MTL - Please Sink In Happiness-Chapter 168

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There are so many I don't understand.

"Sister Ivy, the class is finally over."

Just as Ivy was flipping through the notes, intending to absorb the knowledge learned today, Ya Yinyue suddenly appeared in front of Ivy.

"Hello, Ya Yinyue."

"Don't be too polite to me, sister, we will be family in the future." Ya Yinyue saw Ivy's embarrassed look, and asked, "Is there something you don't understand about my sister's class today?"

Ivy nodded, then shook his head again, and stammered:

"In short, I probably understood what Professor Shilovs meant, that is, don't have pity on the people. In times of crisis, the people are the most solid and heavy fortress of the monarch, but in special circumstances, the people can also be sacrificed. ."

"Sister Ivy thinks what Professor Shirovs said is correct?"

Ya Yinyue asked with an innocent smile.

"I think it's wrong, what do you think?"

"There is no right answer to many things, such as how a monarch should rule a country."

However, there are also many students who agree with this class. For example, Prince Langton of the North Sea Parliamentary State plays the role of a sycophant as always. Princess Olina nodded her approval from time to time while listening to the professor's class. Prince Boris of the Principality of Sofia also Diligently taking notes, showing a Daigo-like expression.

At five o'clock in the afternoon, Ivy and Ya Yinyue left the School of Political Science together.

Outside the campus, Li Ergou and Aishwana stood together to greet Miss Ivy after school.

"By the way, Sister Ivy, can I have a long-lost date with Zijin on the weekend?"

Ya Yinyue asked with a smile.

Chapter 54 The atrocities of the North Sea Parliamentary State

Located in the middle of the Kingdom of Sri Lanka, Hyderald province has not long ago discovered a large number of high-quality gold deposits.

For the locals, this is not only a blessing, but also a curse. Gold mines can turn a country into an empire or a country into ruins.

"This is the province of Hydra, my lords."

The middle-aged guide with dog ears hunched his back and said flatteringly.

Tom looked into the distance, he saw the wreckage, the war cut off the last shreds of life in Hydrar.

He saw that the colonists were driving away the crowd, like driving a herd of livestock. At the request of the local governor, these people standing on the gold mine must leave their hometown as soon as possible and go to other places to survive. As for whether they can live or not Colonists are not interested in going down.

Compared with the army of the Shengluer Kingdom, the army of the North Sea Parliamentary Kingdom is more brutal.

In the distance, Tom saw a dilapidated orphanage, which was supposed to be a warm, bright, colorful house, but now, only the ashes left after burning.

The seven-year-old boy opened his arms in front of the five-year-old girl, as if intending to use his body as a shield to block the beast-like gaze of the wicked, but under the shooting of the bullet, his petite body could not even slow down the impact of the bullet. …

Two soldiers of the North Sea Parliamentary State grinned in front of a mother and let out a wolf dog to kill a ten-year-old girl. The North Sea Parliamentary State's cannon would aim at the peasants working in the fields for no reason and blow it into pieces. It is said that children's blood can bring good luck, so many children have been blood drawn to death.

The colonists showed no mercy to the Kingdom of Sri Lanka, especially the colonists of the North Sea Parliamentary State.

Afterwards, they reported to their superiors that they had driven out the people of the land in a far more "efficient" way than the kingdom of Shengluer.

After seeing what the subordinates had done, the local officers did not criticize them for being inhuman, but instead praised the soldiers around them.

"Look, Sri Lankans can't understand Dongzhou language, let alone Western language, and even their local dialects are half-understood. The only words they can understand are the bullets fired from our domestic flintlock guns in Beihai Council. , you have done a good job, I will inform the Governor later and give you a reward."

The soldiers of the North Sea Parliamentary State showed joyful expressions one after another.

The international column led by Tom was hiding on the hillside in the distance, and his body was shaking.

"Brother Tom, you must calm down!"

The powerful mercenaries such as the sniper Ami Acha, the eastern swordsman Feicun, the female magician Shandon and other powerful mercenaries held down Tom's body, or Tom would have rushed out from the hiding point just now.

The suppressed Tom let out a wheezing sound like a bull.

After the soldiers of the North Sea Parliamentary State had left, Tom looked at the tragedy in the distance and said in a lost spirit:

"War is obviously a warrior's business, why should children suffer?"

The figures of the soldiers of the North Sea Parliamentary State in red military uniforms gradually disappeared, but what was left was the wreckage.

Tom recalled Blue Star's orphanage. Although it was a poor and leaky big house, it was very warm.

In Tom's view, children's childhood should have gardens full of flowers, parks with green trees, people baking food at festivals, and going to bed at night with fairy tales before going to bed.

But now the kingdom of Sri Lanka is only a boundless scarlet color, like the uniforms of the soldiers of the North Sea Parliamentary State.

At this time, Tom suddenly saw inside the wreckage, there seemed to be a small hand reaching out.

"At least there are children alive..."

