression of Gu Siyu and said: "My wife is not in good spirits, and sometimes she speaks in a confused way , when you get better, you will find that she is a good person."

Tsk tut, "It's just that I have too little time to wake up, and I don't like taking medicine very much."

"Why don't you take medicine." Gu Siyu asked.

Aunt Zhang didn't understand either. She said, "The doctor said that in her own fantasy world, we are all bad people, especially the young lady. She always feels that the young lady wants to harm her."

"Does Miss come to see her often?" Gu Siyu asked.

"I don't come here often. Sometimes my wife will call the miss to tell her that she misses her very much, but sometimes she calls her on purpose, pretending to be good to deceive her. Come here, actually thinking of running outside."

Gu Siyu said: "Then why don't you take her out to see..."

The doctor pushed open the door and answered the question, saying: "She has suicidal and aggressive tendencies, and the best advice at the moment is to let her rest at home. However, we still recommend that the patient be sober. Come to see her more often, to avoid her cranky thoughts, and to stabilize her emotions first."

The problem is that Ms. Yun will lie and cannot tell whether she is telling the truth or lying. Gu Siyu can understand a little, why Huo Junxian doesn't care about others telling the truth or telling lies. In this case, you can only trust your own judgment.


Woke up, Huo Junxian wore a pink sweater alone and went downstairs, she went to the living room and looked up, and looked at Gu Siyu who was standing on the stairs.

Gu Siyu held her chin and thought about things.

Huo Junxian went to the kitchen to cook, went in and chose a handful of onions, then exited and said to Gu Siyu, "Can you go and cut some roses for me in the yard?"

"Okay." Gu Siyu took the scissors and the basket out.

Yes, Mrs. especially likes these flowers.

Huo Junxian kept her promise and took good care of her mother, although Huo Junxian gritted her teeth and told her before her break that she was taking revenge on her mother and deliberately did not come to see her. save your father. But Gu Siyu could hear that her hatred was mixed with love, but she was unwilling to show it because of the pain.

Gu Siyu loves her and loves her.

Huo Junxian made some pie with roses, made some flower dew, and finally put it in the fresh-keeping box. After the two of them finished eating, Huo Junxian called Aunt Zhang to wait for Ms. Yun to wake up and give this to her go up.

The first three days when they came here, Ms. Yun was crazy, making trouble upstairs, and often running out of the hospital.

Sing on, the voice is soft and nice.

Gu Siyu wonders if Ms. Yun is a singer and not a dancer.

The back was finally awake. She would look at Gu Siyu and laugh. When Gu Siyu looked at her, her back was always cold, and she was quite afraid of her.

Huo Junxian swayed slowly on the swing, she rarely spoke to her mother.

"Does your mother want to talk to you? She has been looking here." Looking at Gu Siyu, Gu Siyu was furious at the sight, even though Ms. Yun did nothing.

The maid trotted over and nervously asked Huo Junxian if she could push Ms. Yun over for a while, Huo Junxian looked over and nodded slightly.

The maid pushed Ms. Yun over, Ms. Yun smiled at Huo Junxian, then tilted her head to look at Gu Siyu, and said, "Junxian, when will your father come to see me? He works Is he done? Is he still in Italy and not back?"

Huo Junxian said: "Well, there is a business in Italy for him to discuss, and he will be back in two days."

Ms. Yun added: "I don't know if he still remembers what he brought me. I mentioned it to him several times, and he promised to help me find it."

The person is gone, how can I still find it?

"I'll tell him." Huo Junxian didn't tell her the truth.

Ms. Yun smiled, the corners of her mouth moved slightly, and she always looked puzzled when she spoke, as if she didn't know Huo Junxian, and the next sentence would ask who Huo Junxian was.

Huo Junxian said, "I will call Mr. Huo."

"Well, good." Ms. Yun said, "Thank you."

Gu Siyu doesn't quite understand.

Huo Junxian said: "She took you as me and was just talking to you. My father went to Italy to attend the Chamber of Commerce and promised to call her to bring a gift. She had been looking forward to it, saying I want a lambskin handmade bag. This is a very small thing, I don't know how it became the deepest thing in her memory, and sometimes I think about it, she will go around asking when my father will be back, reminding My father brought her a handbag."

"Have you brought the gift back?" Gu Siyu asked.

Huo Junxian nodded, "Bring it back."

"Oh." Gu Siyu looked at Ms. Yun. Ms. Yun pushed her wheelchair to see the flowers. Gu Siyu wondered, "Do I look like you?"

Huo Junxian tilted her head and held the swing rope in her hand. She looked forward slightly and saw that Gu Siyu was somewhat similar to herself, but she didn't think they were very similar. Gu Siyu said: "It may be a husband and wife. After being together for a long time, we will look a bit similar, and it is difficult for others to distinguish us at a glance."

