MTL - Protect Our Patriarch-v7 Chapter 27 Yaoguang Sword Boat! Lord of the Holy Land Wang Liyao

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All the saints couldn't help but look at each other.

Didn't this Dan Sheng Jiang Lihuo just leave for a short time, why did he suddenly go and come back?

Under the leadership of Wang Shouzhe, everyone simply went out to have a look.

It's just that compared to before, today, Rui Shenghuang and other three holy venerables surrounded Wang Shouzhe in the form of characters, which invisibly highlighted Wang Shouzhe's status.

And when they looked at Jiang Lihuo, their eyes were also hostile and hostile, as if they had already regarded each other as an enemy.

If Wang Shouzhe gave an order now, the three of them would rush forward and capture Jiang Lihuo. Dan Sheng Jiang Lihuo was stared at by so many pairs of eyes, he couldn't help but feel frightened, and his eyes became suspicious.

He had only been away for a while, why did the three once-neutral saints suddenly become aggressive, as if they had already joined Wang Shouzhe's camp?

However, right now is not the time to worry about this matter, so he hastily restrained his mind and turned to ask Wang Shouzhe for help: "Patriarch Shouzhe, Saint Nine Heavens has suffered serious injuries to his soul and body. If we don't treat him in time, the consequences may be unpredictable. ~

Only then did everyone notice the Nine Heavens Sacred Venerable beside Jiang Lihuo.

He was suspended aside by Jiang Lihuo with his own profound energy. The sword wounds and collision scars on his body seemed to have been treated, but he was still in a coma, his face was pale and pale, and he looked like he was on the verge of death.

Wang Shouzhe glanced at him from a distance, with sympathy in his eyes: "It seems that he was seriously injured, and Shouzhe expressed his deep sympathy. But Senior Dan Sheng didn't take him to treat him, why did he come to Guiyuan Yuanyuan?"

My sympathy for your size!

Jiang Lihuo was so angry that his blood pressure went up.

Isn't it because your Wang Shouzhe's old devil's men and his wife are so ruthless, how many deadly hands did they have to beat a saint with extremely tenacious vitality into such a state?

It's a pity that the current situation is stronger than others, even though he has all kinds of dissatisfaction in his heart, he dare not show it.

"Patriarch Shouzhe, Jiuxiao is seriously injured, and he needs the Eleventh Grade Returning Heaven Saint Pill. No, in his current state, he may have to use the Twelfth Grade Life and Death Dao Pill to save his life. He put on a look of distress With a pitiful and helpless look, "It's just that we are penniless right now, even if we want to buy it, we can't buy it for a while... Also, Patriarch Shouzhe, please allow me to redeem some pills, so as to save Jiuxiao's life."

redemption? "Wang Shouzhe nodded with a dazed expression, "Life and death are at stake, and I agree to your redemption in principle.

But before Jiang Lihuo could thank him, his suspicious eyes fell on him: "It's just...Senior Dan Sheng is penniless, even the clothes are given away by us for free, what are you going to use to redeem them?

"This..." Jiang Lihuo was extremely embarrassed for a moment, "how can I say that the old man is a saint and an alchemist, so can't he write an IOU based on his family name?

"Sigh~~You Luojing Ancient Sacred Clan, the Jiang family, can make enough supplies of military pills to coerce others into using them for you." Wang Shouzhe sighed and shook his head, "Such a family's reputation is nothing in my eyes It's not worth it. Even if you play tricks and don't pay back, can I still come to the door to press for the debt? What if I was arrested and murdered by you? Dan Sheng Jiang Lihuo's face flushed red

It's a really uncomfortable feeling to be slapped in the face. He has been an alchemist for so many years, and few people dare to treat him with such a rude attitude.

He suppressed the urge to get angry, and reluctantly opened his mouth: "Please ask Patriarch Shouzhe to mark the way, how can he be willing to pay the pill on credit?"

