MTL - Please Start Your Show-Chapter 98 The 98th Attack:

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It is still very easy for Su Yingdi to kill Allen. After all, he has much better acting skills than Allen, and his IQ is higher than Allen, and his dependence on ability is even lower than Allen. In short, for various reasons Foot it.

Emperor Su Ying was surprised that Irene was not.

This is not to say that Allen suddenly lost his IQ, but that Su Yingdi was too much higher than his rank, and he tried to drop ten sessions without giving Allen a chance to play.

In contrast, Allen, although talking about raising the vigilance of the monitors, actually did not take Su Yingdi at all. Otherwise, he would not even carefully investigate the relationship between singer An and Su Yingdi, and then blindly singer An to start and make enemies for himself. Allen thought that to solve the confidant problem of drug-free disease, he could sit back and relax according to his routine. In fact, there are mountains outside the world, people outside the world, and abnormalities outside the metamorphosis.

The reason why Su Yingdi didn't cause much trouble just because he focused on collecting Huoan singers all the time and did not play too much. But that does not mean that Su Yingdi will not do it.

In fact, even if Su Yingdi just wanted to be a singer, he still deceived Yao Wushang for a short period of time, and never let people like Yao Wushang focus on him from beginning to end. But Allen was wrong from the beginning. He was wrong. Although he didn't know exactly what happened to Allen, at least he thought he was hiding in front of him. It's nothing.

In terms of whether the medicine can be used as the standard, the comparison of Su Yingdi's and Allen's methods is already obvious, and the biological chain stands up.

One is clever by itself and careful to set the game; the other is inadequate in terms of its own conditions, and it also ignores the enemy's intentions. It is conceivable how the outcome will be.

"It's just giving people a head." Yao Xiaowen was in Lu Jianyan's office, commenting on the mobile game he was playing.

This interrupted Lu Jianyan's thinking and pulled him back to God from the affairs of Alan and Su Yingdi. Lu Jianyan no longer thought about it, just smiled and cared about the child with Internet addiction, "You want to drink some water? Have something to eat?"

The drug patient immediately put down the mobile phone that is attractive to most children, looking forward to Lu Jianyan: "Let's go together?"

"Together." Lu Jianyan could not always refuse to refuse the medicine.

As a result, the two inexplicably ate a snack together at Lu Jianyan's office hours.

And, yes, Lu Jianyan had to bring a small medicine problem to work. He had to worry about Lu Jianyan more than a large medicine problem. I'm certainly not assured of staying at home. Looking for someone to look at Lu Jianyan was afraid that the person would abduct the child.

So he can only take the child to work actively, and the drug patient deliberately left a voice diary of the drug patient in his newly acquired child's mobile phone: [I didn't say anything, Yan Yan took me to the company voluntarily ~]

The feeling of pride lies in words.

Lu Jianyan ’s secretary assistant group exploded after the secretary ’s sister had finished eating in the office. They all said that the suspected medicinal concubine raw rice was used to make mature rice to force the palace. At most, the concubine can only do it in the same office as BOSS, but now this mini version can let BOSS quit his job and accompany him to eat the millennial cake. Extremely, terribly.

——So, this is really the illegitimate son of the Emperor Lu and the concubine?

——Sure it is. Use your child as the master. This is the method written in the first article of "Spirit X Higher Guide"! I just didn't expect the children were so old. Routine with the ball?

--should be. I said why I haven't seen the concubine before, it turned out that I had been waiting for the child to grow up in secret. Think about those "genius babies, president and father than", not all run with the ball, after five or six years, the child reunited with the president, and then began the domineering president fell in love with my mom. Admire, admire, society, society.

——But His Royal Highness and the Prince do not look like each other at all, nor do they look like anyone in the Lu family.

——So you did n’t see that the child does n’t even have a name now. It can't be a prairie above our president's head.

The secret group of the secretaries and assistants was stricken by the arrival of Yaoxiao, but Yaoxiao himself knew nothing about it. He was still happy that Lu Jianyan had given him a study table with a tilting table for a child at the big desk.

Although it is said that the small drug patient always grows up, he will remember everything when he grows up. It doesn't need to worry about how he studies now, but after all, the small drug patient is a child without growing up. Bring your child up, right? Adhering to this traditional idea, Lu Jianyan has prepared various learning materials for the small patients before taking them to the company.

As a result, it's the game on the mobile phone that can finally shut up Xiaoyao.

Those learning materials ...

Basically, small medicines can be regurgitated, which is not to say that medicine is safe at this age, the child prodigy has reached such a level, but that these things exist in the memory of the big medicine, and the small medicine only needs to be glanced at. Recall.

But the real key information is about what 1011 is, but the drug sufferer can't remember it, he lacks a source of stimulation.

