MTL - Prodigal Son of the Ming Dynasty-v2 Chapter 1704 Emperor's Art

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  Chapter 1704 The Art of the Emperor

  Emperor Hongzhi nodded towards Xiao Jing.

   This is an old slave who has been with him almost all his life, and he is about to travel far away, and only Xiao Jing is with him, so that he can feel at ease.

At this time, he glanced at the ministers again, and his eyes turned around in Fengtian Palace. As if he had made up his mind, he stood up suddenly and said, "I'll go back to the palace first. The things here are of course Leave it to the emperor, the matter of the Central Plains has nothing to do with me, let the emperor deal with it."

  Xiao Jing quickly supported him.

  Everyone turned their attention to Emperor Hongzhi.

  Looking at the emperor who had ruled Daming for decades, he slowly stepped down from the golden throne.

  This is the first time...he walked down...and in Jinluan, on the dragon chair that was originally empty, sat another person.

  People looked at Emperor Hongzhi with complicated eyes.

  This emperor, who spent twelve years on the throne, created a Hongzhi Zhongxing praised by the scholar-bureaucrats.

  After that, it took more than ten years to create a peaceful and prosperous age that the new scholars praised.

  No matter how people praise or criticize, at least...everyone knows that as an emperor, he has tried his best, exhausted almost half of his life, did not covet any pleasure, worked hard, and never stopped.

   And now... he doesn't seem to be stopping either.

   There were already tears in Xiao Jing's eyes, he didn't know whether he was lamenting the emperor, or lamenting his own fate.

  He knew very well that he and the emperor were connected by fate. If the emperor worked hard, he had to work hard.

  Emperor Hongzhi left his ministers and drove away from Fengtian Hall. He had made up his mind that he would never come here again.

  After walking out of Fengtian Palace, Xiao Jing said: "Your Majesty, do you want to go back to Kunning Palace..."

   "Kunning Palace..." Emperor Hongzhi was stunned.

Immediately, he smiled wryly and said: "In a few days, the Kunning Palace will be vacated, but in the Renshou Palace, the Empress Dowager is here again, I'm afraid it will take a while for the new queen to be wronged.'s still early... I don’t even know where to go.”

  Yeah, decades have been like a day. In the daytime, I was always in the Nuan Pavilion and Fengtian Hall. Now suddenly, I feel at a loss.

   After a pause, Emperor Hongzhi took a look, and suddenly said: "I have thought of a good place to drive... to the internal prison."

  Xiao Jing understood.

  The court of the Ming Dynasty had twelve supervisors. In addition, there were four divisions and eight bureaus, each of which performed its duties to serve the royal family.

However, as Emperor Hongzhi had a lot of internal funds, and as the affairs of internal funds became more and more complicated, Emperor Hongzhi simply let the internal officials and supervisors take care of internal funds, stocks, banknotes, and silver deposits at the same time. To put it bluntly, the current internal prison is equivalent to the emperor's small treasury.

  Your Majesty, at this time...don't forget your own money.

   Sure enough... Your Majesty is still thinking about money.

  Xiao Jing hurriedly agreed, and served Emperor Hongzhi to the internal official prison.

  The internal officials and supervisors never expected that when the new emperor ascended the throne, the last emperor would actually come, and everyone hurried out to greet him.

  Emperor Hongzhi got off the Chengyu, stepped into it, and then ordered someone to fetch the accounts. This mountain of accounts is dazzling.

Emperor Hongzhi was enjoying it, and said: "I never imagined that I have saved so many stocks and silver taels. The money I have saved is ten times, a hundred times that of the previous emperors in the 130 years of the Shengguo Dynasty. !"

  Xiao Jing also couldn't help showing a smile and said: "The emperor... Shengming."

Emperor Hongzhi sighed again: "Leave all these stocks to the emperor, as well as the income from these Huangzhuang, but... the cash, I must take it away, the deposit silver and banknotes are 23.72 million taels, and I will take them away." ...then it will not be left to the emperor."

  Actually, compared with valuables such as stocks, these cash coins are not too much. What the emperor wants to take away is still a small amount after all, but still an astronomical amount.

   "Your Majesty take it to the Golden Continent?"

   "Of course, take it to Gold Island."

   "With these silvers, your majesty will enjoy the happiness when you go to the Golden Isle." Xiao Jing smiled again.

Emperor Hongzhi shook his head: "You are wrong, Qingfu. I am afraid that I will not be able to enjoy it in my life. Let the future generations enjoy it. Bringing these silvers is good for the Golden Continent. The Golden Continent is a barren land. With money, more people can be recruited to cultivate and turn those barren lands into fertile land. Counting...the for my grandson. I had a dream a few days ago , I dreamed of Zhengqing, and I don’t know how he is doing in Huangjinzhou, but thinking of going to Huangjinzhou and seeing him, I finally feel more at ease.”

  Xiao Jing was taken aback for a moment, he opened his mouth to say something, but then fell silent again.

  Emperor Hongzhi glanced at him and said, "Do you have something to say?"

  Xiao Jing shook his head: "I dare not speak."

   "Speak." Emperor Hongzhi said: "No matter what you say, I will not blame you."