Huitian Shengdan is a top-level holy pill, which is invaluable. I can make up ten pieces for you as an emergency, enough for you to hang Jiu Xiao's life in a short time. "Wang Shouzhe looked puzzled: "Forget it, let's say you pay fifteen Chaos Spirit Stones in total.


Jiang Lihuo almost didn't spit out a mouthful of old blood

The auction price of Huitian Shengdan is usually around 30 immortal spirit stones, even if it is occasionally higher, it usually does not exceed 35 immortal spirit stones, and the total of ten pieces is only three chaotic spirit stones! This price has actually increased by five times!

"Patriarch Shouzhe took advantage of the situation to increase the price, isn't it too much?" Jiang Lihuo was furious, "Aren't you afraid of the consequences?

"Senior Dan Sheng, please don't be joking." Wang Shouzhe said seriously, "Your Ji family and Jiang family poach my Wang family's corners, come to extort and extort, shouting and beating and killing, we are already in a hostile relationship. Could it be possible, I am low Selling your elixir at a low price, the two of you will not bear any grudges against me, and be grateful to me, Wang Shouzhe?

Dan Sheng Jiang Lihuo was speechless for a while.

He really wanted to say a cruel word and leave immediately, but at this time, apart from Wang Shouzhe, he couldn't get so many Heaven-returning Sacred Pills to save his life in a short while, no matter how aggrieved he was, he could only bear it.

As for the Dao Pill of Life and Death, he also knew that Wang Shouzhe probably wouldn't take out the Dao Pill of Life and Death. Just now, the lion just opened his mouth and deliberately said that Jiu Xiao's injury was serious, so as to facilitate bargaining.

He gritted his teeth and said, "Okay, according to this price, I want three Heaven-returning Holy Pills."

He thought in his heart, with Jiuxiao's current injuries, three Heaven-returning Holy Pills were enough to hang his life.

As for the rest, when he arrives at the Tianxing Holy Dynasty, he can get some from Tianxing Shenghuang and her family for emergency, and then go to other holy dynasties to buy some, which is enough for him to bring Jiuxue's life back to Luojing up

And he is a sage of alchemy, as long as there are raw materials, it is not difficult to refine the sage of returning to heaven, and it will be fine to return them when the time comes!

"I'm sorry, but I, Wang Shouzhe, am the head of the house. I'm doing big business, and I'm not a small vendor selling Dali pills on the street." Wang Shouzhe obviously saw through his plan, and said calmly, "Ten pills are sold in packages, not retail. Jiang Li Huo Ruyi's plan was disrupted, but she almost didn't die of anger.

It's a pity that he was under the eaves and had to bow his head. He could only suppress his anger and respond: "Fifteen chaos spirit stones are only fifteen, Wang Shouzhe, draw the road."

"I'm sorry, while we're chatting, the relationship between the two of us has deteriorated again, and now we're going to sell twenty Chaos Spirit Stones." Wang Shouzhe smiled, with his hands in his sleeves, with a tone that didn't want to be beaten, " Jiang Lihuo, you can continue to worsen the relationship between the two of us, let's see if I still sell you the elixir."


Jiang Lihuo really wanted to kill Wang Shouzhe. But now he dare not touch Wang Shouzhe at all.

He has reasons to believe that if he chooses to fight now, he will definitely be beaten to death by the opponents, and he is the one who made the first move, and there is no reason to even talk about it.

"Twenty is twenty!" Jiang Lihuo said through gritted teeth, not daring to offend Wang Shouzhe again.

No matter what, Jiu Xiao's life must be saved.

His eyes were bloodshot and he said: "I can leave a ray of soul as a pledge with you, and I will redeem it with twenty chaotic spirit stones, isn't that enough?"

Xuanwu monks whose cultivation reaches above the real fairyland can separate their souls, and those Immortal Emperor Tokens and Holy Emperor Tokens are made in this way.

And using a ray of soul as a pledge is also an extremely sincere way of mortgage.

