MTL - Please Sink In Happiness-Chapter 192

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Li Ergou nodded and agreed to Xinchuan Fenghuazi's request, and although she was an enemy in the past, Li Ergou did not dislike Fenghuazi in his heart.

"Actually, I was caught by you once before and imprisoned in your shadow. I saw your childhood experience. Your family ordered your sisters to kill each other. My sister deliberately let you live."

"Yes, my sister really loves me very much. Whenever I dream of killing each other with my sister that day, I would break out in a cold sweat. Later, although I integrated the power of the Dongying family through my own strength, I abolished those cruel The clan rules, but I still can't let go, because my sister is dead, no matter how hard I try, my sister can't see it."

Taking off Wuhuazi's clothes, Fenghuazi helped Wuhuazi to wipe her body with a towel. She looked so cautious, and her brows were full of tenderness. In front of outsiders, Fenghuazi often gave people a feeling like an iceberg. A sense of indifference and distance, but now Feng Huazi is like a virtuous wife.

"Lord Husband, please have a drink." After completely drying the water stains on Wuhuazi's body, Fenghuazi took out a bottle of sake and poured it into the wine glass.

"I don't really want to drink, Fenghuazi."

"My concubine remembers that when I was monitoring Lord Husband, Lord Husband often went to places like pubs, or did Lord Husband not like sake? Unfortunately, in this era, there seems to be no beer in the East Ying area."

"Forget it, since you've already poured the wine, I'll drink some."

Li Ergou drank it all in one go, while Xinchuan Fenghuazi knelt down beside Li Ergou, like a maid in a feudal society.

"Is Maiko's health okay?"

"I checked it just now, and my body is fine, but I just fell into a coma for some reason."

"Can you drink a few cups with me?"

"No problem, it's a concubine's honor to be able to accompany my husband to drink, but my concubine's alcohol intake is not good. Maybe if I get drunk, I will unconsciously undress and do strange things to my husband."

"That's fine."

After a while, the proprietress brought another table of sashimi and side dishes. It rained suddenly outside the window. Looking out at the scenery from the window under this Japanese-style building was a little pleasant, but at the same time, it also gave Li Ergou a sense of relief. An indescribable sense of detachment.

Not long ago, he was fighting side by side with everyone, but in the blink of an eye, he and Fenghuazi and Wuhuazi came to Dongying, thousands of miles away, to enjoy such a life, which made Li Ergou feel uneasy.

"Aishwana should be very worried about my situation now, and I really want to report her peace."

"Don't worry, Mr. Husband, my concubine has already used ninjutsu to report her safety." Fenghuazi comforted.

"Ninjutsu is really omnipotent. By the way, Fenghuazi, what are your plans next?"

"The concubine intends to follow her husband to act together."

"It's clear that your strength is stronger, so if you want to follow, I will follow you."

"You are a concubine's man. Of course, the concubine will follow you, but everything will be discussed after Sister Wuhuazi wakes up. There are many things I want to ask Sister Wuhuazi."

Li Ergou took a sip of sake. He thought that sake was basically water mixed with white wine, but it felt good and his body warmed up. Fenghuazi sat on the side and told Li Ergou about the history of Dongying. Very good at telling stories and doesn't sound boring.

Suddenly, Li Ergou felt that there was nothing wrong with Fenghuazi by her side. She was a typical Yamato Nadeko, who perfectly played the role of a husband and wife. I remember Xiaochu once asked Li Ergou the ideal type. Wife, Li Ergou's answer at that time was the gentle and virtuous Yamato Nadeko type.

Unconsciously, the topic of the two returned to Wuhuazi again. Li Ergou stretched out his hand involuntarily and gently touched Wuhuazi's forehead.

"It's so hot, does Wuhuazi have a fever? No, as a blood clan, Wuhuazi should no longer have a fever. What's going on?"

Hearing Wuhuazi's strangeness, Fenghuazi couldn't sit still, and immediately reached out and stroked Wuhuazi's forehead.

"It was fine just now, why did it suddenly become like this? Sir, my concubine is going to the nearby pharmacy to buy some medicine. Please take care of my sister for the time being."

"Well, leave it to me." Li Ergou nodded.

Fenghuazi picked up an origami umbrella and was about to go out.