"'s possible." Huo Junxian was amused by her, and added, "It's also possible that you look younger, in your early twenties, then I'll be that old."

"I love hearing this." Gu Siyu got up from the swing, walked behind Huo Junxian, pulled the swing, pushed her twice, pushed Huo Junxian very high, and then let go , Huo Junxian exclaimed in fright.

Gu Siyu waved her hand and said, "I'm going to chat with your mother, I hope she won't hit me suddenly."

Gu Siyu also took the courage to go over and stood by for a while before talking to Ms. Yun. She leaned over slightly and chatted with Ms. Yun earnestly. Ms. Yun's speech was not very logical. One sentence is more and one sentence is less, sometimes I know her, sometimes I don't.

Ms. Yun said: "The boy you brought back earlier, I scared him and ran away. Don't marry him, I will tell your father."

It should be Jin Yuansen, Gu Siyu could not understand her timeline, Gu Siyu guessed that it should be what happened after Huo Junxian's marriage, but unfortunately Ms. Yun's condition was repeated, if Ms. Yun was at that time If she is in good condition, maybe the clue will happen before Huo Junxian gets married, and Huo Junxian will not marry Jin Yuansen.

After chatting for a long time, Ms. Yun picked flowers and gave them to her.

Gu Siyu took it and shared it with Huo Junxian.

Afterwards, Ms. Yun turned the wheelchair and looked at Huo Junxian.

Huo Junxian said, "She recognized me."

The next day, a light rain fell, and the petals in the yard were wet.

Ms. Yun's condition is better, she can recognize who Huo Junxian is, and sits by the window early to watch the rain.

Not a word about the gift she had been thinking about yesterday.

The rain stopped, and the air was filled with the fragrance of green grass. Huo Junxian followed the doctor's advice and pushed her around.

Ms. Yun asked Huo Junxian, "When are you going back?"

"Come here for a week and leave." Huo Junxian said softly.

"It will be New Year's Eve when I go back." Ms. Yun looked at the gradually falling twilight, and said in a gentle voice, "I haven't seen snow here for a long time."

Gu Siyu said: "You are in better condition, shall we come to play with you, or take you back to see the snow?"

Ms. Yun's eyes brightened slightly, she looked at Huo Junxian, Huo Junxian nodded in agreement, "You can't hurt yourself anymore, can you do it?"

"Yes." Ms. Yun nodded.

Gu Siyu reached out and shook Huo Junxian's hand, squeezed it twice, and said, "It's a little cold, go ahead and go around and go back."

They walked along the river.

Ms. Yun thought of Teddy and asked Huo Junxian why it didn't come.

Huo Junxian said: "Xiaoyu has passed away."

Ms. Yun held the armrest of the wheelchair tightly, her brows twitched, maybe she touched something, and her face was painful, as if she was about to fall ill.

Gu Siyu looked at Huo Junxian, and Huo Junxian was also a little flustered. Gu Siyu quickly took off his jacket, put it on Ms. Yun's shoulder, and said, "Auntie, is it a little cold?"

"Jun Xian, your father..."

"We were just talking about Xiaoyu, Xiaoyu has diarrhea recently, and I sent her to the pet hospital." Huo Junxian said, "I will come here for the New Year when I have a chance."

She continued to find Ms. Fang Caiyun's interest to chat.

Ms. Yun may have been dazed by her and went to see Gu Siyu. Gu Siyu didn't know what to do, so she found a topic and said, "Auntie, do you use a mobile phone?"

Ms. Yun shook her head.

Gu Siyu can guess why not, Ms. Yun's condition is not optimistic, she may call the police randomly, and some messy information will also touch her sensitive nerves.

Gu Siyu went to see Huo Junxian, held Huo Junxian's hand, and said: "There must be someone in the villa, if you are in good shape, let the aunts help you to make a video, you can call me directly, if We will come to see you when time is right, so you have to work hard to recover."

Ms. Yun forgot about Teddy and nodded.

Huo Junxian whispered in Gu Siyu's ear: "The monitoring of the manor will be transmitted to the villa." Her voice was low, and she was afraid that Ms. Yun would think more when she heard it.

Gu Siyu nodded.

After chatting for a while, Ms. Yun's condition was much better, and the three walked back to the manor. Ms. Yun's state is not suitable for living in a mental hospital. She is a dancer and has her own solar terms. It will be very stressful to live in, and the situation will get worse every time.

It is very troublesome to take care of a mentally ill patient. She must have a strong enough mentality to deal with it, instead of coaxing and saying something nice, she will get better.

Huo Junxian said that she was tired, but Gu Siyu could also feel it, so Huo Junxian said that it doesn't matter if she gets better or not, she can continue to be in a state of the best.

May be pessimistic, may be no choice.

