MTL - Please Sink In Happiness-Chapter 196

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"My lord, my concubine really wants you. After I return to Stigma Academy after this assessment, my concubine wants to serve you on a certain night. Don't worry, I will ask Aishwana before that. Miss's opinion will not come without permission, and before this concubine, I haven't had a single experience."

Li Ergou had the urge to hug her slender waist, but in the end he still didn't make a move.

Xinchuan Fenghuazi went on to say:

"I'm really glad that the target of the mission is you. If it was another man, the concubine would never be able to let go of it like she is now."

At this time, the sky lit up with dazzling fireworks. I thought that there should be no gunpowder in Dongying more than 2,000 years ago, but when the fireworks exploded in the sky, Li Ergou decided not to care about so many details. Instead, enjoy quietly with Fenghuazi and Wuhuazi.

"It's so beautiful." Wuhuazi murmured.

"Every year from now on, let's watch fireworks together."

Feng Huazi said very seriously.

When I returned to the hot spring hotel, it was already ten o'clock in the evening. Most of the Dongying people in this era had already gone to bed early, but what was unexpected was that they had already arrived at this time, and there would still be uninvited visitors. .

The person who came was a female ninja under the command of Xinchuan Fenghuazi Fengmoren, Miki Miyama.

She was wearing a light blue kimono and a pair of glasses, giving her a capable and intellectual temperament like a female secretary.

"It's really nice to see His Highness Zijin and His Highness Fenghuazi, who is this?"

"She is my sister Wuhuazi."

Afterwards, Xinchuan Fenghuazi told her trusted subordinates everything she had experienced. From their words, Li Ergou could vaguely judge that Miki was a staff-like role in the Wind Demon Ninja.

At the same time, Meishu also introduced the situation of the land of Dongying. At present, there are three teams from Dongying College. Meishu’s team is located in Nagano Prefecture, which is less than 20 kilometers away from here. There are more than 120 people, and seven demons have been eliminated during this period. It is estimated that by the end of this winter, the demons in the Eastern Ying region can be completely eliminated.

This time, Miki's purpose is to invite Li Ergou, Fenghuazi and Maikako to officially join the student team in Nagano Prefecture and serve as leaders in the team.

Chapter 115 New Disaster

Being able to reunite with the students of Stigma Academy is undoubtedly good news, but Feng Huazi doesn't seem to be particularly happy. When asked why, Feng Huazi confessed:

"I feel really happy to be together during this time. If possible, I really want to continue living with my husband and my sister. Now that we are living a collective life, our quiet happiness has been disturbed."

"But with more people, our safety can be guaranteed, right?" Li Ergou said righteously, "Fenghuazi, this is a secret realm after all, and the devil is also eyeing places we don't know about."

"My husband is right, but my concubine still can't deceive my heart. After leaving the secret realm, will my husband and sister Wuhuazi continue to be with me?"

"If you need me, I'll be there anytime." Li Ergou replied without hesitation.

Maiko also said:

"Even if I go to a different world, I will always be with Fenghuazi."

Hearing the answers of the two, Feng Huazi finally showed a gratified smile, and then looked at Miki Miyama, her long-lost subordinate, and said:

"Let's go, Miki, let's go to Nagano Prefecture and join the team."

"Yes, Your Highness Xin Chuan!"

After clearing the bills, Li Ergou and the others left the hot spring B&B and set off for Nagano County, which is more than 20 kilometers away. Although from the perspective of distance, at the speed of everyone, they can arrive in almost an hour and a half. Now Wuhuazi is almost equivalent to a child of about eight years old, so in order to take care of Wuhuazi, Fenghuazi hired a carriage.

On the way, Mishu Mishu kept congratulating Xinchuan Fenghuazi.

"His Royal Highness, long time no see, now you seem to have a very close relationship with His Highness Zijin. I really congratulate you. Before, Chunzi and I were worried about His Highness's relationship, but now it seems that this worry has become It’s superfluous, may I ask, Your Highness, how did you attack His Highness Zijin?”

Facing the question of her subordinate Mishu Mishu, Xinchuan Fenghuazi's pretty face turned red, she took Li Ergou's arm with her slender arm, and said with a smile:

"Where did I attack His Highness Zijin? It was His Highness Zijin who attacked me. Now I only have a heart for His Highness Zijin. Even if His Highness Yinyue cancels the mission and asks me not to marry His Highness Zijin, I will also marry Zijin. Your Highness is together."

Mishu Mishu is one of Fenghuazi's most trusted subordinates in Fengmo Ren, so Fenghuazi hardly hides from Miyama Mishu.

