MTL - Please Sink In Happiness-Chapter 185

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"You're almost too happy, aren't you?"

"Sorry, I got carried away."

"Next, go to Linz City in the Kingdom of Werner, where you are free. Before that, you and your lover must follow our instructions."

"I see."

During the next four days, the group would sometimes spend the night in a hotel in the town, and sometimes they would camp in the wild in the cave. Whenever they saw bugs, Princess Olina would still look pale, but she was gradually overcoming herself. The fear of bugs, in her opinion, must kill the girl herself in order to become the queen.

Li Ergou calmly observed them in the Azure Empire. They were obviously as young as Miss Ivy of the Shengluer Kingdom, and they both had a lovely side, but why did they regard each other as enemies?

Erich claimed that sooner or later a force would be formed to capture Fenglu, the capital of the Kingdom of Shengluer, Erwin said that the civilians of the Kingdom of Shengluer were innocent, and Heinz also believed that the scorched earth policy was irrational.

Almost every night, Princess Olina would live by the bonfire, discussing the feasibility of attacking the Kingdom of Shengluer in the future with her confidant subordinates. She did not treat Li Ergou as an outsider at all. During this period, Li Ergou also found out. Therefore, Princess Olina's military strategy is far superior to Miss Ivy's.

She deserves to be the female disciple of the Marshal of the Azure Empire.

Sometimes, Princess Olina will look at Li Ergou:

"Dog slave, do you have any ideas?"

"Are you sure you want to ask me as a future enemy?"

"The so-called know yourself and the enemy, but it doesn't matter."

However, Li Ergou just smiled slightly and kept silent. He even had the feeling that Xu Shu entered Cao's camp, but it was really a shame that Princess Olina would seek advice from her future enemy.

Aishwana leaned on Li Ergou's shoulder, showing a completely ignorant look at the military, and quietly acted as a pendant beside Li Ergou.

"Ergou, do you like Princess Olina?"

At night, Aishwana asked quietly.

"Don't like it, go to bed earlier, I only like you alone."

"Go for it if you like it, I really don't care."

"Do you want me to get along with other girls?"

"I hope Ergou will be happy."

"Being alone with you is my happiest time. Go to bed earlier, Aishwana."

Closing his eyes, he remembered the few days he briefly joined forces with Olina, which invisibly deepened Li Ergou's belief.

That is, no matter what, he hopes that Miss Ivy and Princess Olina can become friends again.

Only now, Li Ergou doesn't know where Miss Ivy, Xia Leina, and Demi are, but next, Li Ergou believes that as long as he can reach Linz, the gathering place of the students, he can quickly find out. news for most people.

At night in Linz, the devil's music sounded again.

A shy young man in a tattered dress was strolling in the alleys of the city while playing a recorder. If you look closely, the recorder is made of human bones.

"Come and join my concert, perfidious human beings, your organs will be the best instruments."

The children who heard the sound of the flute walked out of the house one after another. They followed the piper with a dull expression, and the piper stopped until the cemetery that no one cared about in the distance.

He looked at the children in front of him amiably, and because of the sudden awakening of consciousness, the children began to cry when they saw that they were in a strange place.

"Don't be afraid, children, I'm your best friend, let's play a game, as children of the country of art, you must be very talented."

"What game?" asked the daring child.

"A game about music, and if you can play the most beautiful music in the world, I'll send you home."

Children in Werner Kingdom have been learning painting and music since childhood. For children full of artistic cells, this game has aroused great interest in them.

"And what if I don't play music that makes you feel good?" asked a wary child.

"I will feel very sorry, but don't worry, I will send you home eventually." The piper scratched his head, showing a shy smile, looking harmless to humans and animals.

About an hour later, the piper sighed:

"Unfortunately, you don't have the talent to please me."

The next day, families with missing children received an assortment of musical instruments.

The accordion made of human bones and wooden parts, the drum set with a layer of human skin, the violin with human ligaments as strings, and many many other strange instruments with no name at all, these instruments are Made from a part of the human body.

