MTL - Please Sink In Happiness-Chapter 74

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"what a pity."

However, when the white wolf incarnated by that man took his body and broke through the shackles of the shadow, it did make Xinchuan Fenghuazi look at him differently.

It would be too boring if that man was simply captured by himself.

"It is estimated that next time, we will face more powerful them." An intellectual girl wearing glasses analyzed, "This time, when we raided, His Highness Li Zijin did not carry his most commonly used long spear, and I also drank alcohol. After our raid this time, I believe he, Ivy and others will be more vigilant, and at the same time cultivate themselves more diligently."

"Miki is very reasonable, but I don't think they can match His Highness Fenghuazi," Chunzi, who was wearing a red cheongsam, sat on the bed and said, "This time, the battle was completely crushed by His Highness Fenghuazi with a one-sided advantage. Ivy and her subordinates, if it wasn't for His Royal Highness Li Zijin who turned into a white wolf and suddenly entered the battle, and enhanced his thunder magic with the help of His Royal Highness Fenghuazi's water escape, I am afraid that Ivy and her subordinates would have been caught by Fenghua long ago. Your Highness has been defeated."

"That's right, but this time, we have also become a burden to His Royal Highness Fenghuazi. If it wasn't because we misestimated Demi Holgerst's magical power, I'm afraid it wouldn't be under the explosion of that blast. Incapacitated." A charming and charming woman in a red kimono said, "Next time, let me kill that little girl."

"It's best not to kill people unless it's a last resort, Ning Cai. They all have noble backgrounds. If you kill them, it's very likely to cause international disputes." Xinchuan Fenghuazi paused, "but if it really comes, you have to kill them. Don't hesitate to kill them, you must be fatal."

"Yes, Your Highness."

At this moment, there was a sudden knocking sound of "bang bang bang" outside the window.

Xinchuan Fenghuazi looked out the window. It was the eagle she summoned not long ago. Before she summoned the eagle, she let it take on the errand of delivering letters for His Highness Yinyue.

And now it reappeared outside the hotel window, apparently having completed the mission of the messenger.

At the same time, Xinchuan Fenghuazi also found a brand-new envelope and an exquisite small box tied to the eagle's claws. It seems that His Royal Highness Yinyue, who is far away from the Dongzhou Empire, has issued new instructions.

She did not dare to delay in the slightest, and immediately opened the window to let the eagle fly into the house.

"Thanks for your hard work."

He stroked the eagle's feathers, untied the letter and the small box on the eagle's claws, and then released the spiritism, and the eagle disappeared into the room as a white mist.

After reading the general content of the letter, Xinchuan Fenghuazi suddenly showed a playful smile.

"I really didn't expect that the Sri Lankan Asian girl who was beside Her Royal Highness Li Zijin was the princess of the Zhangxi royal family in distress. As expected of Her Royal Highness Yinyue, I can make such a judgment based on my description."

His eyes swept across every line of the letter, for fear of missing any details.

In the middle of reading the letter, Xinchuan Fenghuazi suddenly opened the small box, the crystal lying in the red velvet exuded a pink and ambiguous luster, just looking at the light emitted by the crystal, the female ninjas couldn't help but breathe quickly , biting his lips, clutching his chest, unable to restrain himself.

"His Royal Highness, what exactly is this? Why does my body feel hot when I see this crystal?" Chunzi asked first.

"This is the seed of desire. It is said that this crystal is the crystal left after the succubus family was killed. In other words, it can be regarded as the corpse of the succubus."

Xinchuan Fenghuazi gently stroked the crystal with her hand, and a strong desire filled her brain. The charming voice urged her to develop further with His Royal Highness Yinyue, to break through the restrictive relationship between the master and his subordinates, and become a dependent. companion…

But in the end, reason still overwhelms desire.

"It's a terrible prop." Xinchuan Fenghuazi swallowed and said with lingering fears.

"His Royal Highness Xinchuan, what exactly did His Highness Yinyue send the Seed of Desire for at this time?"

"Let that girl from Sri Lanka take the seed of desire and turn it into a succubus to help us kidnap His Highness Li Zijin."

Chapter 102 A Dream With Lingering Fears

At this moment, his body was still paralyzed, and Xinchuan Fenghuazi's poisonous kiss made him feel that his entire body was locked by something, as if he could not move.

Suddenly, he didn't know when it started, his big big hand was suddenly wrapped by two slender small hands, it was very soft to the touch, and at the same time a little cold, the fingertips were intertwined, and they were no longer separated from each other.