"By the way, Fenghuazi, remember to pay attention to safety on the road."

"Don't worry, my lord, my concubine will be back soon."

She smiled warmly at Li Ergou, then stepped on the clogs and quickly left the hot spring homestay and ran towards the pharmacy not far away.

Chapter 107 Blood-sucked by Wuhuazi

Xinchuan Fenghuazi went to buy medicine, and only Li Ergou and Wuhuazi were left in the room.

"Feng Huazi really can trust me."

She glanced at Wuhuazi who was lying on the tatami. At this moment, she was still in a coma, covered by a pink quilt as thin as a cicada's wings, and her shoulders were half exposed because she had just wiped her body. With a fluorescent back, her figure is even hotter and sultry. Her loose waist-length hair gives her a charming and lazy look, and her calves are even more delicate and slender.

If it was Li Ergou in the past, he could sit still like an old monk in this situation, but since being trained by Aishwana in various postures, Li Ergou's body has also been affected by the succubus' demons. Under the influence of Su, he became less and less resistant to desire. In order to calm down completely, Li Ergou had to go to the window and look at the scenery outside the window.

This is Dongying, the scenery outside is quite the style of the Edo period. The drizzle on the street washes away the blood left after the duel of the samurai just now. The woman wearing a kimono and holding an origami umbrella on the street hurriedly walks by. It looks like A dusty woman working in Kabukicho, not far away, there is a group of people carrying betel nut carts, carrying the sedan chair for an unknown big man.

In the eyes of the world, the raindrops fall on the eaves, like music that you will never get tired of listening to.

Speaking of which, a few hours ago, Li Ergou had fought to the death with demons such as King Carl V of Werner. When Carl V was dying, he threatened to restore all of Maikako's memories through music. Later, he was frozen into ice. Before the block, he successfully played the last song, and then Li Ergou, Fenghuazi and Wuhuazi teleported to Dongying.

"Maiko's coma should have something to do with Carl V's playing before his death."

Li Ergou looked at Wu Huazi, who was completely unconscious, and was a little worried.

The devil is essentially the culprit who creates pain and tragedy. He can't help Wuhuazi to restore his memory out of kindness. Even if he can restore his memory, it must be a sugar-coated poison.

"no, do not want…"

Suddenly, Maiko seemed to be having a nightmare and muttered uncomfortably.

Li Ergou turned his head and saw that Wu Huazi was curled up at the moment, shivering and looking pitiful.

"It's all right, Wuhuazi." Sitting beside her, Li Ergou said softly, "All the misfortunes you have encountered are fleeting, and now you will no longer be bound by the so-called family, nor Difficult choices have to be made between my sister and my own life."

However, Li Ergou's voice did not seem to reach Wu Huazi's ears.

He found that there were **** tears flowing from the corners of Wuhuazi's eyes, and she asked:

"Why do you want me to kill Fenghuazi? Why?"

"It's alright, it's all over."

Li Ergou gently stroked Wuhuazi's forehead as if he had comforted the little chick in the past. At this moment, Li Ergou's eyes were not an unsung charming girl, but a poor girl imprisoned by memory.

Her forehead was still hot, like lava, but before Fenghuazi came back, Li Ergou kept wiping her delicate body with a towel to achieve the cooling effect.

Suddenly, Wu Huazi opened his eyes, and Li Ergou suddenly showed a relieved smile:

"You are awake, Wuhuazi."

But the next moment, Li Ergou discovered the strangeness of Wu Huazi. Her complexion was still as pale as a blood clan, and her expression was very confused, as if opening her eyes was just an unconscious behavior.

The most important thing is the pair of blood-red eyes, magnificent and coquettish, and at the same time with a sense of coercion of a high-ranking blood clan, like a generation of blood clan monarchs.

"Wuhuazi, are you awake?"

Wu Huazi stared at Li Ergou, and there was no human feeling in the pair of blood pupils.

Immediately afterwards, before Li Ergou could react, he was tightly wrapped around his neck by Wuhuazi's pale arms. Since Wuhuazi did not regain consciousness, Li Ergou felt that her neck was about to be twisted off by her. In the same way, this suffocation made Li Ergou have no time to pay attention to the soft touch in front of her on her body.