After eating the cake with the young patient, it was almost time for lunch. Lu Jianyan, who had always been self-disciplined, rarely decided to stop working, but chose to take the children out to eat delicious food.

It is a habit for a drug patient to reach out and hold.

But Lu Jianyan was not ready to continue accustomed to him: "You have grown up and can no longer hold it."

Lu Jianyan patiently wanted to make sense with the drug patient.

However, the drug abuser only used a pair of big silver smoke eyes and looked at Lu Jianyan grievously. He would not cry or lose his temper, but it was more fatal than crying and losing his temper, which made people distressed.

"If you have to hold something, you can hold the teddy bear I bought for you." Lu Jianyan said. He gave a small patient to buy a room toy. This is the Lu family's tradition of treating children. Lu Jianyan felt for a long time that each child has a toy room, but it will depend on the family income. There are different sizes. It was later learned that this was not the case.

"But, but if we don't hold each other, how would anyone know that we are together?" Yao Xiaowen's expression of possessiveness is still very cute, or he is naturally adorable at all ages.

"We can pull hands, just like we used to go to kindergarten together."

"Will it be pulled all the time?" Yao Xiaoren looked up at Lu Jianyan, adding another sentence, "When he grows up, he also pulls?"

Lu Jianyan was inexplicably aware of what tricks Xiaoyao was playing. I have to say that Yaoyao was really unconvinced. He had to spend all his energy and brainpower to give him future benefits.

In the past, Lu Jianyan would never agree, but today's situation has changed, so he nodded happily.

Yao Xiaoren then happily landed with a cold little hand to see Yan's warm hand, holding Lu Jianyan's teddy bear in one hand, leaving Lu's head office together.

There are a lot of employees who leave work at noon. Basically everyone saw the scene where Mr. Lu took a medicine-free copy.

Before lunch was over, Sister Lu's phone number arrived, and she said in a tone of laughter: "I heard that you and Yaoyao had an illegitimate child? So fast? Take my big nephew for dinner at night?"

Lu Jianyan had to point the camera at the little sick guy who was peeling shrimp beside him: "Do you think he looks like your eldest nephew?"

Even Sister Lu couldn't say with conscience. The little guy in front of the camera has a slight resemblance to the Lu family: "What the **** is going on?"

"The medicine has shrunk," Lu Jianyan has nothing to hide from her sister, and does not need to let her do psychological construction. She is currently living in a brain with a system translator for many years, and she has the ability to detect lies. The man is in love. She has been made into steel. There is nothing she can't accept. "Come, suffer, and say hello to my sister."

"Sister, you are so beautiful when you grow up ~" Yao Xiaowen's mouth is much sweeter than Yao Dai's. The most important thing is that his tone of speech is so sincere. Let Sister Lu know that the other party is just courting her. Live happy.

"I have always been handsome without suffering," Although Sister Lu is serious and a strong woman, she has a good temper with children she knows. Like Lu Jianyan, there is always a place in my heart that will soften for children, "You What are you doing? Are you eating shrimp? "

Yaoyao shook his head and said seriously: "I'm peeling shrimp for Yan Yan. He works hard today."

Inexplicably, Lu Jianyan had the feeling of being stunned by a six-year-old again.

"Sister is also very tired today. She has been working very hard." Sister Lu deliberately teased Xiaoyao. There are not many days when she can't be cured, she will cherish it!

Yaoyao was distressed, especially the real dilemma: "Can no one peel the shrimp for you? Can you wait for a while? When Yan Yan eats enough, I will peel it for you."

In any case, Yan Yan is the first, but she can't keep Sister Lu from eating.

Prince Period finally couldn't sit still, raised her fork to feed Sister Lu with a codfish, and said in actual action that Lu Jianci didn't need a six-year-old child to take care of him. His boyfriend was not dead yet!

After hanging up, Sister Lu said with a sad face: "It's over, it's really over."

The prince period sided with sign language: [Yan Yan's fall is sooner or later, it has nothing to do with the sudden reduction of medicine. 】

Sister Lu said to herself, "It seems my mother and Aunt Yaodou are going to lose this time."

Prince Period: [...]

System: [Although I have said it many times, I still want to say that your girlfriend is not human, and the brain circuit is horrible. 】

Sister Lu just finished playing, mother Lu and father Lu came in again, still the same routine as Sister Lu, first knocked sideways to ask the child where it came from, after learning that it was smaller and safer, then began to worry about fighting The problem with the picture ... Well, Father Lu's painting style is slightly different. After Mother Lu asked the child that the medicine was safe, he pretended that he hadn't worried about the child and was completely unmoved by the rumors. He The call was just for an in-depth discussion on the company's major project development and Lu Jianyan in the next quarter.

Lu Jianyan couldn't help crying and laughing, but apparently had to satisfy his dad. I seriously talked with all his old fathers about the projects he was in charge of recently, and then finished.

