MTL - Pokemon Elf Master-Chapter 2859 Cangbatian VS Scorpio Dragon (Part 1)

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Comparing the proportions, Cang Batian, the peak of the great monarch, is 2.5% weaker if he does not use the original profound meaning, and the miracle monarch Cang Batian is 2.6 percent weaker even if he uses the original profound meaning, which means that every move is the original profound meaning.

It's not that I don't know, but I was startled, and Bai Yuling decided to do it in the future. As for the final difference in power, there is no need to worry too much.

Even if it is the strongest, unless the super power of the source is used to scan carefully, it is possible to directly judge the power of the profound meaning of the source before the collision. Unless the opponent knows the full strength data of the demon dragon, it is absolutely impossible to judge. Bai Yuling can judge. It came out that the scanning ability of the miracle system had reached the level of the seven-star mythical beast.

As long as it is not too outrageous, the opponent can naturally calculate reasonable data, which is a normal fighting instinct for the monarch. will not think of other aspects.

The Scorpio Dragon wanted to show the comprehensive crushing of his strength and skills, but found that his opponent had obtained more computing power than him, or made up for it or replaced defense with offense, forcing him to confront him head-on, and could not find the slightest flaw to exploit. .

And this kind of head-on confrontation with absolute power, under the huge base of the monarch level, even if it is a half-percent gap, it can be regarded as force majeure, not to mention a 20-percent gap!

I saw that after the two sides collided, they suddenly retreated at the same time, but Cang Batian quickly regained his control, and took advantage of the recoil to open up the distance at once. On the other hand, the Scorpion Dragon was blown away thousands of miles before it stopped.

The damage is not high, considering the restraint of the dragon's origin power and the damage increase of the attack, the theoretical damage of 3.24*2*1.06=6.8688 million, barely accounting for two thousandths of the Scorpion Dragon's vitality.

In the calculation of Scorpion Dragon, the limit theoretical damage he estimated to bear was as high as 293,200, but the actual damage was less than a quarter. Poor, more than 30% of the power is wasted.

It's not surprising, if this is the first time to perform such a fatal blow, the control power can even be called the name of Tianjiao. After all, this is double the source of profound meaning and double the power of guardianship, which is equivalent to three times the source of strengthening. Profound meaning!

"Damn the ancient giant dragon, I didn't expect that the remnants of the past still left your family, but you shouldn't, you shouldn't kill the demon dragon, the majesty of the Holy Spirit family is not something you remnants can withstand. of!"

The Scorpion Dragon looked full of killing intent and looked down from above.

"What do you mean? The fall of the ancient dragon clan has something to do with you? Or are the once brilliant races all targeted by you?"

Cang Batian's mind moved slightly and asked in a cold voice.

"Hey, Yu Nie, your strength is really good, excluding the miracle controller of the alliance, your combat power can be ranked third in the alliance's miracle monarch, I will give you another chance to hand over the origin crystal of the demon dragon, I will not kill you. !"

Scorpio Dragon snorted coldly with his nose up to the sky, how could he have the mind to explain it, he just said coldly, as if it was a gift.

But he was so disgusted in his heart, and again, the triple-strengthened fatal blow, and even if it was only doubled, the theoretical power would be enough to exceed his peak burst by more than 18%. Is it too much? Lapi!

Even senior monarchs who master the mystery of miracles have the ability to compete head-on with the first-order monarchs.

If it weren't for this, the monarchs who used to add up to less than 200,000 in the alliance would have been wiped out long ago. He had no doubt that if he didn't have his life-saving trump card and was restrained by a strong enemy, 90% of the time he would die in a group of senior citizens. Under the strengthening attack of the monarch.

If it weren't for this, no matter how strong the miracle monarch was, in his eyes, he was nothing but a stronger ant. He was too lazy to speak, and he had no chance to kill the demon dragon!

"Hehe, if you have the ability, come and get it yourself."

Cang Batian's answer was the same.

"Hmph, it's just relying on the power of the beast, how much do you have? I'll let you know the real gap between you and me!"

The Scorpion Dragon no longer spends more, and the source of the profound meaning immediately catches up and strikes with all its strength. This time, the confrontation turned out to be the Scorpion Dragon who had the upper hand, and Cang Batian was blasted thousands of miles away, so fast that he couldn't catch up superior.

"Interesting, you don't need to strengthen the power of guardianship, you are very kind!"

Scorpio Dragon sneered, his heart was full of offended anger, the damage he suffered was real, although it was estimated that it would not exceed 20,000, but what about after hundreds or thousands of times?

81000-64800=16200, without using the original meaning, Cangbatian's mysterious power is weaker than the original meaning of the Scorpion Dragon, even the Dragon Star Group series with a coefficient of 9 is no exception, it must reach the peak of the miracle and profound meaning, and its power will be increased by nine times. , can just offset, but the background of successive breakthroughs has long been absorbed, and it is impossible to do it in a short time.

In addition to this, Cang Batian has to pay other prices. Although Cang Batian has relied on the unity of his soul to rise to the peak of the great monarch, the power of the profound meaning is not inferior to the original profound meaning, but after all, there is no such secondary source as the holy flame. Power The power of the source that only depends on the source body of a realm is actually much worse in power and fluctuation.

The solution is very simple. It is enough to convert the secondary source power based on dilution. This can be regarded as a deep utilization of the source power, but the difficulty is actually not high, but no one wants to study this layer of utilization. Even some half-step monarchs can master it. After all, this kind of secondary source power that does not contain any profound meaning has no other value to comprehend.

A strand of source power can be converted into a hundred strands of secondary source power, but because it is too thin, the power will not change in any way, that is, the power of the source power, the bluff and other certain tactical value, practicality and The utilization rate is the best choice, even for Cang Batian in the half-step monarchy period, it is completely useless.

With the power of this level of origin, disguising the profound meaning of the origin or the power of protection, the Dragon of Chaos should be able to hide it without careful scanning.

The actual damage of each move is 15,228. With Cang Batian's 80 million vitality at this time, it is also a damage that cannot be ignored.

As soon as Cang Batian's thoughts changed, the Scorpion Dragon caught up again. Although it was slower than normal, it didn't give Cang Batian any room to turn around.

One move after another, ten moves only took four seconds, Cang Batian was bombarded all the time, and he never stopped. Fortunately, he was always able to fight **** for tat, and his advantage would not be expanded.

Cang Batian felt a little powerless, even if his real computing power was much higher than the opponent's, he couldn't find a way to break the game, only the most simple and rude exchange tactics.

Recognizing the upper limit of his ability, Cang Batian no longer resisted hard, and cast the Batian Dragon Star Cluster, which condensed into a meteorite condensed with a diameter of less than 100 meters, which fell fiercely from above.


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