MTL - Please Start Your Show-Chapter 64 Sixty-fourth Raiders:

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In the nearly one year when he was about to move back to City B, Lu Jianyan met two more missionaries in City S.

A self-proclaimed **** operator, erected a pole, ripped a piece of cloth, and wore a blind Abing-style sunglasses, shouting the slogan "do not work without money", in the central square where the Lujia branch has the most people Junction ... mobile stall. The uncertainty of this kind of workplace obviously depends on the mood of the urban management, the intensity of supervision and his own sports performance.

Every time Lu Jianyan saw a **** operator, he was either fortune telling or he had to stop fortune telling and the city manager to play the uncle cat game.

Every day is full of energy.

Even the medicine is safe, there is little interest in the **** operator, because it looks very unreliable at first glance. This kind of tasker who is still on the edge, basically does not even know the main brain and the monitor, they have been unable to arouse the harmless medicine and Lu Jianyan's attention.

Based on the information currently known, the task personnel are divided into six classes, novice period (or internship)-low-level-intermediate-advanced-special, and the only legendary level.

The legendary level is a level that can be exchanged for any wish, but only one person completes it, but also gives up the wish.

The small world is also divided into different levels of task difficulty, which limits the level of questers who can enter.

Lu Jianyan's world should currently belong to the [Dangerous] level. Intermediate level is the lowest entry standard. Basically, it belongs to miscellaneous fish. K.O. However, this kind of miscellaneous fish is the most, and it is not easy for high-level and special-level taskers to appear. Even if it appears, it may not be easily exposed.

Lu Jianyan and Yao Wushang are already actively searching for advanced or special taskers, but with little effect.

Continue to return to the **** operator. He probably has some ingenious ability, not to mention the spiritual events that he was famous for before the CBD. He simply said that he had been on the list of key inspection objects of the city management, but he has been Without being caught, this is enough to reflect his ability.

"Have there been a ghost over there?" This was Lou Lou's reaction after listening.

Lu Jianyan nodded, and even he had heard more or less urban weird conversations like "red women and white-collar workers falling down late at night" and "the last subway to transport ghosts": "What? Are you scared?"

"Ghosts are scared!" Lou said so casually, since then he has never been to his company in the CBD.

These records of the **** operator, combined with the strange request that he only showed three hexagrams, helped him quickly rise to fame in the city of S, and broke a little famous. Many of the girls who Secretary Lu Jianyan did have been loyal customers of the **** operator. One of the three hexagrams must be asking whether our boss is a treacherous concubine. Is it possible to change individuals.

The answer is unknown, but so far the medicine has not broken the stall of the **** operator, this should be a hint.

Lu Jianyan has no interest in this feudal superstition. The taskman is enough to worry him. It is up to the professional to do things from another world.

Until one day, the secretary of the **** operator Lu Jianyan brought a hexagram to Lu Jianyan saying that he had a **** disaster today, so be careful.

Lu Jianyan said with a nose: "Does the master say anything to crack?"

The secretary's face was distressed, with a bit of uncertainty, and he tried to say: "Of course I remember calling the idiot. Ah, ah Lu, the last idiot was not what I said! It was the master. I just let it go. It ’s not intentional QAQ. "

The master's way of cracking is also considered unusual.

But no matter if the master took an unusual path, Lu Jianyan just nodded and said he knew. It doesn't matter whether it is good or bad. He has seen many missionaries who want to approach him in various ways and attack him. The master's behavior is obviously not the most dusty one.

However, God's operators are really illusive.

On the same day, Lu Jianyan was working overtime late, and did not return home until around twelve, and it was raining lightly outside. Lu Jianyan bought an umbrella from a convenience store that was open 24 hours a day. As soon as she went out, she turned around and saw a man who fell on the ground in the dark alley. All he could see was his blood mixed with rain running down the rusty sewer.

That person's injury should not be serious, because he still has the power in his mind to say to the system: "Are you really sure Lu Jianyan will save me? 】

The system says: [Sure it will. Don't look at Lu Jianyan, in fact, you have a good heart, and you will surely take you home. 】

Lu Jianyan did not leave the injured person alone, regardless of whether the other party was a tasker or an ordinary person. But ... who said that saving people is a way to take them to the other person's home?

Lu Jianyan did not hesitate to open the mobile phone with the screen, as the Wang family's self-confidence, this black technology mobile phone must be waterproof and dustproof.

The tasker who was still pretending to die could only rush to the corpse, grabbed Lu Jianyan's ankle, and struggled to say, "Don't, don't call the police ..."

