MTL - Please Sink In Happiness-Chapter 32

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"I'm not sure, I can't beat it, let's cast it."

Li Ergou lied. In fact, he had already seen through Xia Leina's swordsmanship. The Jinghong Yijian that day might be very great in the eyes of others, but in Li Ergou's eyes, it was nothing.

It's just that he is really too lazy to defeat Xia Leina. For that kind of person, defeating her is not respect, but challenges one after another, like a child who has to constantly prove that he is strong.

So losing to her once and for all, the question that Li Ergou is thinking about now is how he should be beaten in order to satisfy the increasingly swollen vanity of the lady maid?

But beg her not to kick her **** with her boots.

Just when Li Ergou was thinking about how to make a decent failure, there was a knock on the door from outside the room.

"Lee, can I come in now?"

The singing voice is undoubtedly Miss Ivy.

"This is your mansion, of course you can come in."

Sensing that it was the eldest lady outside the house, Aishwana, who was sitting on Li Ergou, immediately jumped off him, her lithe movement was really the same as that of a cat.

At the same time as she landed, the eldest lady also opened the door. Today, the eldest lady is wearing the same black trench coat as usual. Under the black trench coat is a **** and charming white off-the-shoulder shirt. I have to say that the eldest lady is very concerned about dressing. Sophisticated, it is always possible to accurately grasp the sexual fetish of men.

"Good morning, Miss."

Li Ergou immediately stood up and bowed to her. Although she hated bowing, after all, she had saved her life and Aishwana.

"If you don't want to salute, you probably don't have to salute."

Having said that, Li Ergou doesn't think so.

For example, when a leader says "You did a good job", it doesn't mean you did a good job. Most of the time, when a leader says this, it's just verbal encouragement.

So Li Ergou showed an irrefutable smile.

"Surface etiquette doesn't make any sense, but now I am your attendant after all. As a attendant, I should do my duty well."

"What a duty." Ivy clapped her hands, then walked in front of Li Ergou, her brows filled with tenderness, "By the way, your injury is almost healed, right?"

"Thanks to you, I don't feel any pain anymore."

"As expected of you." Ivy nodded with satisfaction, then looked at Li Ergou as if examining her own dress-up doll and said, "Speaking of which, since you came to the mansion, you haven't had a chance to go out. The weather is good today, and your injuries are almost healed. Would you like to go out today and take a trip to the nearby city of Tirona with me? I'm going to find some tailors to help you make some decent clothes Clothes. And weapons. I remember you are good at using spears, right? Although Tirona is not the provincial capital, there are blacksmiths who can make high-quality weapons."

"It is my honor to travel with you."

Even though Li Ergou wanted to sleep in a cage, he still had self-knowledge.

He is destined to not be too casual.

Aishwana realized that Miss Ivy was going to take Li Ergou away, and her ears drooped.

Fortunately, the pair of golden eyes could easily see through the thoughts of the cat-eared girl, so she said very kindly:

"Aishwana, let's come too, how could such a cute girl lack beautiful clothes?"

Chapter 11 Small talk in the carriage

Leaving the mansion and opening the door, when the breeze inhaled into his nose, the refreshing fragrance immediately gave Li Ergou an indescribable sense of comfort.

Compared with continuing to sleep and go back to sleep, it is a very wise choice to go out for a walk, just like a dog needs to go out for a walk often. To a certain extent, Li Ergou is a large and energetic dog, magnificent and magnificent. No matter how beautiful the palace is, it is not as beautiful as the green grassland.

"you are happy?"

Ivy turned her beautiful eyes to the side, with a gentle smile.

"Yeah, it feels like I haven't gone out for a long time."

Li Ergou replied.

"It's really nice to see you happy."

Ivy walked first, followed by Li Ergou and Aishwana.

I have to say that the courtyard of Miss Ivy's mansion is really big, and it takes about ten minutes to walk to the entrance of the courtyard.

At the end of the intersection, there was a carriage that looked like a fairy tale. The white carriage was trimmed with gold borders, and there was a badge representing the Lianqing family on the door. The golden leaves represented that Miss Ivy's family was from an elf noble family. The gauntlet represents that the elves have served the king.

The imposing silver-haired old man was the driver of the carriage. He opened the door of the carriage and stood as straight as a soldier. It is said that he was a second lieutenant when he was young.

"Get in the car."

Miss Ivy stretched out her well-shaped palm and stopped in front of Li Ergou. He didn't know if Li Ergou was slow or deliberate. He didn't catch the hand to help her get into the car.

This made Ivy's face show a sullen look:

"Li, you, who were born in Dongzhou, don't seem to know much about the rules of Xizhou."

