MTL - Portable Space: The Group Favorite Milk Bag Brings the Whole Family To Open and Hang-Chapter 824 take a gamble with you

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  Chapter 824 A big gamble with you

   Soon arrived in Qingzhou.

   Chief Minister Zheng Daren led the crowd to greet him.

These officials all have their own channels of news. Ever since the crown prince went to Jiangnan and the six-yuan emperor Yan Shirong went to Guanzhong, all of them were in a standard and pragmatic style, so when Mr. Zheng greeted them, he didn't dare to deal with those bells and whistles, and measured the situation. From the expressions of the others, Mr. Zheng knew that this move was right.

   Entering the station, Yuan Shen Jue hastily changed his clothes, sat down directly, and said: "My lords, what arrangements can I make these few days?"

   Master Zheng exchanged a glance with the others.

  Before they came, they must have sent someone to inform them, but it was only two days before and after, and they didn't know the details, how would they arrange it?

  So Mr. Zheng said: "We have dispatched our manpower to obey the orders of the Duke."

   "Okay," Yuan Shenjue was not polite at all, and motioned for the slave to send down the map and detailed rules.

  This map has been redrawn, each province has a separate copy, and they only have Qingzhou in their hands.

   A few people saw that this was not all booked, and they didn't plan to discuss it with them at all? This style is too strong.

  The provincial officials who were present were the chief envoy, Mr. Zheng, the inspector, Mr. Liu, and the commander of the guard station, Mr. Xiao. The deputy and the county magistrate also came, but none of them could speak, let alone the others.

  After a brief silence, Yuan Shenjue said: "This matter is too urgent, so I will draw up a detailed rule on the road. Your lords are familiar with local affairs. If you have any opinions, feel free to speak up."

  Everyone was silent again, not sure if his words were just passing through or if he really meant it.

  Then Master Xiao said: "The lower official has one thing that I don't understand. After all, this matter hasn't happened yet. If we finish it all at once, and the whole thing is so big... what will we do if it doesn't snow in the end?"

  Yuan Shen Jue looked directly at him: "Master Xiao, have you ever read the imperial palace newspaper?"

   Master Xiao said: "I have seen it."

"Since I have seen it, why can I still say such a thing?" Yuan Shenjue said: "It is understandable and even natural to ask such a question before the locust disaster; but to ask such a question after the locust disaster is either stupid or has ulterior motives In the end, we have already come here according to the order, and Hubenwei has already arrived at the city. Lord Xiao and all the lords don’t need to think about whether this will happen, but firmly believe that this will happen. Then, for the sake of this imminent danger, for the country, the king and the people, we will do our best to avoid it."

  He looked at him: "The emperor, the prince, and your highnesses all believe so firmly. Do you think they will be aimless people? Could it be that I waited to waste money and money to come here to gamble with you?"

  Master Xiao was taken aback by what he said, and then saluted aggrievedly: "Your official has absolutely no such intention."

   Good guy!

   Master Zheng and the others called him a good guy in their hearts.

   Really, I never expected that this is the style of painting.

It stands to reason that although he worshiped Yuan Xiang as his father, everyone knows his real background. The youngest Duke has a nice name, but his foundation is very weak, and when he comes out this time, in everyone's eyes, he is the elder I am a little older, so I want to get rid of the influence of the little princess and start my own business...

   Then you can't have a relationship, make friends? As a result, this person is actually so... swift and resolute? ?

  In fact, although Yuan Shenjue is reticent, if he really wants to communicate with people, he will not be able to do so.

  But firstly, the matter is urgent, and secondly, he really doesn't need such "connections" at all.

Even if he doesn't do Xinbao's personal protection in the future, he will still be in an official position like Xiang Xiaodong, so such a network is not tasteless to him, it is completely chicken feathers, so of course he can be as fast and effective as possible. Come…

   Finish the errand one day earlier, and return to the capital one day earlier.

Yan Shisheng stood up with a smile, helped Lord Xiao up, and smoothed things over, "Master Xiao, this is an urgent matter. I'm worried all the way, and there's not enough time no matter what. Shen Jue has a responsibility on his back, so speak more bluntly. Lord Xiao, please don't take offense."

  Master Xiao dare not even say that.

  Master Xiao has a strange name, called Xiao Xiaoxia, about forty years old, looks very straightforward, without the slippery air of an official.

  But it is absolutely impossible for him to be a fool to secure the position of the commander of the guard in this kind of place.

  In a large province like Qingzhou, the guards have enough soldiers. Generally speaking, a guard has five thousand households under its jurisdiction, with a fixed staff of about 5,600 people. These people should be used well.

  Everyone quickly accepted Yuan Shenjue's style, quickly entered the state, and began to discuss how to implement it.

  The next day, Xinbao got his wife's letter from Yeye.

She quickly found the point: "This person's name is very funny, Xiao Xiaoxia? Xinbao has never seen such a name. If it is named like this, shouldn't Huashi be called Haotao? Or Haodrink? If There is a person whose surname is Zhang, so he must not be called Zhang Zhangzui?"

  Emperor Ming Pei: "..."

   I really can’t say anything without eating.

She looked back and forth twice, and then said to herself: "Xinbao needs to pickle pickles quickly, make dehydrated vegetables quickly, so that I can send them to my wife quickly, and also make **** powder, chili cubes, and refine medicine. , so many things!"

  Hao Huashi said: "Master, there is Blizzard at my little master's place."

  Xinbao nodded: "Really?"

   "Blizzard," Hao Huashi repeated: "Blizzard, before it snowed, everything was fine, what kind of food is there? The majestic Qingzhou, can you still starve him?"

  Xinbao was stunned, scratched his head, and said, "But...but..."

  Emperor Ming Pei said indifferently: "But it's him again in the queue, so there's nothing we can do about it."

  Xinbao: "..."

  She hurriedly said: "No, Xinbao can give it to elder brother first!"

   "It's not easy," Emperor Ming Pei said, "I can still think of your elder brother."

  Xinbao was not convinced: "Of course Xinbao misses big brother! Xinbao just doesn't want to say so many names every time, so I use my wife to replace these two groups of people!"

  Emperor Ming Pei nodded without arguing with her: "I see."

Xinbao passed the test smoothly and breathed a sigh of relief: "Xinbao just thinks that while his wife is away, he needs to do more things... Only very powerful people like Yeye and Daddy can take care of both. Xinbao is not that powerful. So Xinbao can only start a career when his wife is not around."

  Emperor Ming Pei didn't answer this rainbow fart for the first time: "I'm overwhelmed, yeah, it's not as good as Xinbao."

  Xinbao scratched his little ears, and completely said goodbye: "Then, that Xinbao went to work."

  Emperor Ming Pei said: "Go, be careful."

  She let go of her calves and ran away as if flying.

The eighth prince was always yelling and busy, but today, he had been waiting there with his hands clasped for a long time. When he saw Xinbao approaching, he rushed over with a smile on his face, saluted quickly, then stood up and said with a smile: "Your Highness , you are here. Uncle Eight has been waiting for you for a long time."

  (end of this chapter)