MTL - Poor Family-v2 Chapter 969 The War of Destroying the Nation (23)

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  Chapter 969 The Battle to Destroy the Nation (23)

The Xixia army on the top of the city had already been alarmed, the alarm bells all over the city were loud, and groups of soldiers rushed to the top of the city. Soon, 15,000 soldiers gathered on the top of the south city, and the top of the city was full of rolling logs. Shi, the soldiers were holding bows and crossbows, ready to fight.

  Brother Li Cha was wearing armor and commanded the deployment loudly from the top of the city, "There are not enough people in the west corner, and another thousand soldiers will be guarded. Where is General Batu?"

   "The humble position is here!" A general responded loudly.

   Brother Li Cha yelled angrily: "Where is the trebuchet? Why haven't you pushed it up!"

  "Humble job is the arrangement!"

  The general blushed and rushed down the city.

  In the hundred years since the founding of the People's Republic of China, Xingqing Mansion has never been threatened by the military, and its defenses are very weak. When building the city, it did not consider leaving a place for the trebuchets. Brother Li Cha almost built the defense system from scratch.

  The Xixia army seized the short time to build sixty simple small-scale trebuchets, which could only be placed on the top of the city with wooden wheels.

  At this time, someone shouted: "The Son of Heaven is here!"

  Brother Li Cha looked back, and saw a large group of guards surrounded by the emperor Li Qianshun also walked up to the top of the city, Brother Li Cha hurried up, "Why is Your Majesty here?"

   "I was worried in the palace, so I came here to see for myself. How could the Song army attack at night?"

   "This is Li Yanqing's usual practice. He likes to launch attacks at night."

  Li Ganshun stepped forward, supported the battlements and looked down, and saw a boundless army in the distance, and ten super-giant trebuchets, like ten monsters, stood on the field hundreds of steps away.

  Li Qianshun gasped, "Oh my God! What is this?"

   "It should be their trebuchet?" Brother Li Cha replied with gloomy eyes.

   "Is there any way to destroy them?"

  Li Qianshun turned around and asked Brother Li Cha, "Why don't we send iron kites out of the city and destroy these ten catapults."

  Brother Li Cha calmly replied: "Your Majesty, if you want to be clear, the iron kite will most likely not come back if it goes out of the city."

The iron harrier is a heavy armored cavalry. The whole person is tied to the horse. It is mainly used for charging. If you enter the enemy's line and want to come back, you must have two ordinary cavalry guards beside you. This is why there are 10,000 iron harrier cavalry. It is 3,000 iron kite cavalry plus 6,000 guard cavalry, and another 1,000 soldiers are handymen, responsible for armoring the cavalry and horses.

  Li Qianshun looked at the ten super-giant catapults that made him terrified. He felt that these ten catapults could easily break through the city.

   At this moment, Li Qianshun finally made up his mind, "Raise troops for a thousand days, and use them for a while. Since the cavalry cannot defend the city, let them play their role!"

   "Your Majesty has decided?" Brother Richard confirmed.

  Li Qianshun nodded slowly, "I've decided!"

  Brother Li Cha immediately walked to the female wall and shouted to the city: "Send my order, the cavalry is ready to attack!"

The 80,000 troops outside the city have been deployed, and ten super-giant trebuchets are being adjusted intensely. Li Yanqing, escorted by three thousand cavalry, arrived at the front line of the battlefield. Wang Gui stepped forward to report to him, "The adjustment of the trebuchets has been completed." , please give orders!"

   Li Yanqing stared at this majestic city. The city wall looked tall and strong. He felt a little shaken in his heart. Is that doctor from the Xixia Ministry of Industry talking nonsense?

  He couldn't see that the city wall was decayed, and the walls on both sides of the city gate, would they be hollow like Lingzhou?

   "Dutong, the man has already brought."

  Li Yanqing turned his head and saw Yang Zhaofang, a doctor of the Xixia Volunteer Industry Department, was brought up by several soldiers.

  Li Yanqing pointed at the city wall with his horsewhip, "I am already approaching the city, it's time for you to tell the weakness of Xingzhou City."

  Yang Zhaofang smiled slightly: "Lingzhou City is completely imitated Xingzhou City, and the city walls are exactly the same. Dutong has already captured Lingzhou City, so you should know the weakness of Xingzhou City."

   "You mean the wall below the tower is hollow?"

Yang Zhaofang nodded, "This is because when Xingzhou City was built, we didn't learn from the Weng City of the Song Dynasty. For the convenience of tax collection, there are two small gates on both sides of the city gate leading directly to the city wall. Soldiers can run out directly from the city gate hole, so inside the city wall It's empty, I went in once last year, and it's full of all sorts of **** that's accumulated over the decades, rats are hordes."

   "Not rebuilt?"

  "If it is rebuilt, the bridge will not collapse, and I will not be dismissed. If it is repaired, it will be repaired together."

