MTL - Prodigal Son of the Ming Dynasty-v2 Chapter 1774 Vulnerable

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  Chapter 1774 Vulnerable

  The huge iron armor gradually revealed its ferocious face.

  On the chimney, there was billowing thick smoke, and the huge thick smoke dyed the hazy sky in the early morning blacker.

  On the scum of the world Wang Bushi, countless people cheered and jumped up.

When going out to sea, all the sailors were apprehensive. Although they had experienced countless sea trials and countless drills, once they really went to sea and stepped into the deep blue ocean, this fear of the future was still there. coiled in everyone's heart.

  But when they endured the bumps for more than half a year.

   Tolerated all kinds of canned food for three meals a day.

   Endure the incomparable loneliness on this large ship.

  At this time... this group of energetic young men soon began to pray that they would encounter the enemy as soon as possible, regardless of life or death.

   Now... it's finally started.

  As soon as Zhu Houzhao improved his excitement after entering the Mediterranean Sea, he suddenly became extraordinarily calm.

  Fang Jifan witnessed the process of transforming from a restless little Teddy into a Chinese pastoral dog. He seemed very silent, and kept watching the other party's movements with binoculars. After that...the fleet spread out and took up an attacking formation. The formation of ironclad ships plunged into the densely packed Armada without hesitation.

   "Order, don't rush to fire... save ammunition, this is a thousand ships... not a thousand pigs."

   Turning around, seeing Liu Jin, he kicked over: "Eat, eat, eat, you will know what time it is, so hurry up and notify the flag soldiers and convey the order."

   Liu Jin let out a cry, and quickly slipped away.

   "Old Fang, come here, let's go to the gun bay."

  Zhu Houzhao waved his hand, and Fang Jifan immediately understood what was going on.

   Next, is the battle.

  There is no need for Zhu Houzhao and Fang Jifan to sit in command here.

  At this time, the communication between the ships is almost dependent on raising flags and roaring. Once the battle starts, it is tantamount to expecting to command the ships.

  Now... there is only one thing to do, fight.

   "Have you ever fired a cannon?" Zhu Houzhao asked Fang Jifan as he walked.

  Fang Jifan blushed: "Your Majesty, I have kept myself as... I have never fought."

  Zhu Houzhao said conveniently: "Then you come and load the ammunition for me, and I will fire a few shots myself."

  Fang Jifan trotted, nodded: "I will do this."

  In fact... Fang Jifan underestimated the difficulty of loading ammunition.

  In the past sailing warships, because of the recoil force and the structure of the gun compartment, the artillery on board was often small and not very powerful.

  But now that there is steam power, those crazy designers did not hesitate to move the artillery on the land directly to the ship. Not only that, they also felt that the power was not enough, and they actually increased the power.

  The scum of the world, Wang Bushi, has three decks and four hundred and seven cannons.

  The frenzied cannons spread all over the three decks. At this time, the cannons were launched one by one with the hinges and underground pulleys.


  The dark muzzle protrudes out of the ship's hull full of ferociousness.

   Boxes of shells were brought out of the powder magazine.

  Fang Jifan tried his best to push the shells near the artillery through the pulley.

  Zhu Houzhao and Fang Jifan were on the other side, the artillery was boring, and they were both panting.

  At this time, an Armada warship has begun to approach quietly.

  In fact, the Spaniards were a little surprised in the face of this smoking giant ship.

   But then, when they realized that they were ten times stronger than the Great Ming Navy, their courage returned to them.

  They have the best sailors in the world, and they skillfully launched an attack. Each ship performs its own duties. Among them, the large-tonnage warship Warrior has begun to approach the scum of the world, Wang Bushi.

   "Keep getting closer, keep getting closer... we're about to get in range."

   The excited first officer yelled hysterically.

   It's time to start.

   As soon as you get in range, start attacking, no matter what the opponent is, send them into the sea to feed the fish.

  The gunners are already in place.

  A good helmsman steers the ship.

  At this moment... getting closer.

  The watchman has begun to clearly see every detail of the scum of the world Wang Bushi.


  The captain shouted: "God chose us, and today we are here to fight for the glory of God, take up your weapons, and fight against the devils resolutely..."

   It’s just that the word “struggle” hasn’t fallen yet…


   Countless flames burst out from the opposite ship.

   Immediately afterwards, boom boom... boom boom...

   Countless cannons sounded.

  The captain was dumbfounded.

  This is unscientific...

  The distance between the two sides... is clearly not within range.

  Although it is getting close, there is still a distance.

  And... the other side is not shooting from an elevation angle?

  Why flat shot?

  You need to know...the projectile has an initial velocity when it is fired. This velocity means that the fired projectile is in the process of falling continuously.

