MTL - Portable Space: The Group Favorite Milk Bag Brings the Whole Family To Open and Hang-Chapter 831 black shop

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  Chapter 831 Black shop

  Gongmen reported that someone named Shi Minglei had come to see him.

Now that Xinbao's leg is still not healed, Hao Huashi dared not go out, so he explained to him in detail: "Tell him that I really don't have time right now, ask him what's the matter, if there is something urgent, you can go over there for a while." Let’s go, or call a few Long Xiangwei from the door, if it’s not urgent, I’ll see if I can go there tomorrow morning.”

  The little **** responded repeatedly and trotted away.

  Reporting soon, Shi Minglei said it was not urgent, and he would come back after school in the Imperial College tomorrow.

   Hao Huashi came back.

   Upon hearing this, Xinbao said, "Then Xinbao will go and see it tomorrow."

  Emperor Ming Pei frowned, but he didn't stop him.

  Since Yuan Shenjue went out, she hasn't been out of the palace for a long time, and if she doesn't go out to play and stay at home, she should be unhappy again.

  So he asked Tian Cong to lead people to follow them, and told Hao Huashi several times.

  Yan Shirong thought of it and said: "Xinbao, have you read the monthly brochures of the Ministry of Medicine?"

  Xinbao asked: "What book?"

Yan Shirong said: "It's that Shi Minglei's fiancée. Didn't you give some medicine? Then the Ministry of Medicine and Daoist released it for testing. I heard that there are two kinds of pigs, one with medicine and one without. Everything else is the same, every month you can grow half of the weight, and after four months, you will gain dozens of catties! There is also that kind of chicken and duck. After eating, one egg a day can often produce double yolk eggs , the effect is bizarre."

  Xinbao nodded: "It should."

   "No," Yan Shirong said, "Is the cost of this medicine really so low?"

  Xinbao nodded, "It's just for the convenience of the people, of course the price should be kept to the lowest!"

  Yan Shirong said: "Then this girl is considered a meritorious service."

  Emperor Ming Pei said: "This is not a small contribution. At the end of the year, you remind me and give her a reward."

  Yan Shirong agreed.

   I haven't practiced martial arts for the past few days, so the group went out after breakfast in the morning.

  At this moment, the Guozijian is still out of school, and they are going to go directly to Li Luoer.

  The store is close, so go to the store first, if you are not in the store, then go to find someone at home.

   As a result, after going to the store, there was a commotion outside before I could speak.

A few gangsters sat in front of the store, blocked the door tightly, and even tried to pull people in the store: "Let's go, let's go! This is a black shop, and they put my dog ​​to death. "

   "That's right, that's right, my horse was also put to death by him..."

   "Ouch," a gangster yelled in a tone: "My horse died miserably. This family needs money and can't be cured. Don't be fooled by them!"

  Xinbao and his party came from microservices, there were not many people on the surface, but there were many people in private, but there was no order to be difficult to do, so Yanke pushed the gangster out casually.

  He didn't dare to use force, but the gangster rolled on the ground and started yelling: "I killed someone! I killed someone! A black shop!"

Seeing that people were about to gather around, Tiancong whistled, and in a blink of an eye, several people jumped from the treetops of the eaves, and there was a crackling sound, and the few gangsters were thrown off their arms in an instant, and they were thrown to the ground. Shocked, they backed away again and again, knowing that this excitement was beyond their ability to watch.

  Things happened so fast, Xinbao was dumbfounded, and said: "Hey, what's going on here?"

Li Luoer has practiced these days, and she dared to speak a little bit. Now that Xinbao didn't reveal her identity, she winked at her and said to the outside: "Everyone, on the 22nd of last month, a family came over. , said that the dog at home was sick, and asked me to come to treat him, so I went, and when I went, the dog died long ago, and his body was completely cold. Of course, I couldn't cure it. If you ask me to prescribe a prescription, I just say I can’t prescribe it.”

"During the dispute, another lady came over, and the lady pointed at me, saying that the dog was put to death by me, and the maid of that family winked at me, and said to give me ten taels of silver to tell me to admit the matter Of course I don’t admit it. I’m in this business, no matter how much money I have, I can’t plead guilty in vain. When I came back, I asked the doctor next door to help me look at it."

  The doctor from that family also came out and said: "It is true, the injury is not serious, and the whole body is covered with bruises."

Li Luoer continued: "After my fiancé came back, he was very angry, so he posted a post to that family. The owner of the family was reasonable, apologized to him, and even sent him a gift. After that, these people came to make trouble every day, non-stop from morning to night, my fiancé went to that house again, but the concierge refused to report..."

  Xinbao almost died of anger when he heard this.

   You know, these three stores belong to the Ministry of Medicine!

   Round up, no, don't round up, it's the heart treasure!

  And the three kinds of sound therapy, aroma therapy, and veterinary medicine all represent a direction! It will be promoted later!

  This is the benchmark set by the Ministry of Medicine!

  How can they ruin the reputation of these stores? ? How could she bully her friend like this?

   Don't you know that Li Luoer is covered by Xinbao? Isn't Xinbao's prestige enough?

  Xinbao went out angrily, and said loudly: "It's too much! We have to report to the police! Let's go to Dali Temple!"

Several people:"…"

  Hao Huashi didn't say anything, and picked up his little master, Tiancong, a shadow guard leader, said nothing, so he could only call his subordinates to drag these **** to Dali Temple, while quickly sending messages to dispatch people.

Long Xiangwei reacted very quickly. As soon as the news spread, Xiang Xiaodong personally brought two thousand-man teams over. The onlookers had already guessed that it was the little princess. Seeing this posture, they rushed to tell each other. In an instant, there are huge crowds of people.

  Sun Changming got the letter and came out. Seeing this posture, he almost fainted, and hurriedly brought someone out to salute.

  Xinbao said: "These people are making trouble in the village store of the Ministry of Medicine and Daoism! These three stores are very important to the Ministry of Medicine and Daoism. Please, Mr. Sun, must punish them severely... No, no, not severely punished, but report it to the public!"

  Sun Changming said repeatedly: "Yes, yes, I understand."

  Those punks were about to pee out of fear.

  They just took a small amount of money from people and came to make a fuss. How could they know that the trouble was on the hot little fairy princess? ?

  So everyone was so frightened that they shook like sifting chaff, and they dragged them to the court without using torture, just using the bamboo tube to pour beans.

   It was a maid who was looking for them, but it was indeed the maid of that family.

  Sun Changming ordered someone to arrest the girl from that family without saying a word.

  Originally, when this kind of matter involved a girl’s family, she would always be more polite and not easily detained, but now, Her Royal Highness the little princess is still sitting in the hall as the "plaintiff". No matter how delicate you are, how can you be more delicate than the little princess?

  (end of this chapter)