"I don't call the police." Lu Jianyan replied expressionlessly, but didn't stop dialing. "Hello, 120? This is the alley on the west side of the convenience store at No. 258, Nanhuai Road. Yes, that's right there. I found a person injured in a pool of blood, as if it was a gunshot wound. Yes, we don't know, I haven't called the police yet, do I need to call the police? "

When encountering an injured person, obviously the first thing to call is the ambulance phone.

The second is the alarm call. As a good citizen who abides by the law, does the other party say that the police will not call the police? In case of a fugitive terrorist, who is responsible? Even if it's not a terrorist, haven't you heard the story of the farmer and the snake? Goodwill is important, but it is better to protect yourself and others.

Tasker: "..."


Then there was no more. The taskman went to the place he should go because he was engaged in group activities with the nature of the Black Society, and had multiple criminal records, and was punished for several crimes.

Lu Jianyan did not follow the participation from beginning to end.

No matter how the other party intends to wash themselves and make up beautiful lie, if you don't listen to it or look down on it, it is Lu Jianyan's best trick.

As for the **** operator who specially reminded Lu Jianyan before, Lu Jianyan introduced him to the nine groups as a brilliant person.

If the other party just wants to lend out and sell other missionaries to highlight themselves, then with the nine groups involved, the other party will no longer have any intersection with Lu Jianyan in the short term. If the other party is well-intentioned, then Lu Jianyan even introduced the work of a country to the **** operator in return. Regardless of whether the task of the **** operator is to be the world's number one or something, he must have a professional counterpart to work, right?

You can attack and you can defend. Solve easily without leaving future troubles.

"Unfortunately, he is not a high-level tasker with a bad mind like Sing An." Yao Wuzun said with emotion, saying that Sing An is a treasure, because he is easy to deal with, and his system obviously knows a lot. Such a combination is not easy to come across. Father An has never heard of it, he is really able to hide!

With regret, the group finally moved to City B.

Over the past year, the medicine-free body has finally made ... a less noticeable improvement. It's like going from "two steps to nothing" to "ten steps to nothing".

Although, cough, daily travel still depends on electric wheelchairs, but as far as medicine is concerned, he can feel that his leg muscles are becoming more and more powerful.

Yaomao sent from abroad a drug-free latest state-of-the-art mechanical exoskeleton, otherwise known as power armor. It is a kind of mechanical device that is made of steel frame and can be put on. This equipment can provide extra energy for limb movement. (Explained from Du Niang) Simply put, it is Iron Man.

With the help of this armor, the medicine can achieve upright gliding.

It is a bit similar to fixing the medicine on the thinking car, allowing him to come and go freely indoors. However, it is more mechanized and more convenient. It does not occupy as much space as a thinking car. It has only a thin layer of armor and two wheels outside the legs.

The research direction of mechanical exoskeleton has always been inclined to military use, but just like the original invention of mobile phones was also to serve the military on the battlefield, these convenient machines will eventually be used in civil. That's what happened in recent years. The concept of mechanical exoskeleton is well known to all, and it has developed extremely fast. It probably won't be long before, and most people with lower limb disabilities will use this new armor.

"Look, look, Chu Chu, your uncle Yao is going to become a Gundam fighter!"

On the first day of the trial of the mechanical prosthesis, the family of three took a look around, and Lou expressed his feelings. Speaking of which, the brand of this thing is indeed called Gundam, Gundam VI. See at a glance where the chief designer's inspiration comes from.

The little princess Chuchu is less than one month old, her eyesight and hearing are not fully developed, and she will not care what kind of mental retardation her father is playing. She stared at the colorful buttons on Lou Yixian's body with a wrong eye. Recently, she was only fascinated by this brightly colored thing. Therefore, in order to **** the love of her daughter, Lou Yixian and Fifth Yi have always been wearing them and can't bear to look straight. It's the kind of people who don't want to admit to knowing their killer taste when they are on the street.

Gundam Warrior Medicine Wushang had no interest in mechanical prosthetics before, and did not know why it suddenly figured out, and became the most active promoter.

As far as Fifth Yi speculates, nothing more than for the man's face and self-esteem. The medicine is taken care of by Lu Jianyan in and out all day. Even if it is very happy at first, it will smell bad later. Besides, he also heard that Lu Jianyan had previously thought about renovating the facilities in the villa to become a height that can be reached by a wheelchair in a convenient medicine, but imagine what would happen if the medicine was safe. When stimulated, I want to change.

Alas, it's really a boring idea.

"So, what are we going to do next?" Lou Yixian hugged her daughter, willingly acting as her daughter's toy, while being humane to the other three who had quickly collapsed.

