MTL - Please Sink In Happiness-Chapter 194

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"Speaking of which, I really thank you for this time."

"Lord Husband is out again, haven't you said it many times? You don't need to thank the concubine anymore, these are the obligations of the concubine."

"No, I have to thank you. Not only did you take good care of Maiko and I in life, but you also taught me a lot of ninjutsu in your spare time this month. I really appreciate you." Li Ergou raised his glass , "Fenghuazi, I respect you for this cup, thank you very much."

Li Ergou drank it all in one go, and the one-month relationship made Li Ergou more and more fond of Xinchuan Fenghuazi. Her gentleness, thoughtfulness, and a proper sense of distance made Li Ergou feel close to him. She felt very comfortable with them.

"Feng Huazi, do you know the news about Ya Yinyue?"

"Well, I know, my husband, don't worry, His Royal Highness Yinyue has also made a lot of progress this month. Not long ago, the demons in the Kingdom of Shengluer were completely eliminated, and they are still in the Kingdom of Pyrenees. He defeated a 76th-level demon, and under the leadership of His Highness Yinyue, the entire team has only lost about seven people in the past month."

After hearing Ya Yinyue's news, Li Ergou couldn't help sighing sincerely:

"As expected of her."

"Master Husband, in order to fight against the devil, sometimes you must have the same thinking as the devil." Xinchuan Fenghuazi said with a smile, "Compared with His Royal Highness Yinyue, the husband seems to be too gentle, but This kind of gentleness, the concubine does not hate it."

"I'm still called gentle?"

"Yeah, Mr. Husband is really unconscious, you are actually a very gentle person." Xinchuan Fenghuazi looked at Li Ergou with his fragrant cheeks on his back, "By the way, Mrs. Husband, wait for this scene. After the assessment, do you want to return to the Dongzhou Empire with your concubine and His Highness Yinyue? No matter what, the Dongzhou Empire is the home of your husband, and Miss Xiaochu will be there waiting for you to go home, as well as Mrs. Li The clan also wants to meet the children who were left behind in another world, and even my father would like to meet my husband.”

Although it was attractive to Li Ergou to meet Xiaochu, when he heard that he was going to return to the Dongzhou Empire, Li Ergou's expression was immediately full of vigilance.

"Of course, Miss Aishwana can also accompany her husband. Miss Ivy, as one of her husband's future concubines, can also be invited to go with her, so her husband does not need to have any concerns, how about it?"

"I'll think about it."

"Afraid we'll put you under house arrest?"

Li Ergou didn't answer, just drinking for himself. He had been an enemy of Xinchuan Fenghuazi several times before, and was almost captured and returned to marry.

Although the relationship has eased now, will this be hard-to-find?

In Li Ergou's eyes, once he returned to the Dongzhou Empire with Ya Yinyue and Xinchuan Fenghuazi, he would probably lose his freedom.

And freedom is something Li Ergou will never give up anyway.

"Right now we are still in the assessment. It's too early to mention the end of the assessment, isn't it?"

"It's getting late, husband, His Highness Yinyue will eliminate all the demons on the Western Continent in one month, and the number of demons in the Eastern Continent is also decreasing. If nothing else happens, our assessment should last at most two months. Then we will return to Stigma Academy."

"Isn't there going to be a class later?"

"In January of the winter, Stigma Academy will be on holiday. Then my husband will return to the Eastern Continent Empire with us. My concubine can't wait to become a real couple with my husband."

Xin Chuan Fenghuazi's snow-like delicate face was dyed a blush.

In the past, Li Ergou once thought that Xinchuan Fenghuazi approached him only out of the mentality of completing the task.

But this month, Li Ergou felt that Xinchuan Fenghuazi might really like him.


After hesitating for a long time, Li Ergou said decisively:

"I don't hate you, but I won't marry you."

"Oh, that's it." She just smiled lightly, "It's enough that the husband doesn't hate the concubine, don't worry, the concubine will not give up the pursuit of the husband, because sooner or later, the husband will fall in love with the concubine. ."

The wind outside the window was blowing the candles on the white wax, and she did not act rough with Li Ergou. Since this time, she has been getting along with Li Ergou with gentleness and virtuousness as the main theme.

However, she was the one who tried to capture Li Ergou several times and kissed Li Ergou forcibly.

After drinking the wine together, Li Ergou lay on the tatami. Since that night, he was held in his arms by Xinchuan Fenghuazi and slept, and Li Ergou never let Xinchuan Fenghuazi sleep with him at night. Don't, and Li Ergou is also extremely afraid of how the body affected by the succubus magic element will have a special reaction to Xinchuan Fenghuazi.

If you can't hold it, it's an irreversible sin.

"Miss Wuhuazi still hasn't woken up."

Before going to sleep, Li Ergou came to Wuhuazi again.

Although Wuhuazi's body temperature has approached normal now, she still has no way of knowing the reason for her coma.

Xinchuan Fenghuazi also broke her heart for Wuhuazi during this time. She has always pretended to be strong and played the role of the newlywed wife beside Li Ergou, but her inadvertent eyes often revealed sadness .

