MTL - Please Start Your Show-Chapter 37 Thirty-seventh Raiders:

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Lou leisurely: what to try?

Fifth Yi: Try it!

Although Fifth Yi wanted to say so, he did not. Because everyone knows that this is just a joke to drive, it really needs to be done, and it will be awkward in the future.

Fifth Yi retreated from the side of Yao Wu Su and retreated to where he was at the beginning.

A rectangular pool, now exactly one person crosses the corner, Lu Jianyan and Yaowu are on a short sideline distance, and they are far away from the building and fifth. The window of the pool is the wonderful scenery of the resort. Even if it is already low at night, there are bright stars and tree shadows.

I don't know who turned on the TV on the wall with the remote control, and the four people doing nothing looked so unavoidably.

What is being broadcast is a semi-entertainment news program of the local TV station in the city of S.

From current political developments to financial giants to entertainment gossip, it is all-encompassing. Coincidentally, three of the four people who watched the news at this time were fortunate to appear.

The issue of cooperation between Lujia and Fifth Home on new offshore energy has finally come to the surface, and it has frequently appeared in many programs recently. But now this file is obviously more entertaining. Even without the permission of the Lu Family and the Fifth Family, they can't expose too much the identity information of Lu Jianyan and Fifth Family, but it is still possible to play the ball. For example, through the mouth of the hostess, foolishly look at how young, beautiful and golden the two chief executives are.

The reason for the news on the floor is naturally only related to the entertainment industry. Before that, he was ready to climb another branch and almost betrayed him. The combination of the little male star who was stopped by him and Wuyi Yi in time was facing dissolution, and The little male star was the one who was most scolded on the Internet because of scandals that he had raised and abandoned. Lou leisurely is the gold master.

Of course, this is not done casually. In fact, he has already forgotten the other party. Today's situation is just falling down the wall, and some competitors are deliberately fanning the fire. Although the report has coded who has adopted a small male star, there is no difference between being thin and naked.

"This is going to kill me." Lou Waiting said so, but the expression on his face was completely unconcerned.

The fifth Yiha laughed, raised the champagne in his hand and cried with it: "The news that you played very badly about the little star has probably spread throughout the world."

Lou just sits on the poolside with one hand, and drinks wine with one hand, cool!

The news lasted for almost twenty minutes. It was all old news that was no longer news to Lu Jianyan and others. There were even many false parts that were passed on to others. No one would take them seriously.

It's almost done, and that's the end of the evening.

Lu Jianyan came out first, surrounded by a towel around her lower body, and her upper body was still naked, so she walked to the side of the step with the non-slip mat, and carefully helped the medicine out.

Although Lu Jianyan had never taken care of the patient, he had at least the experience of taking care of his brother when he was a child. In addition, he was very careful to do all this. Through the touch, Lu Jianyan found that no matter how hot the water in the constant temperature pool was, the medicine was always cold, just like porcelain did not have its own temperature.

"Need me to help you wipe it?" Of course, Lu Jianyan's help is not a casual towel wrapped around, but a bathrobe that covers the whole body, and quickly drains the water droplets from the medicine. Lu Jianyan said that rubbing is not the body, but the hair.

Yao Wuyan shook his head and refused. He didn't mind showing weakness all the time and let Lu Jianyan care about him and pay attention to him, but he would care about Lu Jianyan thinking he was really weak.

After spending some time in the living room, the four of them said good night and went back to each room. After washing and lying on the bed, the four played the game again in tacit understanding. When I saw the other three online, I was not surprised. That ’s how it comes. The modern “good night” is “well, you can kneel down, do n’t bother playing with your phone while lying down”.

This night's building is a bit strange. The state is super god, the Buddha blocks the Buddha, and the magic blocks the monster. From the black hole of the game, he has leapfrogged into everyone's father, and won a lot of honor for the team.

Fifth Yiyi chatted privately for a while: "Hot hands so hot? Beat chicken blood? 】

Hot hands, a black name for a game, means that someone is in a good state when playing a game.

[Get off! I even drank Shenbao! ] Lou Yixian the whole person is particularly dry.

Fifth Yi cast a scornful look on the phone: [It seems like what you can do after drinking. 】

Lou Yixian was very angry. This was a joke that even Lu Jianyan would not play with him, but before he got angry, he suddenly remembered that the other person had a problem with him. Fifth Yi is not ridiculing, but Laughing at yourself. Well, he forgives him.

Then, Lou did not reply again.

Because he directly knocked on the door of Fifth Yi, probably preparing for a live PK.

Fifth Yi didn't particularly want to go down to open the door, but when I saw the huge red text message from the building waiting for me on the phone [Open the door! !! !! !! !! 】 Afterwards, the ghost made the **** climb up.

Holding the doorknob in one hand, holding the door frame in one hand, staring at the floor leisurely: "What?"