After all, if he doesn't come to redeem his soul, Wang Shouzhe will wipe out his ray of soul when the time comes, and his soul will take at least a thousand or eight hundred years to recover, and a lot of precious medicines will be consumed in the middle Not to mention, he still can't open the alchemy furnace during this period, and the loss is probably more than twenty chaotic spirit stones.

"Why do I want your ray of soul-stirring? I can't sell it for money." Wang Shouzhe shook his head, obviously dissatisfied.

Jiang Lihuo was stunned for a moment, and looked at him with suspicion: "Then what do you mean?"

"I heard" Wang Shouzhe looked at Jiang Lihuo with some hope, "Senior Alchemy has a sacred fire in his dantian, called [Chiyang Holy Fire]?"

"How dare you plot against the sacred fire of the deity!" Jiang Lihuo's heart skipped a beat, and his anger rose up immediately.

After leaving the Sacred Pill Furnace, he could barely continue refining the eleventh-grade elixir, but without the pledge of the sacred fire handed down by this group of ancestors, it's what you like and what I want. "Wang Shouzhe looked calm, "At that time, you will take the principal and interest, and come to redeem it."

And interest?

"Wang Shouzhe, don't go too far!" Jiang Lihuo was so angry that his liver hurt and his face turned purple. After a stick of incense.

Jiang Lihuo trembled all over, and left with ten Heaven-returning Saint Pills and Jiuxiao's remnant body.

Behind him, Wang Shouzhe's polite greeting came faintly: "Senior Dansheng, go all the way, come to my Wang family to play when you have time~~"

Jiang Lihuo shuddered all over, and even his soul felt chilly.

He hurriedly accelerated his running speed again.

At this moment, there was only one thought in his mind. If possible, he would never want to see Wang Shouzhe again in his life.

When Jiang Lihuo's figure completely disappeared into the space, the three saints couldn't help looking at Wang Shouzhe with extremely complicated eyes.

Good guy, ten Huitian Shengdan sold for 20 chaotic spirit stones, which is probably the highest price in the history of Huitian Shengdan.

Shou Zhe, you keep saying that others are blackmailing, but judging by your methods, it is clear that you are taking advantage of the situation,

Is the ancestor of extortion good?

For a moment, Tianrui Shenghuang couldn't help but recall that when he first met Wang Shouzhe, the other party took advantage of the situation to hit him hard.

This made Tianrui Shenghuang feel chills all over his body, but at the same time, he couldn't help but rejoice that he was not an enemy of the Wang family, and now the two sides have instead become allies with common interests.

Today's experience also made Tianrui Shenghuang, Dingsheng Patriarch, and Shuiyue Shengzun secretly make up their minds to stand firmly on Wang Shouzhe's side.

It would be too aggrieved to become his enemy.

At this time, Wang Shouzhe didn't notice their complicated moods. At this moment, he was concentrating on playing with a ball of [Chiyang Holy Flame] in his hand.

Feeling the incomparably majestic and pure flame energy in the flame, he couldn't help feeling deeply moved.

This is the holy fire, the Wang family has not had a holy fire yet~

Over the past hundreds of years, Wang has spent all his time searching and buying, and at the same time spent money and resources to upgrade the flames in his hands. Until now, he has accumulated three [Xianyan], one in the hands of Wang Shouye, and two The way is in Wang Ningxi's hands.

Thanks to these three immortal flames, the family's alchemy business and weapon refining business can develop so smoothly.

To be honest, Wang Shouzhe is indeed very greedy for the holy alchemy furnace and Chiyang holy fire of the alchemy. If Lao Qi Shouye, the family's professional alchemist, has this set, he can't say that he can refine the eleventh-grade pill, but he can refine the tenth-grade elixir. Dan was very relaxed.

Moreover, Wang Shouye is also in a critical period now. He is currently on the fifth floor of the Lingxu Realm, not very far away from the Real Fairyland, but he needs a lot of resources.

For example [Holy Map], [Daoyuan Pill] and so on.

