MTL - Please Sink In Happiness-Chapter 205

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Li Ergou and Batu shook hands.

From beginning to end, Li Ergou has been looking at Batu.

He looks bold, free and easy, enthusiastic and unrestrained. If he has no intention of joining the international column, it can only be said that Batu's acting skills can win the Oscar gold award.

"After I leave the secret realm, I will write to my clansmen and tell more people in our country the stories you told before. I hope that at that time, in the territory of our Da clan, there will be more people who can help us. The weak speak out, the righteous who speak out for justice, and at the same time, I will also carry forward the deeds of your organization of the 'International Column' to fight against the Sri Lankan colonists, so that more people can join our team."

"Thank you so much, Batu."

Li Ergou and Badu drank a few bowls of wine again.

During this period, many students were also very interested in the system in Li Ergou’s story. The story of the Spanish Civil War made Batu’s student team seem to be divided into two factions. Great interest, and students from aristocratic backgrounds want to explore the great dictator Francisco Franco in depth.

Maybe one day, after they graduate, they will also take completely different paths in the future because of their respective origins and status.

But that's all for later.

The key is that Li Ergou is not very interested in things like the political system. The most important thing now is to meet Xiaochun early, and then to restore the land of the Kingdom of Sri Lanka, drive away the colonists who occupied the local area, and then find a way to do it. Find the "door" and help good brother Tom return to the Blue Star world to reunite him with the Blue Star family.

After drinking and eating, Li Ergou returned to the inn and knocked on the door of Xinchuan Fenghuazi's room.


"it's me."

"My lord, the door is unlocked, please come in."

Walking into the room, Xinchuan Fenghuazi knelt down beside Xinchuan Wuhuazi and carefully wiped her body. The pale skin was exposed, shiny and moving, like a cream.

In the face of a ray of stunning beauty, Li Ergou immediately turned around and did not dare to take a second look, complaining:

"Feng Huazi, why did you say 'please come in' without your sister wearing anything?"

"Huh? Strange, I remember that when I was in hell, Mrs. Hu personally said that Sister Wuhuazi is your woman. Why do you turn your head shyly when you only see the sister who has no clothes on?" Fenghua The child asked with a small smile.

"What I said at the time was just a scene, do you really take it seriously?"

"Of course, take it seriously. In the future, sister Wuhuazi and I will marry Lord Li Zijin together, and we will give birth to the blood of Lord Li Zijin together."

Xinchuan Fenghuazi's hug was extremely tender, recalling that when she first met, she had used joint skills on Li Ergou to kidnap Li Ergou.

But now, there is only unconcealed admiration in Fenghuazi's eyes.

"Holding my husband's body, I feel that life has become extremely fulfilling."


"It feels like being with you, my husband, my concubine feels like I have become a child. I want to get more attention from you. This feeling is really wonderful, even in the past, Her Royal Highness Yinyue has never had Feeling like that."

Li Ergou straightened her body and did not push Fenghuazi's arms away. She buried her head in Li Ergou without saying a word.

"It was really terrible at the time... If I really killed my sister, I might not be able to get out of this sin for the rest of my life. These hands have already taken my sister's life. If I kill my sister again, I will be a 'human being' The part of ' will also be completely lost, it is the husband who saved the concubine and the sister..."

She rubbed against Li Ergou's chest as if coquettishly.

"I really want to kiss my husband. After the assessment is over and I return to Stigma Academy, can my husband accept my first kiss?"

"Feng Huazi, I remember that I've been kissed by you twice."

"Those two times didn't count, because I kissed my husband at that time, just to make my husband dizzy." Fenghuazi's fair face turned slightly red, "So, those two times can't be regarded as kissing in a strict sense. "

"The standard of kissing is really strict."

"So after waiting, after getting the consent of Miss Aishwana, the two of us should kiss with all our heart and love for each other."

Feng Huazi gently released the hug and stared at Li Ergou's face.

Suddenly, Fenghuazi sighed involuntarily.

"I feel very regretful when I think that after the assessment is over, I can't continue to stay with my husband in a proper way. My husband, after the assessment is over, I still leave Ivy and live with my concubine in His Royal Highness Yinyue. mansion..."

"Ivy's life-saving grace to me, until I repay her kindness, I am still her person, this will not change."

Speaking of which, in this assessment, the positions of all the students were randomly disrupted. In this assessment, Li Ergou did not help Miss Ivy, which made Li Ergou feel that he was dereliction of duty.

But this test is almost over.

Li Ergou felt quite happy when he thought that after the assessment was over, he would be able to meet Aishwana, and see Miss Ivy, Xia Leina, and Demi again.

Xinchuan Fenghuazi gently held Li Ergou's hand, as if cherishing the last time they spent together.

At this time, the sky began to be occupied by white light, and the streets of Dongying began to gradually become transparent.