Along with the cry of the adults, the musical instruments also began to play music spontaneously, as if mocking.

The piper stood in the middle of the street with his arms outstretched and said loudly:

"Ah, this is the music I'm after!"

Chapter 92 Arrival at Linz City

The next morning, everyone arrived at the Adventurers Guild in Linz City early.

Sure enough, as Heinz said, there were a total of more than seventy students who had crossed over in the guild.

Judging from facial features, skin color and race, the vast majority of the more than seventy students were from the Eastern Continent Empire.

The black-haired girl with a pair of cute rabbit ears is Tan Yutu, the daughter of the chief tax officer of the Dongzhou Empire, and the slightly dark-skinned young man is Du Feihu, the son of the governor of Luzon. The strength above the level is considered the leader of the group of more than 70 people.

Among them, Li Ergou also found a more familiar face, that is a vampire girl with braided hair, looking a bit rustic.

"I remember you. When you visited the eldest lady's mansion with a large number of students from the Shengluer Kingdom, you are..."

"Hello, Mr. Li Zijin, I'm Mei Lin. It's my honor to have you remember me."

The slightly rustic girl was a little flattered. At level forty-seven, she was as inconspicuous as a weed, but in such an academy where everyone had distinct personalities, her mediocrity made her even more conspicuous.

The attitude of the students towards Li Ergou is also polite. Although Li Ergou is a servant in his identity, he is now a well-known figure.

"Lord Li Zijin, look up for a long time." Tan Yutu and Du Feihu walked in front of Li Ergou together, showing a friendly attitude.

The rest of the students were also flattering. Compared to Princess Olina of the Azure Empire, the man who was favored by Ya Yinyue seemed to be more valuable.

Looking around, except for the Shengluer blood clan girl named Mei Lin, there were no students from the Shengluer Kingdom, which made Li Ergou a little disappointed.

After the exchange of information, Li Ergou learned about the whereabouts of Ya Yinyue, Xinchuan Fenghuazi and others in advance. They are currently in Bolu, the capital of the Kingdom of Brandenburg, the predecessor of the Blue Empire. There are about 300 students.

It's a pity that there is still no whereabouts of Miss Ivy.

"Perhaps it will be teleported to the East Continent or the Southern Continent?" Tan Yutu walked to the map and said, "This time, the location is random. There should be many students who will travel to other areas."

Geographically, the Western Continent covers the largest area, followed by the Eastern Continent, and finally the Southern Continent, but even the total area of ​​the Southern Continent is more than seven million square kilometers. It was like looking for a needle in a haystack, and according to rumors, there were also a huge number of demons in the Dongzhou Empire.

"If that woman dies in this assessment, I will welcome you on behalf of the Azure Empire." Without hearing the news from Ivy, Princess Olina also began to dig her feet.

And Li Ergou just smiled shyly and did not agree to Princess Olina's kindness.

"It seems that you still prefer to be a slave, which is disappointing."

Princess Olina pushed open the window, and the messy wind blew her long smooth purple hair, quite like the style of a royal family.

But before I could appreciate the wonderful silhouette of Princess Olina, a melodious music floated into the room from outside the window.

The music sounded a little weird, like real living music. All the music I heard before was dead, but this music was full of life.

Drums, piano, recorder, violin, and many sounds that have never been heard before fuse together to form a wonderful solo, even the ears can clearly feel the temperature, and the blood is flowing more at this moment. smooth.

"It's not surprising that this is the Kingdom of Werner, and the locals have had artistic skills since childhood," said a student.

However, Princess Olina frowned when she heard this wonderful music.

Since she was a child, she often went to the opera house and felt that although the music was beautiful and appealing to the soul, it also exuded terrifying notes, like the sound of distorted bones.

"I heard human groans, and the music was ominous."

