MTL - Please Sink In Happiness-Chapter 25

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"Two dogs..."

"Shh, this is the last one."

Li Ergou aimed intently, but when he pulled the trigger to the last soldier, the flint was misfired.

"Damn, don't drop the chain at the critical moment..."

However, after that, no matter how it was used, the flintlock could no longer fire bullets, and the flintlock got wet.

"Classical weapons are really fancy, can't God give me an AWM (military bolt-action sniper rifle)?"

Li Ergou angrily threw the flintlock gun aside, then took out the spear and aimed at the route of the last soldier running in a throwing posture.

If he can't hit the last soldier, then he will tip off to bring more people soon, and then he and Aishwana will be unable to escape, but having said that, Li Ergou has a lot to do with his hit rate. Absolute confidence.

"Sorry, let me die."

Looking at the spear flying in the air, Li Ergou said coldly.

Chapter 51: Overcoming the City Wall

Sure enough, the long spear pierced the soldier running on the city wall, and he looked around at the city wall, and there was no more escape.

Looking at the corpses on the ground and staring at the sky on the rainy night, Li Ergou was quite emotional.

Not long ago, he once wanted to seek death, but now holding Aishwana's little hand, Li Ergou only had the idea of ​​​​living.

In the past, when Li Ergou performed an airborne mission as a soldier of the 2nd Parachute Regiment of the French Foreign Legion, he was once in a desperate situation. At that time, his team was besieged on a hillside, and the terrorists were cut off from food and water for nearly a month. When he felt that he was about to lose his strength, he would think of his sister's sad expression. Human will is infinite, and it was precisely because he didn't want to make his sister cry that he died and survived, becoming the only survivor of that mission.

Now, with Aishwana by his side, Li Ergou feels that he has the same willpower to turn life and death as before.

"Aishwana, you must hug my neck and cross my waist later. Don't fall off." Li Ergou looked at the eight or nine-meter-high city wall and said, "Take it. Come down, I'll climb up with a rope."

"Second dog, will this be too reluctant? I..."

"Don't force it. I tried this rope just now, and the workmanship is very good, enough to support the weight of the two of us."

Li Ergou took out the thick hemp rope just now and vowed, but Aishwana still seemed to have something to say, and she lowered her head a little disappointed.


"why apologize?"

"I'm a burden, I keep making Ergou unable to move freely."

Aishwana lowered her head and bit her lip.

"You child, if it wasn't for you, I'd probably have died a long time ago." Li Ergou smiled gently, "It's you that makes me feel a little fun in the world now, I thank you before it's too late. , how can I make you apologize for me?"

Then, Li Ergou squatted down:

"Climb on my back."

"However, you will be very tired if you have to bear my weight."

"It doesn't matter, hurry up, or the chasing troops will come in a while, we can't be late, we have to act quickly."

Aishwana couldn't resist Li Ergou, so she had to gently hug Li Ergou's neck with her arms, and her legs were tightly wrapped around Li Ergou's waist. The dog couldn't help but feel a little ashamed. In order to hide the shame, Li Ergou laughed loudly and threw the noose at the same time. The rope was quickly caught on the bulge of the city wall. Li Ergou tugged hard, it was very firm.

"Then, I officially declare that we are free!"

"Is it really okay, if not, you can abandon me..."

"You stupid child, what are you talking about now?" Li Ergou clenched the hemp rope and stepped on the wall of the city wall. "Don't worry, no one knows how to climb better than me."

Having said that, it is definitely not easy to climb the wall with someone on your back. In addition, the rainwater has wet the city wall, which makes the wall of the city wall a bit smooth, making it difficult to settle down.

Even during the climbing process, Li Ergou almost stepped on the air, but when he thought that Aishwana would be injured if he fell, Li Ergou kept his body balance.

"Don't be afraid, it's fine, even if danger does occur, I will never let you die before me, absolutely not."

"No, if there is a real danger, I don't want to see Ergou die in front of me." Aishwana's lips gently pressed against Li Ergou's neck, "If that happens, I'd rather die arm in arm with Ergou."

"I'm really lucky to have a lovely girlfriend like you."

Li Ergou used all his strength to speed up his climbing. He had to do it as soon as possible, otherwise once the enemy found out, they would immediately cut off the rope.

Moreover, although it was raining heavily just now, the sound of Li Ergou's shooting must have been heard by the nearby enemy troops.

It must be faster. Li Ergou roughly estimated the time and felt that the enemy reinforcements should be coming soon.

There are still two meters.

Li Ergou gritted his teeth.


The bullet left a bullet hole less than thirty centimeters away from Li Ergou.

The enemy had indeed arrived.

"Haha, you are late, I am free!"

Li Ergou accelerated his climbing speed:

"Aishwana, look, they're shooting for our happy life!"

"Aim, hurry, shoot those two slaves down!"

The officer commanded ruthlessly, but at this distance, unless a talented sniper, it was impossible to hit.

In the last thirty centimeters, twenty centimeters, ten centimeters, Li Ergou finally managed to climb to the city wall.

