MTL - Please Sink In Happiness-Chapter 181

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Suddenly, the girl stopped and whispered:

"The two dogs are worried about me, so happy."

She stroked her lower abdomen lightly, engraving the same succubus pattern on the same position. With this pattern as a mark, Aishwana could accurately perceive Li Ergou's position and feel Li Ergou's mood .

In fact, everyone thought that after crossing, everyone would appear in the same position.

But what was unexpected was that the positions of all the students were randomly disrupted after crossing.

"Is it a forest more than 100 kilometers away? It's a bit far, but it doesn't matter, Ergou, I'll be by your side soon."

But at this moment, a level 55 undead monster suddenly emerged from the bushes. It was a skeletal lich with no flesh and blood on its body. Around the lich, it exuded a chilling death. breath.

Facing the sudden danger in front of her, Aishwana did not show any signs of panic, as if the skeleton lich that suddenly appeared was just a creature like pheasant or roe deer that could be seen everywhere on the mountain road.

Seemingly aware of being ignored, the skeleton lich immediately roared angrily, the pitch-black bird's nest without eyeballs shone with blue light, and then opened the palm of the skeleton, only to see hundreds of skeleton arms breaking through the ground on the wasteland. Out, the zombies covered with carrion and maggots let out a shrill cry.

The characteristics of the undead creatures are that they hate the living, and are extremely eager to devour the flesh and blood of living beings, but seeing the terrifying scene in front of her, Aishwana just stretched lazily, like an elegant and lazy cat Just woke up.

"There's really no way, if that's the case, consider it a practice."

The wheat-colored skin suddenly turned holy white, the lines of the succubus spread all over the body, and the flesh-colored folded wings grew out from the sides of the waist, allowing Aishwana to easily fly in the sky, the slowly swaying cat. The tail also became the tail of the devil.

Suddenly, a bolt of lightning flashed through the zombies, and with just one blow, ten zombies turned to ashes.

Aishwana's palm appeared a five-meter spear formed by lightning condensed. Her gun-holding movements were exactly the same as Li Ergou's. Every time the lightning-like spear was swung, it could easily penetrate the bodies of several zombies.

"So that's the case. I didn't expect it to be quite interesting, hehe." The broken wings flapped gently, and Aishwana was like a dancing fairy under the night sky.

The Lich Skeleton used dark magic to try to shoot Aishwana down as she was flying in the air, but the ballistic trajectory of the magic was simply not enough to hit Aishwana.

"too slow."

More than a dozen cats transformed by thunder and lightning run on the wasteland, which is similar to Li Ergou's thunder and lightning wolves. Whenever the thunder cat touches a zombie, the zombie will be instantly turned into bone meal by lightning.

Aishwana smiled and watched the scene in front of her. After absorbing the power of Li Ergou, she not only inherited his martial arts and magic, but also inherited his calm personality in battle perfectly. There is only fifty-two, but it is not a problem to challenge a monster of fifty-fifth by leapfrog.

After beautifully disposing of the zombies summoned by the lich, Aishwana threw the thunderbolt in her hand at the skeleton lich by throwing a javelin. As the monsters turned to ashes, Aishwana also went from fifty-two Raised to level fifty-three.

"Well done."

Aishwana's shadow turned into a real body, which was a clone of Xinchuan Fenghuazi who was hidden in Aishwana's shadow before.

"I didn't expect fighting to be easier than dancing." Looking at Xinchuan Fenghuazi's avatar, Aishwana smiled shyly, "By the way, Miss Fenghuazi, where are you and Your Highness Yinyue?"

"My Highness Yinyue and I are both in the Azure Empire. If nothing else, there should be a particularly troublesome demon there."

"I'm going to help too."

"Let's hurry up and find His Highness Zijin. For His Highness Zijin, you are the most important person to him."

Aishwana blushed slightly, and said happily:

"Well, I will meet Ergou as soon as possible, after all, I am his most important person."

"Also, be careful not to encounter demons. Before reaching level 60, if you encounter demons alone, you will only end up dead." Xinchuan Fenghuazi said with a serious face.