"You, why didn't you wear clothes!" Lou waited to cover his eyes subconsciously. He came up with a lot of courage. I didn't expect that it was such an explosive picture when he came up.

Fifth Yi habitually asked, "Why should I wear clothes in my room?"

Lou became more shy, and the fifth Yi Yisao's fault became more ridiculous to him. He opened the door completely, stood sideways and asked, "Would you like to come in?"

"You put on your clothes!" Lou Yimu was still covering his eyes. So big, and there is a shimmering brain door, but he covers his eyes with both hands like a little girl. To be honest, a little disgusting, disgusting.

"I don't!" Fifth Yi is a person who probably will engraved "shameless" on the epitaph.

That's how they were chatted to death.

Lou Yixian was a little uncomfortable, so his shameless nature similar to that of Fifth Yi broke out. He put down his hand, and used a kind of puppet to prepare to grab the eyes of the good women in the street, and looked back and forth toward the third road of the fifth Yi: enough, "I will come in without you!"

Then, it really came in.

One lay back straight on the bed, and finally knew that the quilt had covered the wounded place; one without the fearless courage, and once again became irritated and restlessly sat at the dressing table in the room. On the bench. The rooms in the villa are decorated in accordance with the criteria for consideration of female guests. Even the five grandfathers in the fifth group and their party will not affect their rooms with a dressing table with a half-sided mercury mirror.

Fifth Yi was semi-paralyzed on the bed, his head rested on the soft bed, as if he was born without bones, and even his tone of speech became lazy: "What the **** are you doing here? Night attack?"

He didn't have time to accompany him to guess.

"I ..." "Just ..." "You ..."

Changing three openings in one breath, Lou Yi still could not say what he wanted to express. That ’s right, the reflection arc of this person is a bit long. When he was soaking in the pool at night, he did not respond at all. What kind of car did the three men see when Lu Jianyan drove? Give him a chance and let him express his feeling that he really wants to try it.

Whenever I have a chance, I just want to try it. There is no way to make a man realize that he can't do it, it is really a painful and hurtful self-esteem, and ashamed. This is the instinct imprinted in the DNA, no one is wrong.

Even if the building is idle, it may not be so ruthless and day-to-day, but when it does not work, he will still pay special attention to this matter, and will think that everyone else cares. Lou has always wanted to change this situation. Although Lu Jianyan was more of a joke at that time, who said that the joke must not be true?

"Your reflection arc is indeed a bit long, Lou Gong." Fifth Yi stretched a pair of straight long legs, sitting in front of his eyes with a smile, and offered a big mouthful of white meat.

Lou did not want to be outdone, looked back and said, "What do you mean, Father Yi?"

Fifth Yi Chonglou hooked his hands. Although he had no sex-experience at all, he could still be unscientific like a human hormone machine, and he would no longer exude a wicked atmosphere.

"Come then."

Although Fifth Yi looks a little feminine, it is actually a brazen personality who is not afraid of the sky. He is especially playful. If there is not an ED that has troubled him for many years, he probably does not know to what extent. So he had no obstacles when he tentatively walked over Lou Yixian, a fierce tiger snapped his food and pressed Lou Yixian under him. Dexterous one-handed penetration into Lou's leisurely pajamas, accurately found Xiaolou's leisure, and politely greeted him.

The building's leisurely reflection arc is still so long, caught by surprise, it was pinched for life and completely petrified.

But the miracle happened like this. Even if Fifth Yi did this, his whole body did n’t start to show the red to abnormal color, and there was no idleness. The curse imprisoned on them seemed to be so easy. Broken.

The two people who looked up and down showed a **** expression.

What exactly is going on?

Lou Yixian also reached out and caught Xiao Wuyi, still fine. Although it may be a little shy and embarrassing, it is not an illness, but the normal reaction of others for the first time.

what's next? What to do? The two first brothers were dumbfounded.

You can't just kiss each other, right? Saliva exchange, a little nauseous.

"Or else, move?" Lou waited for a very constructive suggestion.

Fifth Yi didn't speak, but just smiled again, his eyes flickered, and he was full of anger, and he expressed his approval for this proposal with actual actions, every move was every move.

Then there is no more.

The two EDs found out sadly that they had been played by God again. Although they will not be red all over, but that's all. They can't afford to be hard-pressed and sad. They are more indifferent than touching their right hand with their left hand. No matter how unwilling the two are to change their hand speed and posture, they all have the same result-they can't harden each other.

This is awkward.

Fifteen minutes later, the two of them pleaded fate, side by side, their legs touching their legs, lying side by side on a large bed, each smoking a sad cigarette. In the smoke, it was decided to seal the dark history tonight.

"I want to take revenge on the society," Lou said quietly.

"Coincidentally, I think so," Fifth Yi said.

If life deceives you, go to Tamad!