Li Ergou was condescending, looking down at the soldiers who came to arrest him, and raised his **** gracefully and calmly.

Afterwards, Li Ergou turned around and patted Aishwana on the shoulder:

"Aishwana, this world belongs to us, now, go say goodbye to these scumbags."

Aishwana nodded, then shouted to the troops below:

"One day, you will pay for the sins you have done! are the worst villains in the world!"

"The worst villain in the world..."

Li Ergou felt that this was probably the most vicious word Aishwana could think of.

... so cute.

"What's the matter, Ergou? Am I embarrassed?"

"No, Aishwana, you had a great momentum just now. A well-behaved and obedient kitten occasionally opens her throat to express her emotions. How does it feel? Are you in a better mood?"

"Yes, Ergou, I feel great now."

"That's good."

They looked at each other and smiled, and then Li Ergou took Aishwana's little hand and walked to the other side of the city wall:

"Aishwana, next, we're probably going to have something exciting."


Li Ergou pointed to the moat outside the city wall:

"Look, Aishwana, now we don't have time to climb down with the rope anymore. If we move too slowly, the enemy will catch up, so we have to jump down. Don't worry, we won't die if we jump from this height."

"It doesn't matter, I'm not afraid of death, I'll listen to Ergou."

"Come on, keep lying on my back now, don't be afraid later, don't let go, stick to my body like an octopus, jumping into the moat will stain your clothes, but I promise to buy you more beautiful clothes when I get rich."

Aishwana smiled sweetly.


"Of course." Li Ergou bent down again, "Come on, take me as your mount, Princess Aishwana, I am your loyal old horse."

Aishwana lay on Li Ergou's back again.

"Sit tight, I'm going to speed up!" Li Ergou took a few steps back, then rushed towards the other end of the city wall.

The moat was about ten meters away, but Li Ergou was not flustered. He asked Aishwana, who was tightly attached to his back:

"Aishwana, I said something to you before, you should remember it?"

"Yes, I remember."

"Speak and listen."

"Only those who are not afraid of death deserve to live."

"Aha, that's right!"

Li Ergou and Aishwana jumped from the eight or nine-meter-high city wall without hesitation, like birds flying into the sky.

Chapter 52 The Ambush Ahead

There was no danger. Li Ergou and Aishwana jumped into the moat. Since then, they finally said goodbye to the city of St. Charle. There were gunshots in the city. It is estimated that they will come to chase soon. But before that, Li Ergou had the confidence to take Aishwana away.

"Are you all right?"

Li Ergou was swimming in the moat while carrying Aishwana on his back.

"It's alright, it's just getting wet all over, which feels kind of bad."

"Haha, yes, cats are generally afraid of water."

"I'm not a cat, I'm your future bride, Aishwana Zhangxi, don't arbitrarily define me as a cat just because I have a cat tail and cat ears." Aishwana said with a puffed face.

"Just kidding, don't take it seriously."

"I didn't take it seriously."

Aishwana lowered her head slightly and bit Li Ergou's ear lightly.


"Bite you."

"Bite me for what?"

"Like it," Aishwana whispered, "and I want to taste as much of you as I can..."

It took about two minutes to cross the moat. At the same time, Li Ergou heard the sound of the opening of the north gate. It seemed that it would not be long before the enemy who hunted for him and Aishwana would arrive.

After landing, Li Ergou glanced at the nearby terrain. There was a forest nearby, which was undoubtedly good news for him. In the jungle, Li Ergou had never counseled anyone.

The rain is much lighter now, and the road is still very muddy, so almost every step will leave deep footprints in the soil. Li Ergou naturally knows that leaving footprints means providing clues to the pursuers, so he crossed three places. Footprints were left on both sides of the road at the intersection to confuse the enemy.

In addition, in order to increase the authenticity, Li Ergou also deliberately broke the branches and placed them on the path to confuse the enemy.

"Aishwana, let's go this way."

Aishwana nodded and followed closely behind Li Ergou.

"If we can find a suitable cave for people today, we can rest today."

But just as Li Ergou spoke, he suddenly felt as if he was being watched by someone, so he immediately turned his head and looked at the haystack not far away.

"What's the matter, Ergou?"

"It's nothing." Li Ergou frowned and said, "It's probably my illusion, right?"

He thought to himself that it might be his own illusion. Sometimes people are indeed prone to make a lot of oolongs when they are in a highly tense state.


Why did the haystack give him such a weird feeling? Is there really no one there?

In the end, Li Ergou decided not to care about those things. After all, he was still running away with Aishwana. If he stayed in place for too long, it would be very detrimental to him.

"That person is either a master, or I'm too nervous..."

Li Ergou muttered.

He himself is more inclined to the latter. If it is a strong one, then the situation of himself and Aishwana is in danger.

The little hand holding Aishwana couldn't help but clenched tightly. If it really got to that point, then just sacrifice yourself.

After Li Ergou walked away, a man appeared in the pile of haystacks.

That person was the man who had offered Li Ergou his freedom in prison before. He claimed to be Xu and was from Dongzhou.