MTL - Please Sink In Happiness-Chapter 82

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The black man who looked like an iron tower turned his head, and when he saw Li Ergou, he immediately showed the simple and honest smile when his friends met.

Then, his eyes met Demi again.

Although Tom is big and three thick, with a body of more than two meters tall and a fierce appearance like the African tyrant Amin, in fact he is kind and simple, and he has no resistance to children. He didn't even realize himself and Li Er for the first time. Meetings with dogs should be kept under wraps.

He half bent and asked Demi amiably:

"Kid, what's your name?"

But I just realized that:

"No, Ergou, why did you come with this kid? Who is this kid?"

Li Ergou was a little speechless at Tom's slightly sluggish reflex arc, so he repeated what he had just said to Ami, and told Tom about his encounter with Demi in the forest, Tom frowned. head, but then stretched out again.

"Second dog, maybe this child is very strong, but how can a child have any bad intentions? Don't worry about it."

Tom looked at Demi:

"Little sister Demi, Ergou and I have something to talk about next. You can listen to it, but it must be kept secret and cannot be said."

"Okay." Demi smiled sweetly.

Chapter 120 Demi Knows Her True Identity

Taking the rum handed by Tom, the alcohol made the brain more sober.

"What kind of character is Admiral Grouchy?"


This is Li Ergou's most intuitive view of Admiral Grouchy.

In Li Ergou's opinion, if Admiral Grouchy did not have a noble background, his military career would probably only be a colonel at most, but now that he has become an admiral, there must be a lot of water mixed in it.

"The so-called conservative means not thinking about progress and refusing to make progress. He will only obey orders without his own judgment. If such a person uses suspicious tactics and guerrilla tactics against him, he will definitely make him devastated, and he will not be able to take care of the end and the end."

Tom listened carefully to Li Ergou's description, and then Li Ergou told him about Admiral Grouchy's performance when he arrived at the city gate yesterday evening, as well as his rather formal style when he selected the command post.

No matter how you look at it, Admiral Grouchy is not a good commander.

There was a crackling sound from the bonfire under the breeze at night, and Li Ergou had a cold smile on the corner of his mouth:

"No later than the day after tomorrow, Admiral Grouchy will lead a large force to leave Vosges City to launch a general attack on the homeland of the Fars Federal State, trying to meet De Gaulle on the northern front, and the terrain he marches through. You can also see that the borderland between the two countries is full of mountains and jungles, which greatly facilitates our next battle."

"Second dog, can you tell me how to fight next?"

"First of all, we must put an end to positional warfare. In terms of numbers, our team is at an absolute disadvantage. Positional warfare is equivalent to suicide, but the small number of people is not all shortcomings. The overall quality of the team members is also much higher than that of the army, which shows that we have the initiative and flexibility. I mean that in the early morning of the second day after the army of General Grouchy left Vosges, you can start Launch harassment and sparrow warfare, in groups of at least five and at most ten, attack every day when the army is at its most exhausted, and then quickly retreat."

"Fatigue tactics?"

"Yes, it's just so that the army can't rest normally, not fighting, let alone staying too much in one place. Our only advantage is sports."

"I understand, brother, after all, haven't we been fighting like this all these years?"

"I really miss it."

Recalling the years of war, they often had to face terrorists several times their own for higher salaries, and the way to annihilate them was to consume them through mobile warfare. If the lion million is like a rampant giant, Then a small group of troops can be compared to a mouse. Sometimes the huge giant elephant can't do anything about the dexterous mouse. In the rules of animal chess, the mouse is a strange existence that can eat the elephant.

"It always feels like it's back..." Tom murmured.

"Yeah." Li Ergou also felt the same way.

"Er Gou, you once saved my life, so I will definitely repay my gratitude. But what should I do in the future? After coming to this world, it means that I will never see the children in the orphanage again. , If they don't have me, I really don't know if they will starve to death. Brother, do you think that if I die in this world, I will return to the original world?"

"If you die, you should really die." Li Ergou said in a deep voice, "Tom, don't worry too much, one day I will find a way to send you back to your original place alive, this world The existence of magic means that many unreasonable things can happen, and returning to the original place should not be impossible in my opinion."

Tom stared blankly at the campfire and sighed softly.

"It would be nice if it really went so well, but will you go back by then?"

"I probably won't go back, because here, I have met the girl I love, and I plan to stay here for the rest of my life."

"You are lucky, remembering that after learning of your sister's death in the past, we were worried that you would be short-sighted, but now you have come out."