Trying to break free, but to no avail, Li Ergou has a huge gap in strength with the sixty-nine-level Wuhuazi.

"Wuhuazi, stay awake, let me go!" Li Ergou said in a deep voice.

It is a pity that at this moment, Maiko is like a beast that preys on its prey, without reason, only instinct.

Realizing that Li Ergou wanted to break free, Wu Huazi immediately used all her powers to suppress Li Ergou on the tatami. If it was seen by outsiders, it might be a couple who were in love with each other developing a new posture in the room. But this is not the case.

Wu Huazi had already opened her **** lips, and her sharp teeth had been fully exposed. She hardly needed to think about what she wanted to do.

Although she was a ninja in the past, but now she is a genuine blood clan. The powerful suppressing force has completely locked Li Ergou's limbs, and she was overwhelmed by a woman, unable to fight back. This feeling made Li Ergou completely unable to fight back. The two dogs felt very humiliated.

The gap of eight grades is indeed irreparable no matter what.

"It still hurts..."

She bit down, biting Li Ergou's neck like a beast that preys on animals, and the pair of blood-sucking teeth didn't hinder anything, so it easily broke through Li Ergou's skin.

At the same time as being sucked blood, Li Ergou felt that his consciousness became more and more blurred, and the strength to push Wuhuazi away was completely lost. Using the hypnotic magic commonly used by vampires when sucking blood, her lush jade fingers also tightly controlled Li Ergou's wrist.

Consciousness is getting heavier and heavier, Li Ergou's eyelids can't be opened anymore.

It is said that when a vampire **** blood, if it is a little restrained, it will not **** the blood of a person, but if it is an unconscious behavior, it is not uncommon to hear that the blood is sucked up and become a mummified corpse.

Could it be that he was going to be sucked dry by her to die?

"I'm sorry, my head hurts. Where the **** is this place, Mr. Li Zijin... Hey, your blood is so delicious. Hey, what the **** happened to me?"

Wu Huazi's voice came from her ear. Although she was a little confused, she didn't seem to want to stop. The pain in her neck being bitten by her teeth had disappeared, maybe she was numb, and Li Ergou felt that her life was gradually losing. If she is sucked like this again, I am afraid that all the liquid in Li Ergou's body will be absorbed.

The sound of clogs came from the corridor outside. Fenghuazi seemed to have returned from buying medicine, but Li Ergou couldn't even make a sound. Once the blood clan bit his neck, he was almost a lamb to be slaughtered.

Li Ergou closed his eyes, his consciousness escaped into the darkness, while Wu Huazi was still lying on Li Ergou's body, greedily absorbing...

Chapter 108 A Wife and a Sister

After Xinchuan Fenghuazi rushed back, she was immediately shocked by the scene in front of her. She saw that Wuhuazi actually suppressed Li Ergou's limbs and sucked his blood.

And Li Ergou seemed to have fainted due to excessive blood loss, and if this continued, his life would be in danger. He could hardly hesitate, Xinchuan Fenghuazi immediately stepped forward to stop it.

"Sister, please don't **** the blood of His Highness Li Zijin. If you want to suck, **** my blood. It doesn't matter if you **** me dry. His Highness Li Zijin is the most important person to His Highness Yinyue. He can't die!"

Her pure white arms hugged Xinchuan Wuhuazi's delicate body, and after a hard pulling, she finally pulled Wuhuazi away from Li Ergou's body.

Wu Huazi's eyes were still blood-colored at the moment, like an extremely hungry and thirsty beast, and the blood that had just been sucked was still flowing on the fangs.

"Sister, it's hard, isn't it? If it's uncomfortable, **** my blood. Once, my sister died by throwing water on purpose to keep me alive. Now let me repay my kindness. Sister, I'm not afraid of death, so treat me as food. Eat it."

Facing the extremely dangerous blood clan, she hugged Wuhuazi's body tightly while weeping. At this moment Wuhuazi was ready to die. If she could feed her sister with her own blood, then she would die without regrets.

"Fenghuazi..." Wuhuazi opened her cherry lips, but she refused to bite down, "I can't... I can't **** your blood..."

Her body became hotter and hotter, and Xinchuan Fenghuazi, who was holding her, even felt intense pain, but Fenghuazi still refused to let go.

