MTL - Please Sink In Happiness-Chapter 174

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Hearing Li Ergou's words, Xinchuan Fenghuazi couldn't help laughing and trembling.

"Actually, the current concubine is also performing a ninja mission, and the concubine is seducing you, Lord Husband."

"I know."

"My lord husband's concentration is really the strongest among all the men I have ever seen. Whenever I walk on the street, the men in the academy will cast disgusting glances at my body, making my concubine want to put their Eyeballs are gouged out, but you are completely different, perhaps this is one of the important factors for you to be favored by His Royal Highness Yinyue."

Xinchuan Fenghuazi inadvertently narrowed the distance between Li Ergou and Li Ergou, and the charming smile did not shy away from a hint of sexuality.

"Let's stop the nonsense, Miss Xinchuan who has a good life, what I want to know most now is how I can receive your training in a short period of time, so that I can compete with Miss Ivy in the near future. There is a fighting force."

"Then let's start training from the most basic ninjutsu. Lord Husband, please close your eyes and rest assured, my concubine will not kiss you secretly like Your Highness Yinyue."

Following the words of Xinchuan Fenghuazi, Li Ergou closed his eyes.

"My lord, please hold your breath and listen to the surrounding movement as much as possible. It's very quiet, right? But it's not quiet. Pay attention to the flow of air and don't let any sound go away. How about it, can my lord hear it? What about the footsteps of your concubine?"

Close your eyes, Li Ergou can't hear anything...

"Lord Husband, I'm wearing clogs now. If you don't even have this level of perception, then Lord Husband, you may really not be suitable for learning ninjutsu."

Li Ergou didn't answer, and still concentrated all his mental power on his ears.

Very subtle, almost silent...

It seems to actually be able to sense where the air is going.

- crunch crunch...

"You're behind me, right?"

"That's right, the concubine takes back the foreword, my husband, this is the most basic anti-reconnaissance ability of a ninja. You just received the most basic training. When you improve your perception ability to a certain level, you can judge by a subtle movement of the enemy. Knowing the enemy's next move is critical in the ninja world."

Xinchuan Fenghuazi gently held Li Ergou's hand with both hands, her cold hand hardly showing a trace of temperature.

Li Ergou subconsciously wanted to break free, but he couldn't get away from her clenched palm.

"The following concubine will teach you a few simple knot seals, please remember, my lord, we have a total of nine kinds of knot seals, and different arrangements and combinations can be used to use different ninjutsu, these nine kinds of knots The names of the seals are Lin, Bing, Dou, Zhe, Ji, Array, Column, Front, and Front," Xinchuan Fenghuazi said while holding Li Ergou's hand to make him seal.

During the teaching process, Li Ergou found that Xinchuan Fenghuazi was surprisingly serious, and was not impatient or impatient, just like a real teacher.

"In addition to the nine most frequently appearing seals, there are also sword seals, immortal king seals, forwarding wheel seals, etc. When making seals, please concentrate all the mental power in your body on the handprints."

Li Ergou nodded, he could see that Xinchuan Fenghuazi was really teaching himself ninjutsu, but Li Ergou was a little embarrassed by her clenched hands, and Xinchuan Fenghuazi had unknowingly The half-naked body and Li Ergou were tightly attached to each other.

"Ninja, Shuriken technique."

After helping Li Ergou seal the seal, Xinchuan Fenghuazi gave Li Ergou a kunai.

"Please, Sir, aim at that primrose."

"it is good."

Li Ergou focused all his eyes on the pink evening primrose, and then threw the kunai, centering on the root of the flower.

"The knot seal just now is the technique of shuriken. Lord Husband only needs to concentrate mental power on the handprint like magic, and then release it, you can master some basic ninjutsu, and some other basic ninjutsu. Substitute technique, mirror image clone technique, transformation technique, etc., and if you go to middle-level ninjutsu to learn, it depends on your own attributes, sir."

