MTL - Please Start Your Show-Chapter 94 Ninety-fourth Raiders:

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Chapter 94 The 94th Attack:

Yaowu Su really didn't know what his mother's last name was before marrying.

This should not be blamed for negligence or care for friends. It's just thinking about how many people know the last names of their friends' mothers? Not to mention, the friendship between Wu Wu Yan and Lou Yi is still based on Lu Jianyan.

Of course, the most important reason is that Lou's mother is now Lou.

This is to start with the special group that is conservative and self-defeating. Many modern families say that their history can be traced back to which dynasty and generation, and their ancestors have retained hundreds of thousands of years ago. Blood and tradition are proud.

However, there are good and bad traditions. Theoretically, the essence should be taken to remove the dregs. Unfortunately, there are great difficulties in actual operation. It ’s like which traditions are good and should be retained; which traditions are dross and should be dropped with the times. The standard of judgment for ordinary people is not to count, only to be said by the family.

Therefore, even though men and women have been equal in the world for many years, the eldest son inheritance system is still popular in the family. Only when the male is really unable to support the wall, the daughter-in-law will be considered.

Of course, this does not mean that all families will follow the mainstream. For example, the Lu family is very cold-stricken.

In the family tradition, another bad practice that Lu family couldn't pay much attention to is that after the family daughter marries another family, she should put her husband's surname in front of her own name. "In my name, the name of Guanru" sounds very romantic, and has been interpreted into another meaning by modern literary works, but in ancient times, the meaning of my name, Ru, was that the naked woman wanted With the man's last name.

There are few ordinary people in modern country C who will do this, but it is still the mainstream norm in the family.

Of course, whether everyone will follow this so-called mainstream, in fact, it depends on strength.

For example, if Sister Lu was married to Prince, she would definitely not be renamed Wang Lujianci. Not only that, she would probably be very disgusted at being called Mrs. Wang. She was saying, why no one calls Mr. Lu the prince?

Sister Lu said that Ms. Lu and Mr. Lu are all very good names, and will not change at all because of her married status in the future.

But some people have no way to resist, like Lou Lou. Before the mother Lou Lou father got married, she was the daughter of the upstart and mud-legged family in the mouth of the family. Even if the family had rich money, it was difficult to be accepted by the family, which can sometimes become particularly annoying.

Of course, if this is the case, Mother Lou may not give up.

More importantly, Lou ’s act of marrying the upstart ’s daughter as his wife will not be interpreted as love by the family, it will only be interpreted as the Lou ’s family is out of money. The family helps the family raise their identity, and the family sells women to ask for honor to give the house and other money to support their extravagant lives.

Just like the gilded era that Mark Twain once mocked, the corrupt marriage between the nobles of the rotten nations and the great wealth of the rice nations.

The family enjoys extravagant life, but they despise the money that can bring them extravagant life. Sometimes the double standard scares them even.

Lou mother really loves Lou father, so in order to reduce other people ’s malicious speculations on Lou father, Lou mother quietly modified her after concealing her marriage certificate after obtaining a marriage certificate. first name.

It was just a simple surname, but instantly reversed the situation at the time, making people want to laugh and cry. But this is the family.

Of course, there are also people in the family who follow their husband's surname, but the simple ideas are more old-school, not all of which are based on various feudal ideas, such as medicine mothers. Both the medicine mother and her parents felt that the marriage of the family was good, and the Qin and Jin dynasties were good. Changing the family name was a statement, an implicit promise and confession, and it was a respectable act.

For this reason, the medicine is harmless and has been passed in private with his mother just in case. If his mother had to mention this after he and Lu Jianyan were married, he would change his name to Lu Yaosan!

The medicine mother finally gave in, but she was still a little unwilling to vomit her own son: "You can catch up with others before you talk!" 】

Hey, it's a little far away. In short, no one mentioned the mother's last name for many years. Lu Jianyan does not necessarily know.

It is not known until now that the medicine is safe. And if he has a little IQ, it is impossible to miss this information.

Mother Lou's mother's surname An is bound to have something to do with Father An. However, how exactly this connection is still to be explored and cannot be judged easily.

Speaking of which, the mother of Fifth Yi seems to be surnamed Zhou. Mr. An's old name was Mr. Zhou. I always feel that this should not be a pure coincidence.

Yao Wushang thought that the first thing he would go back to was probably to have a good talk with Fifth Yi, about his self-cultivation and professional ethics!