Sometimes Xinchuan Fenghuazi is so keen to serve Li Ergou, perhaps because he wants to escape the reality that Wuhuazi is unconscious.


"Master Husband calls the concubine's name, does it mean that the concubine needs to use this incompetent body to warm the bed?"

"No, I think we should go to the nearby doctor tomorrow and let Miss Wuhuazi recover as soon as possible."

"Okay, husband."

(Something is happening today, and there will be a third update tomorrow.)

Chapter 111 Maiko Amnesia

Early the next morning, the snow had stopped, and the bright sunlight shone on the ground that had snowed all night, as dazzling as a crystal clear white carpet.

"Master husband got up very early."

This morning, Xinchuan Fenghuazi, as always, played the image of a virtuous wife, knelt on the tatami and wiped the furniture in the room with a rag. Because she cleaned the room every day, the living environment was spotless.

Unconsciously, Li Ergou has become accustomed to the presence of Fenghuazi.

After washing up, Li Ergou said:

"Let's go, Fenghuazi, the snow seems to have stopped today, and someone shoveled the snow off the road early in the morning, let's find a doctor early to see if we can restore Wuhuazi's memory, otherwise we will continue like this. It's not the way."

"Well, my concubine listens to my husband."

Li Ergou changed into a dark blue kimono, which was purchased by Fenghuazi for Li Ergou not long ago.

Although the suit has been washed and folded by Fenghuazi, it can be worn at any time, but after all, this is Dongying. If you wear a suit, it will inevitably attract attention, so Li Ergou decided to follow the customs of the countryside.

After breakfast, Li Ergou bent down and carried Wu Huazi's delicate body on his back.

Although Fenghuazi once asked her to carry her sister on the road, Li Ergou repeatedly refused. As a big man, he was not allowed to entrust physical work to girls.

Begging to no avail, Fenghuazi had to compromise, accepting Li Ergou's tenderness with a smile, and put on his usual black kimono, followed Li Ergou like a bird and left the hot spring homestay.

More than 2,000 years ago in Dongying, most of the people lived a life of sunrise and sunset. The rulers of this era uniformly pursued a famous saying that they regarded as the truth-making the peasants half-dead is the secret of politics. .

Although there are high taxes, the local people will not starve to death, but they will not be able to accumulate savings and become rich. They generally look yellow and thin, malnourished, and the local eating habits are extremely lacking in meat, so they are generally short in stature.

A figure of 1.8 meters like Li Ergou is enough to be regarded as a giant by the locals, and Fenghuazi's height of about 1.74 meters has also crushed most of the men of his generation.

"Hello, is there anyone?"

Xinchuan Fenghuazi knocked on the doors of one drugstore after another, but due to the wind and snow, most of the doctors chose to suspend their business.

After traveling all over a county, Feng Huazi finally found out about a famous local doctor by selling a jadeite, so Li Ergou and Feng Huazi hurried to the residence of the famous doctor.

After several tossing and turning, after two hours, I finally arrived at the pharmacy.

"My lord, I'm really grateful to you. I'll carry my sister on the way back."

"Maybe when I go back, Miss Wuhuazi has already woken up, not necessarily."

"Ah, yes, the concubine is confused."

He knocked on the door of the pharmacy, and after a while, an old man with a long beard fluttering and a bit of fairy spirit opened the door.

Xinchuan Fenghuazi soon began to chat with the old man in an ancient language that Li Ergou could not understand.

Wuhuazi was laid flat on the bed, and the old man first tried to wake Wuhuazi with acupuncture, but to no avail.

Afterwards, herbal medicines were used, some of which were even highly poisonous, and the poisonous insects were crushed together with the medicinal materials, which looked a bit terrifying.

"Mr. Husband, through the preliminary diagnosis, Mr. Nagata has already identified the identity of the blood family of the elder sister. He said that the function of the elder sister's organs is normal. According to common sense, she should not be in a coma. In this case, the main cause of the coma should be the source. Due to a malfunction in the brain, these highly toxic substances can provide a stimulus to my sister's brain signals, so that my sister wakes up briefly."

"As expected of a famous local doctor." Li Ergou said sincerely.

"After all, Mr. Nagata has traveled to the Central Plains region, and it is said that he also studied under the name of Zhong Jingzhi, a famous doctor in the history of Dongzhou, so he is proficient in traditional Chinese medicine and herbal medicine. He just told me that over the years he has Nearly a thousand people have been saved."

Li Ergou quietly watched the old man stir the herbs. Although he was stirring highly poisonous things in his hands, he had the benevolent face of a doctor.

"Mr. Nagata has never discussed the price, but if he can really make Sister Wuhuazi wake up, I will definitely pay a large sum of money to thank him." Xinchuan Fenghuazi's eyes were full of hope, "Wait for my sister. After recovering my memory, we can live together, and then I will make up for the regrets in the past and let my sister and husband live a happy life together."

