MTL - Prodigal Son of the Ming Dynasty-v2 Chapter 1811 The world will prosper

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  Chapter 1811 The world will prosper

  Fang Jifan always convinces people with virtue.

  In this regard, he always makes his disciples and grandchildren feel his benevolence and righteousness.

  The concept of benevolence and righteousness... is carried out from beginning to end, and only then can disciples be effective.

  Fang Jifan was overwhelmed with emotion when he thought that he had done another good deed at this moment, saved Suleiman's reputation, and could be regarded as worthy of this old man.

  Some people make meritorious deeds by killing people.

   But what Fang Jifan relied on... was saving lives.

   One will be successful, but Fang Jifan disdains such a blood-stained contribution. He is willing to help others, because saving people's lives is called greatness.

  Wang Yi rushed to the deep palace without hesitation, and Suleiman was distraught and confused at this moment.

  Where did he think that... this beautiful city, with tens of thousands of forbidden troops, would be gone anyway.

  When he learned from others that it was actually Li Zheng and others who offered the city, a mouthful of old blood spewed out.

  So, he laughed wildly, and cried loudly. Now, the ancestors' country, blood, and countless calculations have disappeared, and everything has disappeared without a trace.

  Wang Yi saw him yelling, but several soldiers couldn't control him, so he stepped forward, slapped him down, and roared with a straight face, "Shut up."

  In the eyes of others, the man in front of him is the king of subjugation, the former Ottoman emperor. But in Wang Yi's eyes, what a thing!

  The slap went on, but Suleiman was stunned.

  Wang Yi bared his teeth and said: "From today onwards, you are called Fang Thanksgiving, and you have received mercy from your benefactor, so I will send you to Huangjin Island. Come and change his clothes, and send him to the pier immediately. Remember, this matter must not be publicized."

  There will be no more Suleiman in the world.

  There is only one person named Fang Thanksgiving.

  The reason why the surname is called Fang may be to better integrate into the Golden Continent.

  The word "gratitude" is the grace of not killing, and it is also right to commemorate Fang Jifan's kindness.

  Two days later, a ship had set off and entered the Mediterranean Sea.

   And here, this city that has stood for thousands of years has ushered in its new owner.

   Li Zheng and others... still use it.

  Although they are always infuriating, Fang Jifan always wants to step forward and kick them a few times.

   But it has to be said that their contribution to stabilizing people's hearts is great.

Monarchs and ministers, father and son, the king guides the ministers, and the father guides the sons...benevolence, righteousness, propriety, wisdom and trustworthiness, gentleness, respectfulness and thrift. After the Ming army broke through Istanbul and designated it as Xijing, the former Ottoman land, except for the occupied area, the rest All Kaxia had to submit one after another. In the past ten years, Confucian scholars who spread Confucianism naturally took advantage of this opportunity and played a huge role.

  They quickly established a classmate, teacher-student relationship, and a tight network of relationships in the local area. Relying on these networks, and relying on the rule of the Ming army, they can determine their local superiority.

  Once they have formed an advantage, they will immediately ensure the existence of such an advantage through marriage and other methods.

  In this way...reading is not just about learning Han Chinese culture, nor is it about reading the Four Books and Five Classics.

  Because they gained an advantage in the local area, they naturally formed a group and kept pushing up the status of scholars, so... spread the idea that all things are inferior but only reading is high. And because they had the ladder of imperial examinations, they obtained more privileges than others, so... they began to collude with local officials early on, and by virtue of the privileges brought by their fame, they began to eat away at the land and make a fortune.

  They have a reputation, interests, and a tight network of relationships, and even seized the right to speak in the Ottoman state capitals.

   Then at this time...they have become masters.

  They are like roots of old trees, deeply rooted in Ottoman.

   Naturally... the whole Ottomans... the atmosphere began to change.

  Only by reading can one change one's circumstances, only by reading... can one enter their circle, and only by reading these four books and five classics, and by reading the way of the monarch and ministers, can one become a superior person.

  Osman has already formed a new craze for reading.

  People are the most realistic, it is human instinct to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages.

   Not only the old aristocrats are crazy about reading, even the richer people are also starting to read.

  They speak Chinese to each other.

   Repay the kindness of the king with a full mouth, establish a heart for the world, establish a life for the living and the people, and inherit the knowledge of the past. this moment...such a person...has gradually become not much different from the Han people.

