MTL - Professional Accomplishment Of A White Lotus-Chapter 90

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Only a desk lamp was lit in the study room, dim light, Mo Zeyu suddenly stood up and walked towards the desk, Luo Ran's eyes were puzzled. The ground moved with him, stood up with curiosity, and looked in his study.

Mo Zeyu didn't care about her movements, opened a drawer on the desk, and then made a move, looked up and asked her, "When is birthday?"

Luo Ran went to the bookshelf next to the wall, stretched out his hands and put it on a book. He heard his words and suddenly looked back. The two eyes collided, and Luo Ran smirked: "The second man wants to celebrate my life? "

Mo Zeyu laughed, knowing that she was teasing herself, and no longer asked, she took out a beautiful box from the drawer and beckoned Luo Luoran: "Come here."

Luo Ran's eyes fell on the box, and he seemed to guess something. He deliberately evoked a smile, pursed his lips and looked at him. Mo Zeyu still looked at her gently, Luo Ran shook his eyelashes and let go. The book went towards him.

Luo Ran approached him, and Mo Zeyu stood upright. Under the dim light, the shadows of the two overlapped. Regardless of you and Mo, Mo Zeyu opened the box and took out the diamond necklace inside with one hand, with a smile. Ask her:

"Like it?"

Luo Ran saw that the necklace was very precious. She had seen it in the department store before. She liked it but did not buy it. She did not know how he knew it, but she gave it to her.

Luo Ran lowered his head and took a closer look. Under the dim light, it still shone, Luo Ran narrowed his eyes, and smiled with a hint of frown: "Like, thank you."

Mo Zeyu struck her waist and was so slender that she could hold it with one hand. She gently printed a kiss on her forehead, and took the necklace with her to bring it for her. The pendant fell in the center of her delicate collarbone. Jade's skin seems to be shiny because of this necklace.

Mo Zeyu leaned very close to her. After bringing her a necklace, she still held her waist in one hand and did not let go. He sighed, "You look so good."

He was telling the truth. The people he saw in his life were not a few beautiful people, but they were overshadowed by her.

Luo Ran laughed: "I am beautiful."

It was her luck and her misfortune.

There was a trace of sadness in her smile, and Moze gave a rest. The falling kiss with pity and care would be all right, and everything would be all right.

One day, the mountains and rivers will return to one, Guotai Minan, and she will have everything she wants.

Luo Ran did not go out in the end, and Mr. Zheng sent Mo Zeyu to push him.

Jiang Cheng's newspaper recently published an incident when Gu Huaisheng terminated his marriage.

Luo Ran was not surprised when she saw the news. Before Mo Zeyu let Jiang Xueru come to him, she guessed what Mo Zeyu was going to do.

Gu Huaisheng wanted to dissolve the engagement, even she heard about it, let alone Mo Erye who has a status in Jiangcheng?

As for why he helped Gu Huaisheng, Luo Ran lowered his eyebrows, looked at the diamond necklace in his hands, and thought of the scene that day, although she did not know why Mo Zeyu was so contradictory, but she knew that Gu Huaisheng's contact with the marriage contract must be He shot, and he did it for her.

Some people speculated that Gu Huaisheng's dissolution of the marriage contract was for the girl in the dance hall. After all, Gu Huaisheng always went to her and was seen by everyone.

As soon as Gu Huaisheng dismissed his marriage contract, those who wanted to dye Luoran in the past have converged a lot. If Gu Huaisheng really wanted to marry her, they would not dare to think again.

Within a few days, the neon lights on South Lane still flickered. A sofa in the corner of the ballroom, where Gu Huaisheng and Luo Ran sat, Luo Ran wore a green smoke cheongsam. The whole person was charming and charming, with a cigarette in his hand. Suddenly, he spit out smoke, leaning on Gu Huaisheng's arms, as if smoke was sucked into his cavity, his eyes grew darker and darker, looking at the laziness in his arms.

Luo Ran smiled very lightly, but it was printed on his brows, as if in the bottom of his heart: "Gu Ye, why do you seem unhappy?"

Gu Huaisheng took up the wine on the table and took a sip: "I have terminated my engagement."

"Um." Luo Ran blinked, but nodded with a smile.

Gu Huaisheng frowned. He didn't believe she didn't hear him, and his voice was slightly deeper: "Have you ever thought about changing another place?"

This is not the first time he has asked her. In the past, she always dealt with the past casually, or directly rejected it. Today, he needs an answer, an answer that pleases him.

Luo Ran's smoking movement broke away from his arms, leaning on the sofa, exquisite figure at a glance, she smiled charmingly: "Gu Ye, I'm from the ballroom."

Gu Huaisheng frowned: "I don't care." If he cares about her identity, how can he do this? He was not without a break from the marriage contract, at least his father had a bad temper and reprimanded him after hearing about it.

Under the colored neon lights, the light here is sometimes bright and sometimes dim, but the atmosphere that should have been ambiguous, but a bit indifferent because of the conversation between the two, Luo Ran raised his eyebrows lightly, seeing that he did not respond to his words, slightly raised the corner of his mouth , Just faintly, looking at him with a charming smile.

Gu Huaisheng saw that she hadn't talked for a long time, but just looked at him with a smile, and felt something wrong. When he frowned and thought deeply, Luo Ran sighed and said lightly:

"Gu Ye, I'm from the ballroom. In other words, I'm Er Ye. You want me to go with you, have you asked him?"