"Sister, I love you, please wake up." Tears fell on Wuhuazi's pale skin, and the two beautiful girls with extremely similar looks hugged each other, "Since my sister died, I have always I spent it in guilt, so come back quickly, sister, no matter how long I am your sister, your family, the rotten Xinchuan family has disappeared, and now the Dongzhou Empire is big enough for the two of us to be together. live."

"Family, Fenghuazi, Dongzhou Empire..."

Wuhuazi struggled to speak unconscious words, like babbling in a dream, her pupils were sometimes clear, and sometimes they became chaotic, she has been doing her best to endure the desire to **** blood.

For a moment, Fenghuazi thought that her sister had recovered her memory, but in the end, Wuhuazi fell into a coma again.

"Sister, please come back safely."

Xinchuan Fenghuazi knelt down beside Wuhuazi very devoutly, and applied the medicinal herbs on Wuhuazi's body. These medicinal herbs could have a cooling effect.

Then Feng Huazi turned his attention to Li Ergou again. Due to excessive blood loss, Li Ergou also passed out.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Husband, you were shocked. Concubine is really an incompetent wife. If concubine was more careful, you would not be hurt."

She gently treated the bite on Li Ergou's neck with gauze, then took off Li Ergou's coat, and carefully checked Li Ergou's physical condition.

Fortunately, the body doesn't seem to be in serious trouble. He put his ear against Li Ergou's heart, and he could hear his heart beating vigorously. It was a fortune in misfortune.

After arranging her comatose sister and her fiance, Xinchuan Fenghuazi started to wash her clothes. When she went to buy medicine, she also bought several new clothes on purpose.

Most of them are kimonos. Although Fenghuazi knows that Li Ergou himself has some resistance to the culture of Dongying, there is no way to do it. More than 2,000 years ago, Dongying had not traded with neighboring countries, only clothing that conformed to the local culture.

"His Royal Highness Yinyue, after we were sucked into the vortex, we were teleported to the Eastern Ying area. We have already settled down completely. Please don't worry."

Xinchuan Fenghuazi closed her eyes and began to seal, and passed information to Ya Yinyue through the shadow clone hidden in Aishwana's shadow.

By the way, I also told Ya Yinyue and Aishwana that Mei Lin's true identity is her sister Maikako, so that they can be completely at ease.

"If Fenghuazi is by my side, I'm very relieved, then brother will leave it to you for the time being."

"Yes, Your Highness Yinyue, I guarantee with my life that I will protect the safety of His Highness Li Zijin."

"Sister Fenghuazi and brother have to survive, but it's a pity, now you are in Dongying, but we are in the Werner Kingdom in Xizhou Continent. Yes." Ya Yinyue on the other side seemed a little regretful, "But it's okay, this way, sister Fenghuazi and brother can spend a long time together to enhance their relationship."

"Well, I will definitely tide over the difficulties together with my husband!"

"There's one more thing to tell you, sister Fenghuazi."

"What other orders does Your Highness Yinyue have?"

"It's not really an order. In short, congratulations on meeting Wuhuazi again. I actually know that sister Fenghuazi used to be worried about sister Wuhuazi. In short, you must be happy together."

"Thank you, Your Highness Yinyue."

After the seal was cancelled, Xinchuan Fenghuazi's consciousness returned to the body again, and the clothes had been washed. Xinchuan Fenghuazi carried the clothes back to the room and hung them in front of the window, hoping that the clothes would dry tomorrow.

"My lord, although it's still a little early, as your wife, it's rude to let your concubine accompany you to sleep with you."

Xinchuan Fenghuazi took off her kimono, fishnet socks and bra, and folded them neatly on the head of the bed.

As a ninja, her years of exercise have made her figure almost perfect, even much better than that of Ya Yinyue and Miss Ivy, and the curves that are bulging forward and backward make men feel the urge to commit crimes.

It's a pity that both Li Ergou and Wu Huazi fell into a coma, and no one saw Feng Huazi's flawless body.

Compared with using clothes to keep warm, sticking the skin together can better ensure the temperature. This is Fenghuazi's most simple idea. She and Li Ergou have no gap between half a piece of cloth and hug each other tightly.

At this moment, Li Ergou may feel cold due to excessive blood loss, so Fenghuazi made such a decision to sleep with him.