If he can't obtain the holy map before being promoted to the True Immortal Realm, and use Dao Yuan Pill to improve his aptitude again, his future cultivation will probably be stuck in the late stage of the True Immortal Realm, and it will be difficult to advance to the Great Luo Realm.

But if Wang Shouye can get together the four treasures [Holy Map], [Daoyuan Pill], [Holy Fire], and [Sacred Pill Furnace], after he is promoted to the real fairyland, he can start trying to refine eleven Pin Dan.

Mrs. Wang has already raised a lot of eleventh-grade elixir for him, ready for him to squander.

And at that time, he who has inherited the holy map will be able to awaken his bloodline to the twelve-level Wugou immortal body, and even refining the eleventh-grade elixir can have a relatively good success rate.

It's a pity that none of these four things are easy to get.

As for the Dao Yuan Pill, the Wang family has seized a [Void Dao Yuan Fruit] from the Atana tribe, which is the main material for refining the Dao Yuan Pill. Over the years, the Wang family has also collected it intentionally. With the auxiliary materials, you are qualified to open a furnace of Dao Yuan Dan.

It's a pity that the elixir is enough, but there are still two obstacles to really open the furnace.

The first obstacle is the refiner.

In the entire Dongxia Dynasty, there is only one person who can refine Daoyuan Dan. The frightening thing is that the Dao Master in the early days was only half a fool when he refined the Dao Yuan Pill, and he was so happy that three Dao Yuan Pills were produced in two furnaces.

The second obstacle is the problem of the sustainable cultivation of Void Dao Yuan Fruit.

As the top elixir that humans can cultivate on their own, Void Dao Yuan Fruit has extremely strict requirements on the growth environment.

It can only grow normally in the Void Sea Spirit Cave, and bloom and bear fruit normally.

And Void Sea Spirit Point is also Void

The top resources in the sea belong to the strategic level resources, which are much rarer than the eighth-grade spiritual veins.

Eighth-rank spiritual veins, to find Taoist or God Emperor, as long as the relationship is good enough, and willing to pay enough price, there is still a chance to buy it, but if he really dares to open the Void Sea Spirit Point, he is afraid that he will be killed by the Taoist. The lord and the **** emperor are played directly. Daoyuan fruit is a pure elixir, and the spiritual seed is not as difficult to obtain as the spiritual root of wisdom and spiritual planting. The core of each Daoyuan fruit can be planted as a spiritual seed. Before refining, use a special method to get it Just come out and save it. Since Wang has a [Void Dao Origin Fruit], it is equivalent to owning a Spirit Seed, but so far, Wang has not been able to get the Void Sea Spirit Point.

Fortunately, according to the existing information, the Void Daoyuan fruit was obtained by the Atana tribe on the road, that is to say, there must be a Void Sea Spirit Point in the middle of the Shenwu World and the Atana tribe's ruled area.

No, Long Wuji and Lixian were doing business and opening maps along the way, and they were also planning to explore the whereabouts of the Void Sea Spirit Cave.

The rise of the family has a long way to go~~

Wang Shouzhe was filled with emotion.

Fortunately, with the qualifications of keeping a business, it would take hundreds of years to be promoted to the real fairyland, so there is no rush for these things. On the contrary, the holy fire and the holy cauldron can be taken back to let Shouye get familiar with it, and they can be taken back when Jiang Lihuo comes back to redeem it.

After putting away the torch, Wang Shouzhe held the meeting with the three bosses and introduced the follow-up products to them.

Wang Shouzhe still attaches great importance to this business.

Leaving aside the other things, the lowest-level black armor used by soldiers alone is an extremely huge market.

Taking Tianrui Sacred Dynasty as an example, the regular troops and reserves in the Lingtai Realm add up to about 400 million. If all their equipment is replaced with Wang's Xuanjia, the total price is calculated on the basis of 1,600 immortal crystals per set. Sixty-four chaotic spirit stones.