Following Princess Olina's prompt, Li Ergou also pricked up his ears and listened to the music. He did hear something unusual. When he closed his eyes, he seemed to see the children crying loudly. The innocent children were tortured to death by demons. , Below the stand is a group of demons applauding, they absorb the pain of human children and strengthen their own strength.

"This is a good thing done by the devil." Princess Olina said decisively.

"No way? How can there be demons in this city? No matter how you listen to this music, it's just ordinary music." Some students from the Eastern Continent Empire thought that Olina was making a fuss, perhaps trying to show off and grab the leader. Location.

But at this time, Li Ergou spoke.

"Let's investigate. If we want to pass the assessment, we can only find demons and kill them. We can't let go of any clues."

After going out to investigate, the students immediately found something strange.

Yesterday there were many families whose children went missing for no reason.

The next day, all families who lost their children received musical instruments made from human organs.

The music just now was the automatic playing sound of these musical instruments. When they saw those curious musical instruments, many students with poor psychological quality even vomited.

"Are you going to leave Linz City to continue looking for that bitch, or do you want to solve the devil in Linz City with us first?" Princess Olina looked at Li Ergou.

"I decided to stay."

"It's a pleasure to work with you again, dog slave."

Princess Olina generously stretched out her hand to Li Ergou, wanting to shake his hand.

Looking at the slender and fair palms, Li Ergou did not refuse.

Holding hands, Princess Olina smiled faintly, but soon put on a cold and gloomy expression.

"By the way, I'm not called a dog slave, so make a special correction."

"Then what should I call you? Mr. Zijin?"

"Call me Erdog in the future."

"it is good."

In order to find the demon who kidnapped the child, more than seventy students decided to scatter in all corners of Linz City, seven of them in a group.

Li Ergou's group includes Olina, Heinz, Erich and Erwin, as well as Li Ergou's lover Aishwana.

In addition, Li Ergou also pulled the slightly rustic vampire girl into the group of seven.

In this regard, the girl named Mei Lin was so grateful that she was speechless.

But Li Ergou's idea was that Mei Lin, as a level 47 existence, would reduce her overall combat power if she was placed in a group with a weaker average strength, but she could ensure her survival as much as possible if she was placed in her own group.

And she is a student of Shengluer Kingdom, Li Ergou thinks it is necessary to take good care of her.

At night, the group of seven was divided into two groups.

Heinz, Erich and Erwin are in the day group, while Li Ergou and the rest of the girls are in the evening group.

By the way, the person who decided to make such a grouping was Princess Olina, and Li Ergou had no choice but to accept this group of hers, which was yin and yang declining.

Chapter 93 Against the Piper

In the middle of the night, the ethereal flute sounded again, and it sounded like the whisper of a ghost, very eerie.

The sound went from far to near, and with the approach of the flute, Li Ergou and others also heard footsteps.

After making the gesture, Li Ergou told everyone to be vigilant immediately, and Olina also began to prepare to release the puppet magic to intercept.

The Pied Piper's true face finally surfaced.

The piper who appeared in front of Li Ergou and others was a shy young man.

He was wearing a tattered windbreaker, and kept his head down, as if he was very afraid to meet people's eyes.

Behind this young man, there are many children whose expressions have long been dull, and some of them are even about fifteen years old. They roll their eyes, reminiscent of the scene of chasing corpses in western Hunan.

"There is no doubt that it is the enemy, do it." Li Ergou lowered his voice, and then made a gesture, which Princess Olina understood.

The two released their magic at almost the same time, and the Lightning Wolves and the puppet Blades attacked the Piper from the eaves together.

However, the attack failed.

To be precise, the attack of the wolves and the puppet did hit the Piper, but the attack penetrated the Piper's body, just like attacking an incorporeal ghost.

"Are you here for the concert?"

Hearing the piper's question, Li Ergou and others already knew that it was no longer necessary to hide behind the eaves.

So Li Ergou and Olina appeared in front of Piper, while Aishwana, who was unable to fight, and the vampire girl who was only level 47 continued to hide behind.

"Let these kids go!"

Li Ergou said coldly.