MTL - Please Sink In Happiness-Chapter 211

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Mrs. Shia snapped her fingers, and Li Ergou's body use rights were once again in her hands.

Perhaps for Mrs. Shia, Li Ergou had no room to escape.

"Little Li, how old are you?"

"Twenty-one years old, ma'am."

Li Ergou said neither humble nor arrogant.

"It's 21 years old, why haven't you had a baby with Ivy yet? You're not too young, what are you waiting for?"

"Mrs. Shia, for me and Ivy, that kind of thing is too early. I don't hate Ivy. To be exact, I also have a good opinion of Ivy, but I hate being interfered with my freedom like this by you."

She glared at Madam Shia coldly, but what she received was Madam Shia's doting smile.

"How about a lovely child."

"I'm serious, if you continue to interfere in my life, then I will resist no matter what."

"Well, I won't interfere with the two of you," Mrs. Shia smiled and let go of her embrace, "Xiao Li, it's not too late, let's continue the blood of the Lianqing family with Ivy."

"I refuse. It's too early for me and Ivy to do this kind of thing. When I really accept Ivy, I will naturally turn her into my woman, but not now."

Hearing Li Ergou's answer, Mrs. Shia took Ivy's hand with one hand and Li Ergou's hand with the other.

Li Ergou wanted to break free from the beautiful woman, but the power of the blood clan stubbornly suppressed Li Ergou's instinct to resist, making him unable to breathe at all.

The three entered a pre-booked luxury room together and sat on the sofa.

"Little Li, hurry up and marry Ivy like a lover. The big man can't hesitate any longer, or mom will be angry."

Ivy blushed, but Li Ergou asked:

"Mrs. Shia, can you respect my wishes?"

"Isn't it only natural for a son to listen to his mother? Xiao Li, Mom, I just want to see the blood of you and Ivy as soon as possible. It is a mother's dream to hold a grandson as soon as possible. Do you have to disappoint your mother?" Mrs. Shia Holding Li Ergou's hand, Li Ergou felt a slight pain, as if the bones of his hand were about to be broken by Mrs. Shia.

She is serious.

"What if I don't agree?"

"Disagree? Don't Xiao Li have a lover who has cat ears? If Xiao Li doesn't want to see her in this life, he'd better be obedient."

"You threaten me?" Li Ergou's eyes suddenly changed, exuding a cold air.

But then, Madam Shia smiled softly:

"Just kidding, Xiao Li, how could my mother do such an outrageous thing? But I advise you to marry Ivy as soon as possible, or you won't want to leave this room."

Madam Shia turned her palms, and the next second, the luxurious suite turned into a sunless basement.

Chapter 149 Waiting to be hunted

Li Ergou looked around, the damp space was dark and dark, the water droplets falling from the ceiling ticking on the floor made a crisp sound, there were no windows, and the only door was completely locked, Li Ergou used a long gun to try to destroy the The gate was blocked, but a magical anti-shock suddenly turned Li Ergou's strength into an impact force and reacted to Li Ergou's body, causing Li Ergou to feel a pain in his body, and the spear was also sent flying out.

"Little Li, if you can't satisfy your mother's request, then mother, I will never let you see the sun again," Mrs. Shia said with a light smile covering her lips, "or when my son and Ivy are married here , or become a toy of the blood clan, anyway, you did not reject the position of my precious daughter, understand?"

The airtight stone bricks completely surrounded Li Ergou here. Li Ergou stared at Madam Shia coldly, but even though her strength was already at level 63, she still couldn't see through Madam Shia's strength.

According to common sense, one should give in at this moment. After all, at this moment, Li Ergou couldn't even escape from Mrs. Shia's hands, but being played with so recklessly, Li Ergou felt that his dignity was being trampled on, and his eyes were filled with anger.

Aware of Li Ergou's expression, Mrs. Shia smiled softly:

"The disobedient son needs some training, but Xiao Li, mother's love for the children is equal. You and Ivy are both mother's darlings."

"How far are you going to fool me?"

Li Ergou growled.

