MTL - Please Sink In Happiness-Chapter 30

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Ivy gracefully stretched out her slender, boneless white palm, palm down, like an unattainable king of a generation.

"Then, please take care of me, Miss Ivy."

Li Ergou gently held her hand, Ivy frowned slightly, and said with some dissatisfaction:

"You don't seem to know much about the etiquette of Xizhou."

"What etiquette?"

Aishwana bit her lips and said in Li Ergou's ear with some unwillingness:

"Er dog, at this time, you should get down on one knee and kiss the back of her hand..."

Chapter 6 Free Drinks with Former Military Attachés Abroad

The capital of the Shengluer Kingdom, Danbai Street in Fenglu City has always been one of the most prosperous streets in the city. The street is located in an administrative district in the southeast, and celebrities from all over the world wearing dresses will appear here almost every day. , an endless stream, red lights and wine green, can be described as a veritable city that never sleeps.

The architectural style here is also extremely luxurious and different. Stepping into the street, you can see a luxury hotel representing the oriental classical style, a minimalist style art gallery, a group of villas similar to the Mediterranean blue and white style, and a Gothic style cathedral. No matter what country or race you are, you can almost see the epitome of your own country on Danbai Street. The Kingdom of Shengluer is located in the center of the Xizhou Continent. The unique geography and culture make it full of inclusiveness.

A day ago, Prince Louis finally returned to the provincial capital of the capital from St. Charles. He did not return to the palace to report to his father, but turned around and went to the embassy of the Dongzhou Empire, because for Prince Louis, Dongzhou The Imperial embassy had one of the few people he could count as friends.

The burly, bronze-skinned man gave a heroic laugh when he saw Prince Louis. He was the Da clan of the three major families in Dongzhou, and now he is the military attache of the Dongzhou Empire.

"It's been a long time, Daula Dilie, have you missed me during this time? I think you're going to be suffocated? Why don't we find a pub tonight and have a drunken break?"

However, the burly man shook his head, walked to Prince Louis and said earnestly:

"Louis, you finally came back from Saint-Charles, do you want to go back to the palace and tell His Majesty the king? I think it's disrespectful for you to come to me like this without making a sound."

"What are you talking about? When did your Da clan pay attention to those red tapes? Besides, what's there to see about the immortal old man? The old man, who has half his foot in the coffin, is still self-righteous. It makes him really think he is some kind of wise king."

"Isn't the Xizhou Lion a wise king?" Daula Dilie retorted, "You don't think your father is a hero, but the history books say that he balanced the contradictions between the major lords during his lifetime, and at the 25th At the age of 19, he led the major lords to resist the attack of the Blue Empire for ten years, and when he was forty years old, he defeated the powerful navy of the North Sea Parliament State on the west coast. Decline, but that is also because he was too old to take care of the war, I believe that his great achievements are enough to be remembered by historians forever, and people will always remember the 'Lion of the Western Continent' Louis XIII in the next few hundred years."

"Oh, history books! What are history books? History books are hymns for liars, and every guy who writes on them is a narcissistic villain, don't tell me anything about history books, I never believe that stuff," Louie said. The prince said in an extremely disdainful tone, "In the past, your Daula's golden cavalry once destroyed the Western Continent, but now most of the history books call you barbarians, and the most perfect nomadic tribal government is also called the Primitive and backward system, and this is the result of those self-righteous historians!"

Prince Louis poured two glasses of whisky:

"Fuck the historian."

In the eyes of most people, if the three major families in Dongzhou are to be ranked in order of greatness, the best should be the Ya's, then the Xin's, and finally the Da's, so after Prince Louis expressed his admiration for the Daula family , Daula Dilie, who didn't have any city government, was very moved by this, and also drank wine.

"Good brother! Who will say that Prince Louis of the Shengluer Kingdom is a waste of money, I'm worried about him!"

"It doesn't matter, I'm a scumbag, a refined hedonist, and instead of feeling guilty about it, I'm proud of it."

