MTL - Poor Family-Chapter 7 , are not fuel-efficient lamps

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  Chapter 7 is not a fuel-efficient lamp

In the front yard of the inn, Li Sanlang took Li Wuya and Li Qilang to take medicinal materials from more than twenty medicine boxes one by one. Every time he opened a medicine box, Li Sanlang grabbed some medicinal materials from inside and put them in the empty space beside him. in the box.

   "Brother, get more Sanqi."

   "Brother, tighten up."

  At the entrance of the lobby, Zhuang Yutang and Xu Chengkun fought side by side, silently watching the three brothers and sisters of the Li family who were busy all the time.

   "My younger sister seems to know more about medicine than my elder brother. A five-year-old girl is very smart!"

  Zhuang Yutang looked at Li Wuya who kept instructing Li Sanlang to take this and that with interest.

  Xu Chengkun snorted: "Three brothers and sisters, that little girl is the most thief!"

  When the elder brothers and younger brothers heard that the general wanted to reward them with twenty taels of silver, they were all overjoyed, but the girl was not tempted.

  He also brazenly wanted to help her father get promoted, but if he couldn't get promoted, he asked for medicinal materials.

   Border border medicinal materials are difficult to get, a box of medicinal materials cannot be bought for twenty taels of silver.

  Xu Chengkun looked at Zhuang Yutang, hesitated for a while, and finally spoke: "General, the secret letter has been opened."

  Zhuang Yutang was unmoved, his eyes were still on the three brothers and sisters: "So?"

  Hearing the indifference in Zhuang Yutang's tone, Xu Chengkun frowned: "The deployment of the defense map is of great importance. The military bases above are top secret places. If outsiders know about it, the losses will be incalculable."

  Zhuang Yutang then turned his head to look at Xu Chengkun with a calm expression: "What do you want to say? I think the three brothers and sisters of the Li family want to kill them after reading the defense map?"

  Xu Chengkun pursed his lips and said nothing, but it can be seen that he acquiesced.

  Zhuang Yutang's eyes were a little indifferent, but there was a smile on the corner of his mouth: "In order to defend our country, sometimes we can do something out of line, but we can't be an inhuman person."

   "Without the three brothers and sisters, the military deployment map is probably already in the Beiyan barracks. Whether it is for us or for Da Chu, those three children have a share of credit."

   "But now, you want to kill them, isn't it a bit chilling?"

  Xu Chengkun's complexion changed again and again, and he stuck his neck to defend himself: "General, this subordinate is only worried about the safety of the border."

  Zhuang Yutang sneered, and patted Xu Chengkun on the shoulder: "I understand what you think, but." His eyes turned to the three brothers and sisters of the Li family again.

   "Even if they opened the secret letter, I don't think they can understand it. In this gate, there are not many people who can read, let alone read the defense map."

   "What do you think?"

  Xu Chengkun looked at the three brothers and sisters of the Li family who were still picking and choosing in front of the medicine box, bowed his head and said, "It's my subordinates who are worrying unnecessarily."

  Zhuang Yutang smiled and nodded, without further words, his eyes fell on Li Wuya again.

   Was he dazzled just now?

  The little doll just looked at Xu Chengkun with murderous eyes?

is it possible?

  That is a five-year-old doll, it should be his eyesight.

  However, thinking of the dead Huyanhe gang, Zhuang Yutang felt a little uncertain again

These border guards, they have been on too many battlefields, and they all have evil spirits on them. Even some adults will tremble when they see them, but none of the three brothers and sisters of the Li family is afraid. On the contrary, they dare to ask for rewards .

  Let’s not talk about anything else, this courage is not ordinary!

   "Brother, tighten up."

   "It can't be pressed anymore!"

  After packing a box full of medicinal materials, Li Sanlang didn't want to stay for a moment, he felt that the lieutenant seemed hostile to them.

   Bending to thank Zhuang Yutang who was standing at the entrance of the lobby, Li Sanlang pulled the box and left the post station with his younger siblings.

  At this moment, there are many people outside the station, all of whom are from Tianling Village.

   "Sanlang, Wuya, Qilang!"

  As soon as the three brothers and sisters of the Li family left the inn, Jin Yue'e, who was waiting outside anxiously, rushed to the three of them.

  She came early, but unfortunately the soldiers guarding the station did not let her in.

   "Saburo, are you injured?"

  Jin Yuee saw the arrow wound on Li Sanlang's shoulder at a glance, and then saw Li Wuya covered in blood, and was so frightened that she shook her body.

