MTL - Poisoning the World: The Secret Service Mysterious Doctor is a Young Beastly Wife-Chapter 3048 Seeing Master's face—

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The man in the black robe sighed slightly and slowly took a step towards her. Ji Shenyue backed subconsciously again.

She had felt the powerful magic breath on this man in black robes!

This man's cultivation is extremely deep! With her skill, she can lose dozens of tricks under his hands, and she will definitely lose!

What's more, there is a Huang Qingliu who doesn't know the depth--

The probability of her defeating both of them is zero, and it seems that she can only go thirty-six.

Ji Shenyue dealt with them in her mouth, and she had begun to think about the idea of ​​escape ...

The man in black robes was tall, always looking down at her playful face, and slowly said, "I'm not Xiao Jiu, then who am I?"

Ji Shenyue turned her thoughts sharply, coping with her mouth: "I care who you are ..." The Yueshen sword in her hand seemed to be struggling without pressing, even swiping the screen in her mind.

But Ji Shenyue's entire spirit was on the two people who were opposite. She didn't notice the small movement of the Moon God Sword at all. After she said this, her fingertips suddenly exploded, and a cloud of smoke scattered from her body, covering her Stature ...

This smoke charm was still given to her by Rongyue Tianlan, saying that it is best to use this when the soles of the feet are oiled.

She was a bit scornful at the time, because she never ran away when fighting with others.

But now she can't fight, she must quickly escape to notify those in Ziyunzong ...

While the smoke was spreading out, she wanted to escape with a thousand miles of effort, and jumped back while she was in a sudden, but her waist and eyes were numb and her whole body froze.

Someone behind her! And take advantage of her!

Her body fell slowly and fell into the arms of a person. At the moment she was about to fall into a coma, she saw the face of Master—


When Ji Shenyue woke up again, she found herself in a rather well-furnished room.

There are famous calligraphy paintings on the walls, and the furniture in the house is made of precious agarwood.

Underneath is a milky white ivory bed, covered with a cloud quilt, showing a low-key luxury everywhere.

Ji Shenyue is not strange in this room. She has been here several times before. This is Xie Fengliu's room!

However, most of the furniture inside has been changed. If it was not the painting on the wall, Ji Shenyue would hardly recognize it ...

The painting was still given to Xie Fengliu at that time, because the boy liked art and elegance, and Ji Shenyue happened to find the painting, so he gave him some makeup.

However, Ji Shenyue couldn't care about the changes in the room at this moment. As soon as she opened her eyes, her eyes fixed on Xie Yi, who was sitting at the table not far away, and her fingers were held in the bed.

On the table was a mussel shell, and a moonlight bead in the mussel shell was faintly shining, and the decoration in the room was as quiet as moonlight.

Xie Xie's black hair and black clothes shine like satin, but the tea pouring hands are white as jade.

He is making kung fu tea, his skill is as skilled as flowing water.

He seemed to find Ji Shenyue awake, glanced at her sideways, and his voice was soft: "Shenyue, would you like to drink tea?"

Ji Shenyue sat up slowly from her bed, her acupuncture point was closed, and although she could move, she was only limited to being able to sit up normally.

Successive blows made her always calm and her face pale. She stared at Xie Yun, turning a blind eye to the tea he handed over, and asked directly: "What do you want?"

Xie Yan still held the tea in front of her, and looked at her with a smile: "Sister, you don't even want to drink the tea I made?"