"This is all for Xiao Li to live a warm and happy life as soon as possible. Isn't Xiao Li going to start a family sooner or later?"

"It's my own business to start a family. It has nothing to do with you. Let me leave as soon as possible, otherwise."


"Otherwise, even if you are Miss Ivy's mother, I will never give up."

"Hehe, training a arrogant boy like you is the happiest thing for a mother, Ivy, you should be optimistic, if you want to make a proud boy like Xiao Li your property, You must conquer him with strength."

The **** long whip was pulled out of Mrs. Shia's hand, and Li Ergou dodged away, leaving a whip mark on the floor.

"Mom, don't hurt Li!"

Ivy was startled, and immediately rushed to block Li Ergou.

"Baby daughter, mother is just frightening this disobedient son, it doesn't matter."

"Ivy, even if I'm with you one day, it's my own choice, not someone who forced us to be together through coercion."

Li Ergou has always eaten soft and not hard. Even if the King of Heaven came, Li Ergou would never give in.

However, Mrs. Shia's power cannot be seen through, and it even makes Li Ergou face a creature that is even higher than a demon. Even though Mrs. Shia is only smiling faintly, there is a permeating light beside her. The blood fog made Li Ergou feel very stressed. At this time, releasing water would only make Li Ergou passive.

"Mrs. Shia, please don't blame me if it hurts you. You forced me. In this world, no one can imprison me."

The silver five-meter long gun was clenched tightly in both hands, but it was almost impossible to swing it in the space of the basement, but the weapon in hand was at least much stronger than bare hands.

The tip of the gun quickly stabbed Mrs. Shia's hand. Li Ergou didn't intend to hurt Mrs. Shia's life, after all, she was Ivy's mother.

"It's really gentle, cute Xiao Li, even though your mother has done such an excessive thing to you, she's still kind and soft-hearted."

The blood-colored long whip slapped the long spear fiercely, and a strong gravity pressed on Li Ergou's body.


While shouting, wielding a spear.

However, most of the moves could not be deployed. On the open plain, the five-meter long spear could maximize Li Ergou's marksmanship.

But in the cramped basement, Li Ergou felt powerful and had nowhere to go.

The spear stabbed Mrs. Shia's shoulder, but Mrs. Shia who was stabbed immediately turned into a scattered bat.

One of the bats landed on Li Ergou's shoulder. Before Li Ergou could turn around, Mrs. Shia hugged his neck from behind.

"Xiao Li is really an interesting child. If it weren't for the baby girl falling in love with you, my mother would have turned you into a blood clan member long ago."

"Go away!"

Li Ergou wanted to break free, but the blood in his body seemed to have solidified again, and he couldn't move at all.

In the blink of an eye, the blood whip that was in Mrs. Shia's hand just now was like a living thing, and it began to wrap around Li Ergou's feet. The whip was tightly bound, and there was no way to break free.

"If Xiao Li is a strong man, it is understandable to pursue dignity, but Xiao Li, you are just a child with a little talent. You want to disobey me and my precious daughter Ivy at this level. It's a bit too uncomfortable. It's over."

"If I like Ivy, I will pursue her myself, I don't need you to worry about it!"

"No, Xiao Li, your potential is much higher than Ivy. Men will change their minds. If one day you don't like our Ivy, what should you do?"

"That's our business too, you don't need to worry about it!"

"Ivy is my daughter, why don't I have to worry about it?"

Mrs. Shia threw Li Ergou, who was **** with five flowers, onto the round bed, then walked up to Ivy, and gently touched Ivy's pretty face:

"Look, my precious daughter, the man you love is now under control, there is no way to reject you anymore, you can do whatever you want to him, if you like it, you must pursue it bravely ."

"Miss Ivy, you're not that kind of person, are you?" Li Ergou looked at Ivy.

"Li, I really like you, and I'm really worried about losing you, can you understand how I feel..."

Ivy went to the bed and looked down at Li Ergou who couldn't move.

Madam Shia stood aside and smiled charmingly.

"My daughter is about to become an adult."

