MTL - Possibility of Getting Off After Being Dressed As a Non-human [Zerg]-Chapter 58

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"I was so scared that I almost stopped breathing!"

Lu Ming, who was beaten and stayed in place for a long time, fell into deep thought when he looked at Mu Qi's words on his bare brain.

Although the other party said apologetic words twice, looking at him from side to side didn't mean much, especially the punch that swelled Lu Ming's eyes.

Speechless and angry, Lu Ming called for the professional driver of the Lu family.

Lu Ming didn't give a good face all the way back to Lu's house. He had a stern face with big eye circles, like a king of hell, so that the female driver didn't dare to breathe heavily all the way.

It wasn't until he returned home that Lu Ming's male father was surprised to ask him what happened, and he simply said that he went to find Mu Qi, but was beaten.

Lu Ming's male father was frightened and frightened. He paced back and forth in the house. After dozens of minutes, he could only helplessly break his teeth and swallow in his stomach.

When the accident happened, he was the one who immediately distanced himself from Lu Zhao. No matter whether Mu Qi's good male image on the star network was a standing worm or a real one, it was certain that their Lu family had a grudge against Mu Qi.

The male worm told Lu Ming to take good treatment, waved his hand and went back to his room.

When Archilum and Mu Qi arrived at the palace, the meeting between the Insect King and the Four Legions had not ended.

The females in charge of the guards recognized Mu Qi and treated them respectfully along the way, taking good care of Mu Qi and Achillem.

The two insects are now staying in the office of the insect emperor Hedel who usually handles government affairs.

Mu Qi didn't want to enter Hedel's office at will, but Yi Di, who didn't want to hear that Mu Qi was coming, came in a hurry.

"His Royal Highness Mu Qi, this is the order of His Majesty the Insect Emperor. His Majesty said that if His Highness comes, you can go to the office and the Crown Prince's Palace. I think you seem to be in a hurry to find His Majesty, so I will bring you here to rest first."

"Okay then. Archie and I are waiting here, you can go."

Hedel's kindness was hard to resist. Although Mu Qi and Archiem were a little uncomfortable, they could only stay in Hedel's office.

Yi Di nodded and instructed the female guard to put tea and cakes for the two males before leaving.

As soon as Yi Di left Hedel's office, he went straight to the conference room where the meeting was being held. He had to stand at the door of the conference room. The first time he informed His Majesty the Crown Prince was coming.

Inside the office.

The two males were at a loss in the Insect King's office, especially Archiem was the most cautious, guarding the cakes brought by the females, he was also nervous, holding a teacup in his hand, taking a sip of tea when his heart was beating violently, letting him Force yourself to calm down.

This is the first time he has come to the Insect King's office!

It wasn't until the female guards withdrew from the room and stood guard outside the office that Archielum felt that the air in the room was a bit more plentiful, and plucked up some courage to look at the layout of the Insect King's office.

Mu Qibai was bored, and he couldn't see the official business that Hedel was dealing with, and he couldn't move things in the office at will, so he had to stand up and look at the interior of the office.

Hanging the name of the Insect Emperor's office, but this room is not as resplendent as imagined, it can even be said to be warm and simple. Like the study of an ordinary worm.

Mu Qi noticed a photo hanging in the room.

It was a group photo. In the photo, there were two worms, one male and one male. Mu Qi could see that the shorter male was Hedel. He looked younger than he was now, while the taller female smiled brightly and stretched out her hand. Holding the male's waist, the two worms behave intimately.

"That's... his female monarch?"

Mu Qi asked Archilum.

Archielum was no longer nervous, he got up and walked to Mu Qi's side.

"That's right."

"I don't seem to have seen him."

"His Royal Highness the Queen of Bugs has been dead for a long time."

Mu Qi looked at Archiem, who said, "It was a conflict with the Tianjia tribe. At that time, the Tianjia tribe had just formed an alliance with the Wasp tribe. There was no news from the Zerg tribe, and they were killed suddenly on the battlefield. The loss is a lot, so much that there are no worms and no corpses."

"It was..." Mu Qi stalked.

He had heard Lu Zhao say it.

The existing races in the Interstellar Federation, the Zerg, the Tianjia, the wasp, the merman, and the orc.

Among them, the mermen are almost extinct, and the orcs are notoriously neutral, never participating in the disputes of the remaining three.

The Tianjia tribe and the Zerg are originally homologous, and they were the same ancestor tens of thousands of years ago. During the evolution of the race, due to incomplete evolution and violent personalities, the Tianjia tribe became independent thousands of years ago, and then gradually evolved into a The Zerg **** the existence of resources, they can't be like the Zerg in appearance and human beings, their appearance is more like a half-worm, the face is a human face, but many parts of the body are the exoskeleton of insects.

And the wasps.

They are the natural enemies of the Zerg. They used to keep the Zerg as their own food reserves in the earliest days. During an uprising, the Zerg who were the food reserves were freed. Most of the red bees are ferocious in appearance, similar to savages and even have horns on their heads, and can eat human flesh and drink blood.

Even if the Zerg and the Tianjia tribe fought terribly, the Zerg never thought of joining the Wasp tribe. Just because the Wasps are the enemies of the ancestors of the Zerg and Tianjia. It is conceivable that the Tianjia Clan joined forces with the Wasp Clan at the beginning, causing countless Zerg deaths to the Wasp Clan's mouth, which caused a lot of indignation.

Since then, the Zerg can be regarded as completely unbearable that they do not have the same source as the Tianjia tribe.

