MTL - Please Sink In Happiness-Chapter 80

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In the end, he still couldn't hold back:

"The Lianqing family is also a famous family. I didn't expect that Miss Lianqing, your uniform was soaked in the rain, and you walked with the most ordinary soldiers. It really opened my eyes. Look at the soles of your shoes. I can see the mud, I don't understand, is your carriage an ornament?"

Miss Ivy did not refute.

General Grouchy is not only an admiral, but also an earl who is closely related to Duke Machiavelli and Marshal Forrenzo, and those high-ranking figures are, without exception, enemies of his father's political disagreements.

So facing General Grouchy, Ivy didn't want to reveal her emotions, she just smiled gracefully:

"General Grouchy, I also have my own thoughts. If I make you unhappy, then please allow me to apologize."

"Hmph, forget it, young people always do things without thinking, which is understandable. Although there is no close friendship between your father and I, I also have to admit that your father was born in a noble family. family."

And this is exactly why General Grouchy is willing to receive Ivy with such specifications.

General Grouchy turned his back and said in an indifferent tone:

"Okay, let's go to the city to rest, the journey is exhausting, if you have anything to do, it will not be too late to discuss it tomorrow morning."

After that, General Grouchy turned his back.

He never took a look at Li Ergou from beginning to end, perhaps in his opinion, people in tuxedos are not worthy of talking to him.

Except for the smirk that couldn't be called a smile just now, he had never seen the smile of General Grouchy again. Li Ergou even suspected that General Grouchy had congenital facial muscle stiffness.

"What an unpleasant guy." Li Ergou said first looking at General Grouchy's back, and then looking at Miss Ivy, "I said you weren't angry about this, right?"

"How can you be angry with such a trivial matter? Compared with my father, Grouchy is really too far behind. Seeing that my father's enemy is such an inferior existence, I can't be happy if I speak my heart. "

"Oh, all right."

"You care about how I feel, don't you? You are really considerate."

However, before Miss Ivy could finish her words, Li Ergou had already turned and walked towards the carriage to find his Aishwana.

Looking at Li Ergou's back, Miss Ivy kicked off her high heels fiercely, wishing to smash Li Ergou's head with the pointy toes.

"So this **** asked me if I was angry because he wanted to date Aishwana..."

Beside her, Xia Leina looked at Miss Ivy with concern and hated Wu Jiwu, her eyes sharpened at the same time, staring at Li Ergou's back:

"Miss, if you are really angry, I will beat him to the ground tonight and tie him in front of you at your disposal."

"It's alright, I'm not that narrow-minded yet, I'll just let him go for the time being." Ivy clenched her palm slightly, then slowly let go, and said without a smile, "But Xia Lena, maybe it's true One day, I need to tie him up."

"Demi and I will do our best when the time comes, Miss."

The cat-eared girl's eyes were somewhat resentful. Although Li Ergou smiled dotingly at the girl, it failed to evoke the innocent smile that the girl usually had.

"Go, my girl, it's been a long journey, it's time for us to get off the carriage."

Aishwana clenched the sleeves of the maid's uniform and pursed her lips:

"Second dog, you accompany the eldest lady in the rain..."

"I'm sorry, if I made you unhappy, it's all my fault, I apologize."

"I'm not unhappy, but I just feel a little uncomfortable in my heart. I feel like my heart is thumping, like it's being held down by something heavy." Aishwana said, blinking her green eyes. "Er dog, why didn't you let me get off the carriage to accompany you in the rain, I also wanted to be by your side, although it may be tiring to walk for so long, but I am not afraid of being tired, I just want to stay with you all the time Together."

"Idiot, you'll catch a cold that way."

"Then you won't catch a cold?"

"I don't have the word 'cold' in my dictionary."

Aishwana's eyes were a little embarrassed and a little wandering. Suddenly, she suddenly pounced, hugging Li Ergou's body like a cat catching a mouse, and her teeth gently pressed against Li Ergou's ears. Bite it with gentle force.

Not only does it not hurt, but it feels a little more comfortable.

This child is so gentle even when angry.

Li Ergou gently hugged her waist and said softly:

"Come on, don't be angry, let's go dancing later, shall we?"


"Dance with you until you are happy."

"Then... well, I forgive you."

Chapter 106 The Long-Lost Dance Together

"As expected of you." Li Ergou sighed from the bottom of his heart.