He was drinking wine with his legs crossed. Even though he couldn't do anything about magic, martial arts, politics, diplomacy, or military affairs, he still had a smile on his face.

But with a smile, he slammed the table with his fist again, showing a hideous expression:

"But speaking of it, there's one thing that's really depressing me recently."

"Let's hear it." Daula Dilie put on a friendly audience gesture.

"Hey, my fiancée, that **** Ivy dared to **** the slave that I liked, how bold!"

"Don't worry, that's just your fiancée. Isn't her stuff yours in the future?" Daula, Di Lie comforted, "Besides, Ivy heard that she is the most beautiful woman in your Shengluer Kingdom, just mere It's just a slave, give it to her and give it to her."

"I've been eyeing that slave for a long time... He's a ruthless character, if he can be used by me, I can... Forget it, don't mention it, I want to scold people when I mention this, and he's like Ivy. Although the woman does look a little pretty, but to be honest, I don't look down on that kind of woman at all."

"Come on, who doesn't know that you like beautiful women." Daula Dilie opened another bottle of beer and drank it, "You, you just have to be cheap."

"Haha, women are just mere women, what's so great about them? Women are the tools for men to vent, women, women, they have good skins, they may seem talented and full of knowledge, but they are only appearances, throw away the empty skins , but there is nothing inside. In fact, they are just dolls with good appearance and can be used by people." Prince Louis raised his head and smiled arrogantly, "And what is Ivy? A self-confessed general A legendary woman who can create great things, she wished everyone in the world would know her ambitions, what I despise most is the kind of idiots who have a little achievement and want to announce the world, those idiots will die on their own vanity sooner or later."

"I know why you look down on them," Daula Dilie said with a wicked smile, "because you have no achievements worthy of publicizing the world. Your jealousy is really ugly."

"Hahaha, well said! I'm so jealous of them, they all deserve to die, they deserve to be killed!" Louis also drank his beer. If it was someone else, he might follow Prince Louis's talk just now. It means that he has some sense of it.

And Louis looked down on that kind of person at all. On the contrary, Daula Dilie, who came from the nomadic people in the northern part of the Eastern Continent, would speak his heart out. Even if his heartfelt words would damage his face, Louis would not care. Have fun with it.

After three rounds of drinking, the sky was already dark, and Danbai Street was already colorful.

"Hiccup, I really don't want to be separated from you, Daula's golden iron cavalry will be able to turn over the Western Continent sooner or later! Long live Daula!" Prince Louis apparently drank too much, and hooked his shoulders with the oriental man, not paying attention to his dignity.

"I'm also reluctant to say goodbye to an interesting prince like you, but..." Daula Dilie vomited, "Soon, people from the Hiccup and Xin family will send... my replacement, and become Fenglu on my behalf. The city's military attaché abroad..."

"Male, female?"

"Women? Women are good, women are good..." Prince Louis clapped his hands and rolled around, "Oriental beauty, I'm drooling just thinking about it, I'm hardened."

"Fuck, don't you look down on women?" Daula Dilie lay on the ground and said, "But listen to my brother's advice... The one from the Xin family... Xinchuan Fenghuazi is a peerless beauty, but she is definitely a cruel character and doesn't want to die. If so, don't bother her... Xinchuan Fenghuazi is His Highness Ya Yinyue's most important subordinate, you can't afford to offend her."

Chapter 7 Please bear with me, my kitten

"This is your room for now. Please rest well. Dear Li, I look forward to seeing you recovering health earlier."

Ivy looked at the man in front of her with contentment, always maintaining an elegant and charming smile at the corner of her mouth, which reminded Li Ergou of a precious Persian cat.

I have to say that she is really charming. She is impeccable in both body and appearance, and her demeanor is beyond words. As a serving lord, she is naturally an impeccable candidate. The domesticated lone wolf, he knew it himself, sooner or later he would leave with Aishwana. . Huan;: Welcome "Enter?! Enter? [,! Xi; Er".;'s: Figure:? Book.' Pavilion;:]: .7;4?.6?:0,9:".4! 0:7";6?