Yao Wushang talked with Lu Jianyan for a while, and Ye Bei and Xiao Tu were found by Yao Wushang. As soon as he entered the door, the first thing ‘with no trouble in the medicine’ was to look at the medicine without trouble, in case he did something inappropriate with his ‘Lu Jianyan’.

However, Yaowushang knew his thoughts well, so although he said nothing about Yaowushang, he gave the other person a polite look.

‘Ye Bei’ stepped forward and knew each other a little bit.

‘Yeibei’ is a tall, beautiful man. He does not have the public's inherent impression of ordinary technical houses, and his pale skin and dark circles will not appear on Yebei ’s delicate face. In fact, he pays special attention to appearance.

However, when it comes to talking about his profession, 'Ye Bei' is still very mature and reliable.

He explained another confusion about medicine innocence for medicine innocence, concerning conflicts between parallel families and other worlds.

"To be precise, our relationship with you is not called a parallel world, but a parallel universe. Is the Marvel orDC superhero universe? It's almost the same as that."

In universe A, there are three thousand worlds; in universe B, there are three thousand worlds. Because of a small change, there is medicine in a certain world in universe A, but in a world in universe B, there may be no medicine innocence, or there may be a different medicine innocence. No one can be sure of this.

"I can only speculate on the basis of [you have not experienced the end of the day but we have experienced] and [the fifth man and the building in your world are idle together, but our world is not together] these two conditions can be inferred that there should be In a C universe, the existence of the world is still apocalyptic, but Lou Yixian and Fifth Yi are still together; a D universe, a world without apocalypse, but Lou Yixian and Fifth Yi are not together. In short, it will be There are many possibilities, similar to the probability events learned in the previous math class. "

The real interpretation of the 1114 small world is actually "111, 4", the 111th small world of the fourth universe.

"Yehbei" and others exist in the 1011 small world, which is the 101st small world in the first universe.

Questers can quickly move back and forth between small worlds, but have no way to cross the universe. Of course, there are exceptions, but most of them are not possible. If you really cross the universe, you may encounter different selves. The tasker is no exception. In another universe, maybe he is not the tasker, but is being attacked.

"What about the main brain?" Wushang did not care about the taskees.

"There cannot be many main brains, but there should be several, for example, one main brain will be responsible for two to three parallel universes. Maybe the main brain of our two worlds is one. Its computing cloud is extremely large and beyond imagination That kind of. But it is because of the hugeness that it is easy for me to drill holes. But I can only drill holes. I ca n’t completely kill the main brain. For the same reason, it ’s too large. Endless. "

"Meaning, if I kill the main brain of my universe, my universe may also be taken over by other main brains?"

"I don't know about it." 'Ye Bei' shook his head. They haven't studied it yet. After all, they haven't even thought of **** the main brain of their universe, let alone the main brain existing in other universes. "But you can think of it this way, in different universes, there will be one of you or someone else who is fighting the master brain, and there will always be someone who can successfully kill the master brain. When the master brain is busy dealing with the rebels under its jurisdiction, it probably didn't Leave nothing to the resistance of other universes who have succeeded. "

"Did anyone succeed? How did he succeed?" Yaowu asked.

‘Yehbei’ remained silent because he was just taking a placebo, and the real answer was cruel: “As far as I know, there is only one case.”

So many universes, so many worlds, there is only one successful case, one unique case. Still a long time ago.

‘Ye Bei’ can know this, because he accidentally saw it when he entered the main brain backup center in order to hide his brother ’s world. There is a legendary quester who got the chance to make a wish with the first and most powerful master brain. No one knows what he made. He only knows that the master brain can't fulfill his wish, so in the end the master brain Destroyed by this paradox.

"Legend, therefore, there is a division of the universe, and countless parallel universes have been born. Now these new master brains are actually backups of the first master brain, which is much better to deal with."

But no more rebels were able to succeed like that legendary quester.

He has a probability that is almost impossible. He is almost a god-like being. He travels through different universes and continues to destroy the main brain. He is faintly feared by all beings including the main brain and the system.

'Ye Bei' smiled: "You may not believe it when you say it. The reason why my friends and I will come here is to try to find this legendary quester, but it failed. He or she should not be where we are. The universe. It is calculated by the **** operator. It is said that legendary questers may exist here, but unfortunately we do not have them. "

Inexplicably, Wuwu Wu remembered the information that Lu Jianyan heard back then—the leisurely man of God.

The drug-free medicine always felt that he was about to touch the final truth, very close, extremely close, the kind within his reach.

"In short, let's take you home first."

"Okay thank you."