After that, Xinchuan Fenghuazi quickly made a complicated seal as if she was performing it for herself.

"Water escape, the technique of water dragon bombs."

There was no water source, but a roaring water dragon appeared on the floor tiles.

"Master husband can use thunder magic, and the attributes of magic are the same as ninjutsu. If master husband persistently learns ninjutsu, he should be able to master thunder escapes, such as Thunder Dragon Shot, Leiqi, Sky Splitting Thunder Snake, Thunder Ninjutsu such as body armor and body protection." Xinchuan Fenghuazi said, "And the middle-level ninjutsu is the ultimate ninjutsu that a concubine can give to the husband, and the higher-level ninjutsu will not be taught to the husband. Yes, unless your lord husband is willing to marry his concubine and act as husband and wife with his concubine, otherwise..."

"Thank you, Xinchuan Fenghuazi, these ninjutsu are enough, you teach very well."

"Lord Husband has also learned very well, but Lord Husband, are you really unwilling to be with your concubine?" Xinchuan Fenghuazi asked with some resentment.

"Miss Xinchuan, I think you should have your own thoughts, ninjas are not machines, and ninjas should have their own feelings, just like you didn't want to do something to your sister at the beginning, if you don't like me, just tell the truth. Just talk to Yinyue, why do you need to force yourself?"

"No, I love you, I really love you."

Xinchuan Fenghuazi hugged Li Ergou's body tightly, thousands of blue silk draped over Li Ergou's shoulders.

"You lied, Miss Xinchuan, you are only doing the task, but today I was taken care of by you after all, and I will repay my gratitude."

Chapter 68 The Confused Wuhuazi

Since Li Ergou had the foundation of mercenary life in the past, and his own level was not low, it was not difficult to learn the ninjutsu of Xinchuan Fenghuazi, and Xinchuan Fenghuazi also kept his promise and put most of the ninja world in the world. The more common ninjutsu was taught to Li Ergou.

First, condense the spiritual power on the fingers, and then start the seal, and put the ninjutsu in the mind into reality.

"Mirror clone technique."

With Li Ergou completing the seal, four clones identical to Li Ergou appeared in four positions less than ten centimeters apart. However, this clone is just a mirror image principle and does not have the ability to attack. It can only be called at most. It's blinding.

Then there are transformation techniques, stealth techniques, water walking techniques, etc., which are the most basic things in the ninja world, but mastering new powers is always a good thing.

"Master Husband is really talented. If you were born in the ninja village of Dongying since you were a child, you should be the one who became 'Shadow'." Xinchuan Fenghuazi bowed and smiled at Li Ergou generously.

"It's all your teaching, but to be honest, I really don't want to be enemies with you one day. I hope that one day in the future we will become friends who can understand each other."

"Maybe there will be such a day, my husband," Xinchuan Fenghuazi said quietly.

Looking at the man in a tuxedo, he was once the only man that His Highness Ya Yinyue could rely on in the Blue Star World, and he gave His Highness Yinyue the warmest and warmest memories in another world.

Xinchuan Fenghuazi was jealous of Li Ergou, but at the same time, she also thanked Li Ergou.

Thank him for treating His Royal Highness Yinyue kindly and for having a gentle heart.

At four o'clock in the afternoon, the girls of Feng Mo Ninja left the maid academy and returned to the castle one after another. After seeing Li Ergou, the girls crowded around excitedly and pulled Li Ergou's arm, trying to keep him for dinner. Overnight, but Li Ergou declined their kindness.

Under their enthusiastic eyes, Li Ergou saw the eyes of a hunter looking at his prey, and he didn't want to be a plaything for the girls.

"Then come here today, Miss Xinchuan, see you tomorrow."

"Next time we meet, I hope you can call your concubine 'beloved wife'."

Li Ergou scratched his head in embarrassment, and then left their residence under the watchful eyes of Xinchuan Fenghuazi and Fengmoren girls.