"What do you say, Miss?"

"At this time, as a servant, you should help me into the car."

Li Ergou glanced at Aishwana, and noticed that Aishwana didn't seem to mind, so he held the tender and soft hand rather helplessly, and slowly helped her get on the carriage.

The velvet backrest in the carriage felt very comfortable to sit on. It was about thirty minutes away from Tirona. Aishwana kept looking at the scenery outside the carriage like a curious baby, while Ivy tilted her back. With slender thighs and a faint smile in his eyes, he stared at the black-haired man who was sitting upright.

Being stared at by such a beautiful blond girl, even Li Ergou would be restless, and thirty minutes were neither long nor short, it was a bit embarrassing to be stared at like this all the time.

So, Li Ergou took the initiative to find a topic:

"Speaking of Miss, there is one thing that puzzles me deeply."

"tell me the story."

"I found that the proportion of male attendants like me in the palace is much lower than that of female attendants. What is the reason?"

The number of male servants in the palace is definitely a rare creature.

For example, in the past few days, Li Ergou was walking in the corridor of the palace. Eight or nine of the ten people walking towards him might be girls, but one or two would be men. When Li Ergou saw him walking towards him When it comes to a man, there will even be an urge to see fellow villagers and tearful eyes.

"It's not good for girls. With such convenient conditions, can't you just open a harem? As far as I know, this is every man's dream."

There was an expression almost mocking at the corner of Miss Elf's mouth.

"That is indeed the dream of most men, but I just want to be with Aishwana." Li Ergou gently touched Aishwana's cat ears, she looked very intoxicated.

"It turns out that Mr. Li is still a pure-hearted man, which is really commendable."

"It doesn't matter if I'm innocent or not, I just want to know why the lady's mansion is mostly women. According to my understanding, in most countries, the proportion of men should be much higher than that of women, while the proportion of men in most countries should be much higher than that of women. Miss, you like to recruit talents, so from this point of view, there should be more male servants than female servants in your mansion."

Li Ergou's pitch-black eyes were mixed with a hint of alertness that only herbivores have, as if the blond elf girl in front of him was a hungry carnivore.

And the blond girl fluttered her hair with a boring and charming look.

"Miss, I'm really confused. I really want to know what are your principles for recruiting talents? If I don't know this, I can't work for you with peace of mind."

"Li, don't you think girls are cute?" Ivy said with a smile.


"I think most girls are very cute, and they have certain talents under my command, so naturally there are more women than men under my command. Besides..." A faint smile gradually appeared on the corner of Ivy's mouth. , "I want to prove that women can do better than men. In fact, my vision is correct. They do have good achievements. I am proud of them."

Li Ergou was speechless, he did not expect such a simple reason.

"Right!" Ivy suddenly leaned in front of Li Ergou, her majestic golden pupils staring at Li Ergou's face, "Are you interested in being a girl? Although your height is not suitable for being a girl , but fortunately you have a beautiful face, if you become a girl, it will definitely be more attractive than now."

"Do not make jokes."

"I'm not kidding," Ivy even sat next to Li Ergou and said, "In the far south continent, there is magic that can specifically turn men into women. If you say so, you will definitely become a beautiful woman. I Guaranteed."

"Let me refuse." Li Ergou said sternly, "Miss, I am proud of my identity as a man, so please stop this topic."

"I don't want Li Ergou to become a girl either, but if Ergou really becomes a girl, why don't you change her name to Li Ermao?" said the eyes.

Hearing the name "Li Ermao", Miss Ivy couldn't help but burst out laughing.

"Aishwana, you are really a genius. Li, what do you think? Should you change your name to Ermao? In fact, I have been considering whether to change your name. Ergou really loses your identity. , How about from now on, your name is Sebastian, Heathcliff, Alvin, etc.? I think it matches your temperament very well."

"I can't change my name, Miss. The name Li Ergou has an extraordinary meaning to me. Even if I die, I will walk into the coffin with this name." Said, "And I think that what really determines a person's connotation is not the name. Zhang Ermazi can be a warrior who sacrificed his life for the country, and Wei Zhongxian can also be a rebellious minister who has power over the government and the opposition. representative."

Chapter 12 The eldest miss also has a candid side

Arriving in Tirona, before Li Ergou could fully appreciate the local customs and customs of the city, the carriage stopped at the gate of a palace on the north bank of Tirona.

"Let's choose clothes first. This is the clothing store I usually go to. The tailor's craftsmanship is quite satisfactory."

"This is a clothing store? Are you sure it's not a nobleman's mansion?"

"A noble mansion? Are you looking down on the nobles?" Ivy said in a contemptuous tone.

