MTL - Please Sink In Happiness-Chapter 27

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Although their personal strength is not bad, and the team cooperation is also very tacit, but at most they are not bad. To say that they can compete with Li Ergou's marksmanship is still a little immature.

"You want a weapon?"

The voice of a girl came from the head of the knight's helmet. From the tone of the voice, it could be judged that it was probably a girl with a strong personality.

"If you give me a weapon, you can't last this long."

"Okay, we'll give you a weapon." Under the female knight's instructions, several knights around also stopped their swords, "What weapon do you want?"

"Put away your false mercy, the hypocritical chivalry is nothing more than that. Even if you really give me weapons, you will still shoot me in the back when you are at a disadvantage. Isn't this your way of chivalry?" Li Ergou The corners of his mouth raised a hint of arrogance, "As for weapons, I will kill one of you and take your knight's sword, and then use this sword to kill you all."

"Your Excellency, if you can defeat our Knight Guard head-on, we will naturally make a way out. We promise with our face that we will not break our promise." The female knight said righteously, "So let's talk about it, what do you want? arms."

"But my lord, are you doing this..."

The colonel seemed to feel that something was wrong and wanted to stop it.

However, halfway through the sentence, the female knight drank him coldly.

"Shut up, it's not your turn to interject here."

"I hope you don't break your promises after I successfully defeat you. Of course, it doesn't matter if you break your promises. Even if I die, I can bring a few people to bury with me."

At the same time, Li Ergou called Aishwana again:

"Aishwana, stop dancing and take a break to save your energy."

Aishwana, however, seemed to think they were in a desperate situation and was still dancing.

For Aishwana, this is the last dance of death in life.

Li Ergou sighed. In fact, he had already decided in his heart that this would be his last dying struggle before he died, so he said:

"Then give me a long gun."

"The spear you want." The female knight threw a spear, "Do you try to fit the handle?"

"Is it only two meters long? The marks I practice are all five meters long."

"Not five meters long."

"Forget it, it's enough to deal with you."

Li Ergou was convinced that he had seen through the movements of the female knights just now. At this moment, he would not lose to these knights with a spear. They were too weak. If they were placed in the arena, they might even have three hundred Can't beat a lion...

However, Li Ergou realized that he was wrong in the next second.

"So fast."

The slightly sluggish movements just now accelerated in the next second, especially when he thought of the cumbersome armor that the group of knights were still wearing, Li Ergou couldn't help being even more surprised.

Barely able to block the blow.

Li Ergou held the spear in front of him, blocking the sword that was slashing over.

The other two knights slashed at Li Ergou's feet. Li Ergou had to jump up in a hurry, but he would be in a stagnant state when he jumped up, and it was difficult to avoid the attack in this state.

"Have you been pouring water just now?"

"Your Excellency, you seem to have been underestimating the knights of our kingdom of Shengluer." The female knight laughed cheerfully and proudly, "The battle has just begun."

Chapter 55 The Last Resistance

After several rounds of fights, Li Ergou had a general idea of ​​the strength of this group of knights, and also knew the fact that they had just released water when they fought against him.

Li Ergou didn't know why he wanted to release the water. Maybe it was because of the mentality of a cat deliberately playing with a mouse, or maybe it was just a preliminary test, but no matter what kind of mentality, Li Ergou didn't intend to lose to them. He wanted to be with his beloved. girls live together and embrace freedom.

When the three swords in front and the four swords in the back stabbed towards Li Ergou's arms and legs, Li Ergou immediately used his spear to block all attacks at a perfect angle. The appearance of wielding a long spear is pleasing to the eye, and it doesn't seem to be any worse than the cat-eared girl behind her dancing gracefully.

"Your Excellency is good!"

Even the female knight couldn't help but admired from the bottom of her heart. She wondered if the blow just now was completely unstoppable if it was her own. At first, in her opinion, this Dongzhou man was not worthy of the eldest lady's attention.

But now, she has changed her mind.

This man is really good enough.

Thinking like this, she held the sword in both hands, using all her strength, a golden sword wind condensed on the knight's sword.

"watch out!"


Li Ergou blocked this attack again, but Li Ergou himself felt very uncomfortable when he received such a forceful blow. The powerful force even nearly made the spear in Li Ergou's hand loose.

"Hahaha," Li Ergou said with an optimistic and frivolous smile despite being uncomfortable, "She is obviously just a woman, yet she can possess such terrifying and strange powers, I think you under the helmet must be an ugly woman with a face full of flesh. ? Or, are you a female baboon at all?"

"If Your Excellency tries to provoke me with words, so that I expose my weakness in swordsmanship, then Your Excellency, you are just talking in vain."

"Che, have you been seen through?"

Li Ergou grinned.

While fighting, Li Ergou was always paying attention to the surroundings. Those soldiers were in a pocket formation, which seemed to be airtight. Li Ergou quietly searched for the opening of the raid, but he hadn't found it yet.

At this moment, there are more than 500 soldiers surrounding him, and the strength of this group of knights should not be underestimated.

Although the knights said that if they could defeat them with cold weapons, they would make way for Li Ergou and Aishwana to escape, but Li Ergou did not trust these people.


Due to the fact that he had been fighting for too long and his physical strength was weak, Li Ergou was unable to escape the blade, his arm was cut open, and a column of blood spurted out.

At the moment when Li Ergou was paralyzed by pain, he received two more swords. Seeing this, Aishwana immediately wanted to rush up to stand in front of Li Ergou. Li Ergou yelled:

"Don't come here!"

Aishwana froze, she wanted to be with Li Ergou forever, but she didn't want Li Ergou to be hurt, and she didn't want him to be in pain. She wanted to stand in front of Li Ergou and resist the enemy's attack, but she was worried that she would get in the way.