Now the soldiers of the North Sea Parliamentary State may not have gone far, but Tom can't take care of that much anymore. He is afraid that one second later, the children under the ruins will be roasted alive by the burning flames.

"Big Brother Tom!"

Mercenaries followed suit.

Tom, who was standing on the ruins, kept moving the ruins with his **** hands, even with cracked nails.

"I am an orphan and I know the helplessness of these children and the pain of losing their families..."

The surrounding mercenaries also acted immediately, including the seven mercenaries in the team who were born in the Beihai parliamentary country. They moved away the stones on the ruins and said "I'm sorry" with tears...

In the end, Tom's international column successfully rescued the twelve children under the ruins of the orphanage, but unfortunately, nine children could not be rescued due to serious injuries, and the remaining children were also disabled for life.

After handing over the children who were lucky enough to be saved to the head of Hydrar of the Sri Lanka Restoration Alliance Army, Tom and the others set off on the road again.

"I think the enemy we need to pay attention to the most right now is not the Kingdom of Shengluer..." Tom said, clenching his big fist, "Before that, we must drive the demons of the North Sea Parliamentary Kingdom out of this land, although Shengluer The colonists of the Ruul Kingdom are also a group of demons in human skins, but at least they will not kill without reason..."

Hearing Tom's words, the soldiers of the international column agreed.

"That, Big Brother Tom..." Andrew, who was born in the North Sea parliamentary knight class, kept his head down, "Today, people in our country would commit such atrocities. If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, it would be unbelievable. What do I want to do? Apologize to those who died, but I don't know what to do..."

"To drive them out of the Kingdom of Sri Lanka is the most sincere apology to the deceased. Andrew, I don't hate you, nor will I hate those citizens of the North Sea Parliament with conscience. What I hate is the group of North Sea who wielded butcher knives at the people. Parliamentary beast."

Tom did not hate his comrades in the Beihai Parliamentary State because of his nationality, and the mercenary organization called the International Column had no concept of nationality and origin. Army of Faith.

At one o'clock in the morning, the international column hid behind the palm trees, not far from the front position of the North Sea Parliamentary State.

The heavy machine guns were loaded with bullets, and the magicians also woke up from their meditation and maintained their best condition.

"When you recklessly slaughter the weak, you should consider that the undead of the weak will ask you for their lives after they die."

Lighting the torch, Tom picked up a heavy machine gun of more than 50 kilograms - the fire unicorn took the lead, and Ami Acha hid in the dark, aiming at the most threatening enemies with the scope of the Cobra sniper rifle.

"Andrew, will you be soft-hearted because they are your compatriots?" Madeleine, a mercenary from the Kingdom of Shengluer, who held two spears, asked with a smile.

"How is that possible? Those beasts who fight against civilians are not my compatriots."

Andrew followed Tom with a heavy shield and a knight's sword.

Chapter 55 Total War in Sri Lanka

Early the next morning, the entire battalion responsible for driving out the civilians in Hyderar Province was wiped out, and when the officers and soldiers of the North Sea Parliamentary State arrived, only one corpse was left.

This incident shocked Lieutenant General Hope of the North Sea Parliament. When he rushed to the scene and looked at the corpses of his own soldiers, he instantly became furious.


Pulling out his saber, Lieutenant General Hope chopped off the hands of a Sri Lankan slave to vent his anger.

Blood gushed out from the cut of the severed limb, and the Sri Lankan slaves screamed and screamed while holding the wound, but the soldiers around were calm, as if this kind of thing had long been seen.

Lieutenant General Hope is a middle-aged man, and he is always kind and kind to his soldiers like an amiable father. However, once he faces the natives of the Sri Lanka Kingdom, he will show a brutal side, and will cut off his hands and feet as their punishment.

When dealing with children, Hope will occasionally show a "benevolent" side, for example, he will only amputate a few fingers instead of directly cutting off limbs.

Swinging his saber indiscriminately, after beheading several Sri Lankan natives who were willing to be slaves, he took the saber back to its scabbard.

"Have you calmed down, Lieutenant General Hope?"

"In fact, I have always been calm, but I need to maintain the blood and courage of the soldiers every day. Fortunately, Sri Lankans are the best training ground for our North Sea Parliament."

Walking to the corpse of the fallen battalion commander, Lieutenant General Hope said:

"They are all soldiers of our country, and this revenge must be avenged no matter what."

"Yes, Lieutenant General, we will never let our compatriots die in vain." The physician accompanying the army looked at the wounds on the soldiers' bodies, "Let's report the conclusion first, the vast majority of our soldiers died from bullets and magic. There are also some wounds caused by cold weapons, and most of these wounds are fatal in one blow, and the enemy is undoubtedly a well-trained army."

"It must be the frogmen (a contempt for the Shengluer) who did it, right?"

"In this area of ​​Sri Lanka, I am afraid that only the army of the Kingdom of Shengluer is capable of annihilating a battalion of our troops without knowing it."

