MTL - Pokemon Elf Master-Chapter 16 Fusion of tricks and combinations of tricks!

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一个 A corner of no one in the huge underground training ground of Baiye City, Bai Yuling released his elves.

"Bloodwing Dragon, Giant Gold Monster, Ride the Dragon, you all come out!"

The appearance of the three spirits shivered and looked at Bai Yuling with anticipation. Bai Yuling promised to teach them an extremely powerful trick!

"Let the giant gold monster show you the results first."

"Golden Monster, have you successfully cultivated?"

Jinjin nodded his head and practiced two days ago. Now he can use it freely.

"Okay, giant gold monster, use Thunderfist!"

Suddenly an incredible scene appeared on a metal arm of the giant gold monster, the golden light representing lightning and the red light representing flame flashed at the same time! This breaks the fact that the wizard has only one attribute!

With a thunder and a snoring sound of flames, the thunderbolt thundered on the elf puppet in front of it. An explosive roar rang through completely, and it can resist the elf puppet with the same strength and full strength without damage. A big hole was broken, and the energy surrounding the body was completely broken!

Good destructive power, this is definitely beyond the elite level power! Even if the third-tier ultimate trick of one star is achieved, this destructive power cannot be achieved!

Cheng Chenglong and Bloodwing Flying Dragon both have their eyes widened, how is this possible! And then immediately looked at Bai Yuling with enthusiasm and excitement. Such incredible tricks, can they also master?

乘 "Chenglong, you can't do it now, at least you must reach the elite level, but for you, it can be reached in three months at most, so bear with me."

The dragon-riding look at the peak of the 15th level newcomer has dropped immediately. Also, it has just been reborn. Although its strength is rising every day, it is far from the heyday!

It usually takes at least two months for newcomers to develop the initial elves to Chenglong's current strength, and Chenglong only takes three days, which is a terrible growth rate of ten times after reincarnation!

"How about consumption?"

Bai Yuling asked to the giant monster. Even if the training methods are exactly the same, the skills that are born can never be completely the same, and there will be differences in consumption, power, and adaptability! If adaptability is too low, conflicts can also arise with serious consequences.

The giant gold monster immediately returned: "Equivalent to ten times using lightning and fist alone!"

Bai Yu Ling frowned, which is equal to two ultimate tricks of the same star, the consumption is a bit large!

At this time, a detailed analysis of the miracle system also came out:

‘Thunderstorm Boxing, a new trick in the new system — a fusion trick! Combining the two great tricks of thunderbolt and flame punch, the power is extremely powerful! (Because of the initial control, the energy consumption has increased dramatically. After being cooked, the consumption is slightly more than 50% of the ultimate trick!)

Cultivation requirements: You need to have a complete understanding and control of your own abilities and energy in your body, as well as complete control of the thunderbolt and fire boxing, and have your own perception! A little carelessness in the cultivation process will cause energy conflicts to explode in the body, and the danger of cultivation is extremely high! ’

Xun Lei Blowing Fist not only surpasses the ultimate trick, but also has powerful special effects, and the destructive power is very scary! It's just that the power is so huge. With the current quality of the giant gold monster, the rigidity after using it once will be longer, and the arm that is cast can't move for a period of time!

恩 "Well, practice well, master the mastery as soon as possible, but remember to pay attention to your physical condition, don't hurt yourself too much!"

Bai Yuling's slightly jaw head, such consumption is normal, Pu Yi learned Thunder Blow, giant gold monster's combat power rating immediately began to soar, easily surpassed the elite, and entered the king level! If the quality of the giant gold monster can be further improved to become the elite nine ranks, even if it is the second rank against the king, a gap of 4.5 times the combat power, Bai Yuling also has a certain degree of grasp!

And in this less than ten days of work, you can learn Thunder Blast Boxing, except that the giant gold monster is very suitable for this fusion trick! It is also because the giant gold monster is comparable to the computing power of a supercomputer. Otherwise, it is a seven-star demon qualification like a dragon, and it may not be able to learn in such a short time.

Every elf has advantages and disadvantages. Some tricks, I am afraid that the giant gold monster is difficult to learn!

"Bloodwing dragon, you don't have the supercomputing power of the giant gold monster, but otherwise you are not weaker than it, and you can practice this type of fusion trick!"

The Bloodwing Wyvern also cultivates the Fangs of Fire and Fangs of Thunder, and both have their own perception and understanding, and have reached the level of one star!

Unfortunately, the ice tooth that restrained its attributes did not learn! Even if it is a skill that restrains its own attributes, it is twice as difficult to practice, but the bloodwing dragon is restrained by the ice tooth four times, and the difficulty is doubled again, reaching four times that of normal normal elves. It is not surprising that the original owner will give up after a period of effort !!

Bai Yuling just regrets this. With the four-star qualification of Bloodwing Flying Dragon, three months is not enough, half a year is sure to learn the ice tooth! Learning ice moves is a great advantage for Bloodwing Dragon!

The original fusion of Icefang and Thunderfang is the best choice, and it is more suitable for Bloodwing Dragons. Now it can only be put back!

"What I want to teach you is the fusion of the Fangs of Thunder and the Fangs of Fire. Lei Yanfang, the power is not weaker than the thunderbolt! Also has explosive special effects!"

Bai Yuling began to teach Bloodwing Dragon carefully step by step. Bai Yuling has the power of Changpan, so if you have any questions about Bloodwing Feilong, you should ask it carefully, and the cultivation process is extremely smooth!

If you say that the general practice efficiency is one, with the help of Changpan's power is one hundred! And still at least!

The giant monster is watching from the side. If you have thoughts in your eyes, it has the most calm mood. Therefore, you notice the momentary regret in Bai Yuling's eyes. The wisdom of the elves is not inferior or even better than human beings. It is naturally associated with the existing foundation. You can also use it as one of the tricks of fusion!

Then the owner must have more super tricks! Suddenly, the giant monster feels a icy body, and his ambition is expanding. As long as he stays with his host, he will definitely surpass the original Tian Qi Qi Xi Qing Yuan, and even have great hope to reach the highest state he has been craving!

Excited to make the giant gold monster's body tremble slightly, attracting the attention of Chenglong, the giant gold monster was silent! It will become the irreplaceable first trump card in the hands of the owner, so that it will get more attention from the owner! Riding dragons and blood wing flying dragons are both powerful threats, and they have to establish a leading edge during extreme training during this time!

Giant gold monster trains silently, the intensity is more than twice that in the past, which is completely the limit of its body's range!

Chenglong is not willing to be outdone, training hard, it must grow as quickly as possible, and cultivate this powerful and horrible fusion trick!

Bai Yuling glanced at this scene and couldn't help shaking his head and grinning: "Chenglong, don't worry, you can't practice the fusion trick, but you can practice the combination trick, and the power is not worse than the fusion trick!"

Combination trick?

Not to mention riding on the dragon, even the giant gold monster and blood winged dragon can't help being attracted. It's a little incredible to combine the tricks. There is a combination trick. Their master is the incarnation of the beast?