MTL - Pokemon Elf Master-Chapter 2828 The huge transformation of the fire thorn, a major miscalculation

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Remember [New] for a second,! But to play this role, the background of the dragon system must not be too bad, and the minimum must be 20%.

It's a pity that now I need hundreds of six-star treasures. Long Xiang Cang Batian Fire Thorn, the dragon type is tied for the second place with the fire type, and it can't be collected in the short term.

Fortunately, the opportunity for life transformation has been perfectly utilized, and the genetic map has been perfectly achieved. Even if the source blessing situation is reversed in the future, it will only change the proportion of the background, and the genetic map will remain unchanged. Afterwards, it is enough to consolidate the foundation step by step, no need to force it.

And such a big improvement is more than the ancient blue dragon has completed the blue dragon's body, and the improvement is far beyond the control limit of the fire thorn. It can be said that this breakthrough will be stronger than the previous ultimate combat power in the weakest case!

Bai Yuling couldn't wait to let the miracle system carry out the most detailed scan.


Race: Sea Dragon King? Water + dragon attribute (accepted the inheritance of the seven-star existence of the Dragon King of the Blue Sea, because of its own heritage and magic, the future evolution will be separated from the form of the Dragon King of the Blue Sea)

Miraculous feature: Dragon King Overlord: ... The basic bonus of the water system is increased to 100%-80%, depending on the surrounding water system energy, the power of the ultimate power is increased by 80%-60%.

Ju Hai: ...can condense and absorb water system energy to temporarily increase one's own quality, with a maximum increase of 80-60%...

Dragon King's Body: All attributes have been increased by 10%-15%, and the basic bonus of the dragon system has been increased to 80%-50% (the powerful dragon body inherited from the Dragon King of the Canglan Sea, because the dragon's background is too poor, it cannot exert its full potential)

Miraculous feature: water and fire twins: … can freely (instantly) transform the water and fire energy in the body, share the bonus of this system, greatly increase the control power of the water and fire energy (hugely), and the water and fire energy will not be offset by itself.

Reversal of water and fire: You can (freely) reverse your own attributes from fire to water, and you can also reverse water to fire without any side effects. Under the change of attributes, you can absorb this type of trick to supplement physical energy or enhance the power of water and fire tricks (unique talent). In this state, the control of the system is greatly (hugely) improved.

Qualifications: Nine-star Miracle Spirit - Ten-star Miracle Spirit

Status: Standard realm, world-class first-order peak.

Life level: extraordinary - divine beast - extraordinary (basic quality increased by 20% - 30% - 25%) physical vitality bonus 1.5-1.7-1.6. (Unstable foundation, unable to activate full potential)

Flesh Realm: Transcendent Perfect Flesh - Miracle Flesh, Improve 20% - 30% Quality

(All promotion increases are mainly based on world level, and the monarch level is weakened by one-third - one-half)

Carrying Noble Phantasm: Canglan Dragon Jade (Seven-Star Low Grade - Seven-Star Best Grade): Increases the water and dragon type tricks by 60%, and the monarch is 15-30% (the source is activated).

Ace Profound Truth:…

Comprehensive Combat Strength: Miracle Combat Strength - Miracle Combat Strength - Miracle Field (Unstable foundation, unable to exert all combat strength)

How much the fire thorn has changed, it can be seen from the jump from the miracle combat power to the miracle combat power, among all the partners, she is the only one who has made such a leap.

All the characteristics have been greatly improved. The body of the Dragon King is estimated to be the lowest in the past, so the improvement is the greatest, and the quality improvement is twice as high as before. There is also the newly added dragon bonus, and the increase is also extremely high.

There are also miracle bodies, the level of life of divine beasts, and the ten-star aptitude, all of which have transformed by leaps and bounds, but what Bai Yuling values ​​most is that the relationship between water and fire has changed from freedom to an instant, and the reversal of water and fire has added the word freedom, which directly makes The fire thorn crossed the two great difficulties.

You must know that Fire Thorn has worked hard day and night for decades in the real dream, and can't improve any progress!

It is worthy of being the most suitable coral for fire thorns, which is absolutely impossible for other eight-star gods.

In addition, the Canglan Dragon Jade also gained huge benefits in the process. The source power has soared tenfold, and it has soared directly to the top of the Seven Stars, and it is very compatible with the fire thorn. There will definitely be a chance to turn it into her exclusive treasure in the future.

"Fire thorn, try it now."

Bai Yuling couldn't wait to see whether the changes of the fire thorns were as he thought.

I saw that the fire thorn blasted out the water dragon cannon, but in the second half, it turned into a fire dragon cannon! This is something that Firethorn could not have done anyway.

The water and fire dragon cannon stopped abruptly, and the fire thorn was stunned for a moment. She just thought about it for a while, and didn't even operate it deliberately.

Afterwards, Huo Thorn began to try the reversal of water and fire, and I saw that her skin was constantly changing from blue to red, and it changed hundreds of times in a short period of time. This speed is more than a hundred times faster than before!

"Isn't there any load?"

Bai Yuling asked quickly.

"No, it's very easy, there is no consumption of energy and physical strength, I feel that it can be faster! The number of load changes has also increased by at least a hundred times, changing a million times a day is not a problem, and it can save the skin conversion, more secret, It won't be much slower."

Fire Thorn said excitedly.

"You try to use mutual generation and reversal together, and then try to reverse the attack if there is any change, Lan Hai, come and help."

Bai Yuling said.

Fire Thorn tried to activate the two abilities together, and it was still free and easy.

In the battle, the situation is similar to the previous test. The moment of the reversal of water and fire will be interrupted, and the number of loads will be consumed, but there will be no backlash damage, and the practicability and fault tolerance rate will be greatly increased.

"Very good, congratulations, Huo Thorn. The main training in the future can become a battle. I believe that the reversal of the original body will not be difficult for you."

Bai Yuling showed a deep smile, which was better than he expected.

The fire thorns condensed two strands of water origin, and then condensed three strands of fire origin and seven strands of dragon origin, and couldn't wait to start trying to reverse the body of the origin. UU Reading

The original body of the dragon type erupts. At this time, the fire thorn is of the water dragon attribute and needs to be reversed to the fire dragon attribute. In one second, all the water type genes are temporarily reversed and covered by the fire type gene, and the water attribute is successfully converted to the dragon attribute. After mastering, this time should be can be greatly reduced.

Then, in the state of the original body of the water system, the difficulty of reversal has greatly increased. It takes at least ten seconds to reverse the gene coverage of the water system to the gene of the fire system. Can't be used to fight at all.

"Is it so difficult?"

This result was completely beyond the expectations of Bai Yuling and others.

"It's very difficult, almost impossible to move. I don't think it's a matter of proficiency, and it doesn't seem to be the reason for the lack of Dragon Element heritage."

Fire Thorn tried to reverse from the body of the fire element to the body of the water element. The time required was only a little shorter, but it also took more than ten seconds.

"Such a big gap cannot be made up by hard work. It can only mean that we were in the wrong direction from the beginning. Reversing the body of the source is afraid that it will not work at all."

Bai Yuling frowned and pondered for a long time, then said bitterly, it was a major miscalculation.