With Wang's current production process, the cost of a set is less than five hundred immortal crystals, and the gross profit will reach more than forty chaotic spirit stones.

Such a low cost is naturally due to Wang's continuous intensive cultivation of large-scale smelting and batch forging technology.

Most of the parts are first forged into rough blanks by stamping, and then simply processed by the refiner and the talisman master in the assembly line, it is a complete part. Moreover, these grassroots refiners and talisman masters basically only deal with one part forever, so the efficiency and proficiency can be imagined.

However, Ji's battle armor production process still stays in the current mode.

When they produce this kind of low-level military armor, they often need a skilled refiner to bring a team of apprentices to forge and produce a set of armor. Such manual forging is naturally extremely inefficient.

The labor cost of Ji's battle armor is much higher than that of raw materials, while the price of raw materials for Wang's battle armor occupies a relatively large proportion of the cost. If Wang can get raw materials in batches at Ji's price , the comprehensive cost will be reduced by a large amount.

Your Majesty, take another look at the magic weapon-level armor for the Celestial Realm team leader, or the elite soldiers of the Celestial Realm. Just look at this handsome appearance and this whole set only costs 22,000 immortal crystals! We can supply it at the reserve price of 18,000 immortal crystals. "

"Your Majesty, take a look at the Zifu Treasure Armor! Three hundred thousand immortal crystals, you only need one set of three hundred thousand immortal crystals to bring them home."

"There is also this set of exquisite magical treasure armor. The whole set only needs 4.88 million fairy crystals! Don't miss it when you pass by. Of course, the weapon spirit is a blank weapon spirit and needs long-term accumulation."

The more top-notch armor, the more difficult it is to forge in batches, but Wang's Weapon Refining Directorate is still constantly overcoming difficulties, and the cost reduction is engraved in the bones.

Today, the supernatural armor can be mass-produced initially, but the supernatural armor is not as obvious as the low-level spiritual weapon in terms of refining cost and armor performance, but even if there is no way to make a huge profit, Wang Shouzhe also wants to occupy this batch of military market.

With the market and huge orders, it is natural to reduce costs again.

As for Taoist artifacts, it is absolutely impossible for the Wang family to mass-produce them.

Fortunately, the amount of this part is small, even if there is a demand, it is enough to purchase in bulk

paid. The Ji family's military equipment, also sold in batches, was only sold at the level of supernatural powers and spiritual treasures.

Tianrui Shenghuang was dumbfounded when he saw this series of various, dazzling and superior performance products.

If all the troops were replaced with Wang's military equipment, the overall combat power would definitely crush the old opponent Tianxing Shengchao!

The only problem is that if we want to replace all members, I am afraid that we will have to spend 300 Chaos Spirit Stones at once.

"Patriarch Shouzhe, even if we replace the military equipment at the wholesale price, we still can't afford it~ Sage Emperor Tianrui has a bitter look on his face.

Such a huge sum of money cannot be raised even if he is killed.

"Why do you need to change it all at once?" Wang Shouzhe remained calm, "Your Majesty can replace 10% of the military equipment of the most elite troops first, so that the replacement can be completed with only thirty or forty Chaos Spirit Stones. And the equipment eliminated by the ladder, It can be used to expand the reserve, and can also be sold to holy pilgrims in other regions at a second-hand price. One thousand and two immortal crystals cannot be sold, but seven hundred immortal crystals can always be sold, right? In this way, one can be returned to the basket funds.

"In addition, His Majesty can earn a lot of money by selling through regional agents, and can continue to change equipment. In a few decades, His Majesty will be able to complete the replacement of the entire army without spending money.

This time, Tianrui Shenghuang was completely moved.

He said: "Eliminate the equipment, but don't need to sell it to other holy dynasties. There are so many Lingtai-level families at the bottom of Tianrui, and they are quite greedy for the second-hand equipment flowing out of the army. This can also improve the overall background of the people."