A line of striking text appeared in the sky.

-The assessment is over. This assessment took 53 days and 321 people died. Now all the candidates will be sent back to the headquarters of Stigma Academy. I wish you a happy life!

"Husband, it seems that the time has come..."

"Yeah, Fenghuazi, but you don't have to put on such a sad expression. Even if we go outside, we can still be friends."

"Just friends?"

"It is also possible to become a lover. After the demon in Wuhuazi's body is dispelled, remember to call me to celebrate."

"Of course, I'll be called my husband then." Feng Huazi's pretty face was like a budding flower, and she looked at Li Ergou seriously, "That's right, my husband."


"Nice to meet you."

Chapter 135

In the blink of an eye, Fenghuazi and Wuhuazi disappeared. Li Ergou came to the empty white space again, but Li Ergou was not too panicked. This was not the first time he met In this situation, when the assessment started, he had encountered the same situation.

If nothing else, this is the tunnel to transmit magic, and it is estimated that he will be able to teleport back to the square of Stigma Academy in a short time.

Just when Li Ergou was about to close his eyes and meditate, a burst of heat suddenly blew in his ears.

"Hello, oh **** yo, Savadika~"

Li Ergou abruptly opened his eyes and saw Demi looking at him with a proud face.

"Demi, why are you here?"

"Is there any need to ask? Of course, it's because people miss Brother Ergou. Let's give a warm hug."

"Stop doing this, you little bastard."

Li Ergou is not a lo*ic*n, so naturally it is impossible to accept Demi's hug.

Seeing that the hug failed, Demi curled her lips and muttered:

"I really don't understand the style, brother Ergou, you will miss out on happiness like this."

"For a stinky little girl like you, let's wait another ten years."

"In ten years, I will definitely meet more handsome guys, and then I may not look down on Ergou brother."

"Then I'm really thankful, but handsome guys who are blind are not easy to find. You have to work hard."

"If you can't find a handsome guy, then the only thing you can do is get the Ergou brother."

They met Demi again after a long absence, and the two made fun of each other as usual.

It can be considered to pass the time before waiting to return to the square of Stigma Academy.

In this academy, Li Ergou is one of the few people who know Demi's true identity. Her apparent identity is Miss Ivy's servant, but she is actually the executive of the management of Stigma Academy, and according to Demi herself It was revealed that she was also the chief examiner of this assessment.

"Demi, 321 people died in this assessment."

"Yeah, three hundred and twenty-one people died. After all, this assessment is relatively difficult in most of the assessments." Demi stretched, "But although so many people died, let me see it. When it comes to the potential of many candidates, even some of the attendants have performed very well. For example, brother Ergou, you have been promoted by two levels in this assessment, and you have used power far beyond the level of brother Ergou in hell. ."

"Have you seen it all?"

"I have seen the whole process of this assessment, not only you, but also what some other students have done in my eyes. You have really gained a lot this time. First, you became the princess of the Azure Empire. The close comrade-in-arms, and now has an affair with Xinchuan Fenghuazi, as expected of the Ergou brother, really extraordinary, I remember in the past that you only wanted to fall in love with Aishwana alone?"

"I think this assessment has taught me to become 'fraternity'."

"Cut, scumbag." Demi rolled her eyes at Li Ergou, "But whether you are scumbag or not, remember not to neglect exercise, you should have already told you about the 'Final Battle' in the future. right?"

Li Ergou nodded.

"Brother Ergou, the 'Battle of the End' is real. The establishment of Stigma Academy is to deal with the final doomsday. Only the best students can come in handy in the final battle, and Brother Ergou, The principal who founded the school was you in another world."

"Actually, I already guessed it."

After Li Ergou visited the Stigma Library, he had already felt the difference in this academy.

After meeting himself seventeen years later, Li Ergou completely confirmed his inner guess.

"I was also one of the column leaders of the International Column in the past, and was a close friend of another Ergou brother." Demi continued, "But Ergou elder brother, I can tell you in advance that I am only loyal to the future you, not Now you, even if you have the same appearance, in my eyes you are just a potential ant."

"An ant is an ant. I have never overestimated myself anyway."

"That can't be done. You must overestimate yourself, otherwise the world will collapse again in the future. Brother Ergou, I'm going to tell you about all the assessments of Stigma Academy for the next three years. I hope you can write it down."

"It's not good for you to leak the title in advance like this?"

Li Ergou frowned.

"There's nothing wrong, anyway, there is a high probability that Brother Ergou will not be able to participate in the next assessment." Demi said with a smile, "The next three years may be the trough period for Brother Ergou. Time will even make Brother Ergou despair and doubt about the world, but during this period, when Brother Ergou is free, please think carefully about how to answer the questions in the most perfect way."

Although Li Ergou really wanted to know why he fell into the "trough period", let's listen to the assessment questions leaked by Demi for now.

