MTL - Professional Accomplishment Of A White Lotus-Chapter 18

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Lu Chen trembled at the apex, she said that she was in pain, he could not afford to lose her posture, and walked in front of her, the steps seemed to flutter. Going to support him, he saw that he had come to the bed, half-bent.

With tears in Luo Ran's eyes, he looked at him tightly. The hand slowly lifted up and wanted to touch him. Lu Chen held her hand and only heard her broken voice: "The emperor ... I hurt so much ... well, it hurts ... "

Lu Chen shook her hand slightly, and the room was bloody. As far as her eyes were concerned, she was in a wet Luo shirt. Lu Chen only felt a pain in his heart, and his eyes became red.

Luo Ran's lips were trembling. She looked at Lu Chen, her eyes full of fear and pain. She opened her mouth, her voice was very light, and she seemed to be in pain: "Emperor ... Emperor, you ... hug I ... I hurt ... "

"Okay ..." Lu Chen finally spoke, his voice trembling slightly. He sat next to her bed, hugged her in her arms, and hugged her tightly, her chin against her blue silk.

She moved her hand, Lu Chen looked down, her hand changed her posture, and held her fingers together, with her careful thinking, Lu Chen only clenched her hand, she leaned against his chest, Her voice was crying, and she was wronged:

"... Emperor ... I hurt ... I'm so scared ..."

"Don't be afraid, you will be fine ..."

The sour emotion filled the chest, Lu Chen held her tightly, but suddenly closed her mouth and stopped talking, because there was a hint of coolness in his hand, he knew that it was her crying, and she was crying very sad .


It was the voice of the Taiyi, Lu Chen turned around, looked at him, expressionless, but made the Taiyi feel heavy pressure. He didn't dare to delay anymore, and said quickly: "Emperor, Luo Fei's child kept!"

Lu Chen clutched Luo Ran's hand tightly, and suddenly loosened, he closed his eyes, only to feel that the hanging heart finally came to a halt and stopped, as if for the rest of the life after the disaster, he heard Luo Ran suddenly and wantonly Crying, crying her worry and fear.

Lu Chen was finally able to speak. He stroked Luo Ran and said gently, "It's okay, it's okay."

The **** smell in the room had not yet dissipated. He listened to her crying, "I am so scared, Emperor."

"I know."

How could you not be afraid?

Even in this season, the clothes behind him have long been wet, because he is also afraid, afraid to stop all the way, afraid to speak, afraid of him, others will know that he is afraid.

For a long time, she was tired of crying, and her voice gradually faded. Until she could not hear her voice, Lu Chen looked down. She was asleep. Lu Chen was relieved, and wiped the tears in the corner of her eyes with her fingertips. She put it on the bed.

Standing aside and watching her, it took a long time before she turned around.

Zhou Xi waited outside for a long time, but when the Taiyi came out, he still couldn't see Lu Chen. He got the Taiyi said that Luo Ran's child was kept, and his heart was relieved, but it was a little more disappointed.

At this moment, when I saw Lu Chen stepping out, I wanted to speak, but only saw his dull look. The night outside broke away behind him, making him look a bit colder, and Zhou Xi trembled his lips. Petals, dare not say more.

Lu Chen didn't go to see Zhou Xi, but instead looked at the doctor next to him: "Luo Fei is pregnant. Why didn't you see it when you asked for a pulse of peace for her?"

The doctor wiped the sweat from his forehead and knelt down: "Return to the emperor, Luo Fei's body is weak, and these months are often used for tonics, and Luo Fei has only been pregnant for one month. It's even harder to see. "

Lu Chen frowned slightly and paused for a moment before asking, "How is she?"

"Luo Fei's body is not good at all. Pregnancy is not an easy task for her. Now she is about to have a small birth. This baby will be more difficult to conceive."

This sentence was more difficult, making Lu Chen's hands tight and his face cold.

He closed his eyes, and after a while, opened, stopped looking at Taiyi, and looked at Zhou Xi coldly: "You hit her?"

Zhou Xi has never seen him look like this, biting the tip of his tongue, shaking his voice: "I and Chen Ye are not intentional. My Chen Ye didn't know she was pregnant ..."

Lu Chen didn't want to hear her explain, he just needed to know who had hurt her: "Before I was kind and soft-hearted."

Zhou Xi was pale and looked at him. The last time Luo Ran just fell into the water, he wanted to throw himself into the lake, or Lu Yu interceded for her. Then, this time, what about him?

Lu Chen reached out to invite Duke De: "Defended her position and sent to Lenggong, waiting for Luo Fei to wake up and deal with it herself."

Lu Chen didn't want to spend more time talking about Zhou Xi, not to mention, she should hope to solve it by herself.

When thinking of Luo Ran, Lu Chen had a touch of tenderness in his eyes, but it was also fleeting. He seemed to smell the thick **** smell again, and Lu Chen's face became colder and colder.

Zhou Xi collapsed to the ground, reached out to pull Lu Chen's clothes, and cried in tears: "The emperor! Chen Ye did not do it on purpose!"

When dragged down by the palace people, she suddenly remembered something, suddenly looked at Lu Chen, and shouted: "The emperor! It's not a courtier! It's her! It was Luo Fei who hit him!"