  The most frightening thing is this group of scholars who are starting to expand. Once their living habits and language start to differ from ordinary people, they will naturally... begin to distinguish between noble and humble.

  Chinese dialect naturally becomes elegant, and those who cannot speak it are no different from lowly slaves.

  The Four Books and the Five Classics are the way of a sage, and those who do not learn... are no different from pigs and dogs.

  Fang Jifan sometimes...actually admires these Confucian scholars. In times of peace, they can always adjust themselves quickly, cater to the needs of new rulers, and struggle to survive... Their ability to adapt and survive is amazing.

  At present... For the imperial court, the most important thing in the entire Ottoman homeland is to educate and win people's hearts, and this group of Confucian scholars headed by Li Zheng just happened to hit it off with the imperial court. They are tacit to each other.

  So...the decree came down.

  In addition to the establishment of Xijing in the old place of Osman, thirteen provinces were established at the same time. What was implemented...was the old laws of Emperor Hongwu of the Ming Dynasty. Almost these old laws were copied like gourds and scoops.

   Li Zheng worshiped as the supervisor of Xijing Guozijian, and the rest were given titles.

  In order to attract a large number of officials, the imperial court, in addition to continuing the imperial examinations in the Suleiman period, added Enke twice in a row to recruit talents.

  Xijing and the thirteen provinces implemented a sea ban policy.

  Of course... this is only temporarily aimed at the people here, the Universal Trading Company can still send ships to trade in the Mediterranean Sea and various straits.

  After this battle...

  The prince is still guarding Xijing temporarily.

   But Fang Jifan has got up and returned to Beijing to reply.

  On the way back, I have learned of a railway from Yumenguan to Xijing... The imperial court has already started planning, and along the way, there have been personnel conducting terrain surveys.

  Fang Jifan returned to Beijing, and when he saw Zhu Houzhao again, Zhu Houzhao's face was a little more calm.

  Alone... I have had enough fun and trouble, and the rest is just loneliness.

  Zhu Houzhao settled down.

  There are too many things to deal with in the world.

  The responsibility of the emperor has become extraordinarily heavy.

  In addition to the need for the emperor to deal with the newly opened territory, with the implementation of the new policy of the two capitals and fourteen provinces, the imperial court has increasingly discovered that the original system cannot carry out effective management at all.

   For example, in the prosperity of business, the imperial court must establish an effective charter to manage it.

   Then, the imperial court had to set up a new bureau of commerce.

  Because of the great importance of the Bureau of Commerce, the minister leading this department must not be an ordinary person, and the grade needs to be high enough, even... to be on the same level as the six ministers.

The increase in commercial tax has also brought about a huge problem, that is, the difference between commercial tax and agricultural tax is that there are many kinds of activities of merchants, so commercial tax must be collected according to different situations, and in order to ensure If commercial taxes can be collected, it will inevitably require a large number of tax collectors, so that the number of tax collectors exceeds 100,000.

  How can such a huge tax system be placed under the Ministry of Household Affairs, so a tax bureau has to be established, which has a great tax relationship, and the minister of the tax bureau naturally needs to be presided over by a minister.

  So...the imperial court added 19 bureaus, and the original six bureaus each carried out their own affairs.

  As the son of heaven, Zhu Houzhao clearly felt that the number of memorials had increased by more than ten times compared to when his father was there.

  With such a huge memorial, even the cabinet began to feel heavy.

   Not only that... but also because the affairs involved in various ministries and bureaus are becoming more and more detailed and professional.

  Some of the memorials sent by the bureau, as a cabinet scholar, are actually blinded and unable to understand...

  After all...too professional.

  At this time, Zhu Houzhao was facing such a situation, and he was so devastated that he scratched his head all day long.

  Even if he is as smart as he is, and willing to work hard, he still finds out that among these countless things, each one is extremely important, but none of them... he can't do his best.

   Even... Zhu Houzhao felt that, not to mention being an emperor, even if he was divided into ten emperors, he might not be able to cope with such a heavy workload.

  As for the is even more bitter. I have asked for orders several times to add cabinet bachelors, but in is still a drop in the bucket.

  Seeing Fang Jifan, Zhu Houzhao was overjoyed immediately, and said, "Old Fang, you came just in time. If you don't come back again, I will decree to give you the throne of emperor."

  Fang Jifan: "..."

   You just came back, Your Majesty... you want to kill me again?

  (end of this chapter)