As a result, when Lu Jianyan hung up the phone, they found that the medicine-free children who had just peeled shrimp shells beside him had disappeared.

However, the drug problem did not go far, and he would never let Lu Jianyan worry, even if it was a little bit. Yao Xiaoran ran to another boy whose silhouette looked a bit like Lu Jianyan, who was full of anger.

"You don't know Yan Yan, so what have you been staring at him for? You look great? Do you think he is your dad and he is it? Then I don't think so! How can you not learn well at a young age? You think you are poor and love rich?

When Lu Jianyan rushed over, the child over there was about to cry. A closer look revealed that he and Lu Jianyan were not so similar.

When the child's real father comes over ...

Lu Jianyan was completely speechless. Someone really played the routine of running with the ball. It ’s not bad to meet in a restaurant and start a story?

Lu Jianyan can be sure that he has not had any relationship with the taskman. He didn't know how the child came before, but he knew that the child's father was an unsuccessful tasker who had applied for his assistant and wanted to take the line of overbearing president and secretary.

That was how Lu Jianyan had just entered the company's management for a long time. A new employee mistakenly set up Lu Jianyan's dedicated elevator and almost contributed four cups of coffee to Lu Jianyan's shirt. Finally, he was drunk when he went on a business trip In Lu Jianyan's room ...

Of course, Lu Jianyan fired him without hesitation. Such an indifferent, reckless, rough-handed employee, how sick would he be to leave the other party? And therefore look at each other differently?

Lu Jianyan thought that the other party should have disappeared long ago, but he did not know where he jumped out, and planned to change to another president's routine.

Why did Lu Jianyan know each other's plans?

Because the other party's system is talking. After experiencing a variety of systems that were not working, it suddenly appeared that such a primitive and unpretentious thing was still a little fresh.

However, Lu Jianyan didn't let the other side just let go. He had a team of lawyers specializing in child lawsuits. He couldn't let these people spend too long, didn't he?

This is Lu Jianyan's attitude. Needless to say, do a paternity test first. The child is not Lu Jianyan, that is a fraud; the child is Lu Jianyan, then it is necessary to dig into which irresponsible childcare center dare to openly violate the law. In the absence of one party and without written agreement, the partnership made a life .

Due to the development of artificial uterine technology, relevant laws and regulations have become very strict. Using my gene to make a child without my consent, not only face sky-high compensation, but also a life of up to fifteen years.

If the other person is a female, Lu Jianyan may still not be able to say clearly, but the other person is a male, then it is only possible to obtain Lu Jianyan's gene by illegal means.

In short, it cannot be that the other party is bisexual, the appearance of a male, or the womb of a female?

As a result, cough, it really is.

The body chosen by this tasker is bisexual. Lu Jianyan Yan remembered that the medicine was harmless and he said that the bisexuality was also a hot spot of pure love on the Internet.

First of all, Lu Jianyan didn't think that the two sexes were weird. He didn't even agree that some people used the word "freak" to describe both sexes. It's not deformed, it's just born different. Lu Jianyan was really disgusted because others are different from the mainstream, so he used derogatory words to describe the feelings of others.

It's not that people must be right, it must be correct, sometimes it's just an atrocity of people. No one has the right to laugh at anyone at will before experiencing exactly the same experience as others.

Not to mention that this tasker deliberately traverses into a bisexual person, using the other party's distinctive place as a selling point of the strategy.

It's a little disgusting.

Lu Jianyan understood more and more why drug-free medicine would become killer.

However, the principle of insistence Lu Jianyan will always adhere to it, and will not be transferred because of his anger. He will only ask the quester to leave the body of the original owner. Theoretically, there is no cure for the disease, it is very difficult for Lu Jianyan to do this, he can only step by step to force the other party to retreat. Fortunately, Lu Jianyan and Yao Wushang had long imagined what to do if Lu Jianyan wasn't around if there was a heavenly medicine.

PS: Yaowu insists that this situation is impossible. He will always be with Lu Jianyan. The reason why he prepared this plan B is just to prevent himself from losing his ability one day and cannot help Lu Jianyan.

There is no medicine on the hanging screen mobile phone that Lu Jianyan is really about to turn into a pattern strap. It left a special rune that can wake up the original owner who has occupied the body and can only sleep in his own body, and let the original owner pass. His own power drove the tasker away.

The inspiration of this falcon comes from the special circumstances of the prince period and Ye Nan. As long as the original owner is sober, the original owner will easily gain the upper hand in his own body, and it is only a matter of minutes to tear the tasker by hand. Compared to revenge for others, Lu Jianyan is more inclined to help others get their own revenge.

However, this wake-up takes some time.