Is that Aishwana?

Li Ergou wanted to sit up, but his body did not allow him to do so.

For now, let's just keep lying down.

Consciousness escaped into the darkness, and the girl's laughter was crisp and sweet, but it also made him horrified.

Under the black folded wings, there is an incomparably coquettish and delicate body, which symbolizes some hint of pink lines all over the wheat-colored skin, and the succubus lines in the center of the lower abdomen represent the meaning of "slavery".

"Two dogs."

She opened her arms and called her name.

Li Ergou thought she was Aishwana, but for some reason it felt strange, as if the obedient girl from the past had long since ceased to exist.

Subconsciously, she moved her footsteps and wanted to dodge, but the cat-eared girl with wings was better in speed. In just a moment, Li Ergou was embraced by her arms again, and her strong strength prevented her from getting out. , The delicate red lips did not mean to compromise at all.

Before he could struggle, the red lips made Li Ergou extremely weak, as if everything in his body had been sucked away by her lips.

The sense of detachment made Li Ergou want to kneel, but he couldn't, because Aishwana hugged him tightly and supported him to stand.

With her kiss, the magic was sucked away, and the physical strength was also sucked away. Li Ergou, who had lost everything, became a crippled person, while Aishwana became a powerful magician who controlled the lightning system. Li Ergou's superb marksmanship...

"In this way, I can protect Ergou."

The girl smiled charmingly, as if she had done something amazing.

Li Ergou felt a hot and dry feeling in his lower abdomen, and suddenly found that his lower abdomen had the same lines as Aishwana at some point...

"This is a symbol that our souls will never be separated," Aishwana took her hand. "Let's dance all the time, Ergou."

Immediately, the thick darkness enveloped him, and Li Ergou knew that he would become her eternal slave...


Following Li Ergou's yelling, Miss Ivy rubbed her sleepy eyes. It was about early morning. Miss Ivy was wearing a translucent silk pajamas, and the air was filled with an air that seemed to paralyze people. fragrance.

"You finally woke up."

"Miss..." Li Ergou looked at his hand.

It turned out that the person holding her hand was not Aishwana, but Miss Ivy.

She was lying on the big soft bed at the moment, Miss Ivy was sitting on the chair with her feet raised, staring at herself with a smile.

Li Ergou subconsciously wanted to break free from her fingertips, but he couldn't resist her strength, so he could only hold his palm forcibly.

"Don't be so resistant."

"Miss, where is Aishwana?"

Hearing Li Ergou calling out Aishwana's name, Miss Ivy frowned subconsciously, her face a little gloomy.

But as the eldest lady from aristocratic background, she is very good in emotional management, and immediately burst into a charming and charming smile:

"I told her to rest, what? Just woke up and missed your little lover?"

"Not a little lover," Li Ergou said with a serious face, "she is my true love."

"But it's me who is holding your hand now."

Li Ergou frowned, and found that Miss Ivy's coat was still on her body, and she could vaguely smell the perfume that Miss Ivy usually used.

"Your body hasn't fully recovered yet. In other words, I can do anything to you now, but you can't resist. Now, do you understand your situation?"

The bright blond hair was particularly dazzling in the moonlight, and the corners of the lips were pursed as if a carnivore was staring at the lamb.

It is indeed unwise to rebel against her in a way.

Moreover, Li Ergou also knew that his ability to be saved this time had a lot to do with the eldest lady's rescue. If it wasn't for the eldest lady, he would have said goodbye to Aishwana again.

"Are you hungry?" Miss Ivy stood up and asked gracefully.

"Not hungry."

"Oh, it doesn't matter if you're not hungry, just eat." Miss Ivy snapped her fingers, and the waiter in a dress pushed the dining cart into the room.

The dining car is full of luxurious dishes like palace cuisine, and the white candlelight emits a dim light.

She put her arms around Li Ergou's neck and said gently:

"I know your body hasn't fully recovered, and it's perfectly fine to act like a spoiled child. Who told me to be your master. Come on, I'll feed you."

Cut a small piece of carefully cooked meat jelly containing black truffle, lily and lobster meat and hand it to Li Ergou's mouth, saying in a tone like coaxing a child:


Li Ergou tightly closed his lips. In his eyes, Aishwana was his lover. He did not allow other women to do such ambiguous actions to him.

"No appetite? How about foie gras?"