Li Ergou, who promised to dance with Aishwana until she was happy, looked at the girl with admiration. At this moment, Aishwana was sitting on the sofa, unpacking her suitcase, and taking out one after another of clothes, which was exotic. There are also sari dance dresses, slit evening dresses that are only worn during ballroom dancing, and even the cheongsam of the Dongzhou Empire.

Aishwana looked at the pile of clothes in deep thought.

"Er dog, what am I going to wear to dance with you? It's hard to choose."

Sometimes picking up white silk with lace edges, sometimes putting down black high-heeled shoes, and even the hairpins and bows in their hands will make the girl tangled for a long time.

The cat's tail is wagging and wagging. Whenever the child is happy, it will wag its tail. Li Ergou thinks that she is really cute.

He walked behind Aishwana with a smile, and couldn't help feeling a little emotional.

Recalling that not long ago, they were still slaves who lost their freedom, imprisoned in a cell where no sunlight could penetrate, waiting to die in the arena one day.

And now they can even choose the right dance clothes in the brightly lit ballroom.

"Er dog, what do you want to see me wearing?"

"Then wear a sari." Li Ergou touched the girl's ear and said, "If I remember correctly, this is the traditional dress of your hometown. One day we will get married in your hometown."

Aishwana's eyes suddenly became wet.

"my hometown…"

More than once, she dreamed of the ruins of her hometown when it was invaded by the iron hoofs of the invaders. She felt pain for her country being ravaged by the invaders, and sad for the death of her father and mother in battle, but at the same time she wanted to soon Live in seclusion with Li Ergou and become a godly companion who does not care about the world.

As a princess, she felt guilty about her selfish thoughts, but at the same time she was worried that the two would be separated again due to some changes. If there was no Li Ergou, the devil in her heart would tempt her to die.

"Beautiful, my future bride."

The man in the tuxedo felt admiration from the bottom of his heart. He gently held her delicate and soft little hand, and pulled her in a sari to the center of the stage, with a snake-like waist that was **** and charming.

"Er Gou, I don't miss my hometown, I just want to be with you forever."

The heels stepped on the floor, making a crisp and pleasant sound.

"Silly girl, you can't deceive me, your eyes tell me that you are just afraid that changes will separate us, right? In your heart, your hometown will always occupy a heavy weight in your heart, and your blood will melt in your homeland. No matter where you go, you can't forget it."

The soft and tender body sometimes clings tightly to Li Ergou's body, and sometimes tiptoes around Li Ergou's palm. Her body exudes a nice body fragrance that makes you want to sink into it.

"I have forgotten my hometown, and now there are only two dogs in my heart."


"Second dog, I didn't lie to you."

"Even if you say that, I still want you to return to your homeland and become the Queen of Sri Lanka."

The cat steps on the light and graceful dance steps, like a midnight elf under the lights.

"Anyway, as long as you don't let me leave Ergou, anything is fine. Ergou, I'm really happy to be able to dance with you like now."

The temperature of the palms, the heartbeats of each other, the swaying limbs, when dancing together, I feel that the soul is also closer.

"I love you, Ergou."

She murmured in a low voice, her eyes were blurred, and the eyes of love were a little strange, which made Li Ergou think of Aishwana, who incarnated as a succubus in a dream.

It seems that it stemmed from the fear of the dream, and the foot accidentally stepped on the air. Just when Li Ergou was about to fall, Aishwana gently held Li Ergou's hand with one hand, and the other hand supported it. He stretched his waist so that Li Ergou would not fall in a tragic manner.

He was embraced by the cat's arm, her charming lips touched Li Ergou's lips lightly, her shy wheat-colored face turned red, exuding a coquettish beauty.

At this moment, the sound of high heels stepping on the floor came from outside the door. Needless to say, I knew that Miss Ivy was here.

She walked to the center of the ballroom, looked at the two of them tightly together with a sullen expression, and said coldly:

"It's getting late, and it's time for you to go back to your respective rooms to rest earlier."

"But Miss, my girl and I haven't felt sleepy yet. It's only eight o'clock in the evening, isn't it too early?"

Li Ergou promised to dance with Aishwana until she was happy. In fact, he initially prepared to dance with Aishwana until eleven o'clock in the evening. He knew that Aishwana must not be dancing to her heart's content.

But Aishwana nodded humbly as if she was afraid of Miss Ivy.

"Okay, miss, let's go to rest now."