Next, he had to rush to Miss Ivy's academy before five o'clock in the evening. As her attendant, it was Li Ergou's duty as a attendant to stand at the entrance of the academy in advance every day when she was out of school and wait for her.

So Li Ergou quickened his pace. After learning how to walk as a ninja, Li Ergou found that he was indeed as light as a swallow, just like Qinggong in martial arts novels, and he could walk almost without making any sound, so he mastered ninjutsu. Afterwards, although Li Ergou still can't guarantee that he can defeat Miss Ivy in the next one-on-one competition, this skill can be used in the secret realm soon.

Thinking of this, Li Ergou couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth, having power is really the most secure thing.

What Li Ergou and Xinchuan Fenghuazi did not know was that their whereabouts were under surveillance throughout the day.

In an unknown dark corner, the rustic girl with a braided hair was not noticed by them from beginning to end. She recorded their words, deeds, and every move with her eyes.

After everything was over, she just walked on the streets of the academy. Her appearance was too ordinary, her skin was as pale as a vampire, she looked sick, and there were freckles on her face. Stigmata Academy, where racism prevails, her flaws are enough to make her unable to have a normal relationship until graduation.

If you look closely at her level, she is only level 47. If such a strength is placed outside of Stigma Academy, it is definitely not an exaggeration to call her a genius.

But in the Stigma Academy, in the eyes of other people, such a level is almost the same as that of ants.

Without attracting anyone's attention, she returned to the vampire quarters.

The blood race is the race of the night, so in the academy, the blood race’s dormitory area is adjacent to the cemetery of the Stigma Academy, and there are many Gothic-style cathedrals around, where the blood race once named as the dark race lived. You can enjoy the essence of the night to the fullest.

"Lord Maiko, welcome back."

The sixty-sixth grade blood clan student Parson knelt down on one knee and looked at the ordinary rustic girl with awe.

Taking off the round-rimmed glasses, the rustic girl's eyes were breathtakingly beautiful, she made a seal with one hand, and then her image immediately changed to her original appearance.

She is not level 47, but level 69.

Under the bright moon, the blue silk was sloping like a waterfall, she was wearing a thin white robe, and her skin was as pale as snowflakes. In terms of facial features, Wuhuazi also possessed a face that was absolutely not inferior to Fenghuazi, even the pure blood. The scarlet eyes gave her a coquettish beauty.

But Wuhuazi does not have the confident edge of Fenghuazi. Her pupils are full of confused colors. She has no memory of being Wuhuazi. After being awakened by the blood of the ancestor of the blood family, Mrs. Shia, she Like a newborn who has just arrived in this world, she fell into sluggishness several times when she peeped at Xinchuan Fenghuazi to teach Li Ergou to learn ninjutsu.

"Parson, today, Mr. Li Zijin learned ninjutsu from Xinchuan Fenghuazi. This matter must be passed on to the eldest lady, so that the eldest lady can be prepared. In short, we must not let the eldest lady lose to Lord Li Zijin."

"Yes, Mr. Wuhuazi, we must convey it immediately."

"Also, we will enter the secret realm soon, remember what Mrs. Shia said."

"Understood, we must protect the lives of Miss Ivy and Lord Li Zijin, even if we sacrifice ourselves."

Parson is very reliable and has absolute loyalty to the vampire.

To a certain extent, the ninjas of Eastern Continent and the blood clan of Western Continent are the same race, and they are all creatures that act in the dark night.

But Maiko didn't know whether she should be considered a ninja or a blood clan.

Before she met Fenghuazi, she used Mrs. Shia's tool to assassinate the vampires, spying on information, and lived like a ninja.

But since she saw Feng Huazi, she found that she would quietly watch Feng Huazi in a daze.

Although there is no memory of the past, he has a similar appearance.

If she had been her elder sister and grew up with her, the two of them should have become quite good sisters, serving Princess Yayinyue together.

Without the cruel rules of the Xinchuan family, what kind of happy situation would it be?

