MTL - Please Sink In Happiness-Chapter 222

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Chapter 169 The Weird Way of Feeding

For the current Li Ergou, he can't even eat breakfast.

In the living room in the cabin, there is a long table under the luxurious crystal chandelier. Li Ergou was escorted by Chunzi and Miki to the seat with joint techniques.

The silver-haired girl dangled her slender legs, raised her teacup gracefully and asked:

"Brother, did you have a good time with Sister Fenghuazi last night?"

Li Ergou ignored Ya Yinyue's question. Even though her heart beat faster because of her beauty, her anger towards her at this moment has already overshadowed her amazement at her beauty.

Out of resistance, Li Ergou ignored her question, his eyes were as cold as winter, like the eyes of a dead man.

"The coquettish brother is really cute."

Ya Yinyue held her cheeks and smiled like a child.

Li Ergou clenched his fists quietly, but there was no way to swing the fists out. He was just a mortal who had lost his strength. The forbidden magic collar around his neck had already absorbed Li Ergou's full potential, even without the supervision of Chunzi and Miki. , and absolutely cannot escape the palms of Ya Yinyue and the others.

Suddenly, Ya Yinyue looked at the tall and beautiful woman in chef's attire standing aside and said:

"Head chef, bring out all the dishes carefully prepared for your brother."

"Yes, Your Highness Yinyue."

The chef left gracefully.

It didn't take long for the girls wearing maid uniforms to bring dishes one after another from the kitchen. It was obviously breakfast, but the dishes on the table were extremely luxurious. Oriental dishes such as Yuanxiao wontons, and Western dishes such as egg tarts and cookies, each dish looks like a rare treasure, like a piece of art decorated on a plate.

"Don't look at the younger sister just now, she is a palace cook."

Ya Yinyue said very proudly.

However, Li Ergou still glared at the girls sitting beside him, it was them who made him a prisoner, and Li Ergou's friendliness brought such an ending.

"Eat it quickly, brother Zijin, or it will be cold in a while."

Faced with the gentle urging, Li Ergou ruthlessly knocked over the plate containing the cooking, spilled the cooking soup on the precious carpet, and the plate also shattered in a harsh sound.

Li Ergou stood up and shouted loudly:

"Go away, I don't eat! Let me go quickly!"

"What a waste, brother, the cooking from that chef is a rare treasure in the Dongzhou Empire, but it's a pity that my brother knocked these dishes over."

Ya Yinyue sighed and shook her head, her expression was like that of a child in the rebellious period.

Taking a casual glance, Chunzi and Miki, who were standing beside Li Ergou, understood, they immediately subdued Li Ergou again with joint skills, their head was also pressed down by the slender palm, and they couldn't even raise their head and look at Ya Yinyue. do it.

"Brother, you are so stupid. Next, my brother is going to live the happiest life in the world. Why don't you appreciate it?"

"You deprived me of my freedom, and I want to thank you?" Li Ergou bared his fangs like a wolf.

"I repeat, this is not to deprive my brother of his freedom, but to protect his personal safety," Ya Yinyue gently walked in front of Li Ergou, with a hint of arrogance of a conqueror under her smile, she gently used her fingers Hook Li Ergou's chin, "Brother, you are too adventurous, a person like you may die before the age of 30, knowing that the most important brother is a madman who puts his own safety aside, you Do you think being a younger sister would stand by? In the Blue Star world, if my brother is a man of his own accord, then I wouldn't do such an outrageous thing to my brother, but in that world, my brother is a mercenary who is dying every day Wandering around, do you think I will be at ease with such a brother?"

"This has nothing to do with you. Even if it is death, it is my choice. People have the right to live and the right to die."

"But I don't want my brother to die. I'll be sad when you die, so I want to catch you and make you a **** without power. Although losing power will mean losing the ability to resist in the event of danger, but this is not Is it the same as swimming? People who can’t swim are often less likely to drown than those who can swim, so it’s safest for my brother to stay in the deep palace I carefully prepared for you forever.” Ya Yinyue The black eyes are like falling into the abyss, as if to **** Li Ergou's whole soul into it.

He obviously has a delicate and beautiful angelic face, but the pair of pupils are terrifyingly black.