  At this moment, the soldiers suddenly shouted, "The city gate is about to open!"

  Li Yanqing turned his head abruptly, and saw that the suspension bridge at the south city gate was slowly lowering. There was no moat in Xingqing Mansion, and there was only a deep moat underneath, covered with sharpened wooden stakes.

   Li Yanqing had a thought, no, this is the enemy cavalry coming out, he immediately shouted: "Pile up obstacles for me, light the fire!"

Thousands of soldiers immediately threw the carts on the only way out of the city, and began to pour kerosene on them. At this time, the city gate suddenly opened, and a cavalry rumbled out of the city. Yang Zhaofang's face changed drastically, and he shouted : "It's an iron kite!"

  Li Yanqing immediately realized that the iron kite must be coming towards the super-giant catapult. He immediately made a decisive decision and ordered: "The soldiers withdraw to the south, don't stop them, and the thunder is also withdrawn!"

  A soldier rushed to deliver an order immediately. At this time, the soldiers had already ignited the blocking cart, and the flames suddenly blazed, blocking the Xixia cavalry's charge route, and the Xixia cavalry had to turn to rush west.

  Li Yanqing immediately ordered: "The firecracker battalion and the heavy armored infantry are ready!"

  He quickly dispatched another Ten Thousand God Arm Crossbow Army, and deployed them along the way of the enemy's charge.

  The iron kite cavalry galloped all the way in the dark night, and the two guarded 6,000 ordinary cavalry, forming a long dragon, galloping wildly on the battlefield.

There were only three super-giant trebuchets on the west side of the battlefield. Under the impact of the iron kite cavalry, they quickly collapsed, and they turned around and rushed to the east. At this time, the soldiers withdrew south one after another, and the battlefield became empty. .

Ten thousand **** arm crossbow soldiers had ambushed a hundred steps away to the south. When the Xixia cavalry dragon swept towards the other seven catapults in the east, the sound of clappers sounded, and the ten thousand **** arm crossbows were fired at the same time, and the dense rain of arrows Like a storm, they shot towards the evil side of the Xixia cavalry.

The iron kite in the middle is covered with cold-forged armor. Maybe they can withstand the shooting of the **** arm crossbow, but the other 6,000 ordinary cavalry can't resist it, especially the 3,000 ordinary cavalry on the right, who are completely exposed to the 10,000 **** arm crossbow. under severe blows.

The Xixia cavalry on the right of the three thousand suddenly wailed, and they turned their backs. With just one round of arrows, most of the three thousand cavalry were shot down, leaving only a few hundred people still on their horses. Even the guard cavalry on the left of the iron kite cavalry was also shot It spread and hundreds of people were shot down.

  But the three thousand iron kite cavalry still stood tall and were not affected at all. They accelerated their speed and rushed towards the first super-giant catapult hundreds of steps away.

At this time, 1,500 firecrackers were already lined up three hundred steps away. Just a few days ago, the logistics army sent another 500 new firecrackers. Soldiers with guns, the newly sent five hundred guns immediately formed an army.

The 1,500 gunfire soldiers lined up in three rows, holding the guns, and behind the 1,500 gunfire soldiers were 3,000 heavy armored infantry. Once the iron kite cavalry rushed in front of them, they would go into battle , and in the southwest direction, 5,000 elite cavalry were also deployed, and they were responsible for fierce battles with ordinary Xixia cavalry.

The iron kite cavalry is the most powerful cavalry of this era. It is a heavy armored cavalry that even man and horse wear iron armor. There are a total of 3,000 people. They appeared in Li Yuanhao's era. Defeated the Song army and shocked the northwest.

The iron kite cavalry is stronger than the armored cavalry of the Southern and Northern Dynasties. They are firmly bound to their horses. Even if they die in battle, they will not fall off their horses. Their weapon is a ten-foot-long iron spear. Sweeping in the rush, it will overwhelm everything, invincible and invincible. It is the most terrifying enemy of the Song Army's **** arm crossbow array.

At this time, they had already rushed three hundred paces away, the yellow dust billowed, their murderous aura soared, and they swept towards the gunfire army three hundred paces away like a stormy sea. With a platoon of hundreds of people, they must rush across the Song Army's position within the largest range.

  The commander of the fire gun army gave a long shout, and the 500 fire guns in the first row raised their matchlock long guns and aimed at the heavy armored cavalry who were running closer and closer.

  The iron kite cavalry had rushed two hundred steps away, and the commander of the firecracker army shouted: "Light on fire! Light on fire!"

  Five hundred soldiers pulled out the fire pockets at the same time and ignited the fire, and then lit the matchlock.

  At this time, the iron kite cavalry had already charged a hundred and fifty paces, only to hear a loud roar, "Shoot!"

'boom! boom! boom! ’ There was a loud gunshot, puffs of white smoke spewed out of the barrel, and five hundred lead bullets were shot at the iron kite cavalry who were rushing forward.

  (end of this chapter)