"What makes me happiest is that I actually met my sister again in this exam. I thought my sister Wuhuazi was dead at the time, but I didn't expect her to be alive."

"Yeah, it's incredible, and His Highness Wuhuazi has become a blood clan, must have experienced a lot of things, right?"

"Miki, from now on, I want to protect my sister, and I can't let her suffer any grievances." Feng Huazi gently stroked Wu Huazi's hair, her words soft and decisive.

"I didn't expect that in an assessment, His Highness Xinchuan gained both family and love." Miki Shenshan couldn't help but sigh.

Most of the people lived a life of fear in this assessment, but Xinchuan Fenghuazi grew from a cold ninja to a real woman. Miki Miyama was extremely relieved.

Before I knew it, more than an hour passed.

"Should we be in Nagano prefecture soon?" Li Ergou, who had been closing his eyes just now, suddenly said.

"It should be coming soon, I hope His Highness Zijin will stay safe." Miki Miyama replied.

At the same time, Miki Miyama shouted to the groom who was pulling the cart outside the carriage:

"Mr. coachman, how long will it take to get to Nagano Prefecture?"

There was no answer from the outside, the carriage was still walking, and a strange atmosphere suddenly filled the entire carriage.

It was supposed to be winter now, but the inside of the car didn't feel the slightest chill, and it was even a little hot.

The curtains of the carriage were opened, and the surrounding scenery had undergone earth-shaking changes before you knew it. The forest that was originally covered by heavy snow had been swallowed up by the sea of ​​​​fire, and those flames did not look like normal orange-red flames, but Black and blood-red flames, sparks flying all over the sky, and countless scorched black shadows wailed in pain under the flames.

Rotten, stench, and torture for no reason, Li Ergou has long since seen such scenes, and he hardly needs to think about what they have encountered.

is the devil.


After Li Ergou finished speaking, he jumped out of the car holding Wuhuazi, Fenghuazi and Shenshan Meishu followed closely, and everyone finally saw the appearance of the driver.

The driver was not a human at all, but a grinning monkey. While the monkey was driving the carriage, he made chirping noises. One minute after Li Ergou and others jumped off the carriage, the carriage fell off the cliff. , that is smashed to pieces.

Surrounding, there is a scene of the ghosts and ghosts twitching in pain under the flames, and there is an endless sea of ​​fire in the distance. Li Ergou almost subconsciously summoned his mithril spear and looked around vigilantly.

"This is **** on fire."

Suddenly, the voice of clogs came towards Li Ergou in the distance. This gentle voice should be female, and the language she used was also Dongzhou language that Li Ergou could understand.

"Who is it?" Li Ergou asked loudly.

"Daughter of Liangxiu."

Under the gorgeous brocade robe embroidered with cherry blossoms, there is a petite and exquisite girl, with golden hairpins on her jet-black hair, and her snow-white profile makes her attractive.

Li Ergou pointed the tip of the spear at the woman with a vigilant look on his face.

The flames around her were burning non-stop, but the girl in front of her was out of tune with the current scene, and she almost didn't even need to think about it to know that there was definitely something wrong with her.

"I'm not a devil."

"Then what are you? Are you alive?" Li Ergou asked.

"No, I'm already dead," said Liangxiu's daughter.

The black shadow burned by the flames gradually revealed the white bones, which was especially terrifying.

Wuhuazi's face turned pale with fright.

"So, you are the enemy?"

"It's not the enemy, I'm taking you out of here," said Liangxiu's daughter, "this is the world in the painting, you fell into the painting, if you don't leave here, you will become part of the painting, and then Can't leave either."

Fenghuazi frowned and seemed to be hesitant to say anything.

"What's wrong?"

Li Ergou saw Fenghuazi's strangeness.

"Daughter of Liangxiu? Burning hell? I remember that I once read a short story by a writer of the East Ying Dynasty."

"What novel?"

"Akutagawa's "Infernal Change"." Nobukawa Fenghuazi said, "The daughter of Liangxiu is the character who appears in this short story."

"So, we fell into the world of fiction?"


Chapter 116 Hell Walk

This place is worthy of the name of hell, and the daughter of Liangxiu said that those shadows were punished in the burning **** because they did evil things in their lifetime.

The most terrifying thing is that the burned evil spirits will not die. The meaning of their existence is to suffer, so no matter how long they are burned, they will not be burned to ashes by the flames.

"I really didn't expect **** to exist in this world." Li Ergou grinned, and that smile looked like a wolf who despised the sheep.

"Don't your husband believe in religion?" asked Fenghuazi, who was holding Wuhuazi's little hand.