"By the way, it was also Sister Xiaochu's idea to take my brother back to the Dongzhou Empire."

"Xiao Chi also wants me to lose my freedom and become a prisoner?"

"Pay attention to the words, brother, not a prisoner, but a protected object." Ya Yinyue gently stroked Li Ergou's hair, feeling like petting a dog.

Li Ergou's eyes were sad, and Xiaochu also hoped that he would lose his dignity and become a woman's toy...

This was a heavy blow to Li Ergou.

"So brother, have you refused to eat until now?"

"Don't eat."

Ya Yinyue picked up the bowl and put it in front of Li Ergou's nose:

"Smell, it's really delicious. If you don't eat it, you'll be hungry, and it's not good for your body."

"It is my freedom to starve to death!"

"What a cute brother, but do you think your coquettishness will be effective?" Ya Yinyue smiled slyly, "Forget it, since my brother has already hinted at it, then I will show it well. Just a moment."

"What do you want to do?"

"Of course it's to feed you, brother."

Ya Yinyue cut a small piece of bread with a knife and fork with an elegant manner:

"If my brother refuses to eat, we have a way to make him swallow it. For example, feeding him mouth-to-mouth. I think my brother likes it a lot, right?"

Staring coldly at Ya Yinyue who was tasting the cooking, Li Ergou could see that she was serious.

Xin Chuan Fenghuazi and Aishwana followed closely, as if they were looking forward to this kind of forced feeding.

"Shut up..."

"Brother is afraid?"

"Will I be afraid of you? I'm laughing to death, there is no word 'scared' in Lao Tzu's dictionary."

"That means, brother likes this?"

Li Ergou struggled violently and shook his head, trying to avoid them.

However, their heads were firmly held down by slender palms, their teeth could not be closed, and they were put on a device that forced them to open their mouths, so they couldn't even say the threatening words of biting their tongues.

As a result, Li Ergou was fed breakfast in this strange way, which he felt was disgusting, but he could only become the object of their wanton toy.

After suffering this loss, Li Ergou never coerced them with a hunger strike from now on.

Chapter 171 The upcoming naval battle

In the afternoon, the fleet of the Eastern Continent Empire was about to leave the central waters and enter the Eastern Channel.

Li Ergou walked in the promenade of the Mei Niang and found that most of the navy soldiers were of the race with black hair and yellow skin, and occasionally silver hair, brown hair, brown hair and green hair. Most of them are demihumans and dragons, but none of blood and elves.

From the gossip of these navy soldiers, we can vaguely glimpse the spiritual outlook of a nation.

For example, on this ship, the crew members often ask "Have you eaten?", which is rarely the case in the Western Continent.

In terms of words, they are also very subtle and euphemistic, not as straightforward as in the West.

"Hello, Young Master Li."

Seeing Li Ergou approaching, the two navy soldiers immediately saluted.

Although he did a good job on the surface, the contempt in his eyes couldn't hide from Li Ergou's eyes.

Their politeness is only superficial. Li Ergou is a man who is bullied by women, and it is normal to be despised by other men.

So Li Ergou was not angry at all, thinking in another position, Li Ergou also felt that he should be regarded as a sad clown.

But what's even sadder is that they will not speak out of contempt, they will only hide it in their hearts. After all, Li Ergou is Ya Yinyue's most important brother. If Ya Yinyue accidentally offends Li Ergou, Ya Yinyue knows that it will at least be the death penalty. Get started.

"Master Li is not good, Master Li is just a funny clown."

The two soldiers were stunned for a moment. They thought Li Ergou was the kind of rich boy who was born with a golden spoon in his mouth, arrogant and arrogant but had no self-awareness.

"Young Master Li, you don't have to belittle yourself."

"That's right, I'm a little undervalued. I evaluate myself as a 'clown', I'm afraid even the 'clown' will feel offended, caught by a woman, deprived of freedom, eating, drinking and having fun all day, I feel slaughtered The pigs on the farm are more valuable than me, at least the pigs can kill and eat meat, but I can't do anything."