"Miss, we respect each other and understand each other. We should get to know each other slowly, and we shouldn't be too hasty. Besides, I'm a man anyway. I don't allow me to be accepted your love in this way..."

It's almost like being pushed back.

Ivy lifted her side hair, leaned down and kissed Li Ergou's lips, her blood was boiling like it was ignited in an instant.

He wanted to escape her kiss, but unfortunately his body was tightly bound, and he couldn't refuse her kiss at all.

This kiss lasted for about five minutes before Ivy was satisfied.

"I'm glad you didn't bite my tongue."

"Miss, what do you want?" Li Ergou was a little absent-minded when he was kissed by Ivy.

"Lee, I'll pick out some beautiful bikini swimsuits later, so when we get together, you might be more interested in me, and it should last longer."

"No, I don't want to be your lover in this pathetic way..."

"Forgive me, Li, I've endured for too long. No matter what this time, you won't be able to escape, so just accept this fate that belongs to you."

Ivy hooked Li Ergou's chin lightly, then looked at Mrs. Shia.

"Mother, thank you, I will definitely seize this opportunity."

"As long as you can be happy, Mom can do anything, Ivy." Mrs. Shia kindly took Miss Ivy's hand and left the basement, while Li Ergou could only be left in the basement , waiting to be "hunted" by Miss Ivy.

Chapter 150 The day that is more and more worth looking forward to

The basement just now was a space temporarily constructed by Mrs. Shia with primary space magic. In other words, no one except Mrs. Shia could know the whereabouts of Li Ergou.

The mother-daughter duo returned to the luxurious suite of the Ruyi Hotel again, and by this time Shalena, Demi, and Aishwana were all already in the room.

Aishwana looked around, not seeing Li Ergou's whereabouts for a while, and was a little nervous.

"Miss, where is Ergou? I remember that Ergou was with you just now..."

"He was eaten by me."

Ivy said with a charming and charming smile.


"Yeah, Ergou has already been eaten by me. His meat is really delicious."

As she spoke, Ivy was stroking her lower abdomen, as if she had just had a full meal, which scared Aishwana's face.

Seeing Aishwana's terrified look, Miss Ivy couldn't help but feel a sense of revenge. She felt that it would be too petty to bully this innocent child again, so she said:

"Aishwana, Ergou is very safe, but you shouldn't be able to meet him in the next few hours, but don't worry, when the time is up, I will return him to you as it is. , After I marry him, I also allow you to continue to satisfy the desires of the flesh by his side, but Aishwana, you have to figure it out."


"I'm the main room."

"Yes, I think so too. Miss Ivy and Ergou are really a good match. I wish you happiness."

Aishwana gave her heartfelt congratulations.

"You are also quite sensible. I was jealous of you in the past, but after today, this jealousy will vanish." Miss Ivy reached out to Aishwana and said, "From now on, please also take good care of us. Get along."

"Yes, Miss!"

The hands of the two women were held together, and it was precisely because they would soon be able to completely occupy Li Ergou with their bodies, so now Miss Ivy seemed to be extraordinarily skilled, with a pride like amnesty to the world.

Thanks to his mother, the beloved he can no longer escape.

Today, no matter what, he has to successfully conceive his child.

If possible, Ivy hopes to have more children, not only sons, but also daughters.

After connecting with his beloved bloodline, Ivy will accept Madam Shia's proposal to change from a half-blood to a pure-blood.

"Shalena, let's go out together."

"Miss, where are you going?"

Charlene asked respectfully.

"Going to the commercial street, I want to choose some bikinis that make men want to bleed, this time I have to completely fascinate him." Ivy looked at Aishwana again and said, "Aishwana , I will also buy your share for you, so you don't have to go with me."

"Yes, Miss, please walk slowly."

The cat-eared maid wearing a black maid uniform and white silk just watched Ivy and the others leave.

Only she and Demi, who was taking a nap, were left in the room.

In fact, Aishwana's innocent appearance just now was all her acting skills. She already knew where Li Ergou was and what happened to Li Ergou just now.