After coming to City B, even Lu Jianyan, who used to pretend to be X, couldn't resist the charm of City B's paralysis, and quickly joined the army.

Not working for a month, the whole person was stunned.

"Why go out on such a hot day? Is the air conditioner not cold enough or is the game not fun?" Fifth Yi Road said.

"Such a hot day, can't you go back to your own house and play with your daughter?" Yao Wushang started trying to catch people.

"..." Lu Jianyan didn't want to say a word, just thinking of paralysis, it was too hot. Suddenly moving from the hot and humid S city to the dry steamed B city, it really can't adapt.

"Go to the movies!" Anling "has been released as a summer file! Lou Lou fully used the great spirit of our party and our army not to abandon and give up, and is committed to promoting outdoor sports to his friends.

Fifth Yi raised his eyebrows and resolved the battle in one sentence: "Have you seen enough of Su Yingdi's face?"

"Then watching TV for a while." Lou Yixian immediately compromised in order to prove that he only had Fifth Yi and his daughter, and absolutely no other weird men and women.

When I turned on the TV, it was Chef Wang's proud face. The chef's reality show he attended was no surprise. Chef Wang has also become a household name because of his outstanding appearance. It seems that it is not far from the days when he left the task and returned his body to Ye Nan.

It is said that the oyster flooding in a certain country recently, a gold medal variety production team was invited to do a program dedicated to solving the problem of oyster flooding. Chef Wang is one of the guests of the show. The goal is to strive to make delicious food that makes the flooding endangered. Cooking.

I don't know how it works, but it should look good.

"It's decided, let's go out and eat seafood!"

"What about your daughter?" Lu Jianyan pointed at Chu Chu.

Since having a princess, the travel of the foursome has been greatly restricted. On the one hand, I don't want to cause trouble for other people, and on the other hand, because many high-end restaurants are not so willing to accept crying children.

"Well, go to Di X Ni!" Lou had a whimsy.

"Once again, your daughter is less than a month old." Yaowuwen had to remind Lou to take a rest. He had previously thought of taking his daughter to a roller coaster, and was almost pumped to death by his mother and Wuyi Yi.

"Ah, ah, why is the child so troublesome!" Lou restlessly rubbed his finally normal hairstyle. No matter how much I expected, I thought how much I would love my child. After having a child, parents will inevitably have such feelings in their lives, and the frequency is not low.

The little princess who was so quietly stunned by Lou Lou, who was still quiet and quiet in Lou Lou's arms, snorted in fright, then straightened her eyes and began to cry.

Normal people know that children are scared, but abnormal people feel that ...

"What should I do, QAQ Chu Chubei, don't cry, my dad didn't disapprove you, it really didn't, but it was a misinformation, blame me and blame me." As he said, Lou Yixian began to hit his mouth seriously.

The child was more frightened, not only crying, but also using hands and feet. Although she could not completely control her limbs, her unpleasant mood showed a sharpest.

Looking at the helpless building, the other three people were still discussing leisurely:

"Is he an idiot?"

"It really is an idiot."

"Is it really okay for the child to bring him?"

Finally, of course, the child needs to be taught to a professional to deal with it, so that the little princess returned to quiet.

This "professional" is obviously not talking about Fifth Yi, but rather the childcare team that Fifth Yi spent a lot of money on. Yes, team, you read that right. Their children are said to have a dedicated female trainer even going to the toilet. Even if the child does not use each other at all. Simply put, there is no place to spend money.

When the child was taken away, Lou Yixian was paralyzed, and he was trapped on the sofa, which was bought by Wushangyi with the world's first comfort as a selling point. Lou Yixian suddenly understood the idea that several people did not want to move even before.

"Sure enough, play a game."

Then, the happily happily accompany the companion to start a black. They recently formed a fixed partner on the Internet. Although they have not met, they have chatted many times on YY, and they are a great **** of technology.

The Great God is on the game almost all day, on call, because ... it cost money.

Well, in the end, the foursome still bowed their heads to the soft girl currency players and the training studios. It is great to have money. Compared to relying on technology, it feels cool to use money as a dad.

The name of the training is "Jiangcheng everywhere nonsense". At first glance, the name was abolished, and the poems were casually altered and the subsequent words were tampered with. The people in the rivers and lakes are called Jiang brothers, but they don't talk too much, but it is very worthwhile for the boss's spirit of service. definitely. Even if I heard this general in YY, I never asked that little title, probably because I saw Lu Jianyan and others as elementary school students with no homework in the summer vacation, and they would not care what weird cosplay they were playing.

Who's the boss who can go up and down in minutes and minutes to play games, right? This is the logic of a normal person. But the fact is that in a small black room, four players of the five-man squad have the total title of X.