Glancing coldly at Li Ergou again, Miss Ivy left the ballroom.

Just based on the glances just now, Li Ergou judged that the eldest miss hates Aishwana, and Aishwana's aggrieved expression like a child who has made mistakes is so lovable.

"My girl, if Ivy dares to bully you, I will never give up."

"No, Ergou, I'm too greedy."

Her forced smile made Li Ergou a little worried.

After sending Aishwana back to the room, Li Ergou pushed open the window of the promenade alone. The air at night was a little cold, but it was refreshing.

It has to be said that after experiencing the turmoil of the female ninjas, Li Ergou's perception is getting stronger and stronger. For example, at the moment less than one kilometer away from the house, Li Ergou found more than ten sneaky shadow.

Don't worry, these shadows are not female ninjas. Unsurprisingly, it should be the dark whistle sent by Admiral Grouchy to monitor Miss Ivy. After all, Miss Ivy's father is the political enemy of Admiral Grouchy. Therefore, he has every reason to believe that Miss Ivy came with bad motives.

"Compared to those ninjas, these guys are really unprofessional."

It is precisely because the monitors under General Grouchy are not professional enough that Li Ergou can go out of the city at night.

He took out his pocket watch and looked at the time, and then looked at the hillside outside the city, where Li Ergou and the mercenary team had previously agreed to meet up. If nothing else, Tom should have already led someone to station there.

Glancing at the figures of the watchers again, Li Ergou thought that he was completely sure to leave the house without disturbing the watchers.

At twelve o'clock in the morning, the lights in Li Ergou's room went out, and the focus of those monitors never seemed to be him, which really helped a lot.

Chapter 107 The Person Who Shouldn't Appear

At twelve o'clock in the morning, the lights in Li Ergou's room went out, but that was just a pretense. Li Ergou's real purpose was to let the monitors who were loyal to General Grouchy relax their vigilance and leave the house.

Li Ergou lowered his footsteps and walked gently step by step. His room was located on the innermost side of the corridor, so he had to pass through the girls' rooms. It is worth noting that Miss Ivy And Xia Lena, one of them has the blood of the night of the blood family, and the other has the keen intuition like a beast.

As for Demi, you don't need to worry too much. In Li Ergou's view, she is just a young girl.

- squeak, squeak...

The old floor made a faint sound.

The outermost is Aishwana's room, and then the stairs downstairs.

Li Ergou put his ear to the door of Aishwana's room, and seemed to vaguely hear Aishwana's breathing with a high frequency.

"Good night, my girl."

His voice was extremely gentle.

In the past, he once thought that after losing a loved one, life would be boring, but fortunately, meeting Aishwana gave him the motivation to live.

In order to guarantee her happiness, Li Ergou must have his own power.

When they came to the first floor, a crossed current suddenly flashed under Li Ergou's feet. The current penetrated into the ground and formed a reconnaissance network. Under the feedback of the current, Li Ergou accurately learned the positions of the monitors.

There are three behind the door, two behind the pool in the courtyard, and a dark whistle on the roof of West Street, keeping an eye on the house.

Rushing out through the gate is bound to be discovered, but it's not difficult to leave the house quietly.

The painless electric current silently paralyzed the bodies of several soldiers. After about a minute, the soldiers regained consciousness.

"Hey, don't doze off, keep monitoring."

The squad officer, who didn't notice the soldier's strangeness, gently pushed the soldier, and the soldier woke up like a dream. After the lieutenant, return to the barracks to rest.

At this time, Li Ergou had already turned over the courtyard and came to the streets of the city.

The city is called Vosges. It is the most front-line city between the Kingdom of Shengluer and the Federation of Fars. Now, in order to ensure that the war does not hurt innocent people, General Forensault immediately ordered the transfer of non-combatants from all front-line cities. Going to the city behind, so there are no people on the street, and there are no lights in the building. Walking on the street feels a little weird.

Looking at the commanding heights of the city, the milky white palace is entrenched on the surrounding mountains. It is one of the famous scenic spots in Vosges City. Now the palace has become the command post of General Grouchy. To transmit information, soldiers ride fast horses from the bottom of the mountain. It may take twenty minutes to go to the palace on the surrounding mountain. It seems that General Grouchy's choice of command post does not depend on the convenience of communication, but on the style of the command post.

This is a typical decadent aristocratic style, it makes people want to vomit.