MTL - Please Sink In Happiness-Chapter 226

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Could it be that at this moment, someone is using similar magic on him?

"The phone is finally open, Tom."

Li Ergou's voice appeared in his mind.

"Are you two dogs?"

"it's me."

"You use magic that can communicate with people at a distance?"

"That's understandable."

"It's really convenient, so that I can report the latest situation to you anytime and anywhere," Tom said with relief, "Since the discovery of gold mines in the central region of Sri Lanka, the Kingdom of Shengluer and the Parliament of the North Sea have had a tragic battle. In the tug-of-war, we also annihilated quite a few enemies, one of which captured more than 300 people at one time, and now most of them have joined the column.”

"Don't trust others too much, there may be spies among them."

"Don't worry about this, there are magicians in the team who are good at reading mind magic, he can see through spies, and now the international column has begun to grow. In Sri Lanka, our army is an army that cannot be ignored by anyone. "

Tom excitedly communicated with Li Ergou in his mind, and Li Ergou seemed to be able to see a simple and honest smile on his dark face.

"How's it going on your side? It should be smooth, right? You have mastered the magic of long-distance communication, and you have put in a lot of effort, right? You are indeed a second dog."

Hearing Tom's compliment, Li Ergou just told the truth with a wry smile, and there was no concealment in it. Ever since he got to know Tom in the Blue Star World, he has always been Li Ergou's most trusted brother.

After learning about what happened to Li Ergou, Tom also felt the same way and kept sighing. Although the life that most people yearn for is the life that most people yearn for, if they want to lose their freedom as the price, then the price is too high. .

"Don't worry, brother, we will rescue you from Ya Yinyue sooner or later."

"That's not necessary, I actually enjoy it." Li Ergou said happily.

Tom could hear that this was Li Ergou's lie, that the Dongzhou Empire was the most powerful country in the world, and being an enemy of Ya Yinyue was equivalent to suicide.

"Anyway, Tom, although there are many annoying things, there is also good news. Haven't you always wanted to return to the Blue Star World? Although I haven't found a way to return to the Blue Star World, I have found a way to get back to the Blue Star World. The props that people in the Blue Star World communicate with are the props I use to communicate with you now, a Huawei mobile phone."

"What did you say? Cell phone? Is there a cell phone in this world?"

"That's right, and you can also connect to QQ and WeChat, Facebook, Twitter, Line and other software are not a problem. I just chatted with my friends in Blue Star World for a while. With this mobile phone, I can replace You have messaged your family in the orphanage, and I still have some money in my phone, and I can transfer all the money to them to help them get through this difficult time."

Chapter 178 Donations

Li Ergou is very clear that for Tom, the most insurmountable hurdle in his heart is the family of the orphanage. If Tom did not provide money for the orphanage as a mercenary, those children would definitely live a good life. An unsatisfied life.

Therefore, Li Ergou immediately made this decision after learning that this mobile phone could contact the Blue Star World and looked at the money in the mobile phone bank.

"Tom, I have about $50,000 in my mobile bank now. My house in Paris is a little out of the way, but it's still a house in the capital. If you sell it, it's more than enough to take care of your family. Just contact a friend in Seoul as a client to help me sell the house, you just need to tell me the address of the orphanage, or tell me the bank account, and I can call the money directly."

Hearing Li Ergou say this, Tom's heart warmed.

"Brother, it's enough to have you, but the money is earned by your hard work. I can't take your money for nothing, but I appreciate your kindness."

"Can't you take my money for nothing? Are you out of your mind? Aren't you working for me now? You deserve it." Li Ergou's tone sounded a little displeased.

"But what if you go back to Blue Star someday? You have to leave a way out for yourself, right? I heard you say just now that your sister Li Chuyue is still alive, what if you return to Blue Star in the future and don't have any money in your pocket? ?"

"Then I'll go to your house to eat and drink. We are brothers. We need to achieve both happiness and suffering, so I hope you don't use a utilitarian mentality to distinguish between you and me who takes advantage of how much, and Tom, Instead of taking advantage of me, I owe you a lot, and the news of your heroic battle in Sri Lanka has reached my ears."

"I fought in the Kingdom of Sri Lanka, on the one hand, to repay the kindness you gave me for saving my life, and on the other hand, because there is oppression and injustice here, I can't abandon those people who are in dire straits." Tom said solemnly. , "Speaking of Ergou, you were betrayed by your lover Aishwana, do you still want to restore Sri Lanka for her?"

"Even if she is betrayed, I still want to save this oppressed country. Although I am disappointed in her, I still don't hate her."

Li Ergou opened his eyes from the meditative state and suspended the call.

In fact, every night, Xinchuan Fenghuazi will put the sharp ninja tools on the bedside table within reach.

This is very likely a kind of temptation, but even if it is a temptation, it is not an opportunity, but Li Ergou has never tried to seize the ninja tools to kill the girls who share the bed with him.