She knelt on the ground, constantly cursing her incompetence, she pursed her lips, her green eyes twinkled with a little starlight.

"Your Excellency, put down your weapons, I appreciate you very much," said the headed female knight proudly, "As long as you put down your weapons, I will try my best to persuade the judge to pardon your crimes, and then I will recruit you to my territory. , you will become a qualified fighter."

The female knight was speaking from her heart. Although the prey that Miss Ivy was poaching in front of her was a bit sorry for her, Li Ergou's astonishing marksmanship really surprised the female knight.

The most respectable thing is that he was surrounded, and he still held his head up without the slightest expression of begging for mercy. He was undoubtedly a worthy warrior.

"Put away your hypocritical pity." Li Ergou raised his spear and said coldly, "Do you really think I would believe your stupid words? Entrusting your own destiny to others is the death of the weak. Dao, my girl and I will leave this **** country, and you will eventually die under our minions."

Li Ergou smiled evilly, and the roar of wolves suddenly sounded around him.


The knights, officers and soldiers showed disbelief when they heard the wolves.

There are no wolves here on weekdays, so why are there wolves in the morning?

But the surprise is only temporary, this is a well-trained army, and facing a pack of wolves is not a big deal for them.

"Don't panic, it's just a pack of wolves."

Under the command of the officer, the soldiers immediately prepared for battle in an orderly manner. At the same time, the shadows of wolves appeared on the surrounding paths, nearby haystacks, and on the slopes behind.


The soldiers quickly loaded bullets and fired at the wolves. However, the bullets could not scare the wolves away. Instead of retreating, the wolves rushed towards the soldiers, as if they would bite the enemy's throat even if they died.

This kind of desperate play is almost the same as Li Ergou, but wolves are only beasts after all, and in the face of well-trained soldiers, their influence is very limited.

But this is enough, Li Ergou is waiting for this opportunity.

He picked up the spear at the right time and stabbed the knights at the body, the knight immediately dodged and dodged, and during this gap, Li Ergou immediately ran to Aishwana's side and pulled her little hand:

"Run away!"

Aishwana did not dare to delay at all, and followed Li Ergou.

The soldiers behind him immediately shot at Li Ergou and Aishwana. In order to prevent Aishwana from being shot by the bullets, Li Ergou blocked the girl behind him and shot down the bullets with a long spear.

But after a long battle, Li Ergou's body is almost exhausted. In addition, there was a stab wound on his body just now. In this state, Li Ergou can hardly continue to fight. At the same time, he has to protect Aishwana. , which made it even more difficult for him to cope.

In order to protect Aishwana, a bullet hit Li Ergou in the lower abdomen.

"Two dogs, two dogs!"

Aishwana was completely stunned.


Li Ergou smiled gently, and his wide palm gently stroked the fluffy brown cat ears:

"My girl, if I really can't make it through today, you can't do stupid things, understand? You have to run away, and you have to be like me with the **** of this shit-like world."

Big drops of tears trickled down Aishwana's cheeks. She choked so hard she couldn't say a word. She just hugged Li Ergou tightly and didn't intend to let go. If it is to die, she will also die with the man she loves in this posture and be buried together.

But how could Li Ergou allow Aishwana to be so willful?

He glanced back at the group of soldiers. They had wiped out most of the wolves. The female knight and several officers around were walking towards him and Aishwana.

Li Ergou ruthlessly pushed Aishwana away and shouted loudly:

"Run for me! The farther you run, the better!"

Using his last strength, Li Ergou picked up his spear and charged in the opposite direction.

Volume 2 achieve dominance, girl

Chapter 1 Sink into happiness

There was no trace of light in the endless darkness, and Li Ergou felt as if he was in a different space.

What about Aishwana?

He searched everywhere, but he couldn't find the cat-eared girl who was extremely dependent on him. He vaguely remembered that he finally tried his best to rush up, and he didn't remember anything after that.

Maybe Aishwana has been caught?

She is so beautiful that if she didn't have herself, she would be bullied by others.

Li Ergou clenched his fists. When he thought of Aishwana's life without her own protection, he felt a sense of depression being strangled by his throat. This feeling once made Li Ergou want to go crazy.

In the past, when Li Chuyue's delicate body was buried in the soil of a foreign country, Li Ergou wished he had hated it so much, and wanted to roar up to the sky, howling like a wolf, to vent all his sadness.

But how can sadness be vented by howling alone?

"I failed to protect my beloved, I am such a waste..."

Gritting his teeth, he squeezed out these words with almost all his strength. In front of outsiders, he was arrogant and arrogant, possessing a rebellious soul.

When alone, he shows a rare weakness.

That strong, confident man who dared to raise his **** to God is just Li Ergou's ideal self. He wears the mask of a strong man to hide his weakness.

In fact, during the escape, Li Ergou was far more disturbed than Aishwana.


A cold little hand was gently wrapped around Li Ergou's neck. The movement was extremely gentle, and a soft touch came from behind. This kind of intimacy made Li Ergou extremely familiar.

Sure enough, is this the world of the dead that you have been looking forward to?

I can finally meet my sister again, she is no longer alone.

But why?

Why can't you be happy?

Li Ergou covered his eyes with his hands, thinking of the cat-eared girl who had just become his lover.

"Brother Yinyue." A melodious voice came from behind, as if he wanted to sweep away all his sorrows.

"How many times have I said it, I'm Ergou, there is no man named Li Yinyue anymore in this world." Li Ergou choked a little.

It's a pleasure to meet my sister, but what about Aishwana?

Does she really have a way to deal with those **** by herself?

"Brother, don't be sad."

"I have no sadness, there is no word 'sadness' in Li Ergou's dictionary."