Wang Shouzhe smiled, but he didn't pay attention to where the Tianrui Shenghuang was sold.

But no matter where it is sold at a discount, this is a blow to the brand reputation of Ji's armor, as if to announce to the world that Ji's equipment is only second-rate obsolete equipment, and it is only worthy of being sold at a discount.

In this way, over time, Wang's military armor will become synonymous with high-end goods.

And those troops who want to buy brand new armor from the Ji family have to think carefully about the preservation rate. After introducing the military equipment, Wang Shouzhe took the time to show off the military pills.

In the field of military elixirs, the prices that were also involved by Jiang were very low.

But this time, Mrs. Wang joined the army's internal medicine pill team.

Primary munitions elixir covers a variety of first-grade elixirs such as Xiaopeiyuan Pill, Dapeiyuan Pill, and Yipin Healing Pill. Their prices are extremely low. The first two are mainly used by monks in the Qi Refining Realm to improve their cultivation, and they can be supplied to some soldiers who have been trained since childhood.

At the same time, they can also be supplied to spiritual platform monks to maintain daily consumption.

Take the ordinary soldiers in the Lingtai Realm of the Tianrui Sacred Dynasty as an example. During the non-war period, they were enshrined with 13 immortal crystals, and the supply of essence, energy, and blood pills was 5 immortal crystals. The total supply of ordinary rice meat plus spiritual rice meat was 5 fairy crystals, 2 fairy crystals for other miscellaneous expenses, and a total of 25 fairy crystals per year.

In this way, an ordinary soldier in the Lingtai Realm can maintain a part of his annual tribute while maintaining his blood and energy.

With only 5 immortal crystal pills consumed, naturally you can only choose first-grade pills.

As for the first-grade elixir, Wang Shouzhe's quotation was 20 pieces of immortal crystals for the small Peiyuan pill, and 7 pieces for each fairy crystal of the Dapeiyuan pill, with a 20% discount on the wholesale price!

In terms of selling price alone, it is about 20% cheaper than Jiang's.

For pills, there is not as much tricks to play with as refining equipment.

From the time of Xianmeng to the present, the recipes of every kind of elixir have been refined, and even the varieties of elixir are carefully cultivated, there is really no room for improvement. At least, with Wang's ability, he still can't bring forth new ones in varieties.

Therefore, for the elixir, it can only be a real shopping price, squeezing every trace of extra cost. The gross profit rate that Wang can obtain is also far inferior to that of refining equipment.

However, pills are [fast-moving products]. Once they successfully enter the sanctuary army market, the annual consumption will be astronomical, and the accumulated profits will be considerable.

This price naturally made Tianrui Shenghuang swallow again.

He asked weakly: "Shouzhe, what's the matter with you?"

Can we sell military pills to the people? "

"In the sales area, it can be sold, but if you sell it to the folks, you have to add 30% of the price, so as not to cause too much impact on the market." Wang Shouzhe said, "You have to give the folk alchemists a chance to survive.

"That's natural, natural." Tianrui Shenghuang laughed so hard that he couldn't close his mouth, "However, this emperor will let people smuggle and sell Tianxing Holy Dynasty, and help their common people lower the price of pills, so that Tianxing Folk alchemists have no chance of surviving, and they might migrate to my Tianrui pilgrimage."

"Wang Shouzhe was speechless for a while.

Tianrui Shenghuang's brain is turning very fast~ Sure enough, this old **** is quite spicy when it comes to tricking the enemy.

Afterwards, there was a series of introductions and negotiations of other elixirs.

The specific details of the negotiation were rather trivial. After Wang Shouzhe and Tianrui Shenghuang finalized the general charter, they entrusted Wang Youping with the follow-up matters.

As the head of the family, it is naturally impossible for him to do everything himself. Nowadays, there are countless excellent descendants of the Wang family, and it is not a problem to support the scene.

Naturally, the Tianrui Sacred Emperor did the same thing. After he finalized the general direction, he entrusted the follow-up matters to Qingyang Crown Princess, and she led people to complete it.