They love Li Ergou out of sincerity.

Let Li Ergou find an opportunity to kill them to regain their freedom. Li Ergou can't do such a thing. If they die, Li Ergou thinks that he will regret it for the rest of his life.

Close your eyes again and enter the meditation space.

"Although I was betrayed, I still want to help Aishwana regain her motherland, not only for her, but also for myself."

"For yourself?"

"Yeah Tom, as you just said, you're seeing those civilians in Sri Lanka who are in dire straits and can't let go, maybe I have the same idea, I want to be free, I want to do something I want to do things."

As the days passed, Li Ergou found that his heart longed for a fair world.

There is no "absolute fairness" in the world, but "relative fairness" can be pursued.

In fact, recovering her motherland for Aishwana may also be to satisfy the "fairness" she pursues.

This was Li Ergou's truest thought at this time.

"Okay, I understand, Ergou."

"Now, you should tell me the address of your orphanage."

"Well, I'll tell you right now, the address is..."

In a country in the middle of Africa in the Blue Star World, in a dilapidated orphanage, the children could not eat enough, and the sanitation conditions were extremely poor. Plagues often took away the lives of many children.

The owner of the orphanage is a black woman. She was a local elite in the past, but with two brutal wars, her family was also torn apart, her parents were hacked to death by angry compatriots, and she also suffered inhuman abuse. .

After experiencing the ups and downs of life, and getting used to seeing the warmth and coldness of the world, the black women discovered that the children who were thin and scrawny in the war, their eyes were weak and clear, and they were more eager to live well than anyone else.

Compared to them, the black woman thought she was lucky enough.

There are still many children in this country who need to be rescued. She sold her remaining property and bought a local orphanage, but as an old woman, she could not maintain the operation of the orphanage. Fortunately, the first An orphan adopted by her has become an adult more than two meters tall.

"I'll take care of my younger brothers and sisters, mom, don't worry."

Afterwards, her eldest son left home and went to a distant place.

The eldest son Tom said he was doing business in North America and earning a lot of money, and he would pay the orphanage every month.

Gradually, children who could not eat enough began to be able to fill their stomachs in this "one of the least developed countries in the world".

"Hey, old mother, Tom hasn't been home for a long time, hasn't he?"

asked a Tharp Society member in a suit as he passed an orphanage in a slum.

"Yeah, Tom hasn't been back for a long time, but he's a man of great promise, my proud son."

The black mother had a loving smile on her face.

"Having said that, mom, have you and your kids lost weight lately?"

"It's a good day."

"Tom stopped paying the orphanage?"

"Tom may have been in trouble recently and can't be reached."

The black mother has a tattered second-hand iPad, but her son Tom has never contacted her again.

"Poor Tom, he is such a responsible person, he will not leave his family alone, I guess he may really be in trouble."

Black from the Tharp Association said.

"It really doesn't work. I'll sell the iPad. It's the most valuable thing in my family."

"Old mom, this is the oldest tablet. Even if you sell it, it won't sell for much, so keep it."

"I'm fine, but the kids have to be full."

The black mother turned on the iPad's unlock function, and suddenly saw the image of Tom, whom she hadn't contacted for a long time, flashing.

"Dear mom, the company's business has almost crushed me recently. Not long ago, I faced the risk of bankruptcy and decided to give it my all. In the end, I succeeded. Goddess of luck was on our side, and I made a lot of money. Money, I just saved $50,000 in your mom's account. With this money, my sister Jindi, who has good grades, can study abroad, and my brothers Shaq and Dahl can afford to go to middle school. And recently, my mother Brothers and sisters who have just adopted can also afford milk powder."

"Dear Mom, I'm going to go back to work, and one day I'll immigrate you all to North America. I'll love you forever, Mom."

(Sorry, today my friend is brokenhearted and needs to be enlightened. When I wake up tomorrow morning, I will code words, and I will definitely have four updates!!)

Chapter 179 Benito's Speech

Since Li Ergou was kidnapped by Ya Yinyue, Kutak, the student council president, felt very sorry.

I thought that there must be a way to have a career with Li Ergou in the future, but I didn't expect that after the holiday, the two would leave without saying goodbye in this way.

Coming to the Stigma Library alone, Li Ergou will never be seen again here.

The table in the study room seems to still be able to see the scene where Li Ergou once talked about military theory and the current situation.

"Even if it's just me, I'll never give up."

Kutak picked up a stack of books and greedily absorbed knowledge from the library like a sponge, fully preparing for a decisive battle with the colonists in the future.

At this moment, a burly man from Dongzhou sat opposite Kutak. In the library, the figure of a strong man was really conspicuous.

Looking up, it was Daula Batu from the Da Clan of the Eastern Continent Empire.

"Comrade Kutak, I know you are frustrated, but you are not alone on the road ahead."

Nowadays, Batu always likes to call him "comrade" when facing some people who are very similar in ideology.