At least when the parents and children of Lu Jianyan and the child were identified in the afternoon, the original owner had not yet woken up, and the taskman only appeared to be incapable and not fit well with the body. His system had been self-examining in his mind, but he couldn't find anything. Come out of it,

This tasker can also be regarded as a personal talent. Shengsheng played this kind of physical discomfort into a fragile heart after being distrusted by Lu Jianyan. He kept talking that the child was his own, and did not need Lu Jianyan to join in, but apart from showing his strong side of "poor, unyielding", this resistance had no effect. He Not even struggling let the paternity test go on.

In short, it is the vulgar phrase "No, but the body is honest."

It seems that the taskman is very confident that the child is Lu Jianyan.


The results came out three hours later, and they were not father and son.

The taskman who was just performing hard will not do it now. He doesn't believe it anyway. He thinks that the mechanism that Lu Jianyan is looking for is unreliable. Lu Jianyan's people made hands and feet. He just said that the child was his own Today, than anyone else insists that they have to re-examine, and must put the child's existence on Lu Jianyan's head.

"You are free." Lu Jianyan did not intend to stop, but did not intend to continue to spend time with the other side. How many files did he have to deal with this afternoon? Even if it doesn't work, it is better to just play with the younger patients than to watch such a big show.

After speaking, Lu Jianyan wouldn't really leave her head anymore. This is the real thing. She doesn't care if she doesn't care.

Still, the assistant lady gave the missioner a business card and performed various aftercare work: "If you have other results that are different, you are welcome to call this at any time to contact us. However, I have to remind you that the next The cost of any paternity test needs to be borne by you. After all, whoever questions and who proves it. We have given our results. If you are not satisfied, please come up with more evidence to prove that there is a problem with our test. . "

"You, do you think I'm saving money?" The taskman held the business card, as if he was insulted greatly, his eyes were red, and the lower lip was bleeding.

"To be honest, similar to the one you brought to your door with a child or pregnant, we have to deal with at least a dozen of them a year, but none of them is this." Assistant Miss should not say these, but she recently I just became a mother. It ’s when mother ’s love bursts out. "In the face of the child, I advise you to turn back soon. Do n’t make a noise. You are also a father. Think about it for your child. Will you pull him like this? How much psychological shadow will be left on children if they save money. "

The assistant lady is also a person who has experienced strong winds and waves. She has seen too many bees and butterflies, which are rushing to Lu Jianyan. This method is a bit out of place.

At least someone else knows to get a fake paternity test, but this one ...

The taskman left the child silently. He didn't know what happened in his heart. Obviously, he had managed to obtain Lu Jianyan's DNA. Using the high-tech provided by the system, he could prove 100% that the child was Lu Jianyan's. He didn't know what went wrong in the middle, but he could swear he would never happen next time.

"This, this is impossible! I will prove that I am right!" Leaving this sentence, the taskman walked very smartly, striding straight, but suffering the children around him, he could only trot and try to keep up Dad, I don't know why he became so terrible.

Regarding how the appraisal results did not work as expected, Lu Jianyan had an immature conjecture--the ability to change the past obtained by Teacher Wuyou from Teacher Li.

The child itself was not Lu Jianyan's, but was modified by the taskee by using unscrupulous means. As long as the medicine has no problem, as long as you use your ability to change the past settings, you can just turn Lu Jianyan's DNA into anyone.

But now that medicine is harmless, he can do it?

Yaoyao also behaves like a child who has done something wrong. He has been silent on the way home at night, with his head down and not talking, but his eyes also say stubbornness of repentance.

He didn't know how he did it, but he did feel that he had that ability to change the past, and he really changed. He lost Yan Yan's child, but he didn't regret it at all. He didn't want anyone to be Yan Yan's child. Yan Yan had him. Even if Yan Yan is angry for this, he will not change back!

When Lu Jianyan raised his hand at him, Yao Xiaoyan closed his eyes subconsciously, clenched his teeth and insisted that he wouldn't relax even if he was hit!

Then, Yao Xiaoyan felt the temperature coming from Lu Jianyan's palm, still so gentle. He rubbed his head, and when he finally dared to look up, he said, "Good job."

Lu Jianyan does not want children, but he wants a child he sincerely expects, not a child who is imposed on him by some black technology. But if there is no such thing as a small drug, Lu Jianyan can't explain even if he has a mouth. Even if he can tell the family clearly, his sense of responsibility will not allow him to leave the child alone.

There are many ways to leave the child without the child ’s incidental products. Lu Jianyan has many, but it will be very uncomfortable after all, and he has a child somehow. Because of this knot, Lu Jianyan probably couldn't do nothing about the children ...

It's almost endless, and it's scary to think carefully.

Fortunately, there is a small problem with medicine.

Yao Xiaoren looked up at Lu Jianyan without being humble, but instead asked for rewards to fly: "Kiss?"

Lu Jianyan smiled helplessly, then bowed his head to meet him, on his forehead.