"Tom, I've come out. Don't be too obsessive. In short, I will try my best to find some news about returning to the original world, and I will definitely find a way to send you back."

"I'm very happy that you have this heart, but in fact, I know that there is little hope of returning to the original place."

After chatting for more than 30 minutes, the two felt that it was getting late, so Li Ergou gently held Tom's hand:

"Okay brother, I'll leave it to you for the next thing."

"Don't worry, we have been partners for many years, you can trust me completely."

Afterwards, Li Ergou stood up and was about to leave the cave. Demi also jumped up when she saw this, smiling like a crescent moon. From beginning to end, she acted as a well-behaved listener as she said. , without making a sound or interrupting.

Leaving the cave, several mercenary players who had not yet slept glanced at Li Ergou, then looked away, as if they did not regard Li Ergou as the leader of the mercenary squad at all.

Li Ergou can fully understand their mentality. He just smiled lightly and went down the mountain with Demi.

"How are you, are you satisfied?"

"Well, people are really happy now. I'm really satisfied after hearing so much interesting information." Demi said in a childlike voice, "It turns out that Ergou brother is going to do such an exciting thing without the eldest lady. , it's fun to think about that old idiot Grouchy."

Demi jumped behind Li Ergou and said:

"Brother Ergou, also, what kind of world did you and that black uncle say 'original world'? I really want to know."

"You still don't know."

"Really, brother Ergou, maybe someone can help you find the 'gate' to the world you mentioned, do you still think I'm just the granddaughter of an ordinary chief magician of the palace?" Demi Muttering with a small mouth, "Actually, Brother Ergou and Uncle Tom are not the first people to come to this world. As early as more than 500 years ago, the door to another world was opened, otherwise Ergou Brother, why do you think that in a world of swords and magic, there is a technology that makes people feel uncomfortable?"

"what do you mean…"

"Brother Ergou, I may be one of the few people in this world who knows your true identity. Brother Ergou, you are from another world, right?"

Li Ergou fell silent.

"Silence is the default~"

Looking back at the loli who was less than his waist, Li Ergou felt a little angry for some reason.

Chapter 121 Go to General Grouchy's Command Post

Charena seems to want to beat herself, always getting up earlier than herself as much as possible.

Standing behind Li Ergou, Xia Leina crossed her arms around her chest, as usual with a proud face:

"Hey, I got up quite early today. If that's the case, I will show mercy and accompany you to practice martial arts together."

Today, as usual, Li Ergou became Xia Leina's sparring tool.

Recalling the days when she just became Miss Ivy's attendant, Xia Leina always kept her train alone, and she would deliberately avoid Li Ergou when she saw Li Ergou. Practicing together like a propaganda.

In the courtyard, the watchers from last night were all gone. It seemed that they weren't stupid enough to blatantly watch during the day.

"Look at the sword!"

Jinghong's sword was immediately unsheathed, opened, closed, turned, and bounced. In just a few moments, Xia Leina used four moves in a row, and Li Ergou blocked Xia Leina's sharp attack with a long spear one by one. attack.

The dashing maid elegantly and decently retracted the sword into the scabbard, and then used Iai again, twisting her white wrist slightly, and the golden sword light brought a strong slashing light.


Li Ergou made no secret of his words of appreciation.

The long spear was lying in front of him, perfectly blocking the cutting edge of the sword, but the pink-haired maid's sword edge never stopped, slashing at Li Ergou's spear one by one:

"Er Gou, if you are a man, marry me Miss Ivy!"

"Stop joking, the person I love is Aishwana." Li Ergou said loudly.

"The eldest miss has already made concessions, why are you unwilling to accept it? She has already promised you that you can marry a concubine, but you are still not satisfied? And what is wrong with the eldest miss? Although you are the prince of Dongzhou, you are not already Have you abandoned your identity as a prince? In other words, you are no different from a commoner now. Only the eldest lady can protect you. Of course, if Xinchuan Fenghuazi comes back, it is not impossible for me, who is barely considered a companion, to protect you. In this case, you Why are you still unwilling to put down your face and become the husband of the eldest lady?"

"It has nothing to do with you."

"No, this has something to do with me!" Xia Leina's light body jumped into the sky and slashed towards Li Ergou's head, "If I win, you must promise me to be the husband of the eldest lady."

"It's clearly two different things."

"No, it's one thing, as the maid of the eldest lady, I have an obligation to strive for her happiness!"

The sword and spear wiped out dazzling sparks, and Li Ergou could see that Xia Leina might be the only one in the group who was loyal to Miss Ivy.