"Your princess of the Eastern Continent Empire, kidnapped the person who was supposed to go with me..."

"I am one of the three royal families of the Dongzhou Empire. I can't resist Ya Yinyue. After all, my family is still in the Dongzhou Empire, but when I return to the empire, I will try to negotiate with Ya Yinyue. Comrade two dogs are free."

"hope so."

In Kutak's eyes, the possibility of Ya Yinyue returning Li Ergou freedom is very low, but in order not to dispel Batu's enthusiasm, he chose to remain silent, and continued to start drawing and thinking about the plan to restore the kingdom of Sri Lanka.

Out of library etiquette, Batu also quieted down.

In the past, Batu was not a person who liked to read books. Compared with reading books, he preferred to exercise his body, enhance his martial arts, and have "friendly exchanges" with the knights of the knight society.

But after getting to know Li Ergou, he was recommended many books from the Blue Star World. In this world, the Chinese of the Blue Star World and the Dongzhou language of the Dongzhou Empire use the same language, although the words are occasionally abbreviated. There is a difference, but it does not affect reading at all.

So Batu and Kutak read books together in the library.

Batu, who used to be sleepy after reading a book for ten minutes, but after reading the book introduced by Li Ergou, he didn't feel sleepy at all, but became more and more energetic.

When Kutak was excited, he would write down his ideas, big and small, on white paper, and then communicate with Batu in depth.

Although Batu was slightly inferior to Li Ergou in many points of view, he was indeed not alone in his company.

Around three o'clock in the afternoon, both Kutak and Batu left the library and planned to go to the student union to complete their assigned work.

When passing through the central square of Stigma College, Benito Musso, head of the Student Union Propaganda Department and editor-in-chief of the Student Newspaper, was giving a loud speech from a high place, and a huge crowd of students watched.

"Everyone, what country are you all from? Eastern Continent Empire? North Sea Parliamentary Country? Shengluer Kingdom or Ouagadougou Emirate?"

The students below enthusiastically said the name of their motherland, and the atmosphere was very hot.

Benito, the head of the publicity department of the student union, is a genius with a hot atmosphere. His voice always makes people feel excited, like taking drugs.

"Actually, there is no country in this world. Everyone, I have traveled to the Shengluer Kingdom. At that time, the Shengluer Kingdom was one of the most powerful countries in the Western Continent. In the Shengluer Kingdom, I saw the production of the flow workshop. The precision and stability of the flintlock guns produced are far stronger than those of neighboring countries, factories rising up one after another, commercial streets full of money, and traffic with developed trade. Really an amazing country, isn't it?"

Among the students listening to the speech, the students from the Shengluer Kingdom held their heads high.

"The friends who can come to listen to my speech are students from the Kingdom of Shengluer, right? You are very proud, right? In fact, I was fortunate to see a person who was as proud as you, when the homeless living under the bridge looked at When his motherland is so developed and strong, even though it has nothing to do with him, even though he may die of hunger tomorrow, he still stands up proudly, but he does not know that his life has been treated like a vampire by his motherland. drank it all."

The students of the Shengluer Kingdom under the stage were pale, as if they were offended.

"Everyone, I don't mean to offend, the homeless people I mentioned are all over the world, there are homeless people in the Dongzhou Empire, there are homeless people in the Beihai Council, and there are homeless people in the Kingdom of Wales where I am. In fact, in my eyes, the world is homeless. There are no borders at all, there are only two countries in the world, the names of these two countries are called 'exploited' and the other is called 'exploited', the emperor of Dongzhou Empire and the bishop of Shengluer Kingdom, the Prime Minister of Wales Kingdom With the chiefs of the Ouagadougou emirate, they are the citizens of a country, they are the heads of an 'exploiting' empire, they make up what they call borders, let's draw swords for cultural history, homeland glory, and generational grievances Opposite, kill the lives of those who are exploited like us, we are deceived by them, we should unite and build a noble lord, a royal church, a wealthy businessman who monopolizes resources, and a small fish and meat that relies on credit A powerful country that even the bankers of the common people hear it! Let the fairness and justice of the world come to this world again!"

Benito seemed to growl, hysterical every word.

Most of the people who heard the speech were from the elite class. Facing such a speech, most of them applauded, but there were also a few people who turned pale and left in a huff.

"Absurd!" Princess Olina of the Azure Empire turned to leave, "He's just a clown."

Miss Ivy of Shengluer Kingdom fell into thinking, feeling that such remarks have also appeared in Li Ergou's mouth.

Thinking of Li Ergou's past relationship with the student council president Kutak, I think Benito, the head of the propaganda department, should also know Li Ergou.

Perhaps it was Li Ergou who influenced them.

Ivy saw the shadow of Li Ergou from the student council members, but turned around blankly, but he was no longer around.


Charlene lowered her head and looked at Ivy with great concern.

"I'm fine." Gently stroking his belly, "Sooner or later, one day, I'll take this child's father back..."