"After the assessment against demons is over, the next assessment will be eight years later, the war assessment between Shengluer Kingdom and Azure Empire. At that time, the students will be divided into Miss Ivy's camp and Princess Olina's camp. confrontation."

"Eight years later, will there really be a war between Shengluer Kingdom and Azure Empire?"

"It will happen in the original historical world line. The Azure Empire is almost equivalent to the German Third Reich in the earth world, and the North Sea Parliamentary Kingdom and the Kingdom of Shengluer are equivalent to Britain and France."

"You really know the Blue Star World."

"I'm not pretending anymore, I'm going to showdown. Our Stigmata Academy senior management holds the 'gate'. It was the unanimous decision of our senior management to send Brother Ergou from Blue Star to this world."

Li Ergou grinned:

"My good fellow, it turns out that it was thanks to you that I suffered so much when I was teleported to this world."

"For the sake of being so cute, please forgive them." Demi threw a wink and continued, "And then, the third assessment is to send all the students to a super-civilization with very advanced technology. , in that world thinking about how to prevent a looming omnic crisis through reform."

"There are really any kind of assessments."

"Yeah, but it's not over yet. In the next assessment, it is expected that there will be assessments that will be transmitted to the rest of the world. In that assessment, the students will help a beleaguered country on the verge of extinction to restore its country and help that country. The prince of the country is in power again." Demi tilted her head and said, "By the way, the prince of that country is someone's previous life. Like brother Ergou, I am also from a different world, but I am from a different world. It is a magical world, and Ergou brother comes from a world with advanced technology."

During the time spent alone with Demi, Demi told Li Ergou one by one the assessment questions that Stigma Academy expected to give in the next three years. Some of the worlds needed to be united, while others needed to be united. It is necessary to divide forces, and some worlds require flexible and changeable minds, and the questions of these assessments are accompanied by extreme danger.

After Demi told Li Ergou the last assessment question, the surrounding scene also began to change.

Chapter 136 To Stigmata College

The first scene that catches your eye is the plains of Shengluer Kingdom, where the artillery is full of fire. Eight years later, the queen Olina, who has completely lost her childishness, held the saber of the Brandenburg family high and led a five-way army to Shengluer. In Fenglu City, the capital of the kingdom, His Majesty Louis XIV personally led the army to supervise the battle, and launched a battle against the capital with the allied army of the North Sea Parliamentary State and the Queen's Guard of the Azure Empire. This protracted war almost consumed the blood of a generation.

As soon as the picture turns, breathtaking pictures can be seen everywhere in the highly developed ultra-modern city. Cars fly in the sky like planes. Houses have become the cheapest items for human beings. It's like the Garden of Eden. However, while human beings are enjoying themselves, all the hard work is backlogged on the robot, and the lifespan of the robot has been greatly shortened. At the gate of the ruling building is a parade of robots. They demand freedom and dignity and two hours of rest every day. Time, but what was waiting for this group of robots was the fire of machine guns.

Then, a new picture came into Li Ergou's eyes. The unhappy prince stood on the city wall and looked at the dense army. The ministers urged the prince to surrender as soon as possible, but the prince looked at the king's rotten bones and rejected the ministers. At the request of him, he drew his sword and vowed to live and die with his homeland, but at the same time, the messenger brought bad news that the rebels had opened the gates for the enemy.

Li Ergou looked around as if he had just woken up from a dream, and the scene that appeared just now coincided with the "assessment question" mentioned by Demi.

The questions of these assessments are not easy in terms of difficulty, and Li Ergou found that in these assessments, force always seems to be the last resort.

"Brother Ergou, the rest of the assessment content has been transmitted into your mind just now, you must not tell others."

"I won't tell anyone else, but Demi, you said I'll have a 'trough' next, can you tell me what happened?"

"If you don't tell Brother Ergou, you'll know when the time comes." Demi, like a nimble rabbit, hopped away, with a bit of a beating smile on her face as always.

Suddenly, a burst of light covered Li Ergou's entire field of vision, and when his consciousness returned to his body, Li Ergou had already returned to the square of Stigma Academy. The bright sunlight shone on the ground, standing in front of the goddess statue. The old man was Albus Percival Wulfrick. Not long ago, it was he who summoned the magic circle in the secret realm and transported the students to the past two thousand years ago.

"Is this back?"

Looking around, with the light from the runes floating around the square, more and more students returned to the square. Some students seemed to wake up from a dream, and some students looked around.

"Husband, we are back."

Xinchuan Fenghuazi helped her sister, who was still in a coma, to walk to Li Ergou's side.

"Yeah, I'm finally back."

The students from Dongying were the first to be teleported back, then the Central Plains Continent, and then the Manger Prairie. More and more students were teleported back to the academy from the secret realm.