- Don't bully Xia Lena, otherwise I won't forgive him even if he is Ergou brother.

Under the shadow of the sword, light and sword, Li Ergou couldn't help but remember what Demi said yesterday, Demi should be serious, but even so, Li Ergou still didn't plan to release the water. In a blink of an eye, the long spear smashed the sword in Xia Leina's hand to the side. , Today, Charlene still ushered in the usual fiasco.

She looked at Li Ergou unwillingly:

"One day I will win over you. At that time, you will become lovers with the eldest lady, understand?"

"Don't make your own decisions, okay?"

Li Ergou looked helpless.

"Hmph, if it weren't for the fact that I think you're a decent guy, I wouldn't have agreed to let you date the eldest lady."

With the sword back in the scabbard, Charlene started physical training.

At breakfast, Demi looked at Charlene with a weird elf expression:

"Hey, Charlene, did you lose again? You look like you have wrinkles on your face, like an old woman. Ah, wait, don't, I was wrong!"

Looking at the little girl who was carried by Xia Leina with one hand, Li Ergou smiled as usual, but thinking of the strength she showed yesterday, his smile was a bit weird compared to usual.

Miss Ivy, as always, tasted breakfast with an elegant attitude, and her uniform was clean and tidy. Although Li Ergou felt that there were many things that Miss Ivy did inappropriately as an officer, her words and deeds had an aristocratic majesty. temperament.

After drinking a sip of black tea, she said faintly:

"Speaking of last night..."

Li Ergou subconsciously shuddered.

"Did you sleep well?"

The eldest lady cast a gentle gaze.

"You slept well, thank you for your troubles, Miss."

Ivy smiled faintly:

"Sleep well, because we must maintain our spirits for the whole day. After breakfast, we will go to General Grouchy's command post to accept his mission. Do you have any suggestions for this? "

"There is really one suggestion, that is, I think you don't have to take Admiral Grouchy too seriously, Miss. Sometimes, the instructions given by the upper-level officers are not necessarily correct, you should have your own thinking. ."

"General Grouchy's military ability is indeed far worse than that of my father and Uncle De Gaulle, but now, I have to obey his military orders, because he is my boss, I can't be him material to attack my father in the future."

The eldest lady said with a serious face.

About ten minutes later, the group was fully prepared. Uncle Luen's carriage was parked at the door. The sound of soldiers doing morning exercises was heard from the open space in the city. When passing by the soldiers, it could be seen that they were ready. Ready for battle.

"All wars only seem grand and great before the war begins." Seeing the soldiers' high morale, Li Ergou said lightly, "Some parents proudly send their children to serve in the army, but they never thought of the possibility of their death in battle. sex."

A young man who liked rock music once said to Li Ergou:

"I think the most rockin' thing in the world is working with like-minded people of justice around the world to save country after country on the brink of destruction from terrorists."

And the boy who played the war as a joke went unhinged only ten minutes before the war started. So far, he has not recovered from the aftermath of the war.

"I see that you seem to like splashing cold water."

Miss Ivy looked at Li Ergou with some dissatisfaction, but Li Ergou just spread out her palm:

"Miss, after participating in a war, you won't think I'm throwing cold water."

It took 30 minutes for the carriage to arrive at the White Palace from the Ring Mountain Trail. In front of the White Palace, a white iris flag, which symbolizes the Kingdom of Shengluer, was inserted. The knight in armor stood upright, reminiscent of the Middle Ages, with a red carpet. From the courtyard to the entrance of the White Palace, those who know it will use it as a command post, but those who don’t know it, they think this is the mansion of a certain noble.

Speaking of which, it was indeed the mansion of a certain noble in the past, but that noble was ultimately judged and executed for greed.

Chapter 122 Exposing Admiral Grouchy's Mind

Stepping into the interior of the white palace, the wide promenade extends in all directions. Expensive statues and paintings adorn the empty space in the promenade. The golden chandeliers hang on the ceiling more than five meters high, making it look extravagant everywhere. But it also seems to be rubbish.

The officers in a hurry walked through the promenade, and there were hurried footsteps. Soon, General Grouchy would launch the horn of the general attack. Just two days ago, he received the commander-in-chief, Marshal Forrenzo. The order of - a month later with the commander-in-chief of the Northern Front Field Marshal de Gaulle.

And when Miss Ivy arrived at Vosges City, it was just before the eve of the general attack.

"Good morning, Lieutenant Lianqing."

Colonel Ney gave him a friendly smile.