"It's okay, just help each other. If our two universes really have a common master brain, we also count on working with you to kill it together."

"How to cooperate?"

"It's like you're killing the main brain. We are responsible for applauding and praise?" "Medicine is innocuous" finally could not bear to interject.

The eyebrows were raised without any problems, and the smell of gunpowder thickened instantly.

'Lu Jianyan' had to stand up and slime: "It is better that we continue to work separately to find legendary questers in our universe. Whoever finds it, the other party is responsible for pulling the hatred of the master's brain, and fighting for the other side Opportunity to deal with the main brain. "

Both medicines nodded reluctantly, and both agreed temporarily.

The premise is that they do have a master brain.

"Confirming this is simple. Find me and Xiao Tu in your world, and then we can find a way to connect with each other. Two I can confirm that we are in the jurisdiction of a master brain. Remember , We are the world of 1011. The ability of 'Xiao Tu' is limited. When sending you back, there may be some accidents. Like amnesia, you can forget everything, but the most important thing is to remember, 1011. "

The medicine nodded and nodded, and pulled out the knife on the waist of ‘Xiao Tu’, and carved the words Ye Bei and 1011 on his arm. Not only his arm but also his leg was backed up.

The kind without hesitation.

"Don't you hurt?" "Xiao Tu" was frightened.

"Afraid of pain can solve the main brain?" The medicine raised the eyebrows and made a neurological manifestation. Seeing Lu's absence, he was too lazy to hide it. Another 'Medicine Free' is trying to convince his 'Lu Jianyan' that this neuropathy is not him.


"It doesn't matter if you're afraid."

The medicine has left most of the content on his mobile phone, but he always has a premonition that the phone can't be trusted. Facts have also proved that the premonition that the medicine is safe will come true.

The mobile phone is really unreliable, just like the ability of "Xiao Tu".


At the same time, Lu Jianyan, who has always been unavailable, can only choose to deal with the task person who pretends to be innocuous, and tries to probe the news from him. I also don't want him to ruin his reputation for innocence.

This is very simple. Lu Jianyan called Ye Nan by phone: "There is something, and I would like to ask you to help."

Ye Nan just ended a trip to the charity of the Third World and said to Lu Jianyan: "As long as I can do it, I will do my best to help you."

"You don't need to do anything. I just want to confirm two things with you. Is your brother a brother? Will he program?"

Ye Nan took a long time to pull it out from his memory. Yes, he once had an older brother. He should be very dependent on this brother, but I do n’t know why, the brain just ignored it, unless it was Reminders will remind you how good they used to be.

"My brother and I have a good relationship, but it's not my brother's control. I don't know. He does have a computer, and I chose a programmer job because of my brother."

"Okay, I see. I need you to return home as soon as possible, okay?"

"Yes, I will book the latest flight."

"I've asked the assistant to book your home. I'll give her your number, and you can contact me."

Lu Jianyan is basically certain that Ye Nan's brother should be the hacker codenamed Brother Control in the small group of God Operator and Xiao Tu. He is now locked up in the prison by the master's brain. It should be looking for his brother, Ye Nan, for this hacker.

As Ye Nan's system said at the beginning, Ye Nan did not meet the requirements to become a quester, but he was still a sloppy head.

This may be what Ye Nan's brother did. As brother's friends, God and Xiao Tu naturally wanted to protect Ye Nan.

This is Lu Jianyan's speculation and logic, and he feels no problem.

Then Lu Jianyan contacted the **** operator and Xiao Tu and told them that he knew where they were looking for, and if they were willing to help him, he would be willing to help them.

The first step for Lu Jianyan to need a divine operator is very simple. Go to the nine groups to find someone to do something, and let them find a way to identify that the medicine in the ward is not really medicine. No matter what method is used, it is okay to talk nonsense, as long as they can frighten the investigators and convince them that this is an unnatural force.

In fact, it is indeed an unnatural force, but Lu Jianyan has not yet figured out what kind of ability it is. time? space? The main thing is that there is no way to explain how Allen reported the police and where the medicine went.

"Our world won't become a spiritual world, right? Vengeful revenge or something." Lou hugged himself unconsciously, rubbing his arms, and the goosebumps were about to rise. He belongs to the type that will be scared when watching "Conan" and "Duck Detective", especially sorry for his black-skinned big brother-like appearance.

"I see you killing zombies is very happy." Fifth Yi is very puzzled about this.

"I'm not afraid of physical attacks. It doesn't necessarily mean who killed them." Lou Yixian thought his logic was fine. "I'm afraid of magical attacks, but I can't do each other.

