MTL - Prodigal Son of the Ming Dynasty-v2 Chapter 1726 A new car is born

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  Chapter 1726 The Birth of a New Car

   Zhu Houzhao is good at this after all.

  He began to look at the paper seriously, and the more he read, from the initial doubts, his brows gradually began to stretch.

   "This thesis... the argumentation is fairly rigorous, and there are no mistakes, but the experimental data is a bit exaggerated, but... it doesn't matter, it's interesting, very interesting."

   Zhu Houzhao looked up at Fang Jifan with joy and said, "Old Fang, let's go."

   "Where are you going?" Fang Jifan was still a little overwhelmed.

  Zhu Houzhao said: "Of course it is the research institute... If you want to test the authenticity, there is only one way, and that is to really build such a steam locomotive, can confirm the authenticity."

  Fang Jifan looked around, he didn't want to move, and it was enough to leave it to those people in the Steam Research Institute.

But I can't help Zhu Houzhao is a person who wants to do everything by himself. This...he is very similar to Emperor Taizu Gao. Whenever Emperor Taizu Gao intervened in the imperial case, he was really meticulous, clear and neat, and guaranteed to slip through the net. nothing.

   Liu Jin was called, and immediately, Liu Jin began to arrange. Not long after, when the cabinet ministers were about to wait for His Majesty to summon them to start a day's discussion of politics, they found that His Majesty was ill again.

  Liu Jian and Li Dongyang looked at each other, looked at the **** in front of him, Li Dongyang said: "Why does your majesty get sick every now and then? I think your majesty is young and strong, and he doesn't seem to be sick."

   "This..." the **** said, "Do you want to see the imperial hospital..."

  Liu Jian shook his head: "Don't dare."

  Li Dongyang said again: "Why don't you see Duke Qi?"

  Eunuch: "..."

   "Is he sick too?" Li Dongyang asked.

  The **** said: "This..."

  Liu Jian and Li Dongyang looked at each other, and already understood something in their hearts: "Where did your Majesty go?"

  The **** seemed a little flustered: "Your Majesty... Your Majesty..."

   "If you don't say it, I'm afraid the officials will be suspicious. This is not a trivial matter. If something goes wrong, it's not a joke."

  The **** is no match for Li Dongyang. After a few words, he said in horror: "Don't worry, the elders, Your Majesty...Your Majesty just went to the research institute."

   "Oh." Li Dongyang nodded calmly, he had already guessed it. So he looked at Liu Jian, hoping that Liu Jian would come to make up his mind.

  Liu Jian was silent for a moment: "Go back to the cabinet."

  The two were silent and went back to the cabinet.

  Of course...the cabinet didn't expose it, but the civil and military officials in the court became more and more suspicious.

  Censor Chen Yan is a very scientific person. He specially found a notebook, and every time His Majesty fell ill, he would tick it off.

  Finally, he came up with the result that His Majesty was on the throne for 132 days, and fell ill 31 times, and the number of sick days was 102 days.

   This is an extremely terrifying data.

   Such a disease is not dead yet, this is unreasonable.

  Of course...No one believes that His Majesty is ill. After all...Many people have experienced the Chenghua Dynasty. can say anything.

  Some say that His Majesty is in the deep palace, drinking and having fun all day long;

  Probably... there won't be any good words.

After all, compared with the emperor's daily governance and three dynasties a day, even if Zhu Houzhao is not ill, he may not hold a court meeting every day. Now they have all become Zhu Pi, the supervisor of ceremonies.

  The gap in this is really sighing.

   But Zhu Houzhao didn't care about so much, he plunged into the research institute, and then... started to build a brand new steam locomotive based on this new theory.

  Zhu Hou took care of the blueprint, pondered for many days, and found that the blueprint is indeed feasible, and many improvements in it are very interesting.

  Of course, Zhu Houzhao is an expert after all. Just looking at the drawings, he knows that there are actually many details that can be improved. Therefore, he re-draws and summons craftsmen to forge the components.

  The research institute has now begun to mature, and with the deepening of mechanical manufacturing, the manufacture of many components has also begun to be handy. Whether it is the smelting process, grinding, or the precision of parts, they are constantly being improved.

  Because of this...probably as long as you draw the blueprint, those skilled craftsmen can always make the exact components according to the blueprint.

  Passing the construction of the railway, to a certain extent, not only supported a large number of talents and craftsmen, stored a large amount of theoretical knowledge, but also provided space for many people to display.

  The entire institute has turned around, and everyone is busy up and down.

  Fang Jifan also found it interesting, and accompanied Zhu Houzhao to redesign.

  Zhu Houzhao has been staying in this institute for half a month, and he doesn't care about the outside affairs at all.

   But the officials are in a hurry.

  The palace only said that His Majesty was ill, and all the officials were like ants in a hot pot. They said everything.

   Someone went to the cabinet to find someone, but the cabinet seemed to be silent about it.

  Of course, some people suspect that His Majesty has come to the research institute, but the research institute is a forbidden area, and there are too many secrets involved in it.

