MTL - Pokemon Elf Master-Chapter 23 Winning and losing, the tragic ending of Yuan Dongyu!

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不 The uninterrupted use of energy made the fire-breathing dragon a little unsustainable, but when it heard the trainer's order, its eyes immediately appeared excited.

The ever-suppressed anger completely vented, and the flames of the flames became hotter!

The giant gold monster evaded again, but Bai Yuling discovered something wrong the first time, and he naturally knew the weakness of the suspension ability.

发现 Did you find it so soon? Observation is not weak!

"Ready to use protection!"

One hundred percent, almost blindly trusting the giant gold monster to do it instinctively.

Later, the giant gold monster found that it was more and more difficult to dodge. I do n’t know when it was forced to the maximum height. In addition, the interference of the energy below it, the magnetic force it can use is greatly reduced, and it can no longer escape the jet flame Catch it!

The next moment, the jet flame completely covered the giant gold monster!

"Don't stop, just hold on and let the giant monsters lose their fighting ability!"

Yuan Dongyu patted his hands excitedly, and excitedly excited at the fire-breathing dragon!


Spitfire Dragon also responded aloud, regardless of the energy has been out of control, forced to keep the spray flame trick!

"This time is really over!"

呼 "Hoo ... it's a wonderful duel. The giant gold monster can have such a smart flying ability, it's incredible!"

"It's unbelievable, unheard of, I now have confidence in the youth of the Bai Yu family, maybe the victory is still his!"

The fire-breathing dragon has insisted on spraying the flame twice, even if this giant gold monster is an alternative physical giant gold monster, it will definitely not be able to carry it!

The breathing fire dragon gasps fiercely, and the energy in the body is violent. If you want to use the trick again, I am afraid to wait more than ten seconds!

The fierce discussion suddenly stopped as the jet flame stopped, all faces became like ghosts!

Because the giant gold monster that was supposed to be dying has not yet lost his combat ability, he flushed away toward the Spitfire Dragon.

Bai Yuling stood on the body of the giant gold monster, looking as indifferent as ever, his mouth moving slightly: "Stone Blade!"

Halfway through, a giant energy stone blade appeared on one arm of the giant monster, stabbing at the stomach of the Spitfire Dragon!

"Stop it!"

Tong Yuandong screamed in horror, her brain was blank!

The fire-breathing dragon tried to dodge as much as possible, and at the same time moved its arm to resist, but the pain in the body slowed down its movement. A severe pain came from the stomach, and the energy stone blade pierced into its stomach severely!


The spitfire dragon sent a huge scream. The four-fold restraint was still a vital attack. The damage caused was huge. It could clearly feel that physical strength was passing fast, and the body was gradually unable to move.

The giant red monster's flaming body slowly returned to normal, and fell to the ground panting.

Although the protection trick was successful, the distraction avoidance caused the casting speed to be slower, and was hurt by the initial jet flame!

The fire-breathing dragon fell to the ground heavily, and Yuan Dong's face was gray and lifeless! His life will end here, there is no future!

"The deathmatch is over, the winner is Bai Yuling!"

‘As a winner, you can influence the opponent ’s ending and get some contribution points from the opponent. You ’ve got 900 contribution points ...”

Bai Yuling said indifferently: "I will never want to see him in the distance!"

The mask disappeared, and only Bai Yuling was left in the place, and the distant winter 凛 disappeared inexplicably.

The elf belt's energy is overdrawn and will carry a lifetime of hard work and debt!

Sudden deathmatch failure, will face a more brutal choice, or is determined by the other party! And the cruelest is Bai Yuling's words, exile, distance, and the three key words that you never want to see, which can ensure that the end of Yuan Dongyu is as he wishes! Being teleported to the battlefield of the fiendish spirit, face the fiendish spirit, unless you kill enough fiendish spirit, no one will never be free!

The final outcome of 远 冬 凛 is either to die in battle, or to bear the energy debt that even the distant winter family cannot afford, or it may collapse into a lunatic! In short, Bai Yuling must have no chance to appear in front of him again! If Yuan Dongyu knew where he would be exiled, he might commit suicide on the spot!

Of course, only a few strong people know about the existence of the fiendish demon spirit, and a family like Yuandong White Feather is definitely not qualified to know it!

And all these changes are changed under the threat of the evil spirits, which makes people have to ponder how terrible the evil spirits are!

"Holly, you should accompany the young master with gratitude immediately! This will also relieve your sin!"

The members of Wu Yuandong's family were all embarrassed, and this matter could not be related to them. Their future in the family was broken!

Tong Yuan Holly is also a pale gray face, his ending will not be much better than Yuan Dong Holly, and friends and relatives will likely suffer anger, and the future is very difficult!

Bai Yuling walked towards this side, Xuandu greeted him with a sigh of admiration, patted Bai Yuling's shoulder and laughed: "Great, I admire very few people, and you are the first person I admire A man! "

I first returned to Meng Ningyue with a smile, Bai Yuling unnaturally patted Xuandu's hand on his shoulder, what was the first man to admire ... Listening to the goose bumps!

The trainers around me have a tendency to gradually surround themselves. Bai Yuling frowned and said, "Let's leave here first."

Xun Mengningyue and Xuandu nodded and quickly left the area.

"Master? Did you just fight someone?"

Someone jumped off the flying elves and fell in front of Bai Yuling. UU Reading Book

White feather family emblem, is a member of the white feather family!

The news spread really fast, Bai Yuling nodded slightly.

"Is that the young master won? Well, it must be the victory, otherwise I won't see you anymore, by the way, the old master wants you to call him immediately."

激动 This tribe was almost incoherent with excitement. God knew he knew that the subject of this deathmatch was the one in the winter who was only one step away from the king, his heart almost stopped! I really did not expect that the young master could defeat such a terrible opponent, and it seemed easy!

"Okay, you can do your own business."

青年 The young man looked at Bai Yuling with a bit of admiration, nodded respectfully and slowly retreated!

"Sure enough, you are the only son of this generation of Baiyu clan Bai Yuhua!"

Xuan Du, who was next to him, said nothing unexpectedly. Bai Yuling was nearly as powerful as a king at this age. Only one person in the entire Bai Yu family could do it, and that was the only child of Bai Yuhua and his wife! Hope for future heirs from birth!

Bai Yuling smiled slightly and said with a profound meaning: "Xuandu, you are not ordinary."

Wu Xuandu's eyes were stunned, and he smiled and said, "I really want to fight with you ..." Unfortunately, the timing is unfortunate, and we must find an opportunity to discuss with Bai Yuling another day!

Bai Yuling just smiled and didn't respond, let's forget it. If the opponent is really the Dragon King in the future, he is not an opponent now. He has no interest in this kind of battle without any gain.

"Didi Di ... Um, I know, I'll go back now."

Xundu's illustrated book had a phone call and Xuandu hurried away.

有 Is there anything new? Bai Yuling guessed, but her face was calm.