MTL - Poison Genius Consort-Chapter 1273 Nightingale Special: Angry

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Looking at the scorpion in front of him, Qin Min’s world is completely dark. She stretched her face, screaming at the gang, resisting depression and anger, and did not answer the scorpion.

The son of the son is very patient, laughing that the little eyes are all in a straight line, "girl, Fang name?" Qin Min finally could not help, "Fang your mother!"

Her voice was low and angry, and she was completely out of tune with the flowery, beautiful face. The son of the scorpion stunned in an instant, and his face almost disappeared. He almost didn’t expect to be so beautiful as a flower, but he would be swearing!

The beauty of the people is strong and the outside is soft and hard. This kind of woman is simply too challenging! The son of the scorpion immediately sat next to Qin Min, deliberately squeezing her, and the movement was insignificant.

Qin Min was disgustingly out of the goose bumps, and she hurriedly avoided. However, when the son of Gong was close, he also deliberately bumped into her. Qin Min couldn’t help but stand up.

Seeing that the son of the scorpion is coming over again, the cockroach is busy to stop, the young lady is icy and clean, is he being bullied? Peony can't wait to call her grandfather, but she can't and can't!

Seeing my grandfather, they are still chatting. It seems that they have not heard the movement here. She hates it and gives her an idea of ​​how good a good lady is. She whispered, "Miss, there is no way in the horizontal and vertical, it is better to fight, let us take this opportunity, run downstairs, slaves cover you!"

At this time, the son of 纨绔 ** came to Qin Min on the other side and asked, "Little lady, don't hide, do you know who I am?"

Qin Min actually had a plan to let go, and she did not argue with the son of the son, but quietly avoided. Just when the son of the scorpion had to get closer, Qin Min exchanged his eyes with the cockroaches. The master and the servant immediately ran to the stairs.

Who knows, the son of the son actually took the person, and several small squats immediately blocked the stairs.

"Hey, little lady, you are the person on the son of the son, even if you bubble out the tea house, you can't run out of Ning Zhou City!" The son laughed.

Qin Min stopped in the same place, and his head was blank for a time. There was no way to estimate the son behind her. Her mind was all on the side of Gu Beiyue, but she did not dare to look over them. She only knows that at this moment, most of the second floor must be seen by them.

How to do?

Qin Min did not move in the same place, he looked down at his stomach and especially wanted to cry.

How she wished it was a dream, so she woke up, she was still in her small room, and Gu Beiyue did not return.

"Qin Min! It really is you!"

Han Yu’s voice came immediately. Qin Min closed her eyes in despair. She especially wanted to know what Gu Beiyue’s expression was, but she didn’t dare to look at it! Do not dare to watch!

Han Wei looked at Qin Min’s stomach and looked at Gu Beiyue. How is this going?

Gu Beiyue back to Qin Min, so they did not find it. However, just when the son of the son sat in the past, Han Yu discovered it. She was chatting with Long Fei and Gu Beiyue while watching. I think the girl is like Qin Min, but she is not sure.

Looking seriously now, it’s really her!

"Qin Min," Han Wei was very surprised and didn't know how to ask. Qin Min should be a party now! What about your stomach? What about children?

After all, Qin Min still took the courage to look over, only to see Han Wei, Long Fei Ye and Gu Beiyue all looking at her side.

Come over, look at her belly! Only Xiaorui is still chewing, tea and pastries.

Qin Min wants to cry without tears, all kinds of emotions of urgency, guilt, depression, and anger are all in the heart. However, when she hit Gu Beiyue's cold, full of angerful eyes, her heart suddenly blocked, and no emotions were left, leaving nothing uncomfortable, especially uncomfortable.

He is always warm and jade, and his light is soft. She has known him for so long, and she has never seen bad emotions and bad colors in his eyes.

He is angry and very angry.

How to do?

Qin Min was somewhat afraid. She was full of apologies and silently bowed her head. She did not dare to look directly into his eyes and did not want to explain. The mistake is wrong, there is nothing to explain.

No one has spoken, Gu Beiyue has been watching Qin Min, but he has not spoken.

Time seems to stop at this moment, but the son of the scorpion is still arrogant, he stunned Han Han, they have a suspicion, this gang is not rich and expensive, but not Ningzhou City, it must be The power of other places.

Ning Zhou City Tiangao Emperor is far away, he is really not afraid of the outside city. He swayed toward Qin Min and smiled. "Little lady, you are Qin Min? It's so nice!"

Qin Min lowered his head, and he was trying hard to think about how to help Gu Beiyue. However, in this case, she was really calm, and she was not calm, she never thought of a good way, the more she thought about it, the more she was annoyed, and her sweat was almost smashed by her!

"Little lady, go back and sit, this son has something to say to you." When the son said, he would pull Qin Min’s hand, Qin Min was irritated, and he slammed the past, "roll!"

