MTL - Prodigal Son of the Ming Dynasty-v2 Chapter 1809 broken city

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  Chapter 1809 Broken City

  The overwhelming army built camps outside Istanbul.

  They were not in a hurry to attack at this time.

  Just looking from the top of the city, seeing the company tens of miles away, still makes people feel frightened.

  The soldiers and civilians in the city began to prepare for the decisive victory against this giant city under the command of the emperor and the officers.

  The whole of Istanbul is divided into two parts by the strait.

  Which means...they have the Channel as a barrier.

  And the high wall built by this boulder, even if it is a powerful artillery, will never collapse easily.

   At least at this time, the Ottomans have stabilized their position.

  Although it was a panic, Istanbul has long been indestructible under the management of successive Ottoman monarchs.

  This towering and strong city wall, towers, and countless forbidden troops, at this moment... are ready to fight to the death.

   A few days later, the siege began.

  Countless artillery roared, causing this strong city to fall into a sea of ​​flames.

   It's just that its city walls are several feet thick, and they are mostly made of granite!

  Although the artillery is very powerful, and its lethality to the imperial guards on the city is even more astonishing, but at this moment, it is not easy to take this huge city.

  According to the calculations of the engineer battalion, it would take at least half a month to bombard the city with artillery.

   At that time, once the city is broken and entered, if the forbidden army in the city resists resolutely, the loss will not be small.

   What's more... the city was built against the sea, and behind it was the Ottomans in the hinterland of Europe. This meant that the Ottomans could continuously obtain supplies based on this. Even if they sent ships to blockade at sea, I'm afraid it would not be easy.

  Zhu Zaimo and Fang Jifan stared at the map in a daze.

  It was so smooth before, that I suddenly encountered a stubble, and it was a little troublesome.

   "The attack can be conquered, but... the loss is huge." Zhu Zaimo sighed.

  Fang Jifan blinked: "I have a plan."

  Zhu Zaimo raised his head and looked at Fang Jifan: "I don't know what my mentor has taught me?"

Fang Jifan said: "Tomorrow we will launch an attack early in the morning. We can't do it like before. If you want to fight, you have to hurt. Put all your strength into it. In the early morning, the Flying Ball Battalion will attack, and then... Take out all our artillery, don't be stingy Gunpowder, under the city... All infantry, get ready to attack the city, can you dispatch ships nearby? Order the ships to appear on the sea..."

  Zhu Zaimo frowned.

  Is this method... doable?

  You must know...after all, the supply line of the new army is too long, so...all ammunition is precious.

   There is not enough gunpowder in the army.

   According to the meaning of the teacher, it is not to hesitate any cost.

  If all the ammunition is used up tomorrow, and you want to replenish it later, you don’t know how long it will take.

   Seeing his teacher's smug look, he immediately nodded: "Then... let's try."


   So dawn the next morning.

  After testing the wind speed and direction, Shen Ao, the Chief Military Officer of the Flying Ball Battalion, and Yang Biao, the Deputy Chief Military Officer, led the team to take off.

  Every time Yang Biao flies into the air with the flying ball, he feels like flying through the clouds.

   It's just that the climate here is obviously different from that of the Ming Dynasty. Once it takes off, not only the giant city is under its feet, but also the vast ocean behind the giant city.

  The weather here is unknown, and it is quite dangerous. Once there is a cross wind, the flying ball is very likely to fall into the sea.

  Subconsciously, Yang Biao took the dried meat out to suppress his shock.


  The flying ball began to fly all over the sky towards Istanbul.

   Immediately afterwards, the roar of artillery began.

  The Ming army took out their housekeeping skills, countless artillery, rumbling endlessly.

  Countless cannonballs, like fireballs, fell into the giant city, and then... exploded... filled with gunpowder smoke.

  At the point where the bomb hit, it was like a **** on earth, and there were wailing everywhere. The Ottomans in the city tried to fight back with artillery, but their artillery...was like a joke...

   Immediately afterwards... Countless flying **** began to reach the sky.

   Countless kerosene bombs and bombs began to be thrown.

  Since the early morning...the one-sided massacre...has never stopped.

  It was just stopped.

