MTL - Prodigal Son of the Ming Dynasty-v2 Chapter 1720 Mystery revealed

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  Chapter 1720 The Mystery Revealed

  The official was shocked after hearing this.

  He even thinks... this may be someone's credit, after all...

  The local parental officials are motivated to take credit and complete the tasks assigned by the court as soon as possible. If they are not sure, they will be rewarded by the court.

   But immediately, he was confused again.

  Because... There is also a directory attached to the report.

  On the directory, there are names, where they live, age, height, all data, and there is no omission.

  If you pretend to be credited, how can you do this?

  Once the strong men come to the capital, they can be found out at a glance.

  He has been in the Ministry of War for so many years, so he can't understand such an operation.

   But no matter whether he understands it or not, the hall official is still very cautious about it. He glanced at the old official: "Has there ever been such a thing before?"

"There was only one time, and that was the recruitment of Ningbo sailors, was recruited by the government of Xishan Township. This is far from what it is today. The navy is different from the expansion of the new army. After all, the navy has to recruit a small number of people. With such a small number of people, there must be brave men under heavy rewards. But the scale of recruiting the new army is It is more than ten times the size of the navy, with such a large scale, the treatment that the court can give is also limited, logically speaking..."

   Speaking of this, the old official suddenly hesitated.

  The hall official said: "You don't have to have any taboos as you continue."

"It is reasonable to say that the common people are most afraid of such things. If it is not for the large-scale pull of strong men, this is absolutely impossible. In the past dynasties, such a thing has never been heard of, and it can be said to be unprecedented." The old official frowned. He felt incredible: "The treatment given to new recruits is all fixed. The Ministry of War has already drawn up. To be honest, compared with ordinary workers, the salary is even worse. Guaranteeing that they live and work in peace and that the whole family can have enough to eat, truth, it's really...unbelievable. The superior officials and the subordinate officials said a word of relying on the old to sell the old. The subordinate officials have been working in the Ministry of War since Tianshun four years ago, and they have passed through countless official documents , and even...have read the official documents from the time of the Taizu of this dynasty, and have never heard of such a thing. The officials think...these people...have taken the wrong medicine?"

   It seems that there is only one reason to explain it.

  Nine times out of ten, it is because of the evil spirit of Qi Guogong.

  The hall official put on a sullen face this time: "Don't talk nonsense."

   "Yes, yes." The old official said with a face of shame, "I will die forever."

The hall official showed a cautious look, and ordered: "Report to the Secretary of the General Administration immediately. If something is abnormal, it is a demon. But it is not up to you and me to tell the truth. This is the business of the emperor and the princes. "



  A letter was quickly sent to the palace.

  Liu Jin personally took over the report. He heard that it was about recruiting newcomers, so he was extra cautious.

   Panting, he ran to Fengtian Temple, where the monarchs and ministers all looked worried.

  Liu Jin trotted in, and said, "Your Majesty... Linzi Mansion sent a report on recruiting newcomers."

  Zhu Houzhao's face flushed red. Just now when he talked about the excitement, he was annoyed at the atmosphere of the country and the injustice towards the soldiers.

Liu Jian and Li Dongyang are just explaining... this stems from the accumulated evils since the founding of the country. In the final analysis, it is not a day's cold to freeze three feet. The implication is...don't get excited, your majesty. , It's not something that happens overnight, just take it slowly.

  If Hongzhi was the last emperor, it would be fine, just figure it out slowly, figure it out slowly, and finally let it go.

  But Zhu Houzhao has a quick temper.

  Only the old **** Fang Jifan is there.

  When Liu Jin said that there was a report, Zhu Houzhao stretched his neck: "Is the Linzi government rebellious?"

  Liu Jin: "..."

  Liu Jian and Li Dongyang didn't care about it at first, but when they heard the word "reversed", they immediately thumped in their hearts.

   This is really something to be afraid of. Linzi is located in Shandong, not to mention the hometown of Confucius and Mencius. More importantly, this place is rich and prosperous. Once there is trouble, it is not a joke.

   Zhu Houzhao clapped his palms, and he seemed to immediately cheer up. He said in his mouth: "I have courage, I have courage, I have been looking forward to it... no, I have been worried about this, come, let me have a look."

  In just the blink of an eye, Zhu Houzhao's mind had already conceived countless plans for his own conquest, going to battle, and killing all the thieves without leaving any behind.

  When the memorial was delivered to Zhu Houzhao, Zhu Houzhao glanced at Fang Jifan, then opened the memorial, bowed his head...

  After Zhu Hou took care of it, his face was fierce...with terror.

   He frowned.

   Immediately...the strange look appeared again.

   After that, his face was full of sadness.

  But after a while, I was happy again.

   "Come on, come on, come on, masters, let's check the authenticity of this report first. Although I can see clearly, I can't tell whether it is true or not."

   Liu Jin hurriedly delivered the report to Liu Jian, waiting for Liu Jian and others to circulate it.

  Liu Jian and Li Dongyang looked shocked.