After Li Ergou gave a wry smile, he said to the two navy soldiers:

"Compared to me, you are the more noble people. You are the cornerstone of a country. Without you being soldiers to defend the homeland and the country, the country will be ravaged by outsiders. Not all famous generals in history rely on soldiers. Will their bravery to kill the enemy go down in history?"

With a sigh, Li Ergou left in a hurry.

The two Fumo Ninja girls who escorted Li Ergou back to the room smiled and did not comment too much on Li Ergou's opinion.

Looking at the backs of them leaving, the two navy soldiers felt that this young master was not the dandy young master they imagined, but a more reasonable and easy-to-communicate person.

And after listening to what Li Ergou just said, there was a warm feeling in the hearts of the two navy soldiers. They were just like ants in the eyes of others, but when Li Ergou said these words to them just now, both his tone and his eyes were completely different. Be respectful.

"We are the cornerstone of a country, Young Master Li is really good at talking..."

"At least this young master is not a bad person."

The two sailors left the cabin and came to the deck.

The sea is as blue as wash.

Today's sea breeze is a bit strong, and it doesn't feel very calm. Looking at the Dongzhou Black Dragon Flag hanging on the top of the cabin, the soldiers are sincerely proud of it.

Looking at the left and right sides, along with the main battleship Meiniang, there are Pinghai, Sanxia, ​​Dafeng, and Eight Banners, etc., which were all ships that made great military exploits.

The screen guard was located next to the main ship, and the naval soldiers near the ship waved to them with a particularly bright smile.

"Pay attention to the situation around you while on duty."

At this moment, a stern voice rang in the ears of the two navy soldiers.

Looking back, the two navy soldiers were startled, because behind him stood Admiral Chen Shaokuan, the old man frowned and walked very calmly with every step.

The usual old man does not speak in such a stern tone as he does today, and most of the time he is amiable.

Today, however, is the opposite.

Admiral Sun, who was behind General Chen Shaokuan, also looked solemn.

"Is the war about to break out?"

asked one of the younger sailors.

"It feels very likely that the smell of gunpowder is in the air today."

said the slightly older soldier.

On the entire ship, there were only a few generals who had experienced a decisive battle with the Western Continent, and most of the soldiers were from a generation that had never experienced war.

However, as the soldiers of the world's most powerful country, they are looking forward to war, because only war can shape heroes and be promoted, and the Dongzhou Empire does not only give the green light to the nobles like the corrupt Xizhou countries. Many soldiers from civilians can eventually become the same. general.

"If the enemy comes, I promise to hit them with one shot. In order to wait for the day when the war comes, I at least practice firing more than 100 shells!"

"Don't forget that General Chen said that arrogant soldiers will lose, and we have to be cautious."

"That's right, but you have to maintain self-confidence and pride. After all, we are soldiers of the Eastern Continent Empire."

The navy soldiers laughed at each other, but their eyes were always fixed on the sea, and they did not dare to relax in the slightest.

The generals' expressions told them that a naval battle was likely to break out today.

After receiving permission at noon, the two fleets of the Zhendong Fleet and the Zhenxi Fleet also began to change from the original rushing formation to the battle formation.

"If they really want to pursue us, today and tomorrow are the most critical time points."

Admiral Ya Yinyue said so.

The whole boat is like a taut string, ready to go.

"They are here."

At six o'clock in the evening, Ya Yinyue said suddenly.

The dark shadows in the distance flickered brightly, and the Admiral took out his telescope:

"Your Highness, you are right, they are indeed here, as you expected, they are far less than our army in number, but the weapons on their ships have never been seen before, presumably they are holy The fleet of the Mark Academy, right?"

"That's right, General Chen. If we compare speed with them, we have absolutely no chance of winning."

"I know."

"So I ask you to defeat them here."

"Yes, Your Highness! I dare to show my sword!"

Admiral Chen Shaokuan immediately ordered the ship to be turned around.

Through magic, Chen Shaokuan's order was immediately transmitted to every ship.

Pingxiang Kenpachi, Yehenara Xunwei, Zheng Dahe and other naval commanders heard General Chen Shaokuan's instructions almost at the same time.

The naval guns pointed at the Stigmata Academy fleet that was approaching in the distance.

"Those who dare to offend Tianwei!"