MTL - Plug-in Player-Chapter 95 supply

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Because of the prolonged immersion in sea water, Su Mo felt stiff and slow. As for the pollution in the water, if it is not for drinking and long-term soaking, the impact is not very big. He endured the discomfort and took off his shoes and pants. After that, I tore the trousers and tied them to the joints of both hands and feet. One was to reduce the friction sound, and the other was to prevent the joints from being worn.

At this moment, he held his breath, and he didn't dare to catch a breath. Soon he groped to the shore, and there was a throbbing red sarcoma less than two meters in front of him.

Su Mo stared at the sarcoid, holding the dagger in his mouth with his right hand, and then climbed up from the side little by little.

He needs to crawl over the sarcoma in front of him. The reason why he chose to land here is very simple.

The sarcomas here are relatively small and sparse, and are covered by the sound of explosions and sea water. If your movements are light enough and you are lucky enough, you might be able to pass it smoothly.

Of course, Su Mo was also prepared for an accident. As long as those sarcomas were abnormal, he would erupt and use a dagger to kill them silently.

Su Mo crawled forward a little bit, the fog and night were covering his tracks very well, and the puppet soldiers in the distance did not react at all.

And Su Mo also crawled past the sarcoma beside him little by little, his eyes kept staring at the sarcoma on both sides.

His heart was almost in his throat, as if in the next second, those monsters in the sarcoma would break out of the wall.

But fortunately, he still managed to climb over without any risk.

Of course, this was just the beginning. After Su Mo climbed to a relatively safe space, he began to look around.

If there is no accident, he should have entered the interior of the bay base now, there are many high-level buildings around, but due to the blocked line of sight, he can only roughly see some outlines.

But it doesn't matter, Su Mo is just here to find something to eat. It doesn't have to be which one to enter, so he focused on the nearest building.

Su Mo took a deep breath and crawled towards the building little by little.

Although it looks awkward to climb over, there is no safer way than this. Of course, Su Mo also thought about rushing over very fast, but the problem was that he had been immersed in the sea water for too long, and his stamina was not much left.

It didn't take long for Su Mo to climb to the door of the building in front of him. It was a square building with only one floor. The door was open. He observed left and right to confirm that there were no enemies.

He stood up, then slipped in gently.

The interior area is very dark, but the space is very spacious, it seems to be a storage warehouse.

A large number of sealed wooden boxes are placed in the storage warehouse.

Su Mo didn't rashly open the box. Instead, she held her breath and walked very lightly. She carefully searched the boxes one by one to see if there was any hidden danger.

When Su Mo was walking, he suddenly heard a slight movement. He turned around sharply, raised the dagger in his hand, and stabbed Kazami, who was in the form of a juvenile, on the side of the wooden box. Cool.

The viscous blood spattered everywhere.

Before the hiding Kazami could attack, he was silently killed.

There are too many wooden boxes here, and monsters may be hidden in every dead corner.

Su Mo squinted his eyes, very calm, and searched for the nearby containers one by one.

Just as he was passing by a container, a one-meter-high Kazami rushed out from the side, like an octopus, and charged towards Su Mo head on.

Su Mo's body swayed, and she dodged directly.

Immediately, he threw the dagger out of his hand.


The dagger hit the head of the Kazami.

With the splash of sticky red blood, the Kazami staggered and fell. Su Mo hurriedly rushed up to support him and gently placed it on the ground.

Then he pulled up his dagger and continued to search for the surrounding containers.

Half an hour later, Su Mo completely cleaned the warehouse.

He walked to a sealed box, picked up the dagger and started to pry open the box little by little.

Soon the box was pried open, and Su Mo was stunned when he saw what was inside.

The WDC-03 heat-sensing individual rocket barrels are neatly placed.

Su Mo immediately pried open the other boxes, rocket shells, QBZ-171 rifles, grenades, smoke bombs, howitzers, flash bombs, all exposed.

Even Su Mo found the big guy, a five-meter long-range missile.

These weapons are good things at first glance. If they were replaced as usual, Su Mo might be very happy, but unfortunately they are not what he needs now. Now his top priority is to find supplies, otherwise he can't stand it anymore.

So Su Mo took some by the way. He took a QBZ-171 rifle, and by the way, some grenades, smoke bombs and flash bombs.

As for the individual rocket cannon, he gave up after thinking about it. Although this thing is fierce, it is also heavy. He doesn't have much physical strength to carry it. And once it is used, it is estimated that it is not far from death. , so simply gave up temporarily.

Including the rifle that Su Mo was holding, he just carried it on his back and had no intention of using it. UU reading www.

After a little renovation, he took a deep breath and prepared to explore other buildings. He is not worried that the base is out of food now, as long as he finds the storage near the restaurant, he can definitely find a lot of food.

Su Mo took a deep breath and sneaked out from the back door of the warehouse holding her breath.

He cautiously moved towards an inconspicuous and low building on the side. There were red sarcomas everywhere along the way, and Su Mo was terrified as he walked.

I don't know if it was because of the weapons on her body, which gave Su Mo a little confidence.

He didn't need to crawl, but Su Mo didn't take off too much. He accurately calculated the distance from each sarcoid to him. He tried to stay away from the big sarcomas, get close to the small sarcomas, and take the best route.

There is a feeling of walking on a tightrope. It feels like you have to turn over if you are not careful, and your heartbeat is also very fast.

I don't know if it was the deafening sound of battle in the distance, which well covered up the movement of Su Mo's actions, and did not arouse the awareness of those Kazami.

He still slipped into the building without a hitch.

This is a building with only two floors. He touched it inside, and the door was a corridor, with rooms on both sides of the corridor.

The doors of some rooms are still open.

Su Mo glanced at the open door, there were documents scattered all over the place.

He was also a little disappointed. This building seemed to be an archive room.

However, all of them came, Su Mo was patient, and searched little by little.

Soon the first floor was searched by him, except that he found a juvenile Kazami in the corner, and nothing else was found.

So Su Mo walked up to the second floor.

The layout of the second floor is basically the same as that of the first floor, and there is no difference.