The two fathers and sisters simply hugged and slept overnight, and nothing happened. It seems that they are destined to be good friends. At the same time, I was glad that I did n’t kiss together when I was excited, otherwise it would be even more embarrassing.

The next day, when Lu Jianyan saw the two coming out of a room, he didn't raise his eyebrows. He knew it, and he was unwilling to try it.

However, judging by their faces, they should be unsuccessful.

Lu Jianyan was very fond of friends and ordered a row of waxes in their hearts silently, and the other one was ordered, and he bit his ear quietly: "I will find a solution for them, you don't have to worry."

Lu Jianyan was a little surprised that Wuyiyan would help Fifth Yi, which is obvious. Because Malkavian is a tortured disease, as long as it is a person who is identified as a friend by Yaowuyuan, Yaowuzhong will surely do his best and dig his lungs, whether it is Lu Jianyan or Fifth Yi. But, do you sit idle?

Even if Lou Yiyi's symptoms are the same as that of Fifth Yi, it does not mean that he should help Lou Yiji without compensation, and he has no obligation. But he took the responsibility, why? Because he is Lu Jianyan's friend.

"Yeah, of course, it's because of you." At a glance, Yao Wuyan saw through Lu Jianyan's current thoughts and directly acknowledged it. He is not a good person, and he must do all this in return.

"Should I say thank you?" Lu Jianyan rubbed the head of the medicine innocence. This was the first time he approached the medicine innocence when he grew up.

"You should kiss me." Yaowu looked up and looked at Lu Jianyan, not intending to hide his yearning for such physical contact.

Lu Jianyan raised her eyebrows: "I thought you were cured." After kissing for the second time as a kid, Lu Jianyan thought this medicine was in vain. Isn't this all the case under normal circumstances? After being satisfied, the story ends.

"No way." It will never be satisfied.

Medicine Wushang is such a greedy person. It has nothing to do with his illness. He just keeps craving for it, even if he still gets it.

"Ah." The building sitting opposite the table finally had to speak out, just before the two affectionate lovers were about to give birth to their children, and became a great snoring queen.

"The bedroom turns left at the end of the corridor, thank you." Fifth Yi squinted and smiled.

This is of course no nutritious joke, just like Lu Jianyan joking about Fifth Yi and Lou, and in the view of Fifth Yi, Lu Jianyan and Wuyao are the same. Everyone thinks so.

After being interrupted in this way, Lu Jianyan also forgot the guilt that the medicine was innocuous at first. He didn't respond until he returned to the empty house of only one person. The intimateness of the medicine is not only intimate but he also cares about the medicine, but he doesn't want Lu Jianyan to compensate him because of it.

Both warm and warm, and more guilt.

If they can finally develop into an official match, as Father An said, they will be very happy.

Unfortunately, Lu Jianyan really couldn't fall in love with others, and he didn't want to let the medicine fall into such hopelessness. Fortunately, the medicine is still intact and he hasn't fallen in love with him yet, just because Malkavian's troubles depend on him a little more than his normal friends. He also relies on Fifth Yi, and everything is too late.


Lu Jianyan was busy again.

Although the cooperation between the branch and the fifth company has just been signed, but because the previous mining has already started, other partners hope that Lu can invest in it as soon as possible, and Lu Jianyan's daytime work has been abandoned. Fell on this big project.

The considerable profits in the future will only completely consolidate Lu Jianyan's position in the company when it really becomes the real money in the hands of shareholders.

As for the private time at night, Lu Jianyan is not enough.

On the one hand, Lu Jianyan should consider how to grasp the scale of friendship between him and Yaowu. On the other hand, Lu Jianyan is having trouble with his brother's college entrance exam soon. Should he call the base classmates, encourage them, and support them, but in the event that he did not play for the purpose of cheering, he started. What are the counter-effects?

The third is ... Lu Jianyan's recent game play has been a bit mad. Fortunately, he has three other difficult brothers. Fortunately, he can restrain himself from going to work during the day, and the other three loitering people really want to hang on the Internet all day.

Finally, and most importantly, some of the novels recommended by Wushen are really good-looking! Lu Jianyan's acceptance of t0ng'x-in'l-ia: n's novels is very high. After all, this is the situation. Everyone needs to consider whether to love this person, not whether this person's gender is the same as himself. Or different.

Love should be so simple.

When you are busy every day, taking the time to look at a cookie will make Lu Jianyan happy. He knows that the story is false, and even many descriptions of various professional fields are full of bugs, especially the commercial warfare one. But what about it? It's enough that the story is a good story. He just wanted to see it for the purpose of seeing the story, not to understand the truth. A book can make him feel happy or sad, as long as he can mobilize his emotions, he will feel that this is a very successful novel.

So the question is, how does the medicine work? So a shabby body, playing games, reading novels, and participating in family affairs. He even has time to track down Father An. He really is the overbearing president living in the novel.