   When the Flying Ball Battalion dispersed, the artillery straightened up and fired.

  The whole city is almost devastated.

Those who survived tremblingly returned to the ruined tower, looked down, and saw that the countless infantry were already sharpening their knives, and the black horses seemed to be ready to start the second round of bombardment. After that, prepare for the siege.

   This is a hopeless feeling.

  The soldiers and civilians hid in nearby buildings and closed the heavy doors. The old people hugged their children, and the family members leaned on each other, thinking silently of any gods they believed to be credible...

   Immediately after…

  In the Chinese army camp outside the city, a letter was delivered to Fang Jifan.

  Fang Jifan finally felt relieved.

  He looked at Zhu Zaimo relaxedly: "Your Highness, you're done..."

  The day...

  A city gate is opened.

  Before the imperial guards in the city were aware of it... this humble city gate saw countless new troops swarming in.

   Immediately afterwards... sporadic fighting began in the city.

   The resistance is not fierce.

  After being attacked by the artillery and the flying ball battalion, the vast majority of the imperial guards were as frightened as a bird! The only thing that can make them feel at ease is the tall city wall, and once the city wall falls, their last bit of courage will be lost.

  Countless new troops poured in and began to occupy important positions in the city, and then...certainly cleared out some of the resisting outposts in the city, and the advancing speed was...extremely fast.

   Immediately afterwards, Zhu Zaimo and Fang Jifan rode into the city under the protection of hundreds of people.

   At the gate of the city gate made of rock, a group of officials headed by Li Zheng bowed down on both sides.

  They were still wearing Ottoman's gorgeous costumes, but their faces were ashen.

  They found the best angle with ease, knelt down on the ground, and welcomed the prince and regent into the city.

As soon as they saw His Highness the Crown Prince, they immediately put away their dead NIANG expressions, managed to force out a smile, cheered up, and prostrated themselves on the ground one after another, loudly saying: "The criminals have seen His Royal Highness, and the Regent. "

  The city gate... Li Zheng ordered someone to open it.

  Suleiman was extremely worried about the abilities of people like Li Zheng, so he only let them guard the less important city gates.

   Today's onslaught made Li Zhengren and others immediately realize that... Istanbul, it is only a matter of time before it falls.

  They were all trembling in the city.

  But... a scholar is a scholar!

  The difference between them and ordinary soldiers and civilians who are frightened is that they are well versed in the truth that people who have no foresight must have near-term worries.

  Sooner or later, the city will be destroyed. By then...people like myself...will still have good fruit to eat?

  Rather than just sit and wait for death, why not turn around and take off your armor at this time, and welcome the master Wang.

  Who would be troubled by his own life?

  Therefore... on that day, everyone did not stop doing one thing, and immediately secretly ordered their confidants to secretly open the city gate and lead the new army into the city.

  The whole process was very smooth.

  Because the defenders in the city were already in panic, they couldn't care about each other, let alone in this situation where the artillery was raging, no one could care about an inconspicuous city gate.

  As soon as the new army attacked, by the time everyone reacted, it was obviously too late.

  Led by Li Zheng, hundreds of Confucian officials were anxiously waiting for the prince and regent's fate.

  Among them, some people have seen Fang Jifan before.

  How could they have imagined that Fang Jifan, who drove them away at the beginning, would meet again thousands of miles away ten years later.

  When Zhu Zaimo and Fang Jifan came up to them on horseback, Li Zheng prostrated himself on the ground, carefully looked up at Zhu Zaimo and Fang Jifan, and then hurriedly lowered his head.

  Zhu Zaimo's face was expressionless: "You are still sensible!"

   This sentence is naturally very blunt.

Li Zhengzheng said: "His Royal Highness, the number of days has changed, and the artifacts are easier to buy. It is a natural law to return to the virtuous. Ottomans are also barbarians. How can the barbarians stay in such a rich place for a long time, criminal minister People wait...following the see the crown prince...the instrument is magnificent...the dragon...the dragon walks like a with joy."

  Zhu Zaimo was speechless, and he glanced at Fang Jifan.

  Fang Jifan bared his teeth, spat, and said contemptuously, "It's like a dog!"

  (end of this chapter)