  Li Sanlang hurriedly helped him up: "Mother, we're fine, the blood on Wuya's body is not hers, so I got shot by an arrow, the arrow has been pulled out, and now there is no bleeding."

   Seeing Jin Yuee's appearance of wanting to check their injuries immediately, Li Wuya quickly grabbed her: "Mom, I'm afraid, let's go home first."

  Jin Yuee came back to her senses, and seeing that everyone around her was looking at them, she nodded quickly: "Yes, go home first!" As she spoke, she looked at the box that Li Sanlang was pulling.

  Li Sanlang whispered: "This is the medicinal material that the general rewarded us."

   After hearing this, Jin Yuee took the box from Li Sanlang without asking any further questions, and returned to Tianlingtun with the three children.

  People living in Tianlingtun are mostly like the Li family. Their ancestors have been military households for generations, and only a small number of people are prisoners who were exiled to the army.

  Here, every family is relatively poor, and every family lives in yellow mud thatched huts.

  Because there is Li Changsen who works as a small banner in the guard, the conditions of the Li family are slightly better than other families. Although the place they live in is also a yellow mud thatched house, Shengzai built a yard and has more rooms.

  The courtyard of the Li family is a square quadrangle, with five upper rooms, three east and west wing rooms, two inverted rooms, a kitchen, and a firewood room.

  At this moment, at the gate of the Li Family Courtyard, Li Erya was stretching her neck and looking towards the Tunkou, her immature face was full of anxiety.

   Didn’t it mean that the guard at Dieling Pass had killed the Beiyan people who hijacked the station?

  Why hasn’t Mother brought Sange, Wuya, and Qilang back yet?

  When the person who reported earlier said that the group of Beiyan people had killed many people in the station, Li Erya became very anxious, wishing to fly to the station immediately.

  Unfortunately, when she was washing clothes two days ago, she fell by the well and sprained her foot. After walking a few steps, she would feel pain so badly that she could only wait at home now.

  Li Erya turned her head and glanced at the people sitting in the upper hall, with a look of resentment on her face.

  Father was not at home, and the third brother, Wuya, and Qilang were trapped in the station, and the grandfather and grandmother did not tell the second and third uncles to go and have a look.

   "Erya, what are you doing standing at the door, don't hurry up and make dinner, everyone is hungry."

  Li Changsen's second brother, Li Changlin stood at the door of the main room and shouted at Li Erya.

  Li Erya was full of resentment in her heart. When she heard this, she became even angrier. She turned her head angrily and said, "Without me cooking, is Second Uncle going to starve to death?!"

  Hearing this, the Li family members in the main room were stunned.

  The four children of Dafang are all very cunning. The people from the second and third bedrooms usually try to instruct them to help with work, but they never succeed.

  Although it is very annoying, there is no one who openly confronts the elders like today.

After a while Li Changlin came back to his senses, then picked up the stick next to him and walked towards Li Erya angrily: "Stinky girl, you dare to curse me, see if I don't teach you a lesson Unfilial daughter."

  Li Erya stood still at the door, looking coldly at Li Changlin who was coming: "Second Uncle, if you dare to hit me today, I will tell him the truth when my father comes back."

  As soon as these words came out, Li Changlin, who was still aggressive a moment ago, stopped and stood in the yard like a deflated balloon.

  For the eldest brother Li Changsen, whether it is the second Li Changlin, the third Li Changmu, or the rest of the Li family, they are all afraid.

   Their eldest brother has killed countless people on the battlefield, and he is full of murderous intent. Whoever bullies Dafang's four cubs, he will definitely find someone to settle the score when he comes back.

   At this moment, a broom for cleaning the heated kang was thrown out of the main room, and hit Li Erya in front of her with a bang.

   "You ungrateful person, do you ever talk to your elders like this?"

   "That's your second uncle. Your father hasn't been at home these years. If it wasn't for your second and third uncle's help, you and Saburo don't even know if you and Sanlang will survive?"

   "You cursing him like that, are you ignorant of your conscience?"

   The person who spoke was Mrs. Li. At this moment, she who was originally sitting on the kang was already standing at the door of the main room, looking at Li Erya with a gloomy face.

  Li Erya didn't mean to give in, she looked at Mrs. Li with a stubborn look: "Grandma, are you wrong, who is helping whom in this family all these years?"

   "It's my father. It's my father who fought on the battlefield regardless of the danger. The family only has ten acres of military land. He is also supporting everyone with his salary every month."

   "What did the second uncle and the third uncle do for this family?"