The Empress Dowager Qingyang handed over the specific matters to the people below, and she herself continued to play mahjong with Liu Ruolan and supervise the progress by the way.

Time passed little by little. Before you know it, another year has passed.

Dagan Yong'an calendar 316 years.

The world of Shenwu, the sea of ​​void outside.

The Wang family spent a lot of money back then. After building the first set of hyperspace large-scale teleportation array, they combined the crystal ancient ruins and

Broken Star Beach, as well as a small corner of the Realm of Destruction, are all enclosed within the sphere of influence.

The structure and principle of the hyperspace large teleportation array used in the sanctuary have many similarities with the hyperspace corridors of the demons.

The similarity is that it is necessary to build a large moving formation in each of the two places before they can realize mutual space shuttle. It's just that the human race can't be able to cross the space distance of thousands of years like the demon race's hyperspace corridor for the time being, because the transmission distance is usually within a hundred to hundreds of years.

Therefore, there is the main base of Shenwu No. 1 and the expeditionary base of Shenwu No. 2.

Between the two bases, it is as if there is a highway that moves instantly, turning "the end of the world" into "a short distance away",

It greatly facilitates the exploration of the realm of destruction.

And with the gradual wave of exploration in the "Domain of Destruction for All", the base began to have a good income from transmission fees.

You know, this hyperspace teleportation array is like the original Shouzhe Pass, mastering the teleportation array is mastering

Channels and pricing power are the golden keys to holding the daily fortune.

The Shenwu family and Xiangong were the first to see the business opportunity, and took the initiative to share the map of the void sea with the Wang family, and bought part of the shares of the two bases from the Wang family with some chaotic spirit stones.

Afterwards, forces such as Scarlet Moon Demon Dynasty, True Demon Palace, and Duobao Pavilion also followed suit and began to spend money to acquire equity in the base at a premium.

And after selling part of the equity at a premium, Wang had extra money, so he asked Qianzhen Shengzun's team to build two more strategic points on the other two sides with the Shenwu No. 2 expeditionary base as the center. The teleportation array was moved, and the advance base of Shenwu No. 3 and the exploration base of Shenwu No. 4 were built.

Of course, only the Shenwu No. 3 advance base has been completed, and the No. 4 exploration base is still under construction. After the base is completed, it has to pass the inspection before it can be officially opened. It will take many years. Among them, the No. 3 advance base leads to the depths of the realm of destruction, while the Shenwu No. 4 exploration base leads to

It is along the mainstream of Yunxiao Tianhe, leading to the direction of [Canglan World].

at this time.

The No. 3 forward base was busy.

A large number of logistics personnel are doing various preparations.

Nowadays, with the rise of the tide of exploration by the whole people, all forces with a little strength in the world of Shenwu have formed their own exploration teams to explore the realm of destruction.

It's just a weak and poor exploration team, so they

You can only drive around the base in a small dilapidated boat, explore those "familiar places" that have been patronized by powerful teams countless times, or pick up some garbage that the bosses don't want to go back.

Of course, there are many people who want to try their luck. After all, if they miss it, wouldn't they be on the rise? In this realm of destruction, there has never been a lack of stories of getting rich overnight, and there has never been a lack of stories of a certain exploration team being attacked by a void beast and suffering heavy casualties.

It is true that the Wang family will have a saint stationed at the No. 3 forward base for a long time, but the saint is not omnipotent after all, and there will always be vicious incidents that the saint is too late to rescue.

There are even some stunned youths who are clearly lacking in strength but who are about to enter the dangerous area to explore and commit suicide.


An extremely beautiful flying sword-shaped void ferry exuding a soft white light passed through layers of sentry towers and entered the berth of the No. 3 forward base.

As soon as the empty boat came back, hundreds of logistics personnel immediately surrounded it and began to help overhaul the empty boat, help with the wounded, cargo and so on.