Fifth Yi: "..." You are happy.

Lu Jianyan doesn't know what kind of ghost this world will be, but just in case, he still buys a lot of ghost films, and plans to first study what kind of general ghost films are.

The classmates of the **** operator were very powerful. Before Lu Jianyan saw the film, he had already succeeded.

"How can it be Huyou?" The **** operator was a little unhappy and pushed a small circle of sunglasses like Abing, a blind man on the bridge of his nose. "This is a reasonable inference based on facts and theories I have learned."

It's just that this inference is a little fuzzy, and Yunshan is covered a little, but many people eat a set. What can he do?

"This is my sincerity. If you still want to cooperate with me, please show me your sincerity." The **** operator did not ask Lu Jianyan how they knew them and their affairs, because he would have had This day. Although, hell, no one would believe it now. But he really figured out that Lu Jianyan would be the key information to help them find people, so he would approach Lu Jianyan deliberately, otherwise he would not have so kindly pointed Lu Jianyan to the task person.

However, how to say, the students of God's arithmetic need to strengthen the skills of approaching others and releasing goodwill, and they need to be strengthened. Almost, Lu Jianyan was regarded as a mischievous taskman.

"Yes, I'll wait for you at my house."

"I'll pick up the fool, and it will be about an hour later."

Foolish is the code that Xiao Tuo gave to Xiao Tu, a nickname. Of course, Xiao Tu himself would not admit it. Just as the **** operator will not recognize the code of "liar". Their alliance is a Caotai team, loosely like children's play. No one would have imagined that they would do such a big thing as hiding a planet under the eyes of the main brain.

Before going out, the **** operator first took out Gang Ganger to calculate a hexagram for himself. Well, the ancients used copper coins, and the modern people used coins.

The hexagram surface shows that he had better take a detour from Beiwaihuan.


After the divine operator left the office building of Jiuzu, only the others who were estranged from Jiuzu would gossip and say: "That guy who is deity is really fortune telling? Is n’t it that fortune tellers generally don't give themselves Fortune telling? "

"who knows."

As I was talking about it, a message was posted on the mobile news. The congestion in the North Outer Ring was abnormal, and drivers and friends were advised to bypass it.

"..." It really didn't work.

The **** operator and the taxi driver quarreled in the car, and the driver has also heard the broadcast outside the north circle. The most important thing is that the **** operator is going to a family hospital near B University. There is no need to detour. Go to Beiwaihuan. Is this customer ill? Not to mention the North Outer Ring was blocked.

"Go, be sure to go!" God is confident in his professional skills.

In the end, there was no way to go, and then it was blocked on the viaduct, and the driver master was impatient when he saw it, and he quarreled with the **** operator after a few words. It's not because of traffic jams, but because they heard a social news on the radio while they were waiting to argue about who was right and who was wrong.

In the end, the two were so noisy that they couldn't even stay in the same car anyway. The car was blocked and couldn't move anyway, so the **** operator opened the door and got out of the car to breathe the hot air outside.

Well, after calculating for a while, he found that there will be surprises, otherwise he will not abandon the air conditioner in the car even if he regenerates gas.

In fact, the car has not yet boarded the viaduct, and it is between the upper and lower sides of the viaduct. It can be seen behind the scene that a car does not follow the traffic rules and retreats.

The **** operator squatted under the tree on the other side of the road to shade, and there were several big brothers squatting and smoking.

One said, "Well, who's that kid over there? Don't look at it, what if I get run away?"

One said, "It's not from my house. Let's wait and see. No one cares. Let's go up and ask."

The divine operator followed the words and looked behind the corner. There really was a child standing there with a cold face. With white hair and white eyes, high nose and deep eyes, he was playing with a mobile phone that he did not know whether it was a toy or a broken one.

Oh yeah, Yao Wuwu even landed on the back and saw Yan derailed, so he has such a big son! Today is the right time to choose the North Outer Ring. I have encountered a big gossip! Maybe it will become one of the conditions to talk with Lu Jianyan for a while.

The child also looked in the direction of the **** operator, looked at him for a few seconds, and came over on his own initiative. It didn't matter, he said, "Send me home."

God operator: "..." How would I know where your family is, this friend.

The author has something to say: Yes, the medicine has become smaller. = V =

Big medicine is offline temporarily: mmp.

Pill: ~ \ (≧ ▽ ≦) / ~ Yan Yan, have you missed me!

Lu Jianyan: I was going to confess ... I can only count it now, lest I be treated as a pedophile.