  Old lady Li was so angry that she slapped her thigh and howled, "It's against the sky, it's against the sky, I can't say no to you, old woman, you rebellious and unfilial thing!"

   "Second, what are you still standing there for? If you haven't caught that money-losing item for me, today I must teach her a lesson."

   Li Changlin's eyes lit up, and he walked towards Li Erya eagerly.

  Dafang's four cubs are getting bigger and more disobedient, it's time for their mother to loosen their skins.

  Seeing Li Changlin approaching, Li Erya's face flashed timidity, but she still stood still and did not bow her head to Mrs. Li.

   "Mom, who are you trying to teach?"

  Jin Yuee took Li Sanlang, Li Wuya, and Li Qilang into the courtyard with an ugly face. She heard her mother-in-law scolding Erya from a long distance away.

  Seeing Jin Yuee's return, Li Changlin, who was going to arrest Li Erya, immediately stopped.

  The eldest brother is not easy to mess with, and the sister-in-law is also difficult to deal with, so he should not be the first to get into trouble.

   Mrs. Li glanced at Jin Yue'e, snorted, and said nothing.

  Li Changlin saw the box on Jin Yue'e's back, rolled his eyes, and said with a smile: "Sister-in-law, you came back just in time, you should take good care of Erya."

   "Didn't you see, she just talked back to mother, and she replied ten words to mother's one sentence. It's really rebellious and unfilial. Who would dare to marry a girl like her in the future?"

  Jin Yuee looked at Li Changlin indifferently: "How about Erya, don't worry about the second brother, if the second brother is free, let's take care of Sanya and Siya."

  Li Changlin nodded again and again: "Yes, yes, yes, I listened to my sister-in-law. By the way, sister-in-law, let me help you get the box on your back!" As he spoke, he stretched out his hand to the box without waiting for Jin Yue'e to respond.


  A three-finger-thick wooden stick slapped Li Changlin on the back of his hand.


  Li Changlin's screams like killing a pig pierced the sky.

   "Five, you dare to do something to your second uncle!" Mrs. Li turned blue with anger.

  Old man Li, who was silent in the main room, also came out, looking at Li Wuya with an unhappy expression.

   Just when he was about to teach Li Wuya a lesson, Li Wuya spoke first.

   "Grandpa, grandma, third brother and I were all injured, didn't you see it?"

  At this time, the rest of the Li family noticed that Li Sanlang and Li Wuya were covered in blood, and their expressions changed involuntarily.

  Li Wuya walked towards Li Changlin with a smile.

   Li Changlin, who bowed his waist and covered his hands in pain, watched Li Wuya walking towards him, but for some reason, he took a few steps back in fear.

   "Second uncle, do you know how many people that group of Beiyan people killed in the post? Do you know how my brother and I left alive?"

  Li Changlin swallowed, shook his head, and backed away again.

  He retreated, and Li Wuya entered.

   "Second Uncle, don't be afraid, I'm not injured, and the blood on my body is not mine, but guess whose?"

  Li Wuya lowered her head and tugged at the blood-stained clothes: "This belongs to a Beiyan man. He hid behind the closet. I stabbed in with a sword."

   "But the man didn't die with the sword. He still wanted to kill me, so I pulled out the sword and stabbed him again, and then he died."

  Li Wuya said while comparing movements, the wooden stick in her hand seemed to have turned into a sharp sword at this moment, and she stretched it towards Li Changlin, causing Li Changlin to fall to the ground in fright.


  Li Wuya covered her mouth and laughed, and looked at Li Changlin with some disgust: "Second Uncle, you are too timid. This is a wooden stick. I think it scares you."

   As he spoke, he paused, "Even if it's a sword, Second Uncle, would I still kill you?"

  Li Changlin opened his mouth, but did not make a sound. Just now, when the wooden stick stabbed him, he really had the illusion of facing death.

   Not only Li Changlin was frightened, but the rest of the Li family were also stunned on the spot.

  Li Wuya laughed twice, then quickly withdrew her smile, and glanced at everyone in the Li family indifferently: "There are medicinal materials in the box. My brother and I exchanged our lives for it. Who dares to **** it?"

   With a sound of "呵", she stuck the wooden stick in her hand to the ground.

  The courtyard of the Li family was quiet. After a while, Mrs. Li looked at Li Changmu: "My third son, don't help your second brother up." After speaking, she glanced at Li Wuya, and went back to the main room without saying a word.

  Dafang’s family doesn’t have a fuel-efficient lamp, and the one who scares her the most is this stinky girl.

  When a pair of eyes stared at people, it made people feel chills down their backs.

  (end of this chapter)