"Smelly girl, you will hit someone! Reverse!"

When the son was shocked, Qin Min’s wrist was cold and Han Han was about to take out the needle. Who knows, Gu Beiyue had already appeared in front of Qin Min, and seized the arm of the son, forcing him to let go.

This speed is too fast to describe, let alone Han Han, that is, the dragon is not clear at night, just think that a wind has passed, people are there.

God knows how much Gu Beiyue’s hand strength is, and then the son of the son suddenly released Qin Min. The whole person slowly squatted and opened his mouth, but he couldn’t make a sound.

"She is not a little lady, she is the next lady."

They were all tortured and unable to speak out. Even if they were screaming at the anger of the day, Gu Beiyue was still talking about the temperature. He said, "You apologize, I will leave you with an arm."

Leave one arm, what about the other arm?

"Help!" The son of the singer finally shouted out, and the little cockroaches around him went together, but each one was shot by the right hand of Gu Beiyue's Xiaojindao. The blade passed through the palm, and the little ones screamed and yelled, and they dared not come forward.

"Apologize, I will leave your legs." Gu Beiyue said faintly.

Keep your legs, what about the two arms?

Yan Gongzi was scared to struggle. "Who are you? Dare to come to Ningzhou to scatter wild! You tell me, I am the prefect of Ning Zhou, you will let me go, I will not happen today, otherwise..."

Gu Beiyue’s voice is gentle, but there is no shortage of strength. He easily interrupts the son of the son. “Apologize, I will leave you a life.”

Leave a life, what about his hands and legs? At this time, the son of the scorpion realized that his wrist did not hurt, but though

However, it does not hurt, but completely lost consciousness, as if the palm is not his.

God, what happened?

My son finally feared. "I apologize for my apology! You will let me go first, I will apologize immediately!"

Gu Beiyue released his hand, but pulled him another hand. Gu Beiyue Mingming just gently pinched, but the Gongzizi burst into a mournful mourning. Listening to this voice, everyone in the room couldn’t help but grow up. There are fears in the eyes of Gu Beiyue, such a weak son, where is the great strength! What kind of person is he?

Qin Min is the most shocked. For the first time, she saw such a ruthless and cruel Gu Beiyue. She never knew that gentleness, like the spring breeze in April, would be so cruel.

She found that she really couldn't understand the man in front of her, even if she was so close to him.

Gu Beiyue not only ruined the two hands of the uncle, but also unloaded his feet, the same is the pinching of the ankle, like a doctor, the movement is gentle, but the screaming screams, the pain almost Fainted.

Han Hao is not the first time to see Gu Beiyue so arrogant. She found that she did not know him. She originally wanted to pack up and pick up the scum man. When she saw it, she sat back with confidence and whispered. "Oh, our Gu Taifu is really angry, and Qin Min can make him angry. In that way."

Long Fei night trails from tea, no words, he is more curious about how Qin Min’s stomach is going on? Gu Beiyue also arrived just today, and does not seem to know what Qin Min’s stomach is.

The sons and sons of both sons were abolished, and they were unable to move on the ground. Gu Beiyue was still stubborn. He stepped on the back of the son and calmly asked, "Apologize?"

"I was wrong, I was wrong!" The scorpion hurts and cried. "Mrs. Qin Min, I am wrong."

Gu Beiyue just let go of the foot, a few small cockroaches quickly came to pull people, drag people to the distance, dare to pick up.

He was very reluctant to go downstairs, but he was ordered to stop. He yelled at Gu Beiyue, "You! Who are you? Dare, dare to report the name!"

Gu Beiyue looked back and looked chilly. He said, "If you can't find a doctor who can get bones, you can go to the medical city to find me. My name is Gu Beiyue."

When this is said, the son will be stupid in an instant!

Gu Beiyue...

The dean of the famous medical school, the head of the Daqin Tai Hospital, the Taifu of Daqin, the most cherished confidant in the holy place today, Gu! north! month!

Not to mention the son, but a few of his little sisters are also stupid, their hands are soft, the son of the scorpion will be all kinds of squatting on the ground, a backing actually rolled down from the stairs! The little ones are running along, not just running away, or chasing down to save people.

This is not the worst, the worst is that the son's hands and feet are never good. Gu Beiyue's unloading is naturally a move. The doctors all over the world, except him, have not been able to help the scorpion to connect the bones.

Xiaorui didn’t know when to look up and see the son roll down the stairs. He suddenly laughed. Han Han quickly grabbed his mouth and whispered, “Hey! Tai Fu is angry, don’t laugh!”

When Gu Beiyue turned around, he faced Qin Min, and he was facing the dragon and the night and Han Han. The tall body completely blocked Qin Min’s body. Han Hao could not see Qin Min...

(End of this chapter)