Brother Jiang smoked a cigarette and was a little stunned.

"What's wrong? Didn't you say you're looking for a team of bosses who give money easily and don't know how to do it? Except for the outbreak of the second disease, love to pretend to have nothing wrong with it?"

"Who knows what weird things they've seen recently. The role of president can't satisfy them anymore, and I've been keen to play every house recently."


"Anyway, I used a voice changer to discuss the company's gossip, but I talked about the child somehow in the past month. It was the man named Lou who claimed to have a daughter."

Listen to this name, "Master Lou", a bear child who steals his mobile phone while his parents go to work! Sixth grade elementary school, no more! The voice changer is rather slippery.

"Well, the rich are the uncles, so you should coax the children, and work hard for you."

Lou Yixian is still ecstatic while playing games while discussing the parenting experience with Fifth Yi. Since Lou Chu, she is light, she is electricity, she is the only myth, and others are hot chicken compared to her.

Lu Jianyan and Yao Wushang are already used to it.

After the game was over, everyone didn't rush out of the room, because Lou Yixian had something to say with the great **** of training: "Jiang, Jiang, are you interested in moving to other games?"

Jiangcheng is nonsense everywhere: "It's like? Give me a little time to get used to it, and I should be able to play well."

"It's the holographic online game" Jianghu Online "that has been popular recently. It will be available nationwide on August 8."

The Wang family ’s holographic online games are finally going online. There is no beta or open beta, and no verification code is needed, because the holographic cabin is the gate of this game. In fact, the holographic cabin is not expensive. It is definitely more expensive than ordinary mobile phones, but it is not as expensive as a scooter. There is a state-supported loan to buy cabins, which can be paid by installments or repayments. Bought it. Take a step back and say that you can't play the holographic cabin, and you can also go to the holographic game rooms that have been established all over the country. In short, if you want to play, you can play.

Lu Jianyan and others had a little interest in holographic games before, and later experienced doomsday tests, and this interest was even greater.

Because it is said that the black technology of the Wang family really cooperated with the formation of the predecessors. The biggest advantage of this matrix method is that many of the skills you have learned in the game can be brought to reality. I don't know the principle, but it is a bit similar to the test secrets that are specially used to train disciples in self-cultivation novels.

Lou Yixian and others are not obvious, but Fifth Yi's physique can be said to have made rapid progress and finally got rid of the physical strength slag.

The holographic game of the royal family is certainly not as effective as the previous doomsday test, but it can be a little bit, isn't it? Knowing this inside information, the fool will miss it. Take a step back and say that using games to replace daily exercise is also a good way to save time.

Jiangcheng's shameless nonsense: "Have you bought a holographic cabin?"

Lou Yixian: "Yeah, yeah, as soon as we go on sale in July, we bought it." Lou Yixian also sent a photo of the holographic cabin placed indoors to prove to the other party that he was not fooling him. In fact, when the holographic cabin was not yet on the market, the prince period had already been delivered. I wanted to be clear when the heart of Brother Lu Jianyan was revealed, "the price of the training can be adjusted."

Jiangcheng's shameless nonsense: "Understand. Our studio does have the intention to develop holographic games, but the holographic cabin ordered has not arrived yet. We will be in touch with you when we have confirmed it."

"OK ~"

After quitting YY, Brother Jiang said to his colleagues: "If the children are not bragging, then we probably have met the gold master this time."

The holographic cabin of the Wang family is indeed listed in July, but that's just payment. The unified delivery time for the whole country is on July 15th. Those who can get it in advance are either the relatives of the Wang family, or they are rich or expensive. .


I was always thinking about the building to go out, and I still could n’t go out with my friends today, but I fell together. I was waiting for the chef of the house to prepare the meals. .

"Speaking of it, haven't there been other taskmen lately?" Lou Yixue knew afterwards.

"Are you shaking M? Expect to meet the tasker?" Fifth Yi glanced at her husband. Although they have children, the mode of getting along has not changed much.

"No, no, it just feels weird. Isn't there anything cheap? He always attracts all kinds of weird questers."

"What wrong perception do you have for my brother!" Lu Jianyan was angry.

However, from the facts, it was Lu Jianyan who had this misconception.

The missionaries really appeared long ago, and once again had to take Lu Jianchan as the starting point. He didn't want to attack Lu Jianyan, but ... he couldn't reach it at all.

Xiao Tu was also desperate about the baby rabbit that he randomly wore into a gray mini lop-eared rabbit. But what can he do?

Would you like z-i \ 'sa on the first day of crossing?

As a result, I want to die, I can't live.