"It's not that I don't believe it. When my sister got a strange disease, I used to believe in many religions. At that time, I was the most devout believer. I hoped that the gods would let my poor sister go, but then at the moment when my sister passed away I'm sober, the more vulnerable people are, the more they will place their hopes on those unrealistic mystical forces, the so-called religion, which is a tool used by a group of rulers to enslave the people."

"My husband is really a person without faith, but I don't hate such a husband. In fact, I don't believe in any religion. My destiny belongs to me, not to those illusory gods." Xin Chuan Feng Huazi said without any scruples, "In the past, the concubine also prayed for her own destiny, but the family still let me and my sister kill each other, but fortunately now, the lost relatives have been recovered."

Looking at the evil spirits burned by the karmic fire in front of him, Li Ergou suddenly sang in a strong voice:

"There has never been a savior~? Nor does it depend on the emperor~? To create the happiness of mankind~? It all depends on us~?"

When the girls heard Li Ergou's singing, they were extremely intoxicated, and Wuhuazi even clapped like a child. She, who was pale just now, seems to be no longer so frightened.

"Mr. Zijin is really good at singing, and he sings really well!"

Feng Huazi and Shenshan Miki also looked at Li Ergou with admiration.

Only Liangxiu's daughter turned her head back lightly and looked at Li Ergou with complicated eyes:

"Obviously seeing hell, but still lacking in awe?"

"I am in awe of the world I live in, but I have nothing but contempt for bulls, ghosts and snakes."

As soon as Li Ergou finished speaking, at the border of the burning flame forest, he saw a different scene. A group of blue-skinned ghost soldiers held scissors and pliers. Unplugged, pulled hard.

Along with the tongue-pulling process, the screams became more and more shrill, and the louder the screams, the happier the ghost soldiers laughed.

"You can't leave here and go back to the outside world if you don't have awe."

The daughter of Liangxiu sighed slightly, and then a burst of fire burst out, and immediately burned the daughter of Liangxiu to ashes. After the daughter of Liangxiu disappeared, the ghost soldiers looked at Li Ergou and others.

Looking at the kimono he was wearing, Li Ergou couldn't help but sigh:

"If I had known that I was going to fight, I would have worn a suit. Wearing a kimono on my body would be really inconvenient to fight."

"My lord, in fact, kimonos don't get in the way, just get used to it."

Facing the malicious gazes of the ghost pawns, the only person who was afraid was Wu Huazi. Although she was still at level sixty-nine after her amnesia, her body had already forgotten her fighting instinct, and even killing a chicken might make Wu Huazi die. Hua Zi's mental breakdown.

But everyone did not despise the Wuhuazi who had no fighting ability.

"My lord, Miki, can I leave the flanks to you?"

"No problem." "Yes, Your Highness Xin Chuan!"

The three of them acted together almost at the same time. Li Ergou held a long spear and divided a part of the wolf pack to protect Maikako like Aishwana.

"Children, it's time for dinner."

The remaining wolves rushed towards the ghost pawns. Although those ghost pawns were proficient in torture, their strength was not strong. The lightning wolves far surpassed this group of ghosts in terms of speed and strength. pawn.

Fenghuazi and Shenshan Meishu also immediately formed seals, and the dry land that had been cracked suddenly turned into a quagmire.

"Tu Dun, Tulong bullet."

Almost in an instant, the group of ghost pawns were buried alive in the quagmire. After the ghost pawns were cleaned up, the monster with the head of the bull and the face of a horse rushed up, unfortunately, although the two monsters were not to be outdone. Although it is far stronger than Guizu in terms of strength, its level is only fifty-five.

"This level of ghosts and gods can't make me fear!"

The man in a gray kimono held a gun with one hand, and pierced the two monsters together like a candied haws. After these ghosts that ruled **** disappeared, the punished evil spirits also seemed to have broken through the shackles. Ergou and others attacked.

"Just ants, don't show your teeth and claws in front of my husband!"

Fenghuazi seals again:

"Ninja, Shuriken Multi-Shadow Clone Technique!"

The shuriken thrown out suddenly pierced through the bodies of the evil spirits like raindrops. The scene was particularly bloody. Maikako curled up and clenched the sleeves of the hem of Li Ergou's kimono.

"Don't be afraid, Wuhuazi, she is still a gentle and considerate Fenghuazi to you."

Wuhuazi nodded timidly, then blinked her bewildered pupils and asked:

"What was the old me like?"

"You used to be a good sister who could sacrifice her life for her sister."

Although Maiko's hot body is particularly sexy, her eyes are as innocent as a child's.

She tilted her head and asked: