MTL - Poisonous Peasant ‘Concubine’-Chapter 738 Honest, go through that thing (2)

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"How come you die? I think about it."

Turning over his arm and lying flat, Ling Jingxuan deliberately dropped his appetite, Yan Yurui saw it, but he was helpless and petted to pull out his arm, turned over with one hand and held his head on the bed and smiled at him, the other hand picked up A hairpin sent to the lips and kissed gently. Ling Jingxuan saw it. The smile on his face could not help but be more brilliant: "My past life was an orphan, no, rightly, I was artificially orphaned, probably when I was three years old. That year, my home was destroyed, and after a constant twist, I was thrown into a place where people can eat. There are many children there, and some people train us to become killers for them to make huge profits. I personally watched others killing the people who were trained, licking their flesh and blood, the coaches generally did not care, there, I also experienced the so-called friend's betrayal, almost turned into someone else's dish, there is no real Friends, the only purpose of each person is to live. Later, I grew up and worked hard to study various fighting techniques. One person struggled through my childhood. In order to survive, I didn’t want to eat human flesh and was thin. I could only study the poisoning technique. I didn't expect it to let me delve into some famous churches. Later, I grabbed the task of others with my own ability and successfully completed the killing task. In that year, I It’s only 12 or 13 years old. It’s too long, I have forgotten it. After that mission, I finally went out. Then I learned medicine and easy surgery. In a few years, I will become the killer of the world. And secret doctors, code-name chasing souls, when my ability is getting stronger, others can no longer control me. In my twenties, I returned to my hometown of memory, a place called Shanquan Village, I I used the money earned by the killer to buy back the land that was destroyed in the old home, built a villa on it, and found a circle of dozens of acres. When there was no task, I was at home as a small farmer. The teahouse opened by the Changchun Women’s Family played a small card with the villagers, snoring and snoring, and studying medical techniques at night, constantly improving themselves.”

Having said that, Ling Jingxuan stopped to take a rest, and Yan Ruirui had already had a distressed heart. Even if he only listened to his understatement, he could imagine that a milk doll that was only a few years old would survive in that kind of human eating environment. It’s not easy, and he has not only done it, but he has done the best. It’s no wonder that he is always cold-hearted and ruthless to those who don’t care. When he is crushing the best, he is even more cruel, never giving the other side a back road. What habits did he develop during those years of training? After knowing this, he not only did not have any resentment, but he loved him more.

Feeling his hot sight, Ling Jingxuan threw him a reassuring smile. If he hadn't let go, he wouldn't say so understatement. Although he died in the past, he was still trapped in the game, but he gave it to God. His second life, let him cross here, even if he met a lot of the best, but also harvested his love and friendship, and now he is happy!

"I thought that this day will continue until I am assassinated by someone stronger than me, or the old man is going to the end of life. The turning point of things happens when I am in my thirties, my life. The world can be said that there is no war. It can also be said that there is war. It depends mainly on the region. At least the Chinese country where I live in seclusion does not have war. The general killer or mercenary does not dare to set foot in Huaxia, but one day, I owe one another. The man named Yass came to Shanquan Village, and the mercenary group he led was betrayed. He almost disappeared from the army, just in the place where I lived in seclusion. He came to seek medical treatment. I am not a habit. People who don’t return others, even if they don’t welcome them, I still help him with needle treatment. However, I said earlier that there is no war in China, and the Chinese government does not allow the war to provoke war. The mercenary is on the way, I don’t know how the Yass who has always been cautious will let the Chinese military stare at it. Maybe it’s a ghost who betrayed them. The military sent a special force. The attacking team, which is similar to the Thunder team, came to encircle them. After I sent them away with the secret road, they were preparing to drill into a secret road. The Chinese military carried out the blasting method. I only had time to curse. Submerged in the rubble, when I woke up again, I was already in this body."

At the end of the day, Ling Jingxuan is both a little helpless and a little funny. He wants him to be international for many years and has lived in Shanquan Village for many years. Has he ever exposed his identity? I didn’t expect to help others once. Instead, I brought disasters to myself. When I first started awake, he still couldn’t accept it. But now, he is thankful to Yas, thank God, if he is not dead, how can he Come here, meet his family prince, harvest a bunch of small buns, know Han Ge Yunhan and the old wolf?

"Who is Yas?"

After listening to it for a long time, Yan Ruirui only caught such a focus, and instinctively told him that this Yas is definitely a person who likes him or he likes, and is still a man! With this in mind, Yan Ruirui has habitually eaten vinegar. Regardless of past and present life, anyone who marries his wife and children, he is not willing to hear, the daughter-in-law is his, and no one is allowed to marry.

