MTL - Please Sink In Happiness-Chapter 188

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"Who is it? Who is it? There can't be such a powerful magic caster in my land!"

"It's really ugly."

Her silver hair is like holy moonlight, and her petite and slender figure is outlined almost perfectly in a white Lolita dress.

The silver-haired girl stood in front of her with an indifferent face, and behind her were the beautiful ninjas.

The "meat" proliferated towards the silver-haired girl like a madman again, trying to incorporate her into her body, but no matter how the flesh spread, it couldn't get close to the girl for half a step. It had already devoured half of the capital, but why didn't she fight against the girl? ability?

Frederick the Great couldn't figure it out.

"Sister Fenghuazi, let's end it early. I heard that there will be powerful demons in Bolu, the capital of the Azure Empire. I didn't expect it to be just this kind of stuff. It's too boring."

"Yes, Your Highness Yinyue."

I saw that the ninjas immediately formed a seal and released ninjutsu, and the ninjutsu of various attributes smashed the frozen meat into ice crystals.

"Lord Ya Yinyue, what should we do?"

The students from other countries behind them were stunned. The more than 300 students and their servants were almost just spectators in this war against the devil, which made them feel a little guilty.

Ya Yinyue glanced at the many students lightly:

"What should you do? I think about it, by the way, if you really want to use it, just wait for me and brother Zijin to reunite and support our relationship."

The wind demon ninjas headed by Xinchuan Fenghuazi were so fast that they could hardly be caught with the naked eye. They cut the "meat" quickly, and the body of Frederick the Great shrunk little by little, accommodating the "meat" of the military power of the entire capital. "In the face of stronger forces, it can only be reduced to meat on the chopping block.

After five hours, the meat was finally completely eliminated, and Frederick the Great, who once left a name in history, withdrew from the stage of history disgracefully.

"Wait, this benefactor!" Just when Ya Yinyue and others were about to leave Bolu City, Albert stood in front of Ya Yinyue and others, "Thank you for everything you have done for the Kingdom of Brandenburg, can you please Would you please stay?"

"No, we neither belong to this country, nor to this era."

Ya Yinyue showed a polite and refusal smile.

"Then at least please let me do what I can for you. Without the help of my benefactors tonight, my country would cease to exist."

"Repay the kindness within your ability? If you really want to repay the kindness, write down the clan rules and let the descendants of the Brandenburg family and the descendants of the Li family marry in two thousand years."

"Two thousand years later? Marriage?" Albert was confused, but still bowed, "Okay, benefactor, I will pass on this clan rule from generation to generation to two thousand years later!"

Chapter 98 Meeting with the eldest miss

The milky white palace of the Werner Kingdom looks extraordinarily majestic. Standing in front of the huge palace gate makes people feel so small and unbearable. The soldiers in silver armor are lined up in two rows without any extra expressions. Seriously as if not alive.

Or maybe, they are really not alive. Li Ergou preliminarily judged that they had fallen into the trap set by the devil at this moment, and the dense fog just now could not disappear the moment they stepped into the city.

"Everyone, be careful, don't let the formation spread out."

Li Ergou said in a low voice.

In this city, Li Ergou has a sense of disobedience that cannot be described in words.

"Arrived, distinguished guests, His Majesty is already waiting for you."

Arriving at the gate of the palace, the guide bowed and left, and with just one face-to-face, his figure disappeared without a trace, as if it were a fictional character.

The palace of Werner, the capital of art, is extraordinary, with pleasant music floating in it. Although the palace is the residence of the king, it is more like an opera house. It's a military song.

"Let's go."

Clenching Aishwana's little hand, Li Ergou entered the palace first, and Mei Lin followed closely, leaning beside Li Ergou in a tight position.

The palace is like an intricate labyrinth, but following the music, everyone is not a headless fly.

After untold hardships, they finally arrived at the entrance. A group of men with crying face masks dressed in neat black suits. Judging from their identities, they should be servants in the palace. They were all dragging a silver tray. Above is the mask.

It's just that the designs of these masks are all different, some are smiling faces, some are angry faces, some are like the heads of elephants, some are the heads of lions, some seem to be made by artists, and some are embroidered on them. Colorful butterflies.

These men with crying faces blocked the door and seemed to be able to enter only with masks on. Heinz and a few chatty people approached to talk, but these men remained silent, like mechanical dolls in human skins.

Mei Lin picked up a butterfly mask, took out a silver needle from her pocket and pierced the inside of the mask, closed her eyes and introduced the magic element into the mask.

"There shouldn't be any hands or feet in the mask." After speaking, Mei Lin put the butterfly mask on her face.

Seeing this, Li Ergou and others also put on masks. These masks are admission tickets, as if they are about to step into the popular masquerade ball in the past.

Walking through the gallery full of paintings that can be called art, a strong aroma came to the nostrils. This is a kind of incense. These incense spiraled up to the towering patio like a church. The students were intoxicated by these fragrances. And Li Ergou remained vigilant.

Because he knew that under this scent, even hiding the rotting corpse would never smell it.

In the living room, the king's attendants served crimson wine. In addition to Li Ergou, there were many figures in the hall. These figures were dreamlike, and they all wore different masks. Painted cyan and some pure white, they gathered together and seemed to be talking in low voices.

Li Ergou turned his ears to his side, wanting to hear what they said, but all he heard were languages ​​he had never heard before.

At this moment, a blond woman in a long violet dress came over. She wore a smile mask on her face. Through the hole in the mask, she carefully stared at Li Ergou.

By the way, Li Ergou is wearing a wolf head mask.


It was a voice that could not be more familiar.

Standing beside the blond girl was a maid with long pink hair.

The maids wore masks of shadow dancers, and judging from their figures, it was almost certain that they were the eldest lady and Xia Lena.

"Miss, why are you here? No, is this an illusion?"

"I'm also surprised, aren't you supposed to be in Xizhou? How did you get to Dongzhou?"

"I am indeed in Xizhou, Miss, shouldn't this be the palace of the Werner Kingdom?"

"No, Xia Leina and I stepped into the ancient house of the Tsing Yi layman together. After going out, we encountered a thick fog. After regaining consciousness, we appeared here. Could it be that we were teleported to the Kingdom of Werner?"

Miss Ivy looked thoughtful, but because of the existence of a mask, it was impossible to judge whether it was the real Miss Ivy.

Maybe it's all an illusion.

So Li Ergou lowered his voice and asked Mei Lin's opinion.

"She's the real eldest lady," Mei Lin said with certainty. "It's just that I don't know why she appeared here. Maybe there is a teleportation formation in the thick fog?"

I heard that the blond woman in front of me was Ivy, and Princess Olina, who was wearing an angry mask, hurried away from Li Ergou, and didn't seem to want to stay with Ivy for a second. Ivy obviously recognized Orina, He lowered his head a little regretfully.

"But I'm more relieved with you by my side, Li," Ivy walked to Li Ergou's side and took Li Ergou's other arm generously, "I was in Wei State in Dongzhou Continent before, I Having met a real demon, Grouchy can be considered kind compared to him."

"Has the prime minister of Wei State shaved his head?"

"Well, it seems that she has already told you about me from the blood family. I heard that you were traveling with Princess Olina, and I was worried about you at first, but now it seems that Princess Olina seems to be very concerned about you. There's nothing malicious about it, so I can rest assured."

"You guy, shouldn't you be stealing the food behind the eldest lady's back?" Xia Leina stared blankly at Li Ergou.

Li Ergou smiled wryly and did not answer. This familiar feeling made Li Ergou quite relaxed, even though he was still in the devil's mansion at the moment.

Immediately afterwards, Li Ergou reported the current situation to Miss Ivy in extremely simplified language.

"Pied Piper? If there is no accident, it should be Hamel, right? The full name of the punishment Grouchy received in the Fars Federal State was 'Hammel's Rat Cage'. He was originally a rat catcher. When a village was overrun with rats, he played the flute, and the rats followed behind him. They were all drowned by the river, but after the incident, the villagers did not pay Hamel, so Hamel continued to play the flute. , like taking away a mouse, taking away all the children in the village."

"As expected of the eldest lady, you immediately knew where the devil came from."

Afterwards, after much discussion, Li Ergou and others confirmed that the piper was Hamel.

At the same time, King Werner was a person who was extremely passionate about music.

Perhaps because of this, the invitation letter given by Hamel has the logo of the Werner royal family.

"Ladies and gentlemen, the concert is about to begin."

After about 30 minutes, the butler wearing a goat head said politely to everyone.

Chapter 99 The Devil's Concert

In the living room, a huge crystal chandelier hangs from the ceiling, and the dim light illuminates the entire living room.

The butler wearing a goat-head mask bowed deeply to the people and said "please appreciate it" before bowing and leaving.

The crimson curtain was pulled back, and the thick fog that had been experienced in the wild came again, covering everyone. Under the thick fog, even the faces of the companions who were close at hand could not be seen clearly.

"Aishwana, are you here?"

"Yes, Ergou!"

Aishwana's body temperature immediately came from the palm of his hand, which made Li Ergou relax instantly. He hugged Aishwana's delicate body into his arms, for fear that she would suddenly disappear.

Miss Ivy's touch came from the other arm, and she held her arm tightly as usual.

"Olina, Mei Lin, Heinz, Tan Yutu, and Tsarizin, are you all there?" Li Ergou called out the names of the students again. Hearing Li Ergou's voice, all directions were all around him. Responded to Li Ergou.

Three minutes later, the thick fog finally dissipated, and the living room turned into a political hall in a blink of an eye. A man with eagle-like eyes sat on the throne. He was not wearing a mask, and the pure gold crown on his head made it possible for men to do without self-introduction. learn his identity.

He is the king of the kingdom of Werner.

The Azure Empire is a dual empire, formed by the merger of the Kingdom of Brandenburg and the Kingdom of Werner. The emperors of all dynasties are nothing more than the Brandenburg family, the Werner family and the Hohenzollern family. Therefore, this king can also be regarded as Olina's ancestor. Olina stared blankly at the king in front of her, her heart a little complicated.

There is a high probability that the king in front of him has become a demon.

The screen turned again, and it was presented in front of everyone like a movie screening.

A minister got down on one knee:

"Your Majesty, please give up your extravagant life style. Although our country has a strong military, the people are already miserable under the pressure of taxes. If this continues, I'm afraid..."

"Afraid of what?"

"The people are rising up," the minister said. "Your Majesty, you are obsessed with music all day long and don't ask about political affairs. Our country is gradually going to ruin. Please wake up! The minister proposes to carry out economic reforms immediately so that our country can rise again."

"How wonderful," said the king suddenly in a low voice.


"Your advice out of loyalty is comparable to the Moonlight Sonata. Every word of yours excites me. The advice is indeed disgusting, but I can feel your sincere heart."

The tall and thin man wearing the crown stepped off the throne and held the minister's hand with enthusiasm:

"It would be nice to hear your beautiful and loyal voice of advice forever."

"Your Majesty, if you can repent, the minister will die without regrets." The minister thought he had persuaded the drunken king, and smiled gratified.

"Nine dead without regrets? Well, let's die then."

Before the minister could figure out what was going on, the king's dagger slashed his throat.

Immediately afterwards, his trachea and throat were made into a recorder. Looking at the **** musical instrument, the king played it without paying any attention, and the voice of the minister before his death was reproduced by the human instrument again.

This is not the king's first musical instrument. Before that, many children in the kingdom of Werner disappeared mysteriously. The king spent a lot of money to hire a poor piper, who worked tirelessly to bring the king with a singing voice like an oriole. children as material for making musical instruments.

"How wonderful." Every time a piece of music was played, the king would express his heartfelt emotion.

The child's teeth were knocked off one by one to make piano keys, the child's arm was dismembered to make a saxophone, and the child's skin was peeled off alive to make the eardrum of the drum set.

Later, the king was no longer satisfied with children as material. He invited the first beauty of the Werner Kingdom to the palace, turned her into a violin, and turned the outstanding general into a charge horn. The music played by human instruments can maximize the to restore the sounds they made during their lifetimes.

"Werner is the real kingdom of art, we can live without bread, but not without art."

As soon as these words came out, like-minded performers came to the palace one after another and performed a concert with the king. One of the men in a formal dress played an ocarina made of a human head, which was made by a man with his wife. Yes, he was holding the ocarina and blowing, like a love whisper to his wife.

The drummer beat the drum with resentment on his face, as if he wanted to make him feel pain, and when he heard the sound of the drum, he could vaguely hear the deceased's pain. screaming.

Werner has been completely mad, and the whole kingdom is full of absurdity and cruelty, and the king waved the baton in such a happy way, and composed countless pieces of music that have been passed down to future generations.

"One day my body will perish, but the music I leave behind will be immortal."

Suddenly, the thick fog shrouded again, and when the scene became clear again, Li Ergou and others saw a new picture.

"Go to hell, tyrant!"

A coalition of nobles and people surrounded the palace, they held high torches and swords, but the king turned a blind eye and continued to play music in his own way.

The soldiers who heard the music put down their weapons, and the nobles who were full of resentment against the king lost their will to fight. Some of them cried under the music, some sang and danced to the music, but no one was full of hatred for the king.

Even more terrifying, after hearing the music, the beautiful woman even knelt down and begged the king to turn her into a human musical instrument so that she could perform an ensemble with her husband in another form.

Music has become the only centralized power in the kingdom of Werner. With music, people can even work without eating or drinking, and the soldiers are more brave than ever. When the king was alive, the foreign war was almost unbeaten. Here During this period, the territory of the Werner Kingdom expanded rapidly like a sponge absorbing water.

When he was terminally ill, the king finally had an idea about his own body.

"If I made myself an instrument, what wonderful sound would I create?"

With such doubts, the king began to dismember his body with a knife, blood was flowing, and dirty bodily fluids were everywhere, but the king could not sleep as if he could not feel the pain.

While the court band played, they witnessed the king's self-mutilation, and no one felt anything wrong, as if it was a very normal thing.

"Finally done, the instrument made from my body will be the most beautiful masterpiece."