  Such a range, shoot flat, unless...the opponent's initial very...

   While the captain was thinking about it...

   And the next moment.


  The hull began to shake violently.

  The sailors on the ship were calm at first.

   They have experienced many battles, what kind of storms and waves have they not seen?

  The ship is shot, and under normal circumstances, it is not fatal.

  You can immediately...

  When the shell that smashed the hull of the Warrior wooden ship mixed with countless debris entered the cabin and deck, the next moment...Boom...

   It's Daming's bombshell again.

   It's just... more powerful.

  Bombs exploded like fireworks with shock and gunpowder.

   Countless sailors who approached were suddenly bloody.


  Someone went straight from the deck, blasted several feet into the sky, and then... landed vertically again.

   Even more terrifying... is the ensuing fire.

  In just an instant, the Warrior was riddled with holes.

  From the bilge, from the deck, from the mast, and from the gun bay, the flames spewed tongues of flames, constantly jumping up.

  People shouted.

  Only at this moment, the people who had just gritted their teeth and vowed to let the Daming Navy send them to the bottom of the sea to feed the fish, at this moment, jumped into the sea one by one.

  The wind on the sea was strong, and the fire swept across the entire ship in an instant.

   Immediately afterwards, the hull of the Warrior...began to tilt, and then...the bow of the ship slowly sank into the icy sea water.

  Once the bow of the ship entered the water, the sinking speed of the hull in the sea of ​​flames began to accelerate continuously, with countless people crying, and finally only the charred sails and debris on the sea surface remained.

   This is obviously just the beginning...


  The sound of cannons resounded through the sky everywhere.

  The iron-clad ships fought on their own. Like wild beasts, they broke into the densely packed Armada, constantly spitting out flames.

  The Spanish fleet frantically wanted to approach, or they were shot before they approached, but occasionally a few lucky guys also started to fight back.

  The iron ball flew out of the Spanish artillery.

   With a bang, a huge crater was smashed into the hull of the ironclad ship.

  But then, they found out in despair that it was just a bomb crater.

   It was only through careful observation with a telescope that it was discovered that part of the ironclad ship's hull was slightly sunken.

   "Close to them, keep to them..."

The brave sailors, although they noticed that the ships around them began to sink one after another, there were fires everywhere, and there were miserable wailing everywhere, but at this time... everyone's eyes were red, and they were not timid. The vertical and horizontal hunters became fanatical instead.

  The helmsmen showed their bravery and superb skills. Even at this time, they still carefully controlled the ship and began to approach the ironclad ship.

  As long as they are close... it is the most beneficial melee for them. When they board the opponent's ship, the opponent loses the protection of the iron armor, and the brave sailors can seize the ship.

   This is the only way for the ship to win at an absolute disadvantage.

  So... On the lucky battleship, the sailors drew their swords one by one, with murderous looks in their eyes.

  Seeing that the ship and the ironclad ship are getting closer, they are all eager to try, with unparalleled excitement on their faces.

   "Closer, come closer, soldiers...we will never back down!"


  The sailors grinned, showing their yellow teeth, and drew their swords ferociously, ready for melee combat with their flesh and blood.

  The two ships began to get closer and closer.

  At this time... the helmsman suddenly felt a huge pressure, and the runner began to lose control.

   Not right.

Huge iron-clad ships, because of their large tonnage and continuous power, made their bottoms form water currents, like whirlpools in the water. This sailing ship with only poor power actually began to tilt its bow and completely lost control. He bumped into it.

  But the Spanish sailors on the ship did not understand this situation... They leaned against the ironclad ship that was getting closer and became excited, and they even shouted together: "Closer, close..."

   "Not's about to hit...stop, stop, stop now..."

   But these astonished calls were obviously useless. The wooden boat, which had lost control, still accelerated and went head-on.


   Many people could only watch helplessly as the bow of the ironclad ship ruthlessly hit the wooden ship.

   Immediately afterwards... as if cutting tofu, the half of the Warrior's hull began to fly sawdust, and the countless flesh and blood bodies near the ship's side fell into the sea instantly under the huge impact. There are even people... directly like grinding tofu, with no bones left.

  The bow of the iron-clad ship suddenly lifted from the middle of the wooden ship, and the Warrior immediately... split into two.

   With the howls of countless people, it completely and quickly sank into the sea.


  Duke Derek was holding a telescope in the distance, constantly watching. On the sea surface, there were countless pieces of ship planks, and the fire was scattered everywhere on the sea surface. At this time, the Duke was... completely shocked.

  The so-called bravery, the so-called skillful technique, are completely useless in this huge power, he has not seen a heroic fight, all this is just a massacre.

  Unilateral slaughter.

  (end of this chapter)