This beautiful empty boat is very famous, it is called [Yaoguang Sword Boat], and it is the property of Daqian Lingyun Holy Land.

Surrounded by the crowd, the Jianzhou door opened.

A woman in a blue and white dress flew out of the door first.

It was a very young-looking woman with bright eyes and white teeth, and delicate features. Her appearance is between that of a young girl and a young woman, with the clarity and transparency of a young girl, and the experience and stability of a young woman.

However, more impressive than her appearance is her temperament.

Her aura is as sharp as a sharp sword out of its sheath, with a heavy sense of oppression and a sense of majesty, which makes people feel awe and dare not easily rob her of her edge.

This woman is naturally Wang Liyao.

Hundreds of years have passed, and the original Lingyun Holy Land has now been completely reborn.

After more than three hundred years ago, Jiang Zhencang, the previous master of the Holy Land, passed away, and Wang Liyao officially succeeded him as the Lord of the Holy Land, titled [True Monarch Yaoguang].

However, compared to the official title, everyone is more accustomed to calling her by other names, such as "Miss Liyao", and some even follow Wang Shouzhe to call her "Dayaoyao".

This is naturally because, compared with the master of Lingyun Holy Land, her identity as the eldest daughter of Wang Shouzhe is more deeply rooted in the hearts of the people and more awe-inspiring.

And Wang Liyao herself has inherited a powerful fairy scripture called [Xianhe Sword Scripture] very early on, her aptitude has already reached the level of a saint, and her current cultivation base has already stepped into the sixth level of the Lingxu Realm. The future is limitless.

With the growth of her cultivation base, it is only a matter of time before Lingyun Holy Land officially becomes [Lingyun Immortal Palace].

Behind Wang Liyao, followed by a group of extraordinary young heroes.

Most of these people are young people who competed with Wang Liyao for the position of saint.

Except for Wang Lici, Wang Yingxuan, and Wang Luoqiu, the three Wang daughters who have their own chances, the rest of Gongyang Ce Shi Maotian, Bao Bucheng and others are all here now.

Hundreds of years have passed, and now they have all become true immortals.

Although their aptitude and practice progress are far inferior to Wang Liyao's, they have already broken through to the Lingxu Realm, and it is not a problem to become true immortals in the future.

These people are not only the future of Lingyun Holy Land, but also the pillars of the future of the human race, and all of them are big shots.

Wherever the group passed by, all the support staff gave them a salute, and their eyes showed longing and envy.

"Miss Liyao's sword boat was severely damaged in many places, and they also seemed to have experienced a fierce battle." A certain logistics staff looked serious, with a worried look on his face, "I don't know what happened to them?

I see the alchemist behind Dayaoyao, what is his name? It seems that I can't restrain my joy. Could it be that the Dayaoyao team has gained a lot this time? "

"Hey, Dayaoyao is also your name? You don't want a toad to eat swan meat, do you?"

"Can't I just lick it from the air?"

"I'll call you a wretched man."

While talking, a group of support staff began to quarrel.

In fact, those who have passed numerous assessments and are qualified to work at the No. 3 advance base are all young elites in the world of martial arts, but compared with Wang Liyao's identity and strength, it is a world of difference.

"By the way, Dongfang is proud of the world. UU reading "At this time, a logistics staff suddenly looked at a handsome young man, "Your Changning Dongfang clan seems to have a close relationship with Wang clan, can you Can you give me some information about Senior Dayaoyao? For example, what does she like to eat? Does she have any special hobbies? What are the thresholds for followers?"

Hearing this, the handsome man named "Oriental Aoshi" suddenly became extremely serious.

He cleared his throat, and began to talk with admiration: "Speaking of which, this happened more than a thousand years ago. Miss Li Yao was only eighteen years old at that time, and she was able to open the sky with a single sword." , to subdue a bandit in the Zifu Realm! And the originator of my family, the ancestor of Dongfang Wentian, witnessed this scene with his own eyes among the crowd of onlookers..."