"Okay, I will try to avoid it. You and Your Highness Yinyue must also pay attention to safety."

"Don't worry, as long as His Royal Highness Yinyue is there, I can't imagine failure."

After communicating some general information about the devil to each other, Xinchuan Fenghuazi's clone returned to Aishwana's shadow again.

Looking into the distance, Aishwana spread her wings again and flew in the direction of Li Ergou as fast as she could.

Judging from the current flight speed, she would be able to reach Ergou's position tomorrow afternoon. Although it only took less than half a day, Aishwana was so excited that she wanted to throw herself into Li Ergou's arms and act like a spoiled child. .

Chapter 84 The Devil's Territory Is Ahead

Early in the morning, Princess Olina stretched, glanced at Li Ergou lying not far away, and said arrogantly:

"I didn't expect that you really didn't do anything strange to me last night. You can be considered a decent gentleman for the time being, and deserve praise."

Li Ergou patted the dust on his body:

"I said that your appearance has just reached the passing line here with me, so you can rest assured, Princess Olina."

Hearing Li Ergou's words, Princess Olina pouted subconsciously.

Before going to sleep last night, she deliberately used magic to protect herself. Once Li Ergou moved her body without authorization, the doll would appear beside Olina and cut off Li Ergou's hands instantly, but yesterday he Not even a single bit of lewd thoughts.

In fact, for women, looking safe is equivalent to a disguised insult. Her clear eyes suddenly became very gloomy, and she said coldly:

"Hmph, dog slave, I think you just don't lift it at all."

Li Ergou stood up on his own, ignoring Princess Olina and walked out of the cave.

"Hey, what are you in a hurry? It's not that you're angry, right? I admit that what I said is a bit too much. You're not so small, are you? Are you a man?"

Seeing Li Ergou leave the cave, Princess Olina thought she was going to get angry because of her insult and planned to leave herself, so she immediately followed.

In fact, Li Ergou was not angry, he just suddenly felt as if Aishwana was nearby.

"Princess Olina."

"What's wrong?"

"Let's go quickly, we must find more talents as soon as possible. The book says that the level of demons is generally between level 50 and level 70. Once we encounter high-level demons, we will have a high probability of falling into a hard fight. "Li Ergou said sincerely.

"I see, so should we go find something to eat now?"

"No, I think we'd better not waste our extra time on eating. I think in order to save time and get out of the woods earlier, we should reduce the three meals a day to two a day."

"Well, well, in short, I will follow you next, but I can say in advance that I hate Ivy, and if I see Ivy, I will attack ruthlessly."

"I will definitely stop you then."

"If you want to stop it, I'll kill you together, and I'll do what I say."

Continuing to walk in the forest with Princess Olina, the two walked side by side. For some reason, Li Ergou had the illusion of walking with Miss Ivy.

Although Miss Ivy is like a **** and charming bad woman, she occasionally shows a girl-like innocence and simplicity.

In this regard, Princess Olina is also similar. It is said that she has the supreme power in the blue empire, but sometimes she will quietly take off her gloomy and cold mask. She is really good at painting and has a natural singing voice. Be awkward like a girl, and be afraid of cockroaches like a girl.

In the final analysis, Princess Olina is only eighteen years old, the same age as Miss Ivy.

"Speaking of you and Ivy..."

"I'm not interested in answering you. In short, I promise to walk with you temporarily, but don't take me as a companion without authorization."

"Okay, I understand, but I will treat you like a companion for the time being, and I won't give up or give up."

"Self-motivated dog slave."

The two walked all the way to ten o'clock in the morning.

Encountered an abandoned military fortress on the way.

After investigating the abandoned military fortress, Princess Olina saw the armor on the corpse and the dusty flag covered with footprints, and finally confirmed the location of the two.

After burying the dead soldiers in silence, Princess Olina said to Li Ergou:

"We are now located in the Principality of Bavaria. In the future, the Principality of Bavaria will merge with the Azure Empire and become an inseparable territory of the Empire."

"In other words, is this your homeland?"