"I don't eat. If I'm hungry, I'll eat by myself. I don't need you to feed me."

"It seems that you are very resistant to me." Miss Ivy held her cheeks and her eyes became colder.

If you want a disobedient servant to be sensible, the best way is undoubtedly to **** his blood dry, and then force him to accept his own blood.

After the first embrace, he can no longer resist himself...

Perhaps, the mother's suggestion is indeed worth considering.

"Then how about I call Aishwana to feed you?" Miss Ivy said casually, "You can't even lift your arms now, so let Aishwana help."


Thinking of the succubus girl in the dream just now, Li Ergou still had lingering fears.

Although Aishwana is still Aishwana, Li Ergou feels that she is gradually changing.

Maybe one day, she will become a strange Aishwana, will she be able to love her as much as she does now?

Finally, Li Ergou closed his eyes and nodded:

"If Aishwana doesn't sleep, let her feed me."

"Okay, as you wish, your catgirl has never slept. From seven in the morning until now, she has been standing outside the door waiting for you to wake up." At the same time, Miss Ivy shouted loudly. , "Aishwana, he has woken up."

As soon as the words fell, the kitten leaned his head and looked over. The shy little face was as cute as ever, and the maid uniform on his body looked extremely well-behaved.

Under her care, Li Ergou filled his stomach.

Chapter 103 Friendly Interaction in the Morning

In the early morning, Li Ergou woke up from the sofa. In addition to the blanket, there was also the black windbreaker that Miss Ivy had worn before. Obviously, she helped her cover her body again after she fell asleep.

"have a finger in the pie."

Li Ergou muttered as he hung his coat on the hanger.

Last night, he still couldn't beat Miss Ivy and fell asleep in the same room with her.

In fact, Li Ergou originally planned to go back to his room to sleep, but after weighing the pros and cons, Miss Ivy said that he was still in a state of paralysis. Ergou will be reduced to a lamb to be slaughtered. Only by having **** with her can Li Ergou not be taken away.

Miss Ivy did persuade Li Ergou and Aishwana at the same time, but in the end she failed to let Li Ergou lie on the same bed with her.

"Obviously you have a bed and a sofa, you are really stupid."

"Sorry, for me, you and Xinchuan Fenghuazi are equally worth guarding against."

"Then, do you think I'm more dangerous, or is your Dongzhou fiancee more dangerous?" Miss Ivy asked with a rare playful expression.

"For the time being, it should be Fenghuazi that is more dangerous," Li Ergou, who had completely relieved his paralysis state, put on his shirt and tuxedo neatly and said, "Although you are also worthy of vigilance, for now, I still owe you your kindness. No answer."

"Why don't you use your body to repay my kindness? In your Dongzhou culture, isn't it normal to show your body to each other?" Miss Ivy stretched like a cat, with perfect curves and proud peaks and peaks. As if it was deliberately shown to Li Ergou.

Li Ergou ignored her seductive body, but picked up the mithril spear after washing up and prepared to go out.

"Are you going out? We will continue to leave this afternoon, remember to come back early."

The man in the tuxedo tied his tie and nodded, indicating that he understood.

Before going out, Li Ergou turned his back to Ivy and said:

"Miss, if I face Xinchuan Fenghuazi again next time, I will try my best to defeat her with my own strength. For you, I will repay your kindness as much as possible, don't worry, even if I pay this at a critical moment. Life is also a matter of life. But if you want me to deceive my feelings, I'm sorry I can't do it."

"Li," Ivy said in a dreamy voice, "I just like you like this."

"Then we may be rivals in love, because I also like me like this."

In fact, Li Ergou knew very well that it was the best policy to take Aishwana to pat his **** at the moment. But he had to repay his kindness.

As a proud wolf, he does not allow himself to owe anything to others. It may be a wise choice to walk away after taking advantage, but after taking advantage, his spine can no longer be straightened.

In order to repay Miss Ivy's kindness one day, she must become stronger than her.

If she is weaker than her, I am afraid that she will never be able to repay her kindness.


The spear in his hand exudes a violent current, and Li Ergou is training his martial arts and magic as always.

Recalling that battle, although he did not have a spear in his hand, it was an indisputable fact that he was unilaterally suppressed by Xinchuan Fenghuazi.

Become stronger, stronger, only by becoming stronger can you live with your head held high, and only by becoming stronger can you create a happy future for Aishwana.

He has already lost Xiao Chi, and now, he can no longer lose important people.