The poisonous juice was fed to Wuhuazi, but Wuhuazi did not wake up immediately. The old doctor asked Li Ergou and Fenghuazi to wait for a while.

After a cup of tea, Wu Huazi finally woke up again, she slowly sat up, blinking blankly with her jet-black pupils.

"Sister, you are finally awake!"

Xinchuan Fenghuazi hugged Wuhuazi excitedly, but the hugged Wuhuazi looked a little scared, he pushed Fenghuazi away with difficulty, and curled up like a helpless girl.

"Who are you? Where is this place?"

The air solidified at this moment, and together with the air, there was Fenghuazi's smile.

"It's so cold here..."

"Sister, don't you remember me?"

"Sister?" Wu Huazi looked around, then pointed at her face, "Are you talking about me?"

"Yes, you are my sister Wuhuazi." Xinchuan Fenghuazi knelt beside Xinchuan Wuhuazi, wrapping Wuhuazi's pale palms with both hands.

But Wu Huazi looked uncomfortable, as if she wanted to escape from here quickly.

The old man standing by the side shook his head again and again.

Xinchuan Fenghuazi noticed the abnormality, so he immediately asked the old man Wuhuazi why he had amnesia symptoms. The old man sat down and talked freely. Following the old man's words, Fenghuazi's face became paler and paler, like a dead man.

"What's wrong?"

Li Ergou stepped forward and asked.

"Husband, I just came to the conclusion through the diagnosis that Sister Wuhuazi has been hit by a very dark magic, this magic can gradually awaken the memory of the sister, but when the memory of the sister recovers again, the person who casts the magic on the sister will seize it. My sister's sanity was reborn through my sister's body, so the reason why I lost my memory now is a protective mechanism in my sister's body."

Once Wuhuazi remembers all the memories, Li Ergou and Fenghuazi will have to face the demon who uses the human body as a musical instrument material again.

Chapter 112 Snow is very warm

Although the problem has not been solved satisfactorily, Fenghuazi still uses a jade pendant as a reward to thank Mr. Nagata for everything he has done. The old doctor refused at first, and he may be a little ashamed of it, but he finally accepted the jade pendant.

Finally, the old man said something Li Ergou could understand.


Only this word is exactly the same in pronunciation as an island country in the earth world. Unfortunately, the "sorry" in that country is always late.

To a certain extent, it is because of this that Li Ergou is not interested in Dongying culture, but Li Ergou is not radical enough to deny it completely. Touching and artistic, the Lolita dress that my sister likes to wear also looks very delicate and lovely.

The most critical point is that the local people are also divided into good and bad. Li Ergou has seen gentle and kind old women, and he has also seen drunkards who "spit fragrance" when they meet Chinese people. In fact, every country has more or less. It doesn't conflict with having less cheerful Qiu Ju and chilling katana.

"Let's go, Fenghuazi, and Wuhuazi."

Li Ergou showed a gentle smile to the two sisters.

"My lord, can I ask you one thing?"


Xinchuan Fenghuazi's black pupils were a little disappointed and sad.

"Because you don't need to ask me, just say it, I will do my best to help you," Li Ergou said softly, "I said I don't hate you, on the contrary, I am very grateful for your care during this time."

Hearing Li Ergou's words, Xinchuan Fenghuazi's eyes gradually brightened, and she bowed heavily to Li Ergou.

"Thank you, Mrs. Husband, it's not a big deal. The concubine just wants to borrow the shoulders of Mrs. Husband. Even if you know that you only have Miss Aishwana in your heart, it doesn't matter. The current concubine is really..."

Wuhuazi's amnesia hit Fenghuazi greatly. Although she was forcing a smile, her voice was already choked up.

The doctor just now, Mr. Nagata, said that the current Wuhuazi only has the cognitive ability of an eight-year-old child. She does not know that Wuhuazi is her name, nor does she know her biological parents, and even the place name of her hometown has been forgotten. Memorize only some of the most basic vocabulary.

The most important thing is that if the memory is forcibly restored, the demon will occupy Maikako's body and be reborn.

Xinchuan Fenghuazi fluttered in Li Ergou's arms, and Li Ergou found that he couldn't bear to push her away, letting her sob in a low voice as he leaned on his shoulder.

"My lord, I have always felt guilty about my sister. I thought I could repay her and let her live a happy life, but she has lost her memory..." Xinchuan Fenghuazi's arms were gently wrapped around her. He touched Li Ergou's waist, "Aren't people who have lost their memory indistinguishable from dying?"

"Miss Wuhuazi didn't die, isn't she still alive and well?"


"Fenghuazi, the past does represent a part of life, but it does not represent the whole. And as far as I know, what you have experienced in the past are some unpleasant memories, and it is not a kind of tenderness to forget."

"That's true, but..."

"Look, Miss Maikako's eyes are so clear, does losing memory really mean death? I think the real death is that her eyes gradually change from clear to cloudy, from kindness to insidious, and compare money and power as a comparison. Emotions are more important, and this is death, and although those people still have a heartbeat and can still breathe, they are no different from the walking dead."