She occasionally thinks about it.

"Xinchuan Fenghuazi, will we have a chance to meet in the secret world?"

Chapter 69 The discussion with Miss Ivy officially begins

As Miss Ivy's attendant, Li Ergou's job naturally includes walking with her.

Almost every time they go out together, Miss Ivy will dress up well, wearing a bright red slit cheongsam to reveal her round and **** legs, and the black garter with lace edges is full of Taking sexual hints, she always likes to be close to Li Ergou, trying to grab Li Ergou's arm and wrap it between her proud peaks, but Li Ergou always deliberately slows down to keep a distance from him.

"Li, time flies really fast, I have spent two weeks in Stigma Academy before I know it, and I don't know what happened to my father and mother?"

"They must spend every day happily and fulfillingly in the Kingdom of Shengluer." When Li Ergou was with Miss Ivy, he had always maintained a sense of politeness with a sense of distance.

"Speaking of which, we are about to conduct the first assessment. I heard that students will die in each assessment. I don't know what will happen this time."

"No matter what, I will keep you safe."

Li Ergou smiled calmly.

"It's true and reliable, Li." Ivy suddenly stopped, and suddenly grabbed Li Ergou's wrist with a slender palm, "I heard that you recently asked Xinchuan Fenghuazi to teach Dongying's ninjutsu, is that true? "

"Yes, I have learned."

"Do you want to beat me that much?" A sullen look appeared on the fair and pretty face.

"You misunderstood, I just want to make sure that we can retreat completely after entering the secret realm. In addition, it is also beneficial to ask Xinchuan Fenghuazi for ninjutsu lessons, that is, we can effectively guard against their attacks in the future.

"Oh," Miss Ivy suddenly opened the red origami fan, "I thought Young Master Li Zijin was tired of serving me as a servant and wanted to return to the Dongzhou Empire to live a prosperous and prosperous life."

"I won't do that. Even if I leave you, I won't become a woman's plaything. I have my own ambitions and my own life pursuits. No one can stop my future path."

Miss Ivy narrowed her eyes slightly and sneered.

"I'm just talking about it casually, don't forget that you will have a competition with me tomorrow, I look forward to your outstanding performance, but in the end, no matter how hard you try, you should lose to me without any suspense. It's time for you to pay the price."

"The price?" Li Ergou had a confused expression on his face.

"I said that if you lose to me, you will pay for it. You won't say you forgot, right?"

"I don't remember making a promise to you."

Although Miss Ivy is indeed **** and hot, especially the lady wearing a cheongsam is not like a human thing, but Li Ergou does not intend to further interact with her, and she just wants to confirm her weight. Ergou felt that what he lacked most now was the actual combat experience in fighting a level 60 opponent.

If you can fight against Miss Ivy without falling behind, it means that when facing the potential opponent Princess Olina in the future, you can retreat completely.

As for the North Sea Council, I heard that there are several students in the 60th grade under the command of Prince Langton, and they must also pay attention to it.

The sparring with Miss Ivy was equivalent to a warm-up exercise before entering the secret realm assessment.

After returning to the dormitory, after eating the dinner prepared by Xia Leina, and after a while with Demi, and then dancing with Aishwana, Li Ergou fell asleep, in order to deal with the next day and Ivy. The eldest sister's discussion must save enough energy.

"Second dog, come on tomorrow."

After Li Ergou completely fell asleep, Aishwana sneaked into the room quietly and returned a large part of the energy she had absorbed from Li Ergou before. Li Ergou went from level 60 to level 61 that night, while Aishwana dropped from level 56 to level 50.

The next morning, Li Ergou woke up feeling full of strength, and realized that he had risen to sixty-one.

There is only a three-level difference with Miss Ivy, if you work hard, you will have enough power to fight.

"Good morning, Ergou!"

Early in the morning, Aishwana threw herself into Li Ergou's arms, like a cat swooping on its prey.