"You are bored? Yass is a friend. He really likes me, but I didn't think about being with anyone, not even thinking about who to form a family. Maybe I will adopt several children when I am old. But those have disappeared with my death, including Yas, I am already a different person from him, or maybe he has already died, mercenaries and killers, our heads are always tied On the waistband of the trousers, you may be killed at any time."

Without a good look at him, Ling Jingxuan said indifferently. If he likes Yas, he may have joined his mercenary group or been with him. In the past life, no one can sway his heart. He is like It is an individual abandoned by the whole world. Lonely is in every corner of the world. Many people know the existence of chasing souls, but few people know his real name. Others remember him, either seeking medical treatment or hiring him to kill. Other than that, there is nothing else.

"Sorry, I just can't help it. So, the world in which you lived is far more dangerous than ours?"

Relying on the past, he kissed his face, and Yan Ruirui turned helplessly to turn the topic. To be honest, in fact, he sometimes couldn’t stand the habit of eating his own scent of vinegar, and he had to pay attention to it later. Let him go to the cold wind to stand guard, kill him!

"Not necessarily, in the war-torn countries of Africa, it is indeed more dangerous than here. Ordinary Baixin is hard to live, but the land is a paradise for killers and mercenaries, but most countries are very peaceful. There is basically no war. In fact, the world is far bigger than what you see. At the end of the desert steppe and the Gobi, or at the other end of the sea, there are different countries and races. We belong to the yellow race, yellow skin and black hair. There are also white-haired white-haired Caucasians, black-haired black-eyed black-skinned blacks, and some rare species of humans. Not to mention the territorial countries. Your so-called unified world is actually just the tip of the iceberg. Do you think that I don’t plan to unify the Three Kingdoms directly? Rui Rui, the world is very big, instead of wasting time to unify and create more killings, it’s better to explore with me after I’m sure there will be no war around me. Unknown country, seeing the real world."

Ling Jingxuan turned over and faced him face to face. For a few decades, people have to fix themselves in a model. He hopes that his prince will live more freely and more casually, hoping to let him see the wider sky outside, which is why he has promised him a long time ago that in the future children will grow up and be able to stand alone, they will sail The main reason for going to the sea and going to the other side of the sea, he knows, that Rui Rui has always used what he said as an adventure on the sea, but he never explained it to him, this is the first time.

“Is there really a black person? Is there a lot of countries?”

He didn't believe him, he just thought it was too ridiculous. This can't blame him. It is the ancient Chinese country. How many people know that there is land on the other side of the sea, and the country? Human beings must develop their knowledge circle through continuous practice. What Ling Jingxuan said is equal to challenging his long-standing cognition. He will doubt that it is normal, but he is more curious and can’t help but be unable to move. .

"I like to lie to you? There are several continents in the whole world. Most of them are connected by the sea. We are only one of them. Now I tell you that there is no more use. In the future, you will follow. I will go see it and I will know."

"Well, when the children grow up, let's go."

It will be up to five years or so? When the small group is almost as big as Xiaowen, they can safely leave him in the capital. It is not good. Just take him. He also wants to see other countries mentioned in Jingxuankou. Other people , want to know more about this world, the most important thing is to be with him!

"We seem to be downstairs?"

Ling Jingxuan’s mischievous wink, the husband and wife looked at each other and smiled. Then Ling Jingxuan lay back again: “After a thousand or two years, explosive guns will gradually appear, planes flying in the sky, car tanks running on the ground, submarines diving into the sea, etc. There are even manned rockets that send people to space. It’s what you call the sky, and those things don’t have to be pulled with horses and cattle. It’s all about fuel movement. I can’t say anything in a few words. In short, The rifles and explosives bags I made are the simplest and most common. They are basically eliminated from the world I lived in before. I can also make something more powerful, but I won't, I don't want to be alone. The emergence of the changes in the development of the entire world, advanced and advanced benefits, backward and backward benefits, I really like the world."

After crossing the world for five or six years, he is finally able to be honest with him. In the future, there will be no secrets between them. This feeling is very good!

"Well, your thoughts are correct. Destructive encouragement will only harm others."

Lying down and reaching out to hold him into his arms, Yan Ruirui said with a one-handed mat behind his head, I don’t know why, he should be shocked. After all, what the wife said and the things in his world are too mysterious. His heart is very calm, as if everything should be so general, maybe, this is the fate of their destiny.

Ling Jingxuan did not speak any more, but instead closed his eyes in his arms, and he was fortunate enough to meet Yan Ruirui.