The medicine is safe: "Because I have the ability of a task person." I have the ability and I am proud.

Lu Jianyan did not want to admit that he was killed. He suddenly felt a little envious.

The medicine is safe: "Would you like me to get one for you?" He still spared no effort to want Amway Lu Jianyan to join his evil little organization.

Lu Jianyan was sober, but immediately declined: "No need." The way to obtain the ability is still unacceptable to Lu Jianyan.

Fortunately, Chef Wang seems to have stopped recently and has dedicated himself to participating in a food competition. It is an international project. If you are lucky enough to make it to the finals, you can compete with celebrities from other countries on behalf of Country C. It is said that there will be broadcasts from many countries. minute.

For the past investigation data of Chef Wang and Prince Wang, they were finally delivered to Lu Jianyan. Of course, the information in this kraft paper bag is certainly not as detailed as in the movie, and it is not accurate to investigate what the other party does every day, every moment. After all, it is an investigation of the past. No one can leave all the image information for the unknown prophet to give the detective a chance to look back.

Lu Jianyan didn't want this kind of information. He just wanted to look at the rough life trajectory of Chef Wang and Prince, and infer if there is anything strange.

Chef Wang's past was simple. He was born an orphan and had no skill. When he met his sister, he was fostered and devoted to his sister's little white face for laundry and cooking. His personality was a little weak. But according to her sister, the other side's dishes are really delicious and have obtained a certificate. This is in no way inconsistent with Chef Wang leaving his sister, becoming a cafe chef, and participating in a food competition.

But the problem is here. If Chef Wang is such a person from beginning to end, it can only indicate that he was either not passed by the task person, or that he was actually penetrated long ago.

What time can it be early this morning? Is there any purpose for him to approach his sister?

Thinking of this, Lu Jianyan's heart fell. He didn't want his family to be involved in this kind of incident. He has already left them, isn't it enough?

Then came the princehood.

There are two strange points in the resume of the princehood. One is the inexplicable accident he encountered in the sixth grade of elementary school, which caused him to hear no sound, but could not find the cause. This is a bit similar to Lu Jianyan's illness when he was a child. No reason can be found, but he is sick. The only difference between the two is that Lu Jianyan's "illness" is all right. In fact, there is no price to pay, but the princely period seems to pay out his own hearing.

So, what does Prince Period get? Ability? Why did he get it? And, if the princehood is also the ability to get the price, it means that he is the person of this world.

Another weird thing about Prince was that he woke up in a car accident a few years ago and today's accident. According to the data, the sober prince period has not undergone any major changes in personality, and there is no amnesia in dog blood. He is him, as if he has always been him. Is this really just a coincidence?

Chef Wang and Prince are both taskers, but they are not like each other. This is really strange, Lu Jianyan has never encountered such a situation.

There is also a problem that Lu Jianyan can't figure out. Why should Chef Wang secretly meet the Prince's mother in private before he wakes up in the Prince's period? It can even be said that after Chef Wang met Mother Wang, Prince Woke up.

Sister Lu didn't pay much attention when she heard this, but she broke up with Chef Wang after returning. What's the reason?

In the end, the Prince Period suddenly wanted to see Lu Jianyan. He didn't ask to see his sister first, but to see him. Have there any intersections between them?

Or, what did Prince Period want to say to him?

In the end, the source of all problems goes back to the time when Lu Jianyan should go to see the Prince. Even if he is very busy, he still needs time.

So, two days before the college entrance examination, when Lu Xijian was wearing a white suit to face the fierce beast of the college entrance examination, Lu Jianyan agreed to the prince period and gave him time to meet at lunch break.

[You have only two hours. 】

【enough! 】

The message dialogue is simple and questionable.

Lu Jianyan and Wang Zijian have a new restaurant in the 11th district opposite the branch. It is on the first floor. It is a tatami private room where you can sit freely. The wall is a sliding door made of paper. Not very good, but very convenient for Prince's body, there are few places where he feels he needs help.

Try not to embarrass others as much as possible. This is the education Lu Jianyan received from an early age. Although he often deliberately reverses it, it is purely aimed at those who want to attack him first, without confirming what a person is thinking of him For strange purposes, Lu Jianyan generally does not do that.

On this day, Lu Jianyan got off work a little late and was delayed by some things, but still entered the restaurant within the agreed time.

Led by a waitress wearing a kimono, Lu Jianyan walked through the long room without a trace, walked to the room reserved in advance during the Prince's Period, and named it by haiku.

Before the waitress knocked on the door, Lu Jianyan knew that there must be someone inside, because he heard two voices that the waitress could not hear.

A restless systemic voice asked: "Will Lu Jianyan really come? 】

A very unsure answer: [I don't know. But since he promised, shouldn't he be inferior? 】

Lu Jianyan: ** Is another missioner!