   Only Fang Jifan saw it, but it seemed that he had expected it.

"Your Majesty..." Liu Jian gasped, and said: "The old minister thinks that this memorial is true. The old minister has dealt with the case for decades, and it is really unimaginable that he will make a fake out of it. It's arguable that... this..."

  He seems to want to say, but what happened in reality is really unimaginable.

  The monarchs and ministers in the palace were all shocked.

  Before, they had witnessed the discrimination against military men in the market. In their view, this kind of contempt cannot be reversed overnight.

   Ke Zuoshu was too shocking. Thousands of people applied for the recruitment, but only 400 were recruited. One out of ten was the imperial examination, which was probably nothing more than that. But the question is, is it better to be a soldier than an official?

Li Dongyang frowned, and suddenly, his eyes lit up: "Your Majesty, I understand that what the Duke of Qi used was Han Xin's strategy of throwing beans to form an army, dismissing five thousand veterans of the First Army, and ordering them to go to the local area to recruit new soldiers." Ding, Qi Guogong's move is really brilliant."

  Scattering beans into soldiers?

  Zhu Houzhao was taken aback for a moment, he also knew this allusion, and couldn't help but be moved.

  Old Fang actually knows how to use tricks.

  Why didn't I think of it?

  He looked at Fang Jifan: "Old Fang, do you still know this?"

  Fang Jifan shook his head honestly and said, "Your Majesty, this is not just throwing beans into soldiers."


  Scattering beans into soldiers, for Li Dongyang, is the limit of his cognition.

   Ke Fang Jifan categorically rejected Li Dongyang's statement.

  In fact... the monarchs and ministers in the palace are still in shock.

  They really couldn't understand what happened in the report, so much so that until now, many people still feel that they are in a dream, and everything is unreal.

  Everyone looked at Fang Jifan, full of doubts.

Under the expectant eyes, Fang Jifan said conveniently: "Scattering beans to form soldiers is just the time when the world is in chaos. The common people have no way out. They are either soldiers or bandits. Han Xin used the rewards for the soldiers to let them go back to their hometowns. It is indeed feasible to recruit new recruits. But today the world is peaceful, and the soldiers return to their hometowns. Even if it is said to be broken, who is willing to become new recruits? The contempt for soldiers and men in the country has formed a deep-rooted attitude for so many years. Prejudice is definitely not something that can be talked about in a few words."

   Li Dongyang had a look of embarrassment on his face. After thinking about it carefully, what Fang Jifan said was not unreasonable.

   As a result, he was full of doubts: "So... what is the reason for this?"

   "Old Fang, don't give up." Zhu Houzhao was also very impatient.

   "Your Majesty." Fang Jifan looked at Zhu Houzhao: "Your Majesty, did you admit defeat this time?"

  This is the point!

  Zhu Houzhao: "..."

   "Your Majesty is willing to gamble and admit defeat." Fang Jifan said: "Man, what you say is a nail."

  Some things have to be implemented early to be real.

  Zhu Houzhao had no choice but to say: "I lost, I lost, tell me quickly."

   "There is only one reason why the veterans are sent back to their hometowns...that is, they have confidence in His Majesty and Wang Bo'an."

  At first, Zhu Houzhao was still unhappy, and always felt that his IQ was crushed by others, but when he heard this, he couldn't help being stunned. These words... sound familiar.

  Liu Jian and Li Dongyang looked at each other, feeling helpless, and sure started again.

  Only Liu Jin, listening without blinking his eyes, actually felt that he had been a **** for half his life, as if he had done it for nothing. If the grandpa entered the palace, none of the eunuchs in the past dynasties could carry his shoes.

But Fang Jifan said very seriously: "This first army was trained by His Royal Highness the Crown Prince and Wang Bo'an. Of course...the minister also has a little credit. Think about it, Your Majesty. These soldiers, who have been in the army for a year, are the same as those of the former Beijing camp and army. Hu, what's the difference?"

  At this moment, Zhu Houzhao didn't dare to take it lightly. He held his chin seriously, and something began to emerge in his mind.

Fang Jifan continued: "The soldiers of our First Army have entered the army and are all in good health. This is because His Majesty loves soldiers like his own sons and treats them as his own sons. Their daily meals are more than I don’t know how many times better than ordinary people. Not only that, Wang Bo’an is still in the army, teaching them to read and write. They are in the army... practicing every day. A group of people have returned to their hometown. What is the difference between them and others? First of all, they are physically strong and can fight three or four. Your Majesty knows that the most important thing for ordinary people is to have more children and more blessings. And why? Because in the countryside, the more sons there are, the less they will be bullied. But no matter how many sons they have, they are not as good as our First Army soldiers alone. So... it is equivalent to a son joining the army, but it is equivalent to raising a son. Three or four sons, this is a great thing for ordinary people."

  Zhu Houzhao tilted his head, thinking carefully, he remembered the important point, I love soldiers like sons, because I love soldiers like sons, so the soldiers of the First Army are strong and strong, which caters to the minds of ordinary people.

  (end of this chapter)