"No, I'm just underestimating my barren imagination."

Being able to live in such a luxurious palace with the cheap labor of making clothes for others shows that the tailor whom the eldest lady has found must be a famous master in terms of craftsmanship.

But having said that, Li Ergou didn't have any expectations. For him, clothes are just a piece of cloth to wear on his body, and spending too much money is just extravagance.

In the past, when he was at Bluestar, Li Ergou bought almost all the clothes he wore from Taobao and Xianyu, ranging from 50 to 200 yuan. The most expensive piece of clothing I remember was about 2,000 yuan in London. The fog windbreaker, but it was not bought by myself, but was given by a mercenary squad girl who had a fateful relationship.

And the windbreaker that Li Ergou is best at can only be at the same price as his sister's cheapest Lolita skirt.

So now, is he being taken care of by a rich woman?

"Be prepared to spend the whole day here." Ivy's eyes narrowed slightly into crescents.

Before Li Ergou could react, he was pushed into the palace by the excited Aishwana. Compared with Miss Ivy, this child was a little less reserved and elegant, but Li Ergou just liked this. Sincerely.

The doorman at the door opened the door for them, and the piano dance tunes their hearts. The first hall that catches your eye is extremely luxurious. Under the huge crystal chandelier is a theater-like stage. It was as if the ongoing dance party stopped abruptly when they opened the door and barged in.

"Ah, the rotten and good smell of capitalism."

There is not a single customer in the clothing store. It looks like an independent witch's house. Even if you think about it, you know that this place does not serve the common people and the middle class. The main customers served here are the real children of powerful families. Miss Wei obviously fits this identity very well.

"Welcome to Chen Youyan's clothing customization shop, my shop will serve all the distinguished guests wholeheartedly."

An oriental woman wearing a slit cheongsam walked slowly, and the western people behind her showed a submissive look to the woman. This oriental woman was undoubtedly the boss.

"Long time no see, Miss Ivy."

"Sure enough, you still have to come to the shops in Dongzhou to buy clothes. Compared with Xizhou, the East has more heritage than us in terms of culture and art." Ivy praised.

"Thanks to your praise, but you also have desirable places in the west, otherwise we oriental people would not open stores here."

"Okay, let's skip the polite words, and bring my servants to pick out some clothes."

"Good fellow compatriots." After noticing Li Ergou behind Miss Ivy, the woman in the cheongsam couldn't help but admire, and at the same time glanced at Aishwana behind her, "This Sri Lankan girl is also very charming, I'm really lucky to meet these two little guests today."

Maybe it was lucky for the store owner, but for Li Ergou, who hated shopping so much, it was the beginning of a nightmare.

Height, shoulder width, arm length, waist circumference, hip circumference, Li Ergou was touched almost all over his body, and the young female assistants all showed shy expressions, and took the opportunity to touch Li Ergou more. took a handful.

"Try this on."

Ivy brought one piece of clothing after another, from tuxedos to woolen coats, from the robes worn by the Western Continent nobles to the silk Hanfu worn by the Eastern Continent nobility.

Even the pajamas with the bear pattern were forced to change under the strong eyes of the eldest lady.

"Don't you want to repay your kindness? Put it on."

Then, she and Aishwana laughed rudely, making Li Ergou angry and a little helpless, feeling as if they had become their dress-up dolls.

"I said Miss, is that enough?"

"What are you complaining about? It's not that you spend money. There are so many clothes that I haven't tried on. Don't complain without my consent."

Miss Ivy smiled hard, and under her majestic golden pupils on weekdays, there is also the cuteness that only girls can hide.

Speaking of which, Miss Ivy and Aishwana are still the same age. In normal times, she gives people a deep sense of the city, but today she is more like an eighteen-year-old girl.

By the way, today's Aishwana is also extremely **** and charming.

She tried on cheongsams, evening dresses, dancer dresses that showed the navel, Lolita-style dresses, and fluffy short skirts, almost all of which were **** and sultry, just like the cat's tail was constantly tickling Li Ergou's heart.

"Second dog," the child threw himself into his arms carelessly, rubbing his head incessantly, "Am I pretty?"

"it's beautiful."


This exotic cat girl acts like a spoiled child, who can stand it? But often the more Li Ergou avoids her, the more she sticks to Li Ergou.

The cat-eared girl in a fiery red evening dress pressed on with her high heels to the beat of the music, and the black-haired man in a tuxedo was pushed into the corner in a blink of an eye.

"Hey, I finally caught you, let's dance."

"I really can't help you."

Aishwana happily took Li Ergou to the center of the stage, letting her body sway under her slender hands.