Lu Chen laughed abruptly: "I won't pull her down!"

Zhou Xi knew that Lu Chen didn't believe her, but what she said was true. She didn't hit Luo Ran. Just now she remembered that the trail was not narrow. How could she run into it? Since she didn't hit Luo Ran, Luo naturally hit it!

Lu Chen guarded Luo Ran overnight, and didn't leave until he was facing up.

After he left, Luo Ran woke up with trembling eyes, and Qing Ru on the side stepped forward to wait for her to lean up slightly. She looked at Luo Ran's face, which was much better than yesterday.

Qingru overwhelmed the doubts all night and finally couldn't help but ask: "Madam, have you already known that you are pregnant?"

Luo Ran looked up at her, slightly surprised: "Why do you think so? Even the doctor didn't know I was pregnant, how could I know?"

Qing Ru looked at her twice and always felt that something was wrong, but she also knew that she was right, even the doctor didn't know, how could she know? It's impossible that she is better than Taiyi? After clearing the doubts in his heart, Qingru hated Zhou Xi even more.

She is now tied to Luo Ran. If Luo Ran is a small child, it will not be of any benefit to her. Only Luo Ran will be good if she is good.

She lowered her head to arrange the bedding for Luo Ran, but she did not see Luo Ran looking at her, and her corner of the mouth was slightly tilted.

She has a special body. As soon as the child falls on her, she knows that her constitution is not the same as that of others. In addition, with the protection of Qier, she just doesn't want to be born, it is difficult.

Because of her body, Lu Chen was not allowed to get out of bed. She stayed at Luo Yun Palace for two full months, until the doctor said that the fetal image was stable, and she was able to leave the Luo Yun Palace.

She was pregnant and couldn't sleep, but Lu Chen didn't go to other people's palace. On this day, he was lying on the bed with Luo Ran in his arms, and gently protecting her belly with one hand. After thinking about it, she told her :

"Zhou Xi is still in the cold palace, handle it as you think."

He had forgotten this person, and today Father-in-law mentioned her suddenly, saying that she was noisy in the cold palace and wanted to see him, saying that she was wronged and Luo Ran hit her.

He didn't believe these words, but he couldn't let her wantonly stigmatize and gossip, but he could not let the people in the palace refuse to believe. If he had a strange look, he would be aware of this sensitive person, and he might be bored again. .

Luo Ran leaned in his arms, her eyes frowning. After listening to his words, she pursed her lips. She said hesitantly, "The emperor, maybe the concubine Zhou didn't mean it, and she didn't know I was pregnant."

Lu Chen shook her head: "She doesn't know that you are pregnant, it may be true. However, it is an indisputable fact to go to your honor. You have to justify her. This time you are lucky, you have nothing wrong. If there is a million One……"

Lu Chen stopped suddenly. He didn't want to think about Luo Ran's pale face lying on the bed that day. He didn't want to think about the **** smell of Luoyun Palace. In case it might exist.

Feeling the person in his arms trembled a bit, he narrowed his eyes and saw that her face was slightly pale, afraid that she thought of that day, she bit her lip slightly, her eyes hesitated, but in the end she did n’t open her mouth, just buried Into his arms.

Lu Chen only heard her sulking: "Okay."

Lu Chen sighed, she was still too soft-hearted.


Come on, don't you have blood on your hands.

Luo Ran pulled out of his embrace and opened his eyes to look at him. There was some astringency, and his fingers tentatively hooked his hand, one click, and another, until Lu Chen was discouraged to look at her, and she smiled and bent. Eyes and eyes, the sound is crisp:

"Thank you, Emperor."

Luo Ran seemed to think for a moment, frowned slightly, and looked at Lu Chen carefully, but he said seriously: "Tomorrow, I'll see her."

Lu Chen made a move, and he was reluctant to say, "You are still pregnant, you should not approach her."

She looped around his waist, softly and coquettishly: "Emperor, it's okay, you can just follow me." She bit her lip and trembled her eyebrows before slowly saying, "I'm sorry for her first."

Lu Chen looked at her and saw a guilty concealment in her eyes. After all, she was soft-hearted. Although he didn't think Luo Ran owed her, he didn't want Luo Ran to blame her guilt anymore. Some, then go.

Lu Chen shaved her nose, and Wen smiled, "Okay, just with a palace person, don't meet her alone."

She smiled, her eyes starred: "Thank you emperor, I know."

Lu Chen didn't want to mention other people, she touched her belly and asked her, "Can he trouble you?"

Luo Ran shook his head, and Yushou covered his big hand with some tenderness in his eyes: "No, he is very good."

"I know how to feel bad for you. I'm a good boy." Lu Chen put down his heart. He also heard that pregnant people always eat poorly and can't sleep well, but he has never been pregnant. It's good that the child didn't bother her now.

Luo Ran couldn't help laughing, looked up at him softly, pursed his lips, was shy, slowly approached him, kissed the corners of his lips, before Lu Chen had reacted, she turned red first. Cheeks, her voice low, seemed embarrassed:

"Our children are wonderful."

Lu Chen looked at her without talking, but there was a smile in her eyes.

The shimmering sun outside the window came in and shone on the flowering branch beside the window, as if crossing a layer of gold, which was extremely dazzling, and the house was quiet but tender.