When she returned to the manor, Ms. Yun performed well. She didn't do anything too aggressive. She took the medicine and dined quietly with everyone, and talked to the people next to her from time to time.

Upstairs, she happily talked to Aunt Zhang several times, saying that she was in good condition and helped her to start the video, and Huo Junxian agreed.

Aunt Zhang smiled and said that was great.

In the evening, Huo Junxian and Gu Siyu went to bed, Gu Siyu went upstairs to take a look again, when Ms. Yun was in good condition, the doctor would suggest to give her some entertainment items and show her TV .

Ms. Yun sat on the bed and wiped away her tears, and there was only a cartoon on the TV.

Back to the room, Huo Junxian did not turn on the headlight on the ceiling, she was not afraid of being short-sighted, she only turned on the lamp by the bedside, holding the book, and when she saw her coming back, her eyes moved over, a moment slowly Tun Tun took it back.

asked, "How is she."

"Your mother, that is, do you blame yourself when you are awake?" Gu Siyu was a little worried, and always felt that Ms. Yun's situation was very bad.

"I don't know, I didn't ask her, and the doctor suggested not to stimulate her. Sometimes I wonder if her condition is getting worse and worse because of my father's death. I never bring If you think about it from her point of view, you will always feel very hopeless." Huo Junxian flipped through the book and read slowly, suddenly she raised her head and asked, "If one day, I will be like her..."

Listening to what she said casually, Gu Siyu was angry.

"What nonsense?" Gu Siyu frowned, unhappy, and let Huo Junxian look at herself, "No, can you think of something better? Don't you have a medical examination on time, don't say That kind of scaring yourself."

"I'm just asking." Huo Junxian said softly.

"That doesn't work either." Gu Siyu was a little angry, Huo Junxian pulled her pajamas, the loose neckline slipped to her shoulders, she pulled it several times in a row, "I can't afford it."

Gu Siyu pulled up the neckline, she sat on the bed, thought about it and thought it was okay, she reached out and took the book in Huo Junxian's hand and said, "Did you think I'm your girlfriend? Forgot your identity?"

Huo Junxian thinks about it carefully, she is a little forgotten.

Gu Siyu was very helpless, stepped over to sit on her, asked her to lift her chin, and said, "Huo Junxian, please engrave the fact that Gu Siyu is your girlfriend in your heart, ?"

Huo Junxian looked at her, her eyes blinked slightly, and then she looked down at her chest, Gu Siyu followed her, and couldn't help but wonder.

Gu Siyu paused for a while, she breathed a little, and said, "I have also discovered these days, taking care of your mother is very tiring, you must speak carefully and face Her psychological burden will also be heavy, but isn't it me, I will bear it together with you. So when you are with me, you must restrain yourself, and don't always think of everything as bad I'm with you, do you know what the biggest reason is?"

"What?" Huo Junxian looked at her suspiciously.

"I just want to be happy." Gu Siyu said seriously: "I want you to be happy."

She didn't let Huo Junxian take her eyes away and looked at her quietly. Gu Siyu was very serious. Before she was in love, her character was very wanton. Now that she is in love, her mentality has changed. Now, I won't resist Huo Junxian again.

No matter how wild she is, her girlfriend is also her apex baby.

Huo Junxian nodded, "I will definitely keep in mind that you are my girlfriend."

"That's good." Gu Siyu asked her softly again, "Did you miss Xiaoyu today?"

Huo Junxian nodded, "Well, I've been thinking about it lately, everything is getting better now, I'm not alone, but Xiaoyu is not around."

"Don't think about it." Gu Siyu pinched her ears, pulled the hair around her ears, leaned over to hug her, took on the responsibility of being a girlfriend, hugged her , she suddenly made a "wang" in Huo Junxian's ear.

I can't tell if she's making trouble or comforting her.

Huo Junxian's body was tense, it was like an instant electric shock, and her body was sensitively stimulated. Gu Siyu stepped on her xp completely, swallowing her throat unconsciously, she smelled Gu Siyu Body wash fragrance.

The tip of her tongue tickled across her earlobe.

Huo Junxian began to breathe too hard.

Gu Siyu said softly, "I'll be a dog for you today."

Another shout, "Master."


The author has something to say:


Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2022-05-3019:56:48~2022-05-3120:37:02~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the mines: Ji Qiuqiu 2;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigates the nutrient solution: no border is no border. 83 bottles; 22.58 bottles; 15 bottles of Su Muzhe; 10 bottles of Q10; 9 bottles of melon; 8 bottles of Xin Zai; , Mumumumumumumu 5 bottles; Hua Cong, Wuwei_ but 2 bottles; Shen Liuzhen's wife, Cai Cai, Nianchuliang, Huo Luck, have you eaten, Yiyi, alone 1 bottle after finishing the movie;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!