The emperor's character is still very trustworthy, so Xiao Jing boldly said: "The emperor, slaves... I thought... I thought that the emperor's tour of the Golden Continent was not only to take away a group of veterans, but also because... the emperor wanted to strengthen the protection against gold The servants heard that in the Golden Continent, the Fang family’s feudal kingdom is the strongest, and the emperor...goes here for...for..."

   "Is it to guard against the Fang family?"

  Xiao Jing hurriedly bowed down and said: "The sin of ten thousand deaths for slaves."

"It's imperial power again!" Emperor Hongzhi sighed and said, "Since I was young, they let me read Zizhitongjian and history. The history books of all dynasties are all about the affairs of emperors and generals. The knowledge taught by the masters, They also implicitly mention how a monarch should check and balance, and how to guard against it."

  Xiao Jingdao: "This is called the teacher who never forgets the future."

  Emperor Hongzhi shook his head: "You servant, are you also learning from parrots?"

Emperor Hongzhi stood up, pacing with his hands behind his back, and continued: "However, you guessed wrong. Why should I be on guard against the Fang family? Is the Fang family still dying for my Ming Dynasty? Without their credit, how could I With today’s weather, where did the Golden Continent, Jiaozhi, Luzon, and Ural come from? The world is too big, so big that starting from the capital, riding horses and sailing in all directions, even a year may not be able to reach the end , In this world, there are many countries. Isn’t there enough land, mountains, forests and vast oceans? Isn’t it enough? Before the foundation of the Ming Dynasty was established, they thought about how to guard against each other, how to suspect, how to guard against each other. This so-called imperial power is really ridiculous. Now I have already begun to think like this, and it is called "mind art", so it is just a joke. What I want to do is, I will be kind and benevolent in all directions, and I will flog the world when I am angry. Yu Yizun, also the emperor's mind. He is my son, and I know him best. His heart is bigger than mine. What I hope is...the emperor and Jifan can work together, not mutual suspicion, Otherwise... the tricks are in place, the courtiers have already surrendered, and the grand plan of Ming Dynasty has been ruined."

Emperor Hongzhi's face became much gentler, and he said immediately: "Besides, I only have one son and one daughter, how can I treat one more favorably than another? The descendants of the Fang family are all my grandsons, and they are also my flesh and blood. , I am not here to be on guard and prevent, but to help, I have given the world to the emperor, my extra money, and this useful body, I simply leave it all to Zhengqing and the others."

  Xiao Jing hurriedly said: "Your slaves are really dead, they have guessed the secrets of heaven, and please forgive me by the emperor."

Emperor Hongzhi raised his eyebrows, and said: "The world has changed. You, a servant, can't see many things clearly. In fact... I often get confused and can't see clearly, but I try to learn slowly. I understand the thoughts of the emperor and Jifan. I am not a smart person by nature. I am old. Time is running out, so I can learn as much as I can. You... are also old, can't see clearly, can't understand, this is human It's normal, there's nothing to blame."

   Xiao Jing didn't know what to say for a while, obviously...he didn't intend to make himself too smart.

  As a slave, what are you doing so smart? Being too smart is a disaster, so he doesn't plan to learn anything new, he just needs to do what the emperor says.

  Emperor Hongzhi waved his hand: "Okay, I will continue to look at the account, you go and have a rest."

  Xiao Jingdao: "The servant obeys the order."


  In Fengtian Temple.

  Zhu Houzhao was a little tired, so he severely reprimanded all the officials. All the officials had complicated thoughts, and all of them lowered their heads and remained silent.

  At this time, who cares about this, what everyone is thinking is, are they going to be sent to the Golden Continent?

  Zhu Houzhao saw that everyone's response was not enthusiastic, and no one jumped out to argue with him, and suddenly felt dull.

  It was so different from what he expected, so boring.

   Simply, they announced the strike.

   All the ministers hurriedly retreated.

  Fang Jifan was also in a hurry to leave.

  Zhu Houzhao wanted to keep Fang Jifan, but seeing Fang Jifan's anxious face: "Old Fang, why are you leaving in such a hurry?"

  Fang Jifan said: "I want to see the roster, maybe I will also be sent to Huangjinzhou."

   It’s not impossible. Who knows if the emperor felt lonely along the way and took him away with him?

  Zhu Houzhao glared at him: "The emperor has a will, and I have a will. I am the emperor, and I have left you. You bastard, do you want to go to sleep again? Don't leave, I have something to order."

He knocked on the royal case, immersed in the joy of being the emperor, and said: "After thinking about it, what we have to do now is two things. One is to make this railway and road Once everything is repaired, the roads will be opened, and wealth will come. The second thing is..."

   Zhu Hou looked at Fang Jifan's listless look, and couldn't help frowning: "Listen carefully, don't be distracted."

  Fang Jifan felt dizzy and dizzy, it was okay not to mention it, but when he mentioned it, he really felt sleepy.

  Under Zhu Houzhao's stare, Fang Jifan had no choice but to cheer up: "I would like to follow the instructions of the emperor, please continue to speak."

  (end of this chapter)