"Okay, I see..." Lieutenant General Hope looked west, that direction was the colony of Shengluer Kingdom, "It's time to declare war on those frogmen, and now prepare a letter to His Majesty King Edward VIII and Moss immediately. Prime Minister Leigh asked for instructions, and at the same time began to mobilize immediately, so that the soldiers could be ready for battle within a week as soon as possible."

In the eyes of Lieutenant General Hope, the war will start in about a week.

At the same time, Lieutenant General Leclerc was inspecting the province of Hydra. He emphasized discipline and did not allow the soldiers to loot the locals without permission. Under Leclerc's governance, the security here is far better than the other side.

"Hurry up, if you don't hurry up, we will drive you to the colonial area under the rule of the North Sea Parliamentary State!" Whenever the residents of Hyderal Province walk slowly, the officers and soldiers of the Shengluer Kingdom will be so threatening .

Often the effect is outstanding.

Although the army of Shengluer Kingdom is not gentle, and the taxation is also ridiculously high, it will not kill as indiscriminately as the North Sea Parliamentary Kingdom.

Looking at the hordes of refugees fleeing to the northwest, Lieutenant General Leclerc questioned the justice of what he had done.

Is it really right to oppress the people of other countries and make one's own country stronger?

He asked himself again and again, whenever he saw a scrawny old man and a child waiting to be fed, he would feel an indescribable sense of guilt, and those numb eyes looked at him, as if to ask him why he wanted to deprive him of it. their happiness.

Just then, a messenger walked up to Lieutenant General Leclerc:

"Lieutenant General Leclerc, Your Majesty has written to you!"

"Your Majesty's letter? Hurry up and show it to me."

Lieutenant General Leclerc heard that Louis XIV sent him a letter, hoping to get an answer from the confusion in the letter, but the letter contained only a few words - cancel the privileges of the Shenglu people in the Sri Lanka area, treat the native Sri Lankan people kindly, treat them as For the future citizens of the Kingdom of Shengluer, at the same time, they will immediately attack the North Sea Parliament and drive them away from the land of Sri Lanka.

"What did your majesty say?"

asked the governor of Shengluer Kingdom.

"Can you see for yourself?"

"It is understandable for us to attack the North Sea Parliament, but we should treat these wheat-colored monkeys kindly? What are you kidding?" The governor of the Kingdom of Shengluer threw Louis XIV's handwritten letter to the ground.

"I will faithfully carry out His Majesty's orders."

Lieutenant General Leclerc said with a serious face.

He was very fortunate that he found the answer in the letters of His Majesty Louis XIV, because what Louis XIV asked Leclerc to do was what Leclerc wanted to do most at the moment.

In particular, launching an attack on the brutal North Sea parliamentary forces was exactly what Leclerc had dreamed of ordering.

That night, Lieutenant General Leclerc recruited local gentry who were willing to cooperate with the Shengluer Kingdom, formed a joint army, and marched towards the North Sea Parliamentary Kingdom.

In this battle, Lieutenant General Leclerc is confident that he can win the battle perfectly, because at this time he is the main general leading the army, and there will never be a pedantic superior commander like Grouchy again.

At twelve o'clock in the morning, the coalition army assembled by the Shengluer Kingdom Army and the local gentry marched in a fan-shaped phalanx, and surrounded the three regiments of the Beihai Parliament.

Three hours later, Lieutenant General Leclerc occupied four villages and a small town one after another.

At 7:00 in the morning, the soldiers of the North Sea Parliamentary State had been completely driven out of the gold mining area in Hydrar Province by Lieutenant General Leclerc and fled to the southern colonial area.

At ten o'clock at noon, Lieutenant General Hope of the North Sea Parliamentary Kingdom was mobilized and began to launch a counterattack against the Kingdom of Shengluer.

Yards, temples, hills, rivers, almost every place has become a battlefield. The two countries that once joined forces to form a coalition army finally began to confront each other and devour each other for their own interests.

Although Leclerc initially had the advantage by launching a sudden attack, when the North Sea Parliamentary State's army was fully mobilized, the Shengluer Kingdom Army and the North Sea Parliamentary State Army almost became rivals in the war.

In particular, Lieutenant General Hope, who participated in many famous battles that year, is a very valuable veteran.

The thousand-year-old ruins collapsed under the bombardment of the magicians of the two countries. The soldiers of the North Sea Parliamentary State used the goddess statue as a fortress. The Shengluer Kingdom bombarded the goddess statue with cannons without hesitation. , while the other side used Sri Lankan slaves as shields.

The flames turned already barren land into scorched earth, but the gold mines were a real benefit.

The fighting lasted until eight o'clock in the evening, and there were sporadic skirmishes all around the province of Hydrar.

On the first day alone, the two countries lost nearly two divisions each, but the war was far from over, and in the eyes of Leclerc and Hope, the war had just begun.

Chapter 56 The eldest miss is jealous