After completing the repayment.

I just hope that at that time, Miss Ivy can really let them go without hindrance.

Although Miss Ivy said so, when Li Ergou saw the majestic golden eyes, what she saw was the look in her eyes that she already regarded herself as a private property.

"Finally, I still want to confirm with you again. Before completing the repayment, I will go through fire and water for you, and after completing the repayment..."

"If you are willing to leave, please do it yourself. But no matter where I go, I will leave a room exclusively for you in the mansion."

I hope she doesn't go back on her word.

Li Ergou thought silently in his heart.

"By the way, Aishwana."

"Ah, yes! What are your orders, Miss?"

Hearing Ivy calling her name, the cat-eared maid immediately straightened up, and the cat's tail stopped wagging, looking very nervous.

"Don't be nervous, Aishwana. I know you're a princess who escaped from the Kingdom of Sri Lanka. I'm sorry for what happened to you, but from now on you can use this place as your home. I know you're not good at cleaning. Since I was a child, I grew up in a boudoir, so naturally I will not embarrass you. You can do whatever you want in my palace. I have a library here and a garden suitable for walking nearby. Every month, I will be on time. Pay you salary."

"Miss, I don't want to be an idler!" Aishwana's emerald green eyes suddenly became serious, "I also want to have my own value!"

"That's it, then you are responsible for taking care of Li for the time being. I believe that under your careful care, he will recover soon."

"Yes, Miss!"

Ivy smiled gently, and looked very loving, but Li Ergou knew that it was just an expression to win people's hearts. Basically, any person with high power would put on such an expression.

Maybe Aishwana is worthless in her eyes, but if Aishwana can keep herself, then she has her own value.

"Then, see you at dinner, and until then, rest well."

Afterwards, the elf lady left the room with a group of maids and attendants, leaving Li Ergou and Aishwana alone.

"Er dog, is it okay to hurt?"

"It's alright, this little injury doesn't hurt me at all. I have suffered more serious injuries than this." Li Ergou said with a smug smile, "Scars are a man's medal."

"I don't want this kind of fool's medal." Aishwana bit her lips, and then helped Li Ergou to sit on the bed, her small head with hazel hair gently rested on Li Ergou's arm, distressed. Incessantly, "In the future, Ergou can't do stupid things anymore, I just want to live in peace with Ergou. As for my country, it doesn't matter if it is occupied by bad guys forever. Compared with the country, it's still my Ergou. Dogs are more important."

"But can you really swallow this breath? Do you really not regret it?" Li Ergou gently hugged her slender waist and had to admit that Aishwana looked really cute in her maid uniform. to the extreme.

"No regrets, I know that there are many things in this world that need to be chosen, and I only want Ergou, I want to have a lot of children with Ergou, even if I live in the Kingdom of Shengluer, it doesn't matter, I want Ergou, I As long as Ergou..." Aishwana's green eyes were a little blurry, and the highlights also dimmed, her little hand gently grabbed Li Ergou's shoulders, "Now we are free and safe, that, Can I be with you?"

Her calf, wrapped in white over-the-knee stockings, was already kneeling on the white sheets and gradually crawled towards Li Ergou. Li Ergou was shocked. He knew that Aishwana was a bold cat, but he didn't expect this The cat is so bold.

"Miss Ivy must have acquiesced in leaving the room at this time, hehe..." Aishwana smiled silly, took off her white knee-high stockings, her wheat-colored bare feet were extremely sexy, and her deep and three-dimensional facial features were extremely sexy. Full of exotic charm, "Er Gou, I like you, I really like you so much. I remember that Er Gou said that this is not the first time for him, so you have to guide me well... "

Li Ergou swallowed, his brain was not functioning properly.

