MTL - Pokemon’s Ultimate Backpack-Chapter 46 【encounter! 】

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I didn't explain when I saw Xiao Xin. Xiaoyi crooked her head and said with a smile, "That, Xiao Xin, I don't want to take the skin baby now, do you have any recommended Pokémon?"

Xiao Xin didn't expect Xiaoyu to ask such a question, but fortunately, he responded fast enough, and answered with a little thought: "Huh? Do I recommend it? Haha, if you are lucky, I feel like conquering a mountain rat It is also a good choice. If you say that it is annoying, if you train the mountain trek rats very well and evolve into a mountain troop queen, it will definitely become a great force for you! Even becoming your main force Pokémon is not impossible! Yes Pokémon like a baby skin cannot be compared. "

"Is that so ... then wear a mountain rat! But it depends on luck if we can meet it. Let's find the supersonic bat first. I think there should be a lot in the cave." Xiao Yan still smiled. Speaking of which, there was no slight displeasment in his tone, and it seemed that he did not take Xiao Xin's words to heart.

"Uh ... are you sure you won't be scared when you meet Pokémon in the dark caves? They are not tamed, they will attack the trainers, and the number will never be small! Once they are stared at It's a very dangerous thing, especially if your one-horned rhino hasn't learned a wide range of tricks. "Xiao Xin said with a little hesitation when he looked at the little cricket beside him.

"Are you concerned, or do you hate me for dragging you on your hind legs?" Xiaoyan stared at Xiao Xin with a burning look, and asked with a smile, and at the same time demonstrated two cute little tiger teeth in a demonstration, which made a big difference. Bite you mean.

Xiao Xiaoxin was staring at her hair like this, quickly raised her hands to surrender, and wisely answered: "Well, I don't mean it, I just think ... well, it's a different kind of concern."

As soon as this remark came out, Xiaoyan immediately changed his appearance and said proudly, "It's almost the same, you see there is a cave there!"

Before Xiao Xin responded, Xiao Yan suddenly took the initiative to grab his palm and walked towards the cave not far away. At the moment when Xiao Xin was caught, Xiao Xin instinctively wanted to break free, but when he saw Xiao Xiao When Xiao Xiao's face was filled with the smile from his heart, Xiao Xin gave up the resistance and let Xiao Xiao take his own hand to the cave. It seems that he will be accompanied by someone in the future trip, and it looks very good ...

After Xun entered the cave, Xiao Xin clearly felt Xiao Xun's hand trembling slightly, apparently still a little scared. Subconsciously, Xiao Xinyu entered Xiaoyu's little hand, and patted her shoulder gently, then touched the flame ball from the waist and threw it out.


Under the instruction of Xiao Xin, the little fire horse suddenly increased the burning degree of the body flame, coupled with the characteristics of the flame body, making Xiao Xin light up instantly around them, just when Xiao Yan was about to breathe a sigh of relief However, unexpectedly, Xiao Xin dragged her aside suddenly. The strength of her made her fall almost to the ground by mistake. She just wanted to question Xiao Xin's rudeness, but she could n’t say anything in the next second. Now, what did she see? Under the light of the fire, a large group of supersonic bats are flying towards them. It is conservatively estimated that there will be no less than twenty!

"Little fire horse, jet flame! Indiscriminate attack!" Fortunately, Xiao Xin was not stunned by the sight in front of him, but issued a command very calmly. He just scanned it with the ability detector and found that the super Although the number of sound bats is large, there is no one that is great, and the highest level is only eleven. Therefore, Xiao Xin did not take it at all. He believes that with the current strength of the little fire horse, it takes only one second to face each other. Dropping these supersonic bats is not a problem at all! Fortunately, the little fire horse has learned to spray flames, otherwise I am afraid that it will take some trouble.


The little fire horse hissed, and a large amount of flames spewed out, and the entire cave was instantly illuminated. The poor supersonic bats were burned through by the violent flames before they approached Xiao Xin, and fell to the ground like a dumpling. In the past, there were only a few who were able to make a few splashes on the ground. After Xiao Xin carefully swept through the ultrasound bats one by one with the ability detector, he finally saw a pretty good ultrasound bat.

Name: Ultra Manta Ray, Attribute: Poison / Flight, Level: 11, Features: Spiritual power (will not enter a state of fear or withdrawal), the strongest trick: **** blood, bite.

Just after Xiao Xin felt the elf ball and wanted to conquer it, the little fire horse suddenly showed an unusually painful look. Then, before Xiao Xin reacted, he felt a sharp sound ringing in his ear, as if to ask Penetrating his eardrums in general, Xiao Xiao aside crouched down and covered his ears in pain. Fortunately, Xiao Xin was relatively calm. He thought of it as a supersonic wave from a supersonic bat the first time. At this moment he was struggling to look around, trying to find the "murderer" hiding in the dark and attacking them!

"I've found you! Little fire horse, on your top right! Spraying flames with maximum power ..."

PS: There are always feelings in thousands of mountains and rivers, share it or not. There is true love in the world, and a ticket is also love! Ask for tickets! Various requests! (eagerly)