MTL - Pokemon Elf Master-Chapter 2833 Samurai system

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Remember [New] for a second,! Is it to increase the power of the waveguide and the power of fantasy, to increase the upper limit, or to consume resource reserves to increase several batches of super monarchs? For the time being, both can only cure the symptoms but not the root cause, and the former needs to break through to world-class quality before improving, and raise the upper limit to the peak of the monarch, otherwise the upper limit will not be raised high, and it will not make much sense.

It has been a year since the last wish to improve the power of the waveguide. If you count the real dream, the training in the illusory world, and the high-level and high-volume practice with the help of spiritual partners, Bai Yuling's training efficiency on the power of the waveguide is almost equal to In the future, he will reach the level of a grand monarch for hundreds of years.

His skills in using the power of waveguide and the power of fantasy have already reached the level of a monarch, but due to the physical load, he has never dared to make breakthroughs in the two abilities. The foundation of the power of waveguide is still at the champion level, and the power of fantasy is still It is maintained at half-step world-class, but Bai Yuling is generally used in a state of spiritual unity. Adjusting the time has little effect, so naturally there is no need to break through.

"It's better to slow down, wait until the seven or eight thousand void realms are subdued by 10%, can't it be solved?"

Long Xiang said.

"But it will take a lot of time, and it can be regarded as tearing down the east wall to make up the west wall. It should be less or less. Even if the elf world and tens of thousands of realms are united in the future, it will definitely not meet the needs in this area, and the amount is enough. Now, you have to improve the quality, never ending!”

Rock shook his head.

"Well... let's go side by side, give priority to improving the strength of the legion, as for breaking through the half-step world-class... do you have any good ideas?"

After much consideration, Bai Yuling made a decision.

Relying on the power of prayer to break through is easy, but the price is one hundred times that of the elf breaking through. The reason can only be blamed on his own poor foundation. If it is not for his supernatural physique, his real quality is comparable to half-step extraordinary, even if it is improved to The peak of the championship is also the peak of the weakest champion that has fallen below the lower limit. In all aspects, it is a whiteboard hexagon at the bottom.

Moreover, the half-step world-class is an extraordinary soul, and the world-class is an extraordinary body, which is even more difficult. The miracle system is estimated to break through to the world-class, and the power of prayer alone exceeds one thousand units, which is simply outrageous. This is at least enough for Bai Yuling to help one. The thousand and a half steps extraordinary peak has broken through the world class, and it is still the kind of hypocrite who does not have the original crystal!

Such a wasteful usage, unless the power of prayer is exhausted, Bai Yuling would rather be stuck at the top of the championship all his life.

"By the way, master, how is the road of warriors? It is said that warriors can cultivate abilities similar to elves, and their combat power is comparable to elves of the same rank..."

The broken star suddenly flashed, and the recently researched martial artist system emerged.

"Oh, maybe it works, wait until I ask Kelu's opinion!"

After hearing this, Bai Yuling's eyes lit up, and immediately asked Ke Lu's opinion: "Ke Lu, do you think that the road of warriors has the potential of a great monarch?

"I can't judge this, maybe there is. But it must be very difficult. It may be harder than ordinary elves to step into the eight-star realm. As far as humans are concerned, the potential is too low, and it is difficult to break through at the world level."

Ke Lu shook her head slightly and couldn't give an answer, but the implication was obviously not optimistic.

... In the millions or even tens of millions of years in this boundless void, it is estimated that there is no eight-star existence.

Bai Yuling shook his head helplessly, it seems that this road will not work.

"Others can't do it, but you should be able to. The super-god physique makes your potential as good as that of an elves. I feel that there is still infinite potential that has not yet been developed. Moreover, there are four levels of spiritual unity. In the future, your upper limit will be at least the peak of the monarch, and you will be able to build a high house. Below, there is a hundred times the current limit load, no matter how dangerous the method can be, it will be much easier to open up a new path.

If you can also become a great monarch in the future, if you don’t talk about your lifespan, it means you have one more soul to be united! "

But Kelu spoke again after pondering. For Bai Yuling, this is also a way to improve. Once successful, the potential is endless.

Bai Yuling's eyes lit up, and he immediately began to imagine. At that time, he can completely take the limit enhancement route. As long as his quality and power are increased, nothing else is needed. Moreover, the super-god physique makes him have a great affinity for all attributes. Can't create a source crystal that accommodates the power of the partner's source? Then you don't have to worry about the power of the source when facing the enemy, and even the Dragon of Chaos in its heyday may not be able to see through the sharing of spiritual unity.

And in the future, can you actively activate the super-god physique to obtain the greatest improvement of a certain department or a certain attribute...

The more Bai Yuling thought about it, the more excited he became. He couldn't wait to check the information of the martial artist system in the alliance database. With his authority, there was no secret.

The road of a warrior is difficult and difficult, dangerous and dangerous, and the price-performance ratio is extremely low. Although the absorption speed is faster, the absorption rate is less than half of that of the elves, and it is several times or even dozens of times more difficult to break through the bottleneck. There are far more resources than the elves, and the lack of a system and powerful unique skills, and the difficulty in improving the combat power are the reasons why the warriors are eliminated!

There are three major difficulties in the early stage alone.

One, tempering the body of a warrior, similar to the awakening of superpowers and other abilities, developing human potential, possessing corresponding attributes and resistance, and perfectly controlling power, equivalent to a perfect body, increasing the quality by 10%, greatly reducing the difficulty of breakthrough, quality The stronger it is, the more difficult it is to quench.

Second, improve the basic quality to the human limit of the first-class peak.

Third, UUkanshu broke through the elite level, and the first small transformation of life level occurred, which greatly improved the strength and essence of the physical body, and made the body's energy capacity skyrocket ten times. Bao can improve his quality without worrying about breaking his body. As long as he has the ability, he can theoretically improve infinitely like an elves. This is the only way he has truly embarked on the road of warriors, and there is hope to continue on.

Whether it is to temper the body of a martial artist or to improve the quality of the human body to the limit of the human body, one has to go through countless hard exercises, which cannot be achieved without great perseverance. This was not difficult in the age of warriors. After all, the situation was forced, but now it is one in a billion, and it is a rare encounter in a lifetime. It is not an exaggeration to say that all three levels have been broken and officially entered the road of warriors. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is rare in the world. The 87th area may only be the fighting king, Xiba, and the current fighting champion Xiba!

If there is no spiritual unity or the strengthening nourishing ability such as the effect 4 of the Dragon King's Heart in the Canglan Sea, even the first level will take more than ten or twenty years, and it must be a talent genius and not lack of resources, otherwise it will be old and dead. Want to break through the third-rate realm...

Huh? Bai Yuling suddenly had a flash of inspiration. If the Heart of the Dragon King of the Blue Sea and the power of time cooperate, can they quickly become a group of superpowers or warriors at the peak of the championship?

Today, the Dragon King of Canglanhai has an 8-star mid-level grade, and the nourishment limit has been raised from the senior champion to the peak of the championship. Countless hard training and natural treasures can be omitted. The elite can improve the basic quality by one unit every day, as long as the accumulated nourishment is 210 days, You can break through to the elite level, accumulate nourishment for 101.78 years, and you can reach the peak of the championship!