  After half a month, finally...a brand new steam locomotive was completed shiningly.

Zhu Hou took care of his masterpiece, and his whole face was gratified: "Tomorrow... I will give it a try, and today I will have someone overhaul it to see if there is any problem. My two uncles... are quite interesting. ...where are they now?"

   "I heard that they are in Xi'an at this time, and I also heard that they plan to leave for Baoding."

   "Depart for Baoding? What are you going to do in Baoding?"

  Fang Jifan hesitated and said: "Yang Yiqing from Baoding received the letter. The two uncles asked about the operation of the Baoding Railway. I think...they might want to think about the operation of the railway."

   "Are these two guys... crazy?"

"Your Majesty." Fang Jifan understood the feelings of the two uncles very well, and said, "Their wealth and lives are all on this railway. They usually live frugally and spend their lives hard. Can this railway be built? How to operate it, and whether it can make a profit after operation, is a matter of life for them.”

  Zhu Houzhao: "..."

  Zhu Houzhao suddenly felt that the two uncles were not so miserable.

"However...their method is novel, but whether it can produce any results depends on tomorrow. If it really can't say..." Zhu Hou looked at him with a bit of expectation and a bit of worry: "It doesn't matter. , Let’s talk about it tomorrow, I will go back to the palace first, you can go back too, let’s test drive tomorrow.”

   "Try it yourself?"

   "I made it myself, of course I tried it myself!" Zhu Houzhao's brows were filled with a breath that could not be rejected.

  Fang Jifan: "..."

  Fang Jifan doesn't like being a guinea pig.

  Zhu Houzhao returned to the palace and disappeared for a month, so he hurried to greet the Empress Dowager and Empress Dowager Zhang first.

Empress Dowager Zhang has long been like an ant in a hot pot, and she is worried. Seeing Zhu Houzhao come back, although she is relieved, she can't help complaining: "Son, you are the emperor now. As an emperor, how can you be idle all day? If you don't see the emperor, it's like you have lost your backbone, and you will inevitably have suspicions in your heart. You must not do this again. When the emperor is here..."

  Zhu Houzhao said: "Father is too pedantic, and the way of governing the country lacks enthusiasm, so I believe the evil of officials. I am different from Father."

   These words were actually very normal from Zhu Houzhao's mouth, but when others heard them, they felt that they were treasonous words.

  Of course, Zhu Houzhao is the emperor, and he likes to say whatever he likes.

   Empress Dowager Zhang had no choice but to sigh: "Where did the emperor go this month?"

   "My son is going to build a steam locomotive."

  Empress Dowager Zhang frowned: "Your Majesty is the Ninth Five-Year Lord, how can..."

   "But the two uncles are also uncles of the country. They designed this locomotive. I just built it according to their ideas. If I made mistakes, they also made mistakes. I will arrest them and bring them back to Beijing."

   "What?" Empress Dowager Zhang was dumbfounded: "They...they are messing around again."

   Empress Dowager Zhang thumped in her heart. In fact, she was not worried about Zhu Houzhao. Zhu Houzhao is the emperor, and it is okay to make mistakes in the world.

  But the two brothers are different. God knows what they did outside. If they commit some taboo, even if they can save their lives, this family is over.

  Zhu Houzhao said: "My queen, my son didn't say they were at fault, but just said...they designed a new steam locomotive..."

  Zhu Houzhao told the truth exactly what happened.

  Empress Zhang was even more surprised. She knew who these two brothers were, and they were capable of building cars? They seem to only drink porridge, right?

  Empress Dowager Zhang said in surprise: "Emperor, you must not let them mess around. How can you build a car according to their method, and the car will overturn."

  Zhu Houzhao said: "The queen mother must not say such unlucky words. Tomorrow I will go to test the car in person. Whether it is good or bad, you will know once you try it."

  Hearing this, Empress Dowager Zhang felt like she was going to faint

  Zhu Houzhao escaped in no time.

  Early the next morning, Zhu Houzhao cheered up and went out of the palace as before, but this time, he put on a big battle.

   Just as she was about to take the ride, a word came from Kunning Palace that Empress Dowager Zhang would also go with her.

  Zhu Houzhao just nodded, and ordered people to make arrangements, and then a mighty crowd surrounded Zhu Houzhao and left the palace from the Daming Gate.

   Outside the Daming Gate, Fang Jifan had long been looking forward to meeting Zhu Houzhao.

   Immediately, Shengjia arrived at Xishan Station.

  The railway has already been connected here, and the new-style steam locomotive has also parked steadily on the platform. Because His Majesty came personally, there are already guards on the third floor and the third floor outside. The guards are strictly guarded.

   When Empress Dowager Zhang got out of the car, she was also horrified when she saw this huge monster.

  She only heard the emperor mentioned this steam locomotive many times, and even the empress dowager mentioned it, but it was the first time she had seen this locomotive after she had been in the palace for a long time.

  In fact, such a giant made of steel is enough to shock anyone who sees it for the first time.


   Ask for a guaranteed monthly pass.

  (end of this chapter)