The meaning of her words is self-evident. Gu Huaisheng changed his face slightly and looked at Luo Ran dimly. The only person in Jiangcheng who made him afraid was Mo Zeyu. She was right. If Mo Zeyu would not allow it She left, and she was helpless.

Moreover, Gu Huaisheng frowned slightly, Luo Ran would not say this for no reason, so ... Gu Huaisheng gathered his emotions and drank the wine on the table.

Luo Ran knew that he understood what he meant, and stopped talking. The smoke in her hand was nearing the end, and her eyes seemed to be affectionate and plain, and if she was away, it was indistinguishable.

Between a few breaths, Gu Huaisheng took her back to her arms again, his calm voice came: "I will marry you."

He didn't promise, but just plainly stated that the person he wanted would eventually be his.

Luo Ran's eyes showed a stun, and she looked up at Gu Huaisheng. She didn't seem to think that she understood so clearly. Why hasn't he given up?

Gu Huaisheng suddenly lifted the corner of her mouth and took out the cigarette **** in her hand. She did not continue to say anything about the matter, but said, "Don't smoke so much cigarettes in the future, it is bad for your health."

Luo Ran raised his eyebrows and said lightly, "Just pass the time."

Gu Huai gave a meal, and there seemed to be a touch of tenderness in her eyes, which disappeared instantly, and she only raised her hand and stroked her hair.

The study room door on the third floor was opened, and a man in an expensive black suit came out and looked up, just to see her Yishun entered the man's arms, with gorgeous red lips like fire and enthusiasm, downstairs, lively, extraordinary, down It seemed that the third floor was deserted.

Mo Er did not expect that Er Ye would come out and look down behind him. He did not hold back: "Er Ye, if Miss Luo Ran leaves the ballroom, I'm afraid she won't come back."

He has followed Er Ye for more than ten years, after all, he was worried that Er Ye was unaccompanied, so he spoke at all times.

He was right. Any woman leaving this place will basically not return. This place may be paradise, but it is also an unbearable past.

And Gu Huaisheng also revealed the intention to marry Miss Luo Ran. Mrs. Gu was the number one. The ladies of countless people in Jiangcheng wanted it. Miss Luo Ran might not be indifferent.

Mo Zeyu held a cigarette in his hand and looked downstairs. He seemed to just hit the man's raised eyes. For a moment, his eyes staggered again. Mo Zeyu was silent for a while, and only asked: Where have you been? "

It seems to be asking him, it seems to remind him, or maybe ... to remind himself.

Mo Eryi said, Angri no longer spoke.

After a long time, Mo Er couldn't help but retort: ​​"Er, I don't understand. You said that because she couldn't give her what she wanted, then, did Gu give it?"

You are so struggling to think about, first helping Gu Ye to dissolve the marriage contract, and then pushing the woman who has a good impression to others. What is it for?

Mo Zeyu's eyebrows were extremely cold: "Mo Er, look down."

Mo Er was puzzled, but he obeyed and looked down, then heard Er Ye's voice:

"Do you lift her happy?"

Mo Er couldn't understand it, but seemed to be stimulated by the word, cursing lowly: "What happiness is there in this troubled world."

Mo Zeyu's voice became lighter: "Yeah, there is no happiness at all ... unless ... the war ceases ..."

His voice was getting lighter and weaker. Mo Er did not understand the last few words, but Mo Zeyu's expression at this time prevented him from asking any more. Mo Zeyu looked downstairs, where the two were, she A smile and a smile are all customs, but with irreversible sadness.

Gu Huaisheng left, Luo Ran sent him outside the door, and then went back. Mo Zeyu was still standing on the third floor. She could see clearly. He was watching her. Luo Ran paused at the door.

Mo Er, who was behind Mo Zeyu, couldn't help but say, "Er, I'll ask Miss Luo Ran?"

Mo Zeyu didn't stop him, and responded lightly: "Yes."

Luo Ran didn't stop, walked on the third floor and walked to the third floor. She just approached Mo Zeyu, and she laughed, "The second grandfather peeking is also very bright."

Although she smiled, there was no smile in her words.

Mo Zeyu did not answer, but smiled: "Have fun?"

Luo Ran smiled, and there was some deep meaning in her eyes, but she didn't seem to be, she smiled again: "Happy."

Mo Zeyu nodded gently, "Yes."

Luo Ran felt boring, and hummed, leaving on a small high heel.

His arm was pulled, causing Luo Ran to look back, his smile absent, and he said rather casually, "What?"

Mo Zeyu shook his head and smiled: "There will be a ball in three days."

His words were very short, but she arranged her schedule three days later. Luo Ran frowned at the tip of her eyebrows, and frowned her hair with one hand. She accidentally touched the necklace around her neck, and said,

"Forget it, for the sake of the necklace, I will be free three days later."

Mo Zeyu laughed. It was long heard that she liked these, but it was not a rumor. He whispered: "These days, the department store has new dresses and jewelry. If you want to go out, call the driver."

Luo Ran smiled deeper, and seemed to be real, rejoicing, "Thank you, Grandpa."

What he said meant that she was assigned a driver. Thanks to her, Mo Zeyu calmly responded.