"It can also be said that during this period, there were more than 300 countries and free city-states on the territory of the Azure Empire. It was not until more than two hundred years ago that the territory of the Azure Empire was unified by the Prime Minister through dynastic wars. The flag was also officially marked with a double-headed eagle at that time."

Just like Ivy, when talking about her country, Princess Olina's eyes are like a flame that cannot be extinguished, those are the eyes of those who truly love their motherland.

"Do you want to be the next Jagged Prime Minister?"

"No, I don't want to be the Jagged Prime Minister. Although I admire him very much, I want to surpass him and become the greatest emperor of the empire. From the moment I am crowned, the entire Western Continent will tremble under my feet."

"I hope your rise will not hurt innocents."

Not long after they left, a wisp of cooking smoke suddenly appeared in the sight of the two of them.

Li Ergou jumped to the commanding heights, looked into the distance, and saw a huge castle, with villages, farmland and markets around the castle.

The smoke from the cooking came from the chimney of the castle, and although the distance was far away, the aroma of the food had already been faintly smelled.

"Princess Olina, we are out of the forest, there is a castle ahead!"

"That's great, dog slave, you've worked so hard this way." Princess Olina subconsciously wanted to smile, but she quickly switched back to a gloomy expression, "Cough, in short, take two more steps, we're there. When the time comes, go and eat in the village near the castle."

"Okay, then let's go."

The distance is not very far, I hope to have a good rest in the village in the distance.

At the same time, at a distance of more than 20 kilometers, Aishwana was struggling to flap her wings and flew in the direction of Li Ergou. After flying for three hours in a row, Aishwana finally fell to the ground and rested temporarily due to lack of energy. .

Just after landing, Xinchuan Fenghuazi's clone appeared from the shadow again.

"What's the matter, Miss Xinchuan Fenghuazi, you look very anxious."

"Aishwana, are you in the Duchy of Bavaria now?"

"I don't know, there is only one forest here."

"Aishwana, listen, there's a demon around here, you must avoid it!"


"There is a county not far from you, the lord there is a demon, and now you are not his opponent."

"But Ergou is walking in that direction."

"His Royal Highness Zijin? If it is His Highness Zijin, it may be possible to defeat the demon, but I advise you not to take risks, find His Highness Zijin and let him leave the earldom as soon as possible, it is very dangerous here, Yinyue and I Your Highness does not want you and His Highness Zijin to have any accident."

"Okay, don't worry, Miss Xinchuan Fenghuazi, I'll go find Ergou."

After a five-minute rest, Aishwana opened her wings again.

Chapter 85

During the war years, people lost their homes, families, and hope of living.

If you want to survive, you must get a minimum of food.

But unfortunately, no one is willing to help the hungry refugees, whether they are kings, nobles or bishops. They are clearly the culprits that cause the refugees to be displaced, but they are still singing and dancing every night. When the refugees come to the door, They will also pretend to express sympathy for the refugees.

"Life is unfair and I'm sorry I can't help you, but my spirit will always be with you."

In desperation, the benevolent Count opened the door.

The benevolent count prepared a sumptuous dinner for the refugees.

Whether it is the elderly, children, nobles or peasants, royal poodles or street dogs, they are all eligible to join the Earl's dinner, and the Earl has always refused to come.

But suddenly one day, the refugee who had eaten at the dinner for five days and five nights suddenly went mad. He laughed and stabbed the diners' throats with a knife and fork. Before the guards could react, he knocked over the candlestick. , lit the tablecloth.

The flames began to spread, and by the time it was discovered it was too late.

The fire could no longer be put out. The 30-odd members of the Earl's family all died, and all the people who attended the dinner were burned to ashes by the fire.

King said:

"He's so stupid that he shouldn't have sympathy for those pariahs."

Noble said:

"He's a hero, just born in the wrong era."

Bishop said:

"May the goddess be with him."

Li Ergou and Princess Olina walked to the village, they wanted to have a meal in the farm shop, but when they looked around, the village was empty.

But it doesn't look like the village is deserted, and some of the houses are even spotless, as if someone had cleaned it not long ago.

But the more the village is like this, the more eerie the surroundings become.

"Maybe you can find someone by going to the castle. The smoke from the cooking just came out of the castle."