What's not the first time? At that time, I only deliberately lied because I was afraid of being looked down upon.

"Calm down, my girl."

"I'm not calm. If Ergou doesn't agree, I'll be tough. Don't forget that you are injured now. Ergou definitely doesn't know. I've dreamed of our children more than once in my dreams. They called me. Mom, call you Dad, so cute! Ah, I really wish I could see them earlier, hug them, our family can go on vacation on weekends, what a beautiful day!"

The cat girl slowly rubbed over, and Li Ergou discovered only now that the child was in such a good shape.

"Aishwana, I..."

Li Ergou swallowed his saliva. He is not a monk with few desires, and Aishwana is a very exotic and beautiful girl. I believe that even a man can't control his desires.

But it was really inappropriate in view of the current situation, Li Ergou bit his tongue and calmed down:

"Aishwana, we are still on Miss Ivy's territory, it's really not good for you to do this kind of thing..."

Two slender little hands caught the big big hand and put it on her heart, she smiled sweetly like a kitten:

"Er Gou, can you feel my heartbeat? How much I like you, you should feel it?"



The little head rubbed against his chest, making Li Ergou itchy.

"Meow, meow, meow~"

The kitten threw Li Ergou down just like that, wagging its brown tail tied with a black bow, and barked sweetly and happily.

But is this really good?

Li Ergou likes her, isn't it natural to achieve a love ceremony with the person he likes?

But now that he is relying on others, is he really sure that he will make this child happy in the future?

The freedom of others to give alms is not freedom, and now Li Ergou still wears a pair of shackles, which originated from the shackles of Miss Ivy.

And in order to repay her favor, the price is likely to be life. If she dies, what will she do?



"I'm sorry, I can't give you happiness now, so now I can't be a cat father, and you can't be a cat mother..." Li Ergou endured the pain of the wound and gently hugged Aishwana, " So please bear with me a little longer? When I can really give you happiness, I promise not to run away, I will be with you like an upright man, and make you the happiest girl in the world. "

Aishwana bit her lip lightly and put her arms around Li Ergou, her big watery eyes wanting to cry.


Chapter 8 Dinner with the eldest

Around four in the afternoon, there was a soft squeezing sensation from the arm, and the scent of pandan was particularly pungent.

little chick...

Li Ergou opened his eyes slightly, and the person who held his arm tightly was not Xiaochu, but an equally lovely girl who slept soundly.

Forget it, don't wake her up.

In order not to wake her up, she held her arms motionless, and Aishwana looked like a drowning person hugging a driftwood.

"Sleep well."

There was rarely a gentle smile on the resolute face. From a close look, she was really just a child, and the child met her after suffering.

There are no bad men in the world.

One day, the girl's request will be answered, and Li Ergou is also looking forward to it.

Just staring at her cheeks calmly, unconsciously, the wounds on her body are no longer very painful, and I don't know whether the physical recovery ability is better, or it is just a psychological effect.

The sky was getting dark, and Aishwana finally opened her sleepy eyes and yawned.

When he noticed that Li Ergou was looking at her calmly, his pretty face was slightly hot, and he was very shy, like a kitten who smashed his owner's beloved plate.

"I'm sorry, I seem to have become a bad boy just now..."

"It doesn't matter, I like it even if I become a bad boy. Anyway, I am not a good person, Li Ergou."

The girl's fingertips gently touched Li Ergou's cheek:

"But I really like you..."

"This is the same for me. Well, get up quickly, I can't keep Miss Ivy waiting for a long time."

In fact, he knew very well that the eldest lady didn't look at her own appearance, and he didn't let herself be a vase when he saved her. She needed her own strength to help her realize her ambition, and the girl had a fire of ambition in her eyes.

Therefore, in order to repay gratitude early, it is necessary to restore the body to its peak state as soon as possible.

At this moment, Aishwana got out of the quilt. Under the white translucent lace underwear, there was vibrant wheat-colored skin. Makes people want to bleed.