"After the worm, he still has..." Is it a whole corpse?

Archiem seemed to see his problem through Mu Qi's eyes, only to hear him say in a low voice: "When I came back, Her Highness Queen Bug's arms and right leg were bitten off."

The room fell silent, Mu Qi took two steps back and sat down, looking up at the ceiling aimlessly.

"Hedel must be in love with the Queen. I didn't see any other female servants last time I came here, and this time too."


"His Majesty the Insect Emperor is also a male and a female, so he will help him on the star network when my male father said such a rebellious thing."

The room was quiet again, and Mu Qi suddenly thought that Hedel had no worms, male or female.

He was Heddle's only worm.

Thinking of this, Mu Qi suddenly felt a little pitiful for this lonely and widowed old bug in a high position. He, this dry male, didn't even say a word of greeting to the other party during this period of time.



"I suddenly had an idea."


"Why don't I and Lu Zhao move to the palace to live?"

"Why did you suddenly think of this?"

"I think we should pay more attention to the lonely and widowed old bugs and accompany them more."

"Uh..." The lonely old worm you're talking about, shouldn't it be His Majesty the Insect Emperor?

Archiem didn't answer, he looked at Mu Qi's back with a dull look like a mental retardation.

Mu Qi's intuition was wrong, and he turned around suspiciously.

I don't know when, the insect king Hedel, who had ended the meeting, stood at the door with Lu Zhao.

Hedel walked over with a smile, exuding the pleasant aura of hearing his own cub's heart-warming speech.

Mu Qi smiled awkwardly, "Hedel, Lu Zhao, have you finished the meeting?"

"I heard Yi Di say you have something to do, so I called Lu Zhao to come with you."

Hedel entered the room and sat at the desk, with his elbows on the table, palms down, and his chin on the back of his hands, watching the worms with ease.

"What's the urgency?"

Lu Zhao entered the room and closed the office door.

Mu Qi stepped forward and told Hedel what Lu Ming had hurriedly found just now.

Lu Zhao was a little surprised and relieved that his male worm younger brother, even if he did what he did on the main star of the Lu family, still had his heart on the zerg.

Hedel's eyes narrowed slightly, his eyes sharp.

"Cub, how credible do you think Lu Ming's words are?"

"Uh..." Mu Qi didn't respond to the title, but Lu Zhao touched his arm, and he knew it was Hedel asking him.

"Indeed. Lu Ming and Lu Zhao have a bad relationship. They even conspired with Ji Lang to plot against Lu Zhao before." Mu Qi said truthfully, "But I don't think it's very likely that he and Ji Wenqing will be together. Lang and Lu Ming have a good relationship, but Ji Lang and Ji Wenqing don't deal with each other. Ji Wenqing doesn't have to take the risk of being betrayed to win over Lu Ming. "

Hedel did not speak.

Rather, Archiem gasped.

He almost thought that Mu Qi was going to publicize Ji Lang's bad behavior in front of the insect emperor and take this opportunity to avenge Lu Zhao.

The room was shocked for a moment. Hedel was about to speak when the internal communication channel between Lu Zhaoguang and the Fourth Army suddenly sounded.

Lu Zhao said in shock, "I'm sorry, Your Majesty."

Under normal circumstances, when participating in a meeting with the Insect King, he will mute the individual insect channel of Guangnao to prevent private affairs from disturbing the meeting. But the internal communication of the Fourth Legion belongs to the category of official affairs. It is not just him. Every army bug who comes to the meeting will open the internal communication just in case.

Hedel raised his chin and motioned for Lu Zhao to connect.

The worm is Lu Zhao's adjutant Lacey.

As soon as it was connected, Lacey explained the situation in one breath.

"Lu Zhao, the commercial mall in the commercial street in the main city was attacked by star thieves, and the worms in the mall were caught by them as worms. They asked you to negotiate by name, otherwise they will randomly kill a worm every 15 minutes!"

Archielum breathed a sigh of relief.

The star thief was afraid of being beaten a long time ago. In recent years, he has been hovering in the border galaxy all the year round, and he did not dare to appear near the main Zerg star, and even saw the Zerg starship near the galaxy jumping point.

If you can see the logo of the Fourth Legion, you will be running away without stopping. It is simply impossible to swagger into the commercial street and catch worms to threaten the zerg.

Hedel frowned, "Which jumping point did they come from?"

Lacey on the other end of the communication paused and seemed to hear the voice of the Insect King.

"Your Majesty, it's civilian jump point A3." Lacey pretended to be calm.

"Ji Chenghai's name?" Mu Qi asked.

Lacey was stunned again, why is Mu Qi also beside him besides His Majesty the Insect Emperor?

After a moment of pause, Lacey said, "Yes."

"Your Majesty, I'll go to the commercial street first." Lu Zhao said as he walked out.

Huddle nodded in agreement.

When the military female left the office, Mu Qi also heard Lacey on the other end of the communication sigh and sighed: "My God, I didn't know there were so many bugs in your place! I was so scared that I almost stopped breathing!"

After Lu Zhao left, the temperature in the office plummeted by one degree, and Hedel's anger made the insects shudder.

Mu Qi's Adam's apple wriggled, and after a moment of silence, he said, "How about I go take a look too?"

Hedel's whole body's cold air dissipated a little, and he looked at Mu Qi with gentle eyes, and he didn't seem to be scared of insects just now.

"It's also time for you to come forward and deal with some matters." Hedel asked: "I can leave this matter to you